
Nephrological aspects ofblood diseases
Biryukova L., Timokhov V.
Significance of L-carnitine in internal medicine
Sizova Z., Shikh E., Makhova A.
Epidemiology of chronic renal disease in the Northwest of Russia: setting-up the register
Dobronravov V., Smirnov A., Dragunov S., Zverkov R., Evdokimova T., Butrimova S., Grigorschuk V.
Diagnosis and treatment of myocardial infarction in patient with end - stage renal disease on chronic hemodialysis
Antukh D., Shchekochikhin D., Nesterov A., Gilarov M.
Left ventricular remodeling in patients with chronic renal failure on outpatient hemodialysis
Romasheva E., Davydkin I., Romasheva E., Davydkin I.
Dialysis-dependent renal failure in patients with multiple myeloma: Reversibility factors
Rekhtina I., Mendeleeva L., Biryukova L.
Multiple myeloma in renal transplant recipients
Rekhtina I., Biryukova L., Varshavsky V., Golitsina G., Savchenko V.
Acute renal failure as the first symptom of primary renal lymphoma
Prokopenko E., Shcherbakova E., Koshelev R., Vatazin A., Dudina G., Stashuk G., Vorontsova S., Stoliarevich E.
Cardioprotective effect of erythropoietin preparations in patients with chronic renal failure
Nikolaev A., Ermolenko V., Milovanova L., Milovanov Y.
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia accompanied by renal failure
Dzhumabaeva B., Biriukova L., Gemdzhian É., Kravchenko S., Melikian A., Roshchina L.
A case of hemolytic-uremic syndrome with the development of catastrophic antiphospholipid syndrome: Diagnosis and clinical tactics
Dzhumabaeva B., Biryukova L., Tsvetaeva N., Sukhanova G., Vasil'ev S., Shavlokhov V., Karagyulyan S., Kaplanskaya I., Petrova V., Avdonin P., Dzhumabayeva B., Biryukova L., Tsvetayeva N., Sukhanova G., Vasilyev S., Shavlokhov V., Karagyulyan S., Kaplanskaya I., Petrova V., Avdonin P.
Arterial hypertension in chronic glomerulonephritis:detectability and treatment efficacy
Kutyrina I., Martynov S., Shvetsov M., Livshits N., Miroshnichenko N., Golitsina E., Varshavsky V.
Burden, access, and disparities in kidney disease
Crews D., Bello A., Saadi G.
The specific features of kidney injury due to the abuse of saluretics and uncontrollable fasting in anorexia nervosa
Nikolaev A., Zakharova E., Tareeva A.
Kharakter sutochnogo ritma arterial'nogo davleniya u bol'nykh s khronicheskoy pochechnoy nedostatochnost'yu, nakhodyashchikhsya na peritoneal'nom dialize
Vetchinnikova O., Agal'tsov M., Pronina V., Vatazin A., Fedorova S., Vetchinnikova O., Agaltsov M., Pronina V., Vatazin A., Fedorova S.
Nutritional status of old patients on programmed hemodialysis
Revkovskaia H., Denisov A., Borisov (Moskva) I.
Markers of renal function and assessment of progression of renal failure
Papayan A., Arkhipov V., Beresneva E.
Autologous haematopoietic stem cell transplantation in patients with multiple myeloma complicated by dialysis-dependent renal failure
Firsova M., Mendeleeva L., Solovev M., Rekhtina I., Pokrovskaya O., Urnova E., Soboleva N., Dvirnyk V., Klyasova G., Kuzmina L., Savchenko V.
Current approaches to treating of patients with multiple myeloma with renal failure: Questions and proofs
Rekhtina I., Mendeleeva L.
The specific features of gout in the elderly
Tsurko V., Eliseeva M., Vorob'ev P.
Left ventricular myocardial hypertrophy after transplantation of the kidney: risk factors and possible regress
Tomilina N., Gendlin G., Zhidkova D., Tronina O., Fedorova N., Tomilina N., Gendlin G., Zhidkova D., Tronina O., Fedorova N.
A case of granulomatous tubulointerstitial nephritis in a patient with pulmonary sarcoidosis
Dvoretsky L., Krivushkin S., Stolyarevich E., Skrynnikova E., Stepanchenko A., Kolendo S.
Role of fibroblast growth factor 23 in the development of cardiovascular diseases in patients with end-stage renal failure on programmed hemodialysis
Dzgoeva F., Sopoev M., Bestaeva T., Khamitsaeva O., Ktsoeva F., Sageeva R.
Contrast-induced nephropathy
Mironova O.
Fozinopril in the treatment of cardiorenal syndrome in chronic cardiac failure
Tereshchenko S., Zhirov I., Tereschenko S., Zhirov I.
Management of patients with diabetes mellitus withterminal renal failure on programmed hemodialysis
Shestakova M., Lepetukhin A., Kvaratskhelia М., Dedov I.
Glycemic control in patients with diabetes mellitus on hemodialysis
Lobanova K., Severina A., Martinov S., Shamkhalova M., Shestakova M.
Difficulties in correcting hyperphosphatemia in patients with chronic renal failure. A place of noncalcium-containing phosphate-binding drugs
Milovanov Y., Fomin V., Milovanova L.
The morphological and immunochemical features of nephropathies in multiple myeloma and severe renal failure
Rekhtina I., Golitsina E., Varlamova E., Varshavskiĭ V., Kireeva A., Biriukova L., Savchenko V.
Acute renal failure caused by cholesterol embolism of the intrarenal arteries after coronaroangiography: success of glucocorticosteroid treatment
Chazov E., Mukhin N., Zharova E., Fomin V.
Progressiveazotemia provoked by ACE inhibitor in renal ischemia
Fomin V., Taronishvili О., Shvetsov M., Shilov E., Moiseev S., Kushnir V., Sorokin Y.
HELLP-syndrome as a variant of renal thromboticmicroangiopathy
Ermolenko V., Nikolaev A., Biryukova L., Kuznetsova T.
Analysis of the course and outcomes of pregnancy in patients with advanced stages chronic kidney disease
Demyanova K., Kozlovskaya N., Korotchaeva Y., Apresyan S., Rylceva L., Usatenko G., Lugovoj A., Vorobyeva M., Bondarenko T., Bespalova A., Volkova O.
Difficulties evaluating hematological response in patients with multiple myeloma and dialysis - dependent renal impairment
Rekhtina I., Mendeleeva L., Soboleva N.
Incomplete thrombotic microangiopathy as a variant of hemolytic-uremic syndrome
Kozlovskaya N., Chebotareva N., Nikogosova A., Demyanova K., Varshavsky V., Roshchupkina S.
The specific features of renal lesion in Burkitt's lymphoma
Lukina A., Bariakh E., Kravchenko S., Biriukova L., Gemdzhian É., Magomedova A., Kremenetskaia A., Vorob'ev A.
The role of matrix metalloproteinases in pathogenesis of renal disease
Bobkova I., Kozlovskaia L., Li O.
Diagnosis ofleft-ventricular diastolic dysfunction in patients with pre-di-alysis chronic renal failure
Shutov A., Kulikova E., Kondratyeva N.
Acute renal failure induced by amphotericin В inthe treatment of invasive aspergillesis in patients with acutemyeloblasts leukemia (two case reports and review of literature)
Filatov L.
Minimal-change glomerulonephritis in chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Dzhumabaeva B., Biryukova L., Golitsyna E., Varshavsky V.
Extremely high concentration of mexotrexate in blood serum leading to development of acute renal failure in a patient with acute lymphoblastic leukemia after high-dose consolidation
Pimenova M., Sokolov A., Biryukova L., Ustinova E., Shaforostova I., Donskova I., Bogdanov R., Parovichnikova E., Savchenko V., Pimenova M., Sokolov A., Biryukova L., Ustinova E., Shaforostova I., Donskova I., Bogdanov R., Parovichnikova E., Savchenko V.
Intensive chemotherapy of diffuse large b-cell lymphosarcoma in a female patient with chronic renal failure and afunctional left kidney
Egorova E., Mar'in D., Shutova N., Galstian G., Savenko T., Kremenetskaia A., Kravchenko S., Magomedova A., Kovalenko A., Kaplanskaia I., Samoĭlova R., Kliasova G., Kozlova S.
Impact of ahemodialysis session on cardiac function in patients withchronic renal failure
Shutov A., Edigarova О., Mastykov V.
Ischemic disease of the kidneys
Mukhin N., Kozlovskaya L., Kutyrina I., Moiseev S., Shvetsov M., Fomin V., Kushnir V.
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