Nutritional status of old patients on programmed hemodialysis

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Aim. To study nutritional status of old patients on programmed hemodialysis. Material and methods. A total of 82 patients aged 60-88 years were divided into two groups by age: group 1 (n=41) consisted of 60-75 year olds, group 2 (n=41) included 76 year olds and older. The nutritional status (NS) was assessed by anthropometric and laboratory data, a prognostic hypotrophy index. Results. In group 1 NS was normal in 65.9% patients while in group 2 - only in 29.2%. Older patients had obesity in 21.9% cases. Conclusion. It is shown that two thirds of presenile and senile patients have abnormal nutritional status. Taking into consideration the fact that protein-energy insufficiency is an unfavourable factor affecting the patients' survival, old patients need a special control of nutritional status and its early correction.


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