Vol 80, No 10 (2013)


Foundation of proprietary technical maintenance of agricultural machinery

Chepurina Y.L., Kushnariov S.L.


The main aspects determining necessity and practicability of practical embodiment of implementation tasks of proprietary technical maintenance method were analyzed. Deterrents and causes impeding the implementation were estimated.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2013;80(10):3-4
pages 3-4 views

Tractor market 2013: analysis of various types transmissions application on agricultural tractors of different power

Lysov A.M.


Results of analysis of various types transmissions application on tractors of different power categories presented in the German-speaking countries in 2013 are given.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2013;80(10):5-9
pages 5-9 views

Bestseller among the Challenger tractors in the Russian market

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Согласно данным о реализации в России техники, производимой корпорацией AGCO, лидером продаж в линейке тракторов Challenger в первом полугодии 2013 г. стала модель МТ585D. Порядка 50% от общего объема продаж тракторов этой марки пришлось именно на данную модель.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2013;80(10):55-56
pages 55-56 views

Reducing the engine sludge formation during the operation of diesel running on rape oil with nanocomposition addition

Savelyev G.S., Kochetkov M.N., Ovchinnikov Y.V., Ovchinnikov A.V.


Results of the experimental investigation of Д-440 diesel are presented. Tests were conducted when the diesel was operating using pure rape oil and nanocomposition ensuring the reduction of engine sludge formation in the combustion chamber. Detergent effect was confirmed when nanocomposition was used in motor oil and pure plant oil fuel.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2013;80(10):10-13
pages 10-13 views

Tractor diesel customization for mixed fuel burning

Ukhanov A.P., Ukhanov D.A., Khokhlova Y.A.


The fuel supply system is presented, that along with the standard units and aggregates includes the mixer with active drive ensuring quality mixing mineral and biological components, supply of prepared mixed fuel to fuel injection pump and its injection into diesel cylinders.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2013;80(10):14-16
pages 14-16 views

Pneumohydraulic device for energy-effective and ecofriendly technologies of pesticide application in plant cultivation

Kireyev I.M., Koval Z.M.


The design of pneumohydraulic sprayer for pesticide solutions intended for bar sprinkler, in which drips of sprayed liquid are accompanied by air to treatment target, is considered. The design can be recommended for energy-effective and ecofriendly technologies of pesticide application in plant cultivation.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2013;80(10):16-20
pages 16-20 views

Republican ecological forum in Belarus

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В рамках проведения в г. Бобруйске финала XI Республиканского экологического форума Бобруйский завод тракторных деталей и агрегатов посетила делегация экологов.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2013;80(10):42
pages 42 views

AGROMASH tractors running on gas engine fuel

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Колесный трактор Агромаш 85ТК кл. 1,4, работающий на компримированном природном газе (метан), - новая разработка инженеров и тракторостроителей Концерна "Тракторные заводы".
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2013;80(10):56
pages 56 views

Diesel combustion chamber with film carburation

Makarov V.I.


The constructions of undivided combustion chambers and their influence on tractor engines dynamic behavior are considered.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2013;80(10):20-22
pages 20-22 views

Circuit of obligatory trigger-action audio alarm before electric drives switching on

Mazukha A.P., Mazukha N.A.


Contact and noncontact variants of electric circuit of obligatory trigger-action audio alarm actuating before switching on of the electrical installation are proposed.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2013;80(10):22-23
pages 22-23 views

Improvement of undermining working organs of potato harvesters

Norchayev Z.R., Norchayev P., Rustamova N.R.


The results of investigation of undermining working organs of potato harvesters operating in the condition of low soil moisture are given.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2013;80(10):24
pages 24 views

Influence of wheeled tractor unsteady loading with hook force on the slipping coefficient

Kuznetsov N.G., Gapich D.S., Shiryayeva Y.V.


The method of tractive and coupling properties determination for wheeled tractor is proposed. It takes into consideration the unsteady nature of tractor’s loading with hook force in real operation conditions.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2013;80(10):25-26
pages 25-26 views

Bench tests of a diesel completed with fuel energy-saturating device

Simdyankin A.A., Kaykatsishvili G.Z.


The bench tests of the Д-243 diesel equipped with fuel energy-saturating device are described. Its loading and regulatory parameters have been analyzed.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2013;80(10):26-28
pages 26-28 views

Systems of automatic enrichment of diesel air charge with promoting substances: theory and engineering solutions

Ryblov M.V., Ukhanov A.P., Ukhanov D.A.


Several designs of the systems of single-point or distributed enrichment of air charge are developed, tested and patented. These designs intend for batching of hydrocarbonic activator into intake manifold of tractor diesel depending on high-speed and load regimes.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2013;80(10):29-32
pages 29-32 views

Energy-saving SHF-technology for the preparation of additives set and technical oils on their base

Yegorov Y.M., Kozhevnikov Y.A., Chizhikov A.G.


Energy expenditures for preparing of additives set by the convention way (heating and mixing) and by SHF-method (mixing and electromagnetic SHF-field treatment) are compared. Energy expenditures per product unit reduce and processing time decreases due to SHF-method application. In this case, indices of additives set parameters comply with the State Standart.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2013;80(10):32-35
pages 32-35 views

Efficiency of soil cultivating cutters with convertible knife approach angle

Naumkin N.I., Kupryashkin V.F., Knyazkov S.A.


The task of soil cultivating cutters power consumption reducing by means of ensuring of necessary cutting angle is examined. The technical solutions for realization of theoretical investigations are proposed.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2013;80(10):36-38
pages 36-38 views

Irregularity of fertilizers application in conditions of coordinate farming system

Sedashkin A.N., Daskin I.N., Kostrigin A.A.


Influence of factors on irregularity of fertilizers application with machines equipped with centrifugal working organs was analyzed. Trajectory and distance of fertilizer’s particles flight when they have been applied on the slope were determined.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2013;80(10):39-40
pages 39-40 views

Improving the manufacture method of a brush for root crops dry cleaning machine

Shukhanov S.N., Ardanov C.-.


The method of brush fabricating was developed. It allows to make assembly of brush easier and simpler and decreases laboriousness of root crops cleaning machine service.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2013;80(10):41-42
pages 41-42 views

Resistance to abrasive wear of renewed plow moldboards

Puchin Y.A., Kozhukhova N.Y., Yakushenko N.A.


It is shown that application of welding armoring of renewed moldboards ensures longer service life in comparison with non-reinforced parts by 20 per cent; failure times of renewed and reinforced moldboards and new-supplied ones are comparable. Wear resistance by weight alters according to a parabolic function and cannot be a criteria of moldboards longevity.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2013;80(10):43-45
pages 43-45 views

Management of the procurement agency stock

Korolkova L.I.


Stochastic model of demand and supply was applied to inflow of orders (demand) for spare parts sold by a technical service enterprise. The advantage of the model is the system approach to procurements management in the conditions of integer randomly distributed demand.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2013;80(10):46-48
pages 46-48 views

Technology of ruptures neutralization on crankshaft journals

Mashrabov N., Ignatyev G.S.


The choice method of technology of ruptures neutralization on ЯМЗ-240 engine crankshaft journals by means of ruptures cutting and welding is proposed.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2013;80(10):48-50
pages 48-50 views

Improvement of seeding machinery operation technology in conditions of increased soil moisture

Kaskulov M.K., Notov R.A.


The technology of antifriction and hydrophobic polymeric coatings for units of seeders working organs was developed. The results of experimental investigations are given.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2013;80(10):51-52
pages 51-52 views

Equipment for high-temperature thermomechanical processing of long-measuring axially symmetrical machine parts

Dementyev V.B., Zasypkin A.D.


The process equipment complex for high-temperature thermomechanical processing with deformation by the screw reduce is considered. It permits to obtain a regular reinforced profile for manufacturing of multi-diameter (hollow and entire) shafts and axes.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2013;80(10):52-54
pages 52-54 views

New tutorial on power units

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Издательство “Инфра-Инженерия” представляет новую книгу “Особенности конструкции, эксплуатации, обслуживания и ремонта силовых агрегатов грузовых автомобилей”, 448 стр., 2013 г. Авторы - А.Т. Кулаков, А.С. Денисов, А.А. Макушин
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2013;80(10):50
pages 50 views

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