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Том 161, № 1 (2016)


Anxiolytic, Psychostimulant, and Analgesic Effects of Various Volumes of Ethanol Solution in Different Concentrations, but in the Same Dose

Sudakov S., Alekseeva E., Bogdanova N., Kolpakov A., Nazarova G.


We studied the effect of ethanol (dose 2 g/kg) in various concentrations (5, 13, and 40%) and different volumes (40, 15.5, and 5 ml/kg) on the level of anxiety, locomotor activity, and pain sensitivity in rats. Administration of 40 ml/kg water to animals was followed by a significant increase in the time spent in the open arms of the elevated plus maze. Administration of water in a volume of 5 or 15.5 ml/kg had little effect on the level of anxiety. The greater was the volume of intragastrically administered ethanol, the stronger was the anxiolytic effect. The psychostimulant and analgesic effects of ethanol were more pronounced after administration of medium volumes and intermediate concentrations of ethanol-containing solutions. Since administration of these solutions cannot produce maximum blood concentration of ethanol, we believe that the observed effects are mainly related to the direct effect of ethanol on the stomach tissue.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2016;161(1):1-3
pages 1-3 views

General Pathology and Pathophysiology

Modification of the Catalytic Properties of Erythrocyte Aldehyde Dehydrogenase in Rats after Nitric Oxide Inhalation

Martusevich A., Solov’eva A., Peretyagin S.


We studied aldehyde dehydrogenase activity in erythrocytes from healthy rats and animals with thermal trauma after NO inhalation. NO had an activating effect on catalytic properties of aldehyde dehydrogenase in healthy rats and burned animals. The effect of NO was more pronounced during burn disease.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2016;161(1):4-6
pages 4-6 views


Histoenzymological Characteristics of Smooth Muscle Cells in Myocardial Vessels: A Comparative Study under Conditions of Increased Left or Right Ventricular Afterload

Tverskaya M., Sukhoparova V., Klyuchikov V., Alipov N., Polivoda M., Bulgakov S.


Histoenzymological methods were used to study metabolism of smooth muscle cells of intramural myocardial arteries during experimental aortic or pulmonary artery stenosis. Aortic stenosis was accompanied by changes in smooth muscles of the left ventricle manifested by deceleration of tricarboxylic acid cycle, inhibition of oxidation of free fatty acids and their metabolites, flux redistribution in the glycolytic cascade, and inhibition of shuttle systems and biosynthetic processes. Similar metabolic alterations were observed in vessels of the ventricular septum, but they were not revealed in vessels of the right ventricle (except glycolysis stimulation). Under conditions of pulmonary artery stenosis, histoenzymological alterations in vascular smooth muscle of both ventricles and ventricular septum were similar, which attested to acceleration of tricarboxylic acid cycle, stimulation of oxidation of the free fatty acids with their metabolites, acceleration of glycolysis, and activation of the shuttle systems and biosynthetic processes. Comparative analysis of histoenzymological alterations revealed substantial differences in the character of metabolic changes under conditions of increased left and right ventricular afterload, which can be caused by peculiarities in myocardial blood flow, severity of circulatory disorders, severity of hypoxia, and intensity of processes maintaining ionic homeostasis in vascular smooth muscles and transport across the histohematic barriers. The data attest to important metabolic role of glycolysis in vascular smooth muscles of the myocardium, especially under conditions of enhanced afterload of the right ventricle.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2016;161(1):7-10
pages 7-10 views

Relationships between Mechanical Nociceptive Threshold and Activity of Antioxidant Enzymes in Male Rats with Experimental Type I Diabetes Mellitus

Shipilov V., Chistyakova O., Trost A.


We analyzed the dynamics of neuropathic pain development and changes in catalase and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities in the brain, liver, and skeletal muscles of male Wistar rats with 1-month streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus. A decrease in mechanical nociceptive threshold was revealed that progressed during the disease progress. Insulin treatment restored nociceptive threshold in diabetic animals to the control values. Catalase activity in the liver and skeletal muscles of diabetic rats increased by 1.5 and 2 times, respectively, in comparison with the control, while insulin treatment reduced enzyme activity to the control level. In the brain, catalase activity was reduced by 1.5 times and insulin therapy did affect this parameter. SOD activity in the studied tissues remained unchanged during diabetes and was not affected by insulin therapy. A strong negative correlation between nociceptive threshold in rats and catalase activity in their liver and skeletal muscles was found.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2016;161(1):11-14
pages 11-14 views

Ketamine-Midazolam Anesthesia Induces Total Inhibition of Cortical Activity in the Brain of Newborn Rats

Lebedeva Y., Zakharova A., Sitdikova G., Zefirov A., Khazipov R.


The effects of general anesthetics ketamine and midazolam, the drugs that cause neuroapoptosis at the early stages of CNS development, on electrical activity of the somatosensory cortex in newborn rats were studied using extracellular recording of local field potentials and action potentials of cortical neurons. Combined administration of ketamine (40 mg/kg) and midazolam (9 mg/kg) induced surgical coma and almost completely suppressed early oscillatory patterns and neuronal firing. These effects persisted over 3 h after injection of the anesthetics. We concluded that general anesthesia induced by combined administration of ketamine and midazolam profoundly suppressed cortical activity in newborn rats, which can trigger neuroapoptosis in the developing brain.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2016;161(1):15-19
pages 15-19 views

Role of β-Adrenoceptors and L-Type Ca2+-Channels in the Mechanism of Reperfusion-Induced Heart Injury

Lishmanov Y., Maslov L., Mukhomedzyanov A.


We studied the effects of β-adrenoceptor antagonists propranolol and nadolol and L-type Ca2+-channel blocker verapamil on cardiac reperfusion injury developed after 45-min coronary occlusion. The substances were injected intravenously 5 min before reperfusion. The results indicate that activation of β-adrenoceptors and opening of L-type Ca2+-channels promote the development of cardiac reperfusion injury, while blockage of β-adrenoceptors and/or L-type Ca2+-channels prevents reoxygenation-induced myocardial injury. Propranolol, nadolol, and verapamil can produce infraction-limiting effects after onset of ischemic heart injury.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2016;161(1):20-23
pages 20-23 views

Effects of Deep Cooling and Re-Warming on Ionotropic Glutamatergic Receptors In Vitro

Mokrushin A.


We studied the effects of cooling to -10°C and re-warming to 37°C on slices of rat olfactory cortex. The amplitudes of action potential in the lateral olfactory tract and excitatory postsynaptic potential activated by AMPA recovered during slow cooling/re-warming (0.1°C/min), while during rapid cooling/re-warming (9°C/min), they surpassed the control values. NMDA receptor-dependent mechanism was blocked in both cooling/re-warming modes. Swelling of the brain slices was observed during re-warming, especially during rapid cooling/re-warming. Nerve fibers of the lateral olfactory tract and AMPA-related processes survived deep cooling/re-warming, while NMDA-related processes were irreversibly blocked.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2016;161(1):28-31
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Age-Related Changes in the System Metalloproteinases/Tissue Metalloproteinase Inhibitors and Proteoglycan Components in Mouse Organs

Kim L., Shkurupy V., Putyatina A.


Activity of MMP and content of TIMP and some proteoglycan components were measured in the liver, lungs, and spleen of BALB/c mice aging 2, 6, and 12 months. The increase in the content of proteoglycan components in mouse organs was associated with age-related changes in MMP activity and TIMP-1 and TIMP-2 levels. The ratio between MMP activity and content of TIMP-1 and TIMP-2 differed in the studied organs. The levels of TIMP-1 and TIMP-2 in mouse blood serum and their concentration in studied organs changed asynchronously with age. They are important regulators that determine MMP activity in the analyzed age periods in mice, which can be determined as periods of growth, development, and ageing.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2016;161(1):32-36
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Effect of Hematocrit and Erythrocyte Density on Intraoperative Blood Loss in Hemophilia A Patients During Total Knee Arthroplasty

Shurkhina E., Polyanskaya T., Zorenko V., Azimova M., Nesterenko V., Ataullakhanov F.


Intraoperative blood loss during total knee arthroplasty in patients with hemophilia varies over a wide range (from 300 to 3000 ml). The reasons have not been clarified yet. We studied the dependence of intraoperative blood loss during total knee arthroplasty in patients with hemophilia A on hematocrit and mean erythrocyte density. Intraoperational blood loss ≥1000 ml was observed in patients with hematocrit <38.5%. In patients with hematocrit >38.5% this parameter depended on the mean erythrocyte density: in patients with increased erythrocyte density, the risk of intraoperational blood loss ≥1000 ml was higher. The increase in erythrocyte density can serve as an indicator of pathological processes, including the processes modulating hemostasis. It can also be assumed that erythrocytes with higher density change blood flow, which affects platelet adhesion to the damaged endothelium. Hematocrit below the threshold level and mean density of erythrocytes above the normal level can be regarded as risk factor for increased intraoperational blood loss.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2016;161(1):37-40
pages 37-40 views

Psychopharmacological Effects of Alkaloid Z77 under Conditions of Posthypoxic Encephalopathy and Mechanisms of Their Development

Zyuz’kov G., Losev E., Chaikovskii A., Suslov N., Zhdanov V., Udut E., Miroshnichenko L., Simanina E., Polyakova T., Povet’eva T., Nesterova Y., Stavrova L., Udut V., Minakova M., Dygai A.


Psychopharmacological effects of atisine-type diterpene alkaloid Z77 were studied under conditions of experimental posthypoxic encephalopathy. The preparation had a pronounced cerebroprotective effect consisting in normalization of orientation and exploratory behavior and conditioned activity in experimental animals. These changes were accompanied by significant increase in the number of neural stem cells in the paraventricular region of the brain and markedly enhanced production of neurotrophic growth factors by neural tissue microenvironment cells.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2016;161(1):45-49
pages 45-49 views

Complex Approach to Xenobiotics Hepatotoxicity Testing using a Microfluidic System

Alexandrova A., Pul’kova N., Sakharov D.


We analyzed hepatotoxicity of three drugs: acetaminophen, metformin, and isoniazid. Spheroids of differentiated HepaRG cells cultured under microfluidic conditions were used as the model. Acute toxicity of substances was assessed by analyzing cell viability, while lactate concentration in the culture medium was used as the potential marker for evaluation of chronic exposure and non-lethal side effects of xenobiotics. The results were compared with mitochondrial activity and DNA fragmentation data. The efficiency and possibility of applying the integrated approach for assessment of drug hepatotoxicity are discussed.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2016;161(1):50-53
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Anticoagulant Effects of Heparin Complexes with Prolyl-Glycine Peptide and Glycine and Proline Amino Acids

Grigorieva M., Obergan T., Maystrenko E., Kalugina M.


The study demonstrates the formation of heparin complexes with prolyl-glycine peptide and proline and glycine amino acids. The method was developed for in vitro production of these complexes at 1:1 dipeptide to heparin molar ratio and 2:1 amino acid to heparin molar ratio. These complexes, unlike the constituents, proline and glycine, exhibited significant anticoagulant, antiplatelet, and fibrin-depolymerization activities of varying degree in vitro and in vivo. The heparin–dipeptide complex produced maximum effect. The dipeptide by itself also showed anticoagulant properties, but less pronounced than in the complex with heparin.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2016;161(1):54-57
pages 54-57 views

Dipeptide Piracetam Analogue Noopept Improves Viability of Hippocampal HT-22 Neurons in the Glutamate Toxicity Model

Antipova T., Nikolaev S., Ostrovskaya P., Gudasheva T., Seredenin S.


Effect of noopept (N-phenylacetyl-prolylglycine ethyl ester) on viability of neurons exposed to neurotoxic action of glutamic acid (5 mM) was studied in vitro in immortalized mouse hippocampal HT-22 neurons. Noopept added to the medium before or after glutamic acid improved neuronal survival in a concentration range of 10–11-10–5 M. Comparison of the effective noopept concentrations determined in previous studies on cultured cortical and cerebellar neurons showed that hippocampal neurons are more sensitive to the protective effect of noopept.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2016;161(1):58-60
pages 58-60 views

Quantitative Evaluation of Primordial Follicles in Rat Ovaries during the Early and Delayed Terms after Different Cytostatic Exposures

Borovskaya T., Dygai A., Fomina T., Vychuzhanina A.


Experiments on female Wistar rats showed that cytostatic agents (farmorubicin, platidiam, carboplatin, and etoposide) induce an initial significant decrease in the number of primordial follicles. Over the next 2-3 estrous cycles after administration of farmorubicin, platidiam, and carboplatin, this index practically did not differ from the control. The number of primordial follicles in the third and fourth estrous cycles after farmorubicin administration, as well as in the second and sixth estrous cycles after etoposide administration was much higher than the follicular reserve after cytostatic treatment (first estrous cycle). The ovarian reserve was exhausted in the delayed period after the start of the experiment. This dynamics of the pool of primordial follicles suggests that the ovary of rats in the postnatal period of life contains a limited number of female germline stem cells.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2016;161(1):61-63
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Studying the Effect of a Composition of the Cluster Core in High-Radiopacity Cluster Complexes of Rhenium on Their Acute Toxicity In Vivo

Pozmogova T., Krasil’nikova A., Ivanov A., Shestopalov M., Gyrylova S., Shestopalova L., Shestopaloiv A., Shkurupy V.


An in vivo study was performed to evaluate the dependence of acute toxicity of high-radiopacity and luminescent octahedral cluster complexes of rhenium after intravenous injection on a composition of the cluster core. Changes in mouse body weight, water and food consumption, degree of intoxication, and morphological changes in the visceral organs were studied after intravenous injection of the following cluster complexes with various internal ligands (S, Se, or Te): Na4[{Re6Te8}(CN)6], Na4[{Re6Se8}(CN)6], and Na4[{Re6S8}(CN)6]. The Na4[{Re6S8} (CN)6] cluster complex was shown to be the safest for animals.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2016;161(1):64-68
pages 64-68 views

Study of Fibronectin Type III-Like Domains Role in Activation of gp130 Receptor

Stepanov A., Rybinets A., Dronina M., Deev S.


Chimeric gp130 receptors were produced to study the role of three fibronectin type III-like domains in activation of gp130 receptor machinery. The ligand-induced dimerization of gp130 was sufficient to trigger STAT3 signaling pathway. These findings can be used as the basis in designing novel therapeutic gp130 inhibitors.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2016;161(1):72-74
pages 72-74 views

Association of the HindIII Lipoprotein Lipase Gene Polymorphism with the Development of the Non-Biliary Acute Pancreatitis: a Pilot Study

Samgina T., Bushueva O., Nazarenko P., Polonikov A.


We studied the relationship between lipoprotein lipase (LPL) gene HindIII polymorphism and the development of acute pancreatitis in the Russian population. Whole blood samples were collected from 145 patients with acute non-biliary pancreatitis and 191 healthy individuals. Genotyping of LPL gene HindIII (rs320) polymorphism was performed by PCR with TaqMan assay. It was found that allele H+ (OR=0.63, 95%CI 0.41-0.96, p=0.03) and genotype H+/H+ (OR=1.79, 95%CI 1.06-3.04, p=0.03) were associated with the risk of acute non-biliary pancreatitis only in males. In this study, the relationship between HindIII polymorphism of LPL gene with the risk of acute non-biliary pancreatitis was revealed.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2016;161(1):79-82
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New Genetic Constructs for Generation of Stable Therapeutic Antibodies to Organophosphorus Toxins in Methylotrophic Yeasts Pichia Pastoris

Mokrushina Y., Stepanova A., Bobik T., Smirnov I., Gabibov A.


We propose a new method of obtaining of stable Fab-fragments of antibodies in Pichia pastoris expression system. Recently, we obtained Fab-fragments of antibodies neutralizing organophosphorus toxins. However, high yield of the target products was not attained because of high level of proteolytic degradation. In the present study, we identified sites of proteolytic degradation in Fab-fragments and endogenous proteases performing degradation, which allowed obtaining optimized genetic constructs for expression of antibody heavy chains (IgGγ1) and kappa and lambda isotypes of light chains. Co-transformation of these vectors allowed obtaining Fab-fragments of antibodies to organophosphorus toxins without proteolytic degradation of the product.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2016;161(1):83-87
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Heterodimer HLA-DM Fused with Constant Fragment of the Heavy Chain of the Human Immunoglobulin Accelerates Influenza Hemagglutinin HA306–318 Loading to HLA-DR1

Mamedov A., Ponomarenko N., Belogurov A., Gabibov A.


Major histocompatibility complex class II (MHC II) plays an important role not only in the adaptive immune responses to foreign pathogens, but also in the development of some autoimmune diseases. Non-classical MHC, HLA-DM is directly involved in MHC II loading with the peptide. To study this process, we synthesized recombinant proteins HLA-DR1 and HLA-DM. α/β-Chains of DR1 heterodimer contained C-terminal leucine domains of the fos and jun factors, respectively. Each DM chain contained constant fragment of human antibody heavy chain fused via a long linker domain. In addition, DM α-chain carried N165D substitution suppressing potential glycosylation at this site. We observed significant acceleration of DR1 peptide loading with influenza HA306–318 hemagglutinin in the presence of DM, which indicates functionality of recombinant DR1–DM protein couple. Our results can be used to study the presentation of other viral and self-antigens and can become the basis for the development of new drug modeling.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2016;161(1):92-95
pages 92-95 views

Effect of 2-Isobutyl-4,6-dimethyl-5-hydroxypyrimidine on the Growth of Lewis Lung Carcinoma and Survival of Mice

Kovakenko L., Kuznetsova O., Tallerova A., Nikitin S., Durnev A.


Experiments on male C57Bl/6 mice with transplantable Lewis lung epidermoid carcinoma were performed to evaluate the effect of early or delayed administration of compound SNK-411 (2-isobutyl-4,6-dimethyl-5-hydroxypyrimidine) on tumor growth and animal survival. Intraperitoneal injection of SNK-411 in doses of 25 and 50 mg/kg on days 2–8 of tumor growth was followed by significant inhibition of tumor growth (by 1.8 and 2.2 times, respectively, in comparison with the untreated control). Administration of this compound on days 8–15 of tumor development had little effect on tumor growth. SNK-411 in doses of 25 and 50 mg/kg (both dosing regimens) significantly increased survival rate and lifespan of animals with tumors. The drugs for verification of this model (Fluorofur, 400 mg/kg; and doxorubicin hydrochloride, 4 mg/kg) were injected intraperitoneally on days 2–4 and 8–10 of tumor development. Administration of Fluorofur and doxorubicin hydrochloride at the late stage was accompanied by significant inhibition of tumor growth (by 1.6 and 1.4 times, respectively). The increase in the survival rate of animals receiving the cytostatic according to standard dosing regimens was less significant than in experiments with SNK-411.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2016;161(1):99-103
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Inhibition of Mitochondrial Voltage-Dependent Anion Channels Increases Radiosensitivity of K562 Leukemic Cells

Saenko Y., Mastilenko A., Glushchenko E., Antonova A., Svekolkin V.


We studied the effect of inhibition of mitochondrial voltage-dependent anion channels with DIDS on radiosensitivity and mitochondrial status of K562 leukemic cells. The number of apoptotic and necrotic cells, mitochondrial transmembrane potential, and mitochondrial mass were evaluated after irradiation of cells in doses of 4 and 12 Gy in the presence and absence of the inhibitor. Inhibition of mitochondrial voltage-dependent anion channels increased radiosensitivity of K562 cells by 50-70% and decreased both mitochondrial transmembrane potential and mitochondrial mass. Inhibitors of voltage-dependent anion channels are promising agents capable of improving the effectiveness of cancer radiotherapy.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2016;161(1):104-107
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Plasma Levels of hsa-miR-619-5p and hsa-miR-1184 Differ in Prostatic Benign Hyperplasia and Cancer

Knyazev E., Fomicheva K., Mikhailenko D., Nyushko K., Samatov T., Alekseev B., Shkurnikov M.


Peripheral blood plasma profiles of circulating microRNA expression were analyzed in patients with prostatic cancer and benign hyperplasia. In prostatic cancer, significant increase in hsa-miR-619-5p and hsa-miR-1184 microRNA expression and significant decrease in hsalet-7b-5p and hsa-let-7c-5p microRNA expression were observed. The role of the relationship between the microRNA expression and the activities and functions of host genes with introns encoding these microRNA is discussed.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2016;161(1):108-111
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MicroRNA hsa-miR-4674 in Hemolysis-Free Blood Plasma Is Associated with Distant Metastases of Prostatic Cancer

Knyazev E., Samatov T., Fomicheva K., Nyushko K., Alekseev B., Shkurnikov M.


We analyzed microRNA profile in hemolysis-free blood plasma of patients with prostatic cancer. The metastatic form of prostatic cancer was found to be associated with increased levels of hsa-miR-22-3p, hsa-miR-663a, and hsa-miR-4674 in comparison with non-metastatic form. Common candidate target genes of these microRNA include JUNB, KMT2A, and XPO6.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2016;161(1):112-115
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Maintenance of High Cytochrome P450 Expression in HepaRG Cell Spheroids in DMSO-Free Medium

Aleksandrova A., Burmistrova O., Fomicheva K., Sakharov D.


We studied the effects of DMSO and fibroblasts during HepaRG cell spheroid formation and conditions of their subsequent culturing on the levels of mRNA of the major cytochromes P450. A protocol of spheroid formation from differentiated HepaRG cells and their culturing in serum- and DMSO-free medium is developed.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2016;161(1):120-124
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Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubules Induce Pathological Changes in the Digestive Organs of Mice

Masyutin A., Erokhina M., Sychevskaya K., Gusev A., Vasyukova I., Tkachev A., Smirnova E., Onishchenko G.


We studied the effects of regular long-term exposure to industrial nanomaterial based on multiwalled carbon nanotubules on the digestive system of mice. Nanomaterial in a concentration of 30 mg/kg was administered with drinking water over 30 days. Tissue specimens from the small intestine and liver were studied by light and electron microscopy. Multiwalled carbon nanotubules caused multiple necrotic foci in the small intestine and mixed parenchymatous degeneration in the liver. These findings suggested that multiwalled carbon nanotubules entering the digestive tract damaged intestinal villi, presumably via mechanical damage to enterocytes. It seems that multiwalled carbon nanotubules could cause degeneration indirectly, by triggering inflammatory reactions and ROS generation.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2016;161(1):125-130
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Cell Composition of Central and Peripheral Lymphoid Organs of Wistar Rats Treated with a Biomedical Cell Product

Konenknov V., Borodin Y., Dergacheva T., Shurlygina A., Mel’nikova E., Tenditnik M., Starkova E., Lykov A., Poveshchenko O., Bondarenko N., Kim I.


We studied the effect of a biomedical cell product (bone marrow multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells and products secreted by these cells in conditioned medium) on subpopulation composition of lymphoid cells of central and peripheral lymphoid organs of Wistar rats under normal conditions. Changes in the subpopulation composition of lymphoid organs depended on the route of administration of biomedical cell product.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2016;161(1):150-154
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Effect of Factors Secreted by the Placenta on Phenotype of THP-1 Cells Cultured on a 3D Scaffold

Lvova T., Stepanova O., Viazmina L., Okorokova L., Belyakova K., Belikova M., Selkov S., Sokolov D.


We studied the effects of secretory products of the placenta obtained from women with normal pregnancy and preeclampsia on the expression of surface markers by THP-1 cells cultured on a 3D Matrigel scaffold. Secretory products of third trimester placentas obtained from women with normal pregnancy reduced the relative number of THP-1 cells expressing CD54 and CD14 molecules and expression of CD14 and CD95 molecules by THP-1 cells in comparison with the effect of secretory products first trimester placentas. In parallel, the intensity of CD49d expression by THP-1 cells increased in the presence of secretory products of third trimester placentas in comparison with the first trimester. No differences in the expression of the studied molecules by THP-1 cells under the effect of placentas from women with physiological pregnancy and patients with preeclampsia were found.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2016;161(1):162-167
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Antihypoxic and Neuroprotective Effects of Glial Cell-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (GDNF) in Cultures of Dissociated Hippocampal Cells under Conditions of Experimental Hypoxia

Vedunova M., Shishkina T., Mishchenko T., Mitroshina E., Astrakhanova T., Pimashkin A., Mukhina I.


We analyzed the effect of glial cell derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) on changes in functional bioelectric and calcium activity in dissociated hippocampal cell cultures under conditions of modeled acute normobaric hypoxia in vitro. GDNF (1 ng/ml) partially neutralized the negative effects of hypoxia on cell survival and parameters of functional network activity. GDNF exhibited a pronounced anti-hypoxic effect.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2016;161(1):168-174
pages 168-174 views

Biophysics and Biochemistry

Induction of the Adaptive Response in Mice Exposed to He-Ne Laser and X-Ray Radiation

Zaichkina S., Dyukina A., Rozanova O., Simonova N., Romanchenko S., Sorokina S., Zakrzhevskaya D., Yusupov V., Bagratashvili V.


We studied the dose-dependent induction of in vivo adaptive response in the bone marrow and blood of mice exposed to low-intensity radiation of He-Ne laser (633 nm) and X-ray radiation by the severity of cytogenetic injury and intensity of ROS production, respectively. Induction of the adaptive response in mice preexposed to He-Ne laser and X-ray radiation depended on the adaptive dose and the interval between the adaptive and main doses and correlated with changes in ROS generation. The adaptive response after exposure to low-intensity ionizing and non-ionizing radiation was observed in the same dose range, which attests to similar mechanisms of its induction.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2016;161(1):24-27
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Pharmacology and Toxicology

Cytoprotective Effect of Peptide Sedatin, an Agonist of μ/δ-Opioid Receptors, on Primary Culture of Pulmonary Fibroblasts of Albino Rats under Conditions of Oxidative Stress

Sazonova E., Samarina E., Lebed’ko O., Maltseva I., Timoshin S.


We studied the effects of a synthetic analogue of dermorphin peptide sedatin on DNA synthesis, nucleolar apparatus, and parameters of free radical oxidation in the primary culture of pulmonary fibroblasts under conditions of oxidative stress. Oxidative stress significantly enhanced production of superoxide anion radical in the culture, sufficiently inhibited DNA synthesis in fibroblasts, and reduced the size of cell nuclei and parameters of the nucleolar apparatus. Sedatin prevented accumulation of free radical oxidation products and changes in karyometry parameters induced by oxidative stress. The peptide completely eliminated changes in the parameters of fibroblast nucleolar apparatus and abolished the inhibitory effect of oxidative stress on the number of DNA-synthesizing cells. Pretreatment with non-selective opioid receptor antagonist naloxone hydrochloride partially abolished the effects of sedatin in the primary culture of pulmonary fibroblasts.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2016;161(1):41-44
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Microbiology and Immunology

Peptidyl Aldehyde Specifically Interacts with Immunosubunit β1i Proteasome: In Vitro and In Vivo Effects

Kuzina E., Kudriaeva A., Maltseva D., Belogurov A.


We studied the effect of β1i-specific peptidyl aldehyde IPSI-001 on proteasome from mammalian cells. In concentrations <1 μM, this agent effectively suppressed immunoproteasome, but only slightly reduced chymotrypsin-like activity of constitutive proteasome. Intraperitoneal administration of this inhibitor to C3H/He mice in a dose of 100 mg/kg induced no significant physiological or behavioral changes, which attested to its considerable therapeutic potential in the treatment of autoimmune neurodegenerative pathologies.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2016;161(1):69-71
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Analysis of the Relationship between Antioxidant Enzyme Gene Polymorphisms and Their Activity in Post-Traumatic Gonarthrosis

Vnukov V., Panina S., Milyutina N., Krolevets I., Zabrodin M.


Analysis of polymorphisms of genes encoding antioxidant enzymes SOD1 (G7958A), SOD2 (T58C), CAT (C-262T), and GSTP1 (Ile105Val) in 93 patients with post-traumatic gonarthrosis showed that GSTP1 Ile105Val polymorphism is often associated with heterozygous mutation in catalase gene CAT C-262T. In gonarthrosis, catalase activity in peripheral blood mononuclear cells in patients with CT genotype of the C-262T locus of CAT gene more than 2-fold surpassed that in CC genotype and more than 50% surpassed the normal. Changes in the balance of activity of antioxidant enzymes can affect viability of mononuclear cells.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2016;161(1):75-78
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Application of Laser Correlation Spectroscopy for Measuring Virus Size

Nikiforov V., Vinogradov S., Ivanov A., Efremova E., Kalnina L., Bychenko A., Tentsov Y., Manykin A.


Dynamic light scattering method or laser correlation spectroscopy was applied to evaluation of the size of viruses. We measured correlation functions of the light scattered by human immunodeficiency viruses (HIV) and hepatitis A viruses (HAV) and found that size of HIV-1 (subtype A and B) and HAV virions were 104 nm and 28 nm, respectively. Comparison of these findings with electron microscopy data for fixed samples of the same viruses showed good agreement of the results.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2016;161(1):88-91
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Loss of Cell Differentiation in HPV-Associated Bladder Cancer

Golovina D., Ermilova V., Zavalishina L., Andreeva Y., Matveev V., Frank G., Volgareva G.


Medical histories of 101 urothelial bladder cancer patients were compared with the results of morphological analysis and biomolecular detection of human papilloma viruses (HPV) in the tumor specimens. DNA of HPV16 (the major type of virus responsible for appearance of cervical carcinoma) was detected in 38 specimens, while mRNA of E6 and E7 oncogenes and E7 oncoprotein of HPV16 were observed in 13 specimens. HPV-positive bladder cancer was characterized by higher degree of cell anaplasia than HPV-negative cancer; in the primary bladder tumor, HPV was detected more often than in recurrent bladder cancer. These data attest to involvement of HPV16 in the genesis of bladder cancer. No correlations of HPV status of bladder tumor with patient’s sex, age, and invasion into the muscle layer were revealed.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2016;161(1):96-98
pages 96-98 views


Modeling of Magnetite Nanoparticles Behavior under Conditions of Microcirculation and Analysis of In Vivo Toxicity

Sakharov D., Rudakovskaya P., Maltseva D., Trushkin E., Tonevitskaya S.


The behavior of magnetite nanoparticles was studied in the cell chip microcapillaries. No aggregation of magnetite nanoparticles under conditions of long-term circulation was noted. Biodistribution and toxicity of magnetite nanoparticles (14 nm) and aminated magnetite after their intragastric administration to mice were studied in vivo. According to mass spectrometry and microscopy data, accumulation of nanoparticles occurred mainly in the liver cells.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2016;161(1):116-119
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Experimental Methods for Clinical Practice

Kinetic Chemiluminescence as a Method for Oxidative Stress Evaluation in Examinations of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Proskurnina E., Polimova A., Sozarukova M., Prudnikova M., Ametov A., Vladimirov Y.


We propose a new approach to evaluation of oxidative stress based on kinetic chemiluminescence: measurement of antioxidant and pro-oxidant activities of the plasma. The study included 50 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus receiving peroral hypoglycemic therapy. In addition to the above parameters, the levels of TBA-reactive products, inflammation markers, clotting parameters, and biochemical values were studied. The new method provides information on oxidative stress in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus irrespective of the clinical and laboratory values. The use of this method in complex with the clinical, laboratory, and instrumental studies allows comprehensive evaluation of patient’s status for the diagnosis and choice of therapy.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2016;161(1):131-133
pages 131-133 views

Morphology and Pathomorphology

Ultrastructure of Cardiomyocytes and Blood Capillary Endotheliocytes in the Myocardium under Conditions of Experimental Mechanical Injury to the Heart

Novoselov V., Savchenko S., Porvin A., Koshlyak D., Nadev A., Ageeva T., Chikinev Y., Polyakevich A.


We studied ultrastructural changes in cardiomyocytes and blood capillary endotheliocytes in the ventricular myocardium in response to mechanical injury of the heart of varying severity in Wistar rats. Acute alterative changes in cardiomyocyte and endotheliocyte ultrastructure indicate impairment of the energy-producing, contractile, and protein-synthesizing functions of the cells after mechanical injury. These disorders play the key role in the development of acute contractile insufficiency of the myocardium in mechanical injury to the heart.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2016;161(1):134-136
pages 134-136 views


Experimental Simulation of Traumatic Osteomyelitis in Rats

Avdeeva E., Slizovsky G., Skorokhodova M., Fomina T., Zorkaltsev M., Zavadovskaya V., Krasnov E., Ivanov V., Stepanov M.


A model of traumatic osteomyelitis in rats is created. The disease development was evaluated by bone marrow myelograms, results of scintigraphy, and histological studies.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2016;161(1):137-140
pages 137-140 views

Translated from Kletochnye Tekhnologii v Biologii i Meditsine (Cell Technologies in Biology and Medicine)

Angiogenic Potential of Multipotent Stromal Cells from the Umbilical Cord: an In Vitro Study

Arutyunyan I., Kananykhina E., Fatkhudinov T., El’chaninov A., Makarov A., Raimova E., Bol’shakova G., Sukhikh G.


The mechanisms of proangiogenic activity of multipotent stromal cells from human umbilical cord were analyzed in vitro. The absence of secreted forms of proangiogenic growth factor VEGF-A in the culture medium conditioned by umbilical cord-derived multipotent stromal cells was shown by ELISA. However, the possibility of paracrine stimulation of cell proliferation, mobility, and directed migration of endothelial EA.hy926 cells was demonstrated by using MTT test, Transwell system, and monolayer wound modeling. The capacity of multipotent stromal cells to acquire the phenotype of endothelium-like cells was analyzed using differentiation media of three types. It was found that VEGF-A is an essential but not sufficient inductor of differentiation of umbilical cord-derived multipotent stromal cells into CD31+ cells.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2016;161(1):141-149
pages 141-149 views

Role of Progenitor Cells in Liver Regeneration after Subtotal Resection

El’chaninov A., Fatkhudinov T., Kananykhina E., Usman N., Arutyunyan I., Makarov A., Bykov A., Bolshakova G., Sukhikh G.


In the liver of rats subjected to subtotal liver resection (80% organ weight), the expression of sox9 gene and SOX9 protein content increased and cells with hepatocyte morphology expressing SOX9 appeared; the proportion of cells expressing cytokeratin-19 also increased. Based on these data, we cannot completely exclude the involvement of resident progenitor cells and hepatocyte reprogramming in liver regeneration after subtotal resection, however, the contribution of these processes seems to be insignificant. The leading mechanism of liver mass recovery after subtotal resection is proliferation of hepatocytes.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2016;161(1):155-161
pages 155-161 views

Peptide Regulation of Skin Fibroblast Functions during Their Aging In Vitro

Lin’kova N., Drobintseva A., Orlova O., Kuznetsova E., Polyakova V., Kvetnoy I., Khavinson V.


The effect peptides KE, KED, AED and AEDG on proliferation (Ki-67), regeneration and aging (CD98hc), apoptosis (caspase-3), and extracellular matrix remodeling (MMP-9) in skin fibroblasts during their aging in culture were studied by immunofluorescent confocal microscopy. All studied peptides inhibited MMP-9 synthesis that increases during aging of skin fibroblasts and enhanced the expression of Ki-67 and CD98hc that are less intensively synthesized during cell aging. Peptides AED and AEDG suppressed caspase-dependent apoptosis that increases during aging of cell cultures.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2016;161(1):175-178
pages 175-178 views

Effect of Cytotoxic Compounds on Activity of Antioxidant Enzyme System in MCF-7 and H1299 Cells

Mumyatova V., Balakina A., Filatova N., Sen’ V., Korepin A., Terentev A.


We studied the function of the antioxidant system in tumor cell lines MCF-7 and H1299 that differ by the state of tumor suppressor gene p53. Exposure to different classes of cytotoxic compounds induced several types of antioxidant system responses that depend on the type of cell line. The effects of platinum(II) and platinum(IV) complexes on activity of antioxidant enzymes vary, which can be explained by differences in their accumulation and biotransformation in tumor cells. Triazole and oxazolidinone derivatives had little effect on activity of superoxide dismutase and catalase in H1299 cells, but increased superoxide dismutase activity in MCF-7 cells.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2016;161(1):179-183
pages 179-183 views

Effect of Proline-Containing Oligopeptides PGP and RGP on Proliferative and Protein-Synthesizing Activity of Cultured Pulmonary Fibroblasts under Conditions of Oxidative Stress

Tolstenok I., Fleishman M., Sazonova E., Lebed’ko O., Maltseva I., Myasoedov N., Timoshin S.


We studied the effect of glyprolines Pro-Gly-Pro (PGP) and Arg-Gly-Pro (RGP) on the primary culture of pulmonary fibroblasts from newborn albino rats under normal conditions and during oxidative stress. Under physiological conditions, the peptides had no effect on parameters of cell division. Hydrogen peroxide induced intensive oxidative stress accompanied by suppression of protein-synthesizing function. When hydrogen peroxide was added to the culture containing the test peptides, correction of the oxidative status was observed accompanied by activation of DNA-synthesizing activity and inhibition of lucigenin-dependent chemiluminescence.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2016;161(1):184-186
pages 184-186 views

A Model of Cadmium Uptake and Transport in Caco-2 Cells

Gerasimenko T., Senyavina N., Anisimov N., Tonevitskaya S.


We created a physiologically substantiated kinetic model of cadmium transport and toxicity in intestinal cell model (Caco-2 cells). Transcriptome profiling of Caco-2 cells revealed high content of transporter DMT1 and ZIP14 and intensive expression of some calcium channels of the CACN family. The mathematical model describing three types of transporters, as well as intracellular cadmium binding with metallothionein and excretion through the basolateral membrane allowed us to construct cadmium uptake and transport curves that approximated the previously obtained experimental data. Using the proposed model, we determined toxic intracellular cadmium concentration leading to cell death and impairing the integrity of cell monolayer and described cadmium transport in this case.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2016;161(1):187-192
pages 187-192 views

Fibonacci Sequence and Supramolecular Structure of DNA

Shabalkin I., Grigor’eva E., Gudkova M., Shabalkin P.


We proposed a new model of supramolecular DNA structure. Similar to the previously developed by us model of primary DNA structure [11-15], 3D structure of DNA molecule is assembled in accordance to a mathematic rule known as Fibonacci sequence. Unlike primary DNA structure, supramolecular 3D structure is assembled from complex moieties including a regular tetrahedron and a regular octahedron consisting of monomers, elements of the primary DNA structure. The moieties of the supramolecular DNA structure forming fragments of regular spatial lattice are bound via linker (joint) sequences of the DNA chain. The lattice perceives and transmits information signals over a considerable distance without acoustic aberrations. Linker sequences expand conformational space between lattice segments allowing their sliding relative to each other under the action of external forces. In this case, sliding is provided by stretching of the stacked linker sequences.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2016;161(1):193-196
pages 193-196 views

Analysis of Neural Stem Cells from Human Cortical Brain Structures In Vitro

Aleksandrova M., Poltavtseva R., Marei M., Sukhikh G.


Comparative immunohistochemical analysis of the neocortex from human fetuses showed that neural stem and progenitor cells are present in the brain throughout the gestation period, at least from week 8 through 26. At the same time, neural stem cells from the first and second trimester fetuses differed by the distribution, morphology, growth, and quantity. Immunocytochemical analysis of neural stem cells derived from fetuses at different gestation terms and cultured under different conditions showed their differentiation capacity. Detailed analysis of neural stem cell populations derived from fetuses on gestation weeks 8-9, 18-20, and 26 expressing Lex/SSEA1 was performed.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2016;161(1):197-208
pages 197-208 views


Erratum to: Waves of c-Fos and Arc Proteins Expression in Neuronal Populations of the Hippocampus in Response to a Single Episode of New Experience

Ivashkina O., Toropova K., Ivanova A., Chekhov S., Anokhin K.
Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2016;161(1):209-209
pages 209-209 views

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