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卷 53, 编号 1 (2019)

Electronic Properties of Semiconductors

Study of the Effect of Doping with Iron on the Luminescence of Zinc-Selenide Single Crystals

Gladilin A., Ilichev N., Kalinushkin V., Studenikin M., Uvarov O., Chapnin V., Tumorin V., Novikov G.


The effect of doping with iron (thermal diffusion from a surface) on the luminescence of zinc-selenide single crystals in the wavelength range 0.44–0.72 μm and on the spatial distribution of luminescence centers are studied. By means of two-photon confocal microscopy, planar and volume maps of edge (exciton) and impurity–defect luminescence in the above-indicated spectral range are obtained for both doped and undoped crystals. It is shown that crystal regions containing a high iron concentration exhibit low-intensity luminescence in this range. It is found that, in the process of diffusion, several types of impurity–defect centers distributed in a complex way within the crystal bulk are formed. The nature of these centers is discussed.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(1):1-8
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Influence of a Quantum Magnetic Field on the Heating of Charge Carriers in Pure Germanium

Bannaya V., Nikitina E.


The results of an experimental study of charge-carrier heating by an electric field E in pure n- and p-type germanium samples in a quantizing magnetic field H, at EH and under carrier photoexcitation conditions, are considered in detail. The results obtained are in qualitative agreement with the predictions of the theory of charge-carrier capture in crossed electric and magnetic fields.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(1):9-13
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Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films

Effect of Plasma-Chemical Surface Modification on the Electron Transport and Work Function in Silicon Crystals

Yafarov R.


The regularities governing the surface modification of silicon crystals during microwave-plasma microprocessing in different chemically active gaseous media are investigated. This modification is shown to be caused by the formation of built-in surface potentials, which, depending on the semiconductor electrical-conductivity type, differently affect the field-emission properties and surface electron transport in devices based on them.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(1):14-21
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Nonresonance Phase Conjugation of Light at the Surface of GaN Films Upon High-Power Optical Pumping

Gruzintsev A., Redkin A.


The possibility of the nonresonance phase conjugation of light in an excited semiconductor medium is shown theoretically and experimentally. In epitaxial GaN films pumped with a nitrogen laser at room temperature, the induced phase conjugation of light in the visible and infrared spectral regions is detected for the first time. The dependences of the phase-conjugation signal intensity on the photon energy and laser-pumping intensity are studied. An interpretation of the effect as a result of the absorption and refraction of light at laser-induced free charge carriers in the semiconductor medium is proposed.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(1):22-27
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Sheet Resistance of the TiAlNiAu Thin-Film Metallization of Ohmic Contacts to Nitride Semiconductor Structures

Torkhov N.


The relation between the geometry of the metric space of the thin-film TiAlNiAu metallic system surface and the geometry of the functional space of the sheet resistances Rsq of this system is established. Based on the results obtained, the lateral size effect observed in the local approximation is described, which manifests itself in the dependence of the sheet resistance Rsq of a TiAlNiAu metallic film on its lateral (in the (x, y) plane) linear sizes. The dependence of the Rsq value on the linear sizes is shown to be determined by the fractal geometry of the forming dendrites, specifically, by the power dependence of a variation in the linear sizes on the fractal dimension Df. The obtained regularity is of great practical importance for accurate calculation of the Rsq values ​​of thin-film metal systems in designing discrete devices and integrated circuits and for controlling the technological processes of fabricating thin metallic films and systems based on them at the micrometer and nanometer scales.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(1):28-36
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Photoelectromagnetic Effect Induced by Terahertz Radiation in (Bi1 –xSbx)2Te3 Topological Insulators

Ryabova L., Khokhlov D., Galeeva A., Gomanko M., Tamm M., Yashina L., Danilov S.


The mobility of surface charge carriers is estimated based on an analysis of the photoelectromagnetic effect in three-dimensional (Bi1 –xSbx)2Te3 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.55) topological insulators. A high degree of degeneracy of the carrier gas in combination with a low energy of the exciting terahertz quantum provide a nonequilibrium process associated exclusively with thermal heating of the carrier. Under these conditions, the photovoltage is determined by the mobility gradient of the surface and bulk carriers. The photovoltage and, consequently, the mobility gradient disappear completely with an increase in the bulk mobility up to 105 cm2 V–1 s–1. Photovoltage is clearly observed in the samples with comparatively low bulk mobility under the same experimental conditions.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(1):37-41
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Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena

Determination of the Parameters of Metal–Insulator–Semiconductor Structures with Ultrathin Insulating Layer from High-Frequency Capacitance–Voltage Measurements

Goldman E., Kuharskaya N., Levashov S., Chucheva G.


A simple numerical method for processing the data of the high-frequency capacitance–voltage characteristics of metal–insulator–semiconductor structures is proposed. The approach is based on analyzing the experimental characteristics near the flat-band states, where the charge exchange of surface localized electron states is of little importance compared with changes in the near-boundary charged layer in the semiconductor. The developed technique makes it possible, first, to find the necessary parameters of the semiconductor and insulating layer and, second, to obtain the experimental field dependences of the energy-band bending in the semiconductor and the total concentration of the built-in charge, the charge of boundary states and minority charge carriers at the semiconductor–insulator interface in the range from the flat bands to deep depletion. The technique is well applicable to structures with an ultra-thin insulating layer. On n-Si-based metal–oxide–semiconductor samples with an oxide thickness of 39 Å, experimental approbation of the proposed approach is carried out. The accuracy of the obtained results is 2–3%.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(1):42-45
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Electroluminescence in n-GaSb/InAs/p-GaSb Heterostructures with a Single Quantum Well Grown by MOVPE

Mikhailova M., Ivanov E., Danilov L., Levin R., Andreev I., Kunitsyna E., Yakovlev Y.


The electroluminescent characteristics of a type-II n-GaSb/n-InAs/p-GaSb heterostructure with a single deep quantum well grown by metalorganic vapor-phase epitaxy are investigated. The energy-band diagram of the structure and the positions of the electron and heavy-hole energy levels are calculated. The analysis of the current–voltage characteristics demonstrates that the dark current in the structure under study flows via the tunneling mechanism. Intense electroluminescence characterized by a weak temperature dependence was observed in the spectral range of 3–4 μm at T = 77 and 300 K. The main electroluminescence band (hν = 0.40 eV at 77 K) corresponds to direct radiative transitions between electrons from level E1 in the InAs quantum well and heavy holes from the continuum at the n-GaSb/n-InAs heterointerface. A low-intensity electroluminescence band at hν = 0.27 eV (T = 77 K) originates from indirect (tunneling) transitions from the first electron level in the quantum well to the second level of heavy holes localized in the valence-band “notch” at the n-InAs/p-GaSb heterointerface.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(1):46-50
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Amorphous, Vitreous, and Organic Semiconductors

The Effect of Crystallization Conditions on the Spectral Characteristics of Tetraphenylporphyrin Thin Films

Elistratova M., Zakharova I., Li G., Dubrovin R., Sreseli O.


The goal of this work is to study the processes of self-organization in tetraphenylporphyrin (H2TPP) films made by condensation under various conditions. Experimental studies of the spectral characteristics of H2TPP thin films obtained by the liquid method from a H2TPP toluene solution and by vacuum deposition on different substrates are carried out. It is shown that the structure of the H2TPP samples changes depending on the technique of synthesis on different substrates, which shows itself in changes (“red” shift) in the photoluminescence and absorption spectra. The changes are caused by a different degree of crystallinity depending on the homogeneity of the surface of the substrates and their temperature.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(1):51-54
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Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors

Dependence of the Bulk Electrical Properties of Multisilicon on the Grain Misorientation Parameters

Peshcherova S., Yakimov E., Nepomnyashchikh A., Orlov V., Feklisova O., Pavlova L., Presnyakov R.


The recombination activity of intragrain defects in multicrystalline silicon is investigated by the electron or laser beam induced current methods. The interrelation of the grain orientation with the character of the distribution of intragrain defects (dislocations and impurity inclusions) and their recombination activity is revealed. The defect grain structure is investigated using various etching procedures to reveal the defects. It is shown that the defect density and distribution in the grains depend on their orientation relative the growth axis. Therefore, it is intragrain defects and impurities that are to a large degree responsible for degradation of the nonequilibrium carrier lifetime when compared with grain boundaries.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(1):55-59
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Bonding Energy of Silicon and Sapphire Wafers at Elevated Temperatures of Joining

Tyschenko I., Zhanaev E., Popov V.


The hydrophilicity of surfaces and the bonding energy of silicon and sapphire wafers at the temperature of joining 50°C are studied. It is established that heating of the Si and Al2O3 wafers to 50°C is accompanied by an increase in the degree of hydrophilicity of the wafer surfaces. The effect is attributed to improvement in the surface purity due to the desorption of impurity atoms into vacuum and to an increase in the density of dangling bonds. It is found that the bonding energy of silicon and sapphire wafers joined at a temperature of 50°C and upon further heating in the range 100–250°C is higher compared to the bonding energy of wafers joined at room temperature. The activation energy of the growth of the bonding energy is determined. It is found that this activation energy is 0.57 eV.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(1):60-64
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Influence of a por-Si Buffer Layer on the Optical Properties of Epitaxial InxGa1 –xN/Si(111) Heterostructures with a Nanocolumnar Film Morphology

Seredin P., Goloshchapov D., Zolotukhin D., Lenshin A., Lukin A., Mizerov A., Nikitina E., Arsentyev I., Leiste H., Rinke M.


Integrated heterostructures exhibiting a nanocolumnar morphology of the InxGa1 –xN film are grown on a single-crystal silicon substrate (c-Si(111)) and a substrate with a nanoporous buffer sublayer (por-Si) by molecular-beam epitaxy with the plasma activation of nitrogen. Using a complex of spectroscopic methods of analysis, it is shown that the growth of InxGa1 –xN nanocolumns on the por-Si buffer layer offer a number of advantages over growth on the c-Si substrate. Raman and ultraviolet spectroscopy data support the inference about the growth of a nanocolumn structure and agree with the previously obtained X-ray diffraction (XRD) data indicative of the strained, unrelaxed state of the InxGa1 –xN layer. The growth of InxGa1 –xN nanocolumns on the por-Si layer positively influences the optical properties of the heterostructures. At the same half-width of the emission line in the photoluminescence spectrum, the emission intensity for the heterostructure sample grown on the por-Si buffer layer is ~25% higher than the emission intensity for the film grown on the c-Si substrate.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(1):65-71
pages 65-71 views

Investigation into the Memristor Effect in Nanocrystalline ZnO Films

Smirnov V., Tominov R., Avilov V., Alyabieva N., Vakulov Z., Zamburg E., Khakhulin D., Ageev O.


The results of experimental investigations into the memristor effect and influence of annealing modes on the electrical properties of nanocrystalline zinc-oxide films fabricated by pulsed laser deposition are presented. The possibility of fabricating a nanocrystalline zinc-oxide film by pulsed laser deposition in a broad range of electrical (resistivity from 1.44 × 10–5 to 8.06 × 10–1 Ω cm) and morphological (roughness from 0.43 ± 0.32 to 6.36 ± 0.38 nm) parameters due to the use of post-growth annealing in oxygen (pressure 10–1 and 10–3 Torr, temperature 300 and 800°C, and duration from 1 to 10 h) is presented. It is shown that a nanocrystalline zinc-oxide film 58 ± 2 nm in thickness manifests a stable memristor effect slightly dependent on its morphology—applying a voltage of –2.5 and +4 V leads to switching between states with the resistance 3.3 ± 1.1 × 109 and 8.1 ± 3.4 × 107 Ω, respectively. These results can be used when developing designs and production processes of resistive random-access memory (RRAM) units based on the memristor effect as well as optoelectronics, microelectronics, and nanoelectronics and nanosystem devices.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(1):72-77
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Carbon Systems

A Chainlike Model of the Zigzag Edge Decoration of Graphene

Davydov S.


For a brick-wall-like lattice topologically equivalent to the graphene lattice, a simple structural model of a zigzag edge decorated with particles is constructed. Analytical expressions for the energy band spectrum, densities of states, and occupation numbers of the graphene–particles system are derived for a system in the free state and for a system formed on a metal substrate.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(1):78-84
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Physics of Semiconductor Devices

On the Nature of the Increase in the Electron Mobility in the Inversion Channel at the Silicon–Oxide Interface after the Field Effect

Goldman E., Nabiev A., Naryshkina V., Chucheva G.


The conduction characteristics of the inversion channel of Si-transistor structures after the ionic polarization and depolarization of samples are measured in (0–5)-T transverse magnetic fields at temperatures from 100 to 200 K. After ionic polarization in a strong electric field at 420 K, no less than 6 × 1013 cm–2 ions flowed through the oxide. The previously found tenfold increase in the conductivity in the source–drain circuit after the polarization of insulating layers is explained by the formation of a new electron transport path along the surface impurity band, related to delocalized D states; these states are generated by neutralized ions located in the insulating layer at its interface with the semiconductor.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(1):85-88
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Influence of Annealing in Freon on the Crystalline Structure of Cadmium-Telluride Layers and the Efficiency of Thin-Film Solar Cells on Their Basis

Khrypunov G., Meriuts A., Shelest T., Khrypunov M.


Solar cells (SCs) based on cadmium-telluride base layers, obtained by thermal evaporation and closed-space sublimation (CSS), are investigated. The base layers are activated via annealing in Freon. Structural and morphological studies are carried out to compare the recrystallization processes occurring during annealing in CdTе layers fabricated by different methods. The output parameters and light diode characteristics of the SCs are investigated, and the possibility of applying Freon annealing in the commercial production technology of thin-film CdS/CdTе SCs with base layers formed by thermal vacuum evaporation is analyzed.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(1):89-95
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Simulation of the Parameters of a Titanium-Tritide-Based Beta-Voltaic Cell

Svintsov A., Yakimov E., Dorokhin M., Demina P., Kuznetsov Y.


The simulation of β-voltaic power cells consisting of a combined β-source and a converter was performed. The TiT2 compound containing the radioactive tritium isotope was selected as the source. As the converter, structures based on semiconductor materials, most commonly used in developing power cells, i.e., Si, SiC, GaAs, were considered. Using the Monte Carlo method, the main source parameters were calculated, in particular, the maximum achievable short-circuit current was estimated.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(1):96-98
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Current Noise and Efficiency Droop of Light-Emitting Diodes in Defect-Assisted Carrier Tunneling from an InGaN/GaN Quantum Well

Bochkareva N., Ivanov A., Klochkov A., Shreter Y.


The current dependences of the spectral noise density and quantum efficiency in green and blue light-emitting diodes with InGaN/GaN quantum wells (QWs) are measured. It is shown that the noise level greatly increases at high currents at which there is a quantum efficiency droop. The mechanism by which the current noise is formed is associated with hopping transport via the deep states of color centers in GaN across the n barrier of an InGaN/GaN QW. The source of the noise is the hopping resistance of the space-charge region, which limits the current of thermally activated electrons into the QW. The efficiency droop and the increase in noise level are attributed to a change in the electric-field direction near the QW at high injection levels and to an increase in the tunneling leakage of holes from the QW. It is shown that the experimental frequency-related noise spectra having the shape of a Lorentzian spectrum at the working currents are related to the frequency of hopping between deep centers near the InGaN/GaN QW and to Maxwell relaxation in the space-charge region.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(1):99-105
pages 99-105 views

Differential Equations for Reconstructing the Derived Anhysteretic Nonlinear I–V Characteristics of a Semiconductor Structure

Kuzmichev N., Vasyutin M.


A sequence of inhomogeneous differential equations for reconstructing the derivative of the nonlinear current–voltage characteristic is studied. The right-hand side of these equations is the experimentally determined dependence of the first-harmonic voltage on direct current. Such voltage arises, e.g., at the output of a nonlinear semiconductor structure simultaneously exposed to alternating and direct current. Based on numerical solutions of differential equations, the developed technique is applied to reconstruct the derivative of the current–voltage characteristic of two antiparallel connected pn junctions.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(1):106-109
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Effect of the Electric Mode and γ Irradiation on Surface-Defect Formation at the Si–SiO2 Interface in a MOS Transistor

Kulikov N., Popov V.


The results of experimental investigation into surface-defect formation under the effect of gamma-radiation with a dose rate P = 0.1 rad(Si)/s on MOS (metal-oxide-semiconductor) transistors with the n-type channel in the passive and active modes are presented. Two stages of surface-defect formation are observed. A qualitative model is proposed to explain the effect of the the drain transistor voltage on the defect formation process.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(1):110-113
pages 110-113 views

Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures

Photoanodization of n-Si in the Presence of Hydrogen Peroxide: Voltage Dependence

Li G., Astrova E., Lihachev A.


The fundamental aspects of the electrochemical etching of lightly doped n-Si under backside illumination conditions are studied in a solution with a low HF concentration and a high concentration of hydrogen peroxide. The data obtained are compared with those for a control electrolyte containing no H2O2. The morphology of the self-organized macropores, their growth rate, porosity, effective valence, and the amount of dissolved silicon are examined in relation to the applied voltage. The anodization kinetics at low and high bias voltages is analyzed. It is found that, under the same illumination, the initial photocurrent in the peroxide electrolyte is approximately twice lower than in the aqueous electrolyte, which makes it possible to state that the quantum efficiency of the photocurrent is lower. As, however, the etching duration is made longer, the current in the peroxide electrolyte strongly increases to become higher than that in the control electrolyte based on H2O. It is found that, in the presence of H2O2, the depthwise growth rate of the macropores increases by more than a factor of 2, and the porosity decreases. The vertical macropore channels have a diameter smaller than that for macropores formed in the aqueous electrolyte and their walls are poorly passivated, which causes branching and the formation of secondary mesopores, the number of which grows with increasing voltage. The effective valence of silicon dissolution in the presence of H2O2 decreases to less than 2. The results are interpreted in terms of the Gerischer and Kolasinski models.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(1):114-126
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Deposition of Silicon Films Doped with Boron and Phosphorus by the Gas-Jet Plasma-Chemical Method

Shchukin V., Sharafutdinov R., Konstantinov V.


Doped silicon films are fabricated using diborane and phosphine as doping gases by gas-jet plasma-chemical deposition with the application of an electron beam. The influence of the dopant-gas concentration, the addition of a fluorine-containing gas, and the background pressure on the conductivity and crystalline structure of silicon layers is investigated. Boron-doped amorphous films (a-Si:H) with a conductivity up to 5.2 × 10–3 (Ω cm)–1 are fabricated; when doping with phosphorus, microcrystalline silicon films (mc-Si:H) with a crystallinity up to 70% and conductivity at a level of 1 (Ω cm)–1 are fabricated.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(1):127-131
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Ellipsometric Method for Measuring the CdTe Buffer-Layer Temperature in the Molecular-Beam Epitaxy of CdHgTe

Shvets V., Azarov I., Marin D., Yakushev M., Rykhlitsky S.


An ellipsometric procedure developed for noncontact in situ measurement of the CdTe buffer-layer temperature is presented. The procedure is based on the temperature dependence of the energy position of CdTe critical points and is intended for determining the initial temperature of the growth surface before epitaxy of the cadmium–mercury–telluride compound. An express method for determining the position of critical points by the spectra of ellipsometric parameter Ψ is proposed. A series of calibrated experiments is performed. They result in determination of the temperature dependences of the position of critical points. Estimations and the experiment show that the temperature-measurement accuracy is ±3°C.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(1):132-137
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