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Volume 52, Nº 10 (2018)

Electronic Properties of Semiconductors

Superionic Conductivity of (TlGaSe2)1 – x(TlInS2)x Solid Solutions

Sardarli R., Abdullayev A., Aliyeva N., Salmanov F., Yusifov M., Orudjeva A.


Samples of (TlGaSe2)1 – x(TlInS2)x solid solutions are synthesized. The frequency dependences (2 × 101–106 Hz) of components of the total complex impedance are studied by the impedance spectroscopy technique and relaxation processes are investigated depending on the composition of the (TlGaSe2)1 – x(TlInS2)x solid solution in the solubility region (x = 0–0.4). Corresponding diagrams on the (Z''–Z') complex plane are analyzed using the equivalent substitutional circuit method. An anomaly in the temperature dependence of the electrical conductivity, which manifests itself in an abrupt increase in the conductivity, is found for the studied (TlGaSe2)1 – x(TlInS2)x solid solution at 400 K. This peculiarity is associated with the phase transition into the superionic state.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(10):1229-1232
pages 1229-1232 views

Spectroscopy, Interaction with Radiation

Formation of Luminescence Spectra and Emission Intensity in the UV and Visible Spectral Regions for n-ZnO/p-GaN and n-ZnO/p-ZnO Structures when Depositing ZnO Films by High-Frequency Magnetron Sputtering

Mezdrogina M., Vinogradov A., Kozhanova Y.


The emission spectra of structures based on ZnO films deposited by high-frequency magnetron sputtering are studied. Clearly pronounced emission lines associated with the recombination of free (λ = 363 nm) and bound excitons (λ = 377, 390, 410 nm) are observed in the PL (photoluminescence) spectra (T = 300 K) of n-ZnO/p-GaN:Mg structures, and no substantial emission is observed in the impurity PL region λ = 450–600 nm. Only emission lines characteristic of n-ZnO (λ = 374 nm) are observed in the EL (electroluminescence) spectra of n-ZnO/p-ZnO structures (T = 300 K).

Semiconductors. 2018;52(10):1233-1237
pages 1233-1237 views

Luminescence and Stimulated Emission of Polycrystalline Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Films Deposited by Magnetron-Assisted Sputtering

Svitsiankou I., Pavlovskii V., Lutsenko E., Yablonskii G., Shiripov V., Khokhlov E., Mudryi A., Zhivulko V., Borodavchenko O., Yakushev M.


The stimulated emission of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 alloy thin films formed by magnetron-assisted sputtering onto a sodium-fluoride layer deposited onto a molybdenum layer on a glass substrate is observed. The structural and optical parameters of the films are determined by scanning electron microscopy, local X-ray spectral microanalysis, X-ray structural analysis, and low-temperature luminescence (T = 10 K) measurements in the range of excitation levels of 1.6–75 kW cm–2 provided by nanosecond nitrogen-laser pulses. The stimulated emission threshold corresponds to ~25 kW cm–2. Comparative analysis of the emission of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 thin films suggests that the introduction of sodium results in significant improvement of the structural quality, specifically, in a decrease in the density of energy states in the band tails and in a decrease in the concentration of nonradiative-recombination centers.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(10):1238-1243
pages 1238-1243 views

Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena

Recombination in GaAs pin Structures with InGaAs Quantum-Confined Objects: Modeling and Regularities

Mintairov M., Evstropov V., Mintairov S., Salii R., Shvarts M., Kalyuzhnyy N.


Photovoltaic structures on the basis of GaAs pin junctions with a different number of In0.4Ga0.6As layers in the space-charge region forming quantum-confined objects are experimentally and theoretically investigated. For all structures, the dependences of the open-circuit voltage on the solar-irradiation concentration are analyzed. It is shown that the implantation of quantum objects leads to the dominance of recombination in them over recombination in the matrix, which manifests itself in a drop in the open-circuit-voltage. An increase in the number of In0.4Ga0.6As layers leads to a proportional increase in the recombination rate, which is expressed in a proportional increase in the “saturation” current and corresponds to the model proposed in the study.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(10):1244-1248
pages 1244-1248 views

Multilayer Quantum Well–Dot InGaAs Heterostructures in GaAs-based Photovoltaic Converters

Mintairov S., Kalyuzhnyy N., Nadtochiy A., Maximov M., Nevedomskiy V., Sokura L., Rouvimov S., Shvarts M., Zhukov A.


GaAs photovoltaic converters containing quantum well-dot (QWD) heterostructures are studied. The QWD properties are intermediate between those of quantum wells (QWs) and quantum dots. The QWDs are obtained by the epitaxial deposition of In0.4Ga0.6As with a nominal thickness of 8 single layers by metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy. QWDs are a dense array of elastically strained islands that localize carriers in three directions and are formed by a local increase in the indium concentration and/ or InGaAs-layer thickness. There are two quantum-well levels of varied nature in structures with QWDs. These levels are manifested in the spectral characteristics of GaAs photovoltaic converters. A short-wavelength peak with a maximum at around 935 nm is associated with absorption in the residual QW, and the long-wavelength peak (1015–1030 nm) is due to absorption in the QWDs. Investigation by transmission electron microscopy demonstrates that an increase in the number of InGaAs layers leads to stronger elastic stresses, which, in turn, increases the carrier confinement energy in the QWDs and lead to a corresponding long-wavelength shift of the internal quantum efficiency spectrum.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(10):1249-1254
pages 1249-1254 views

Amorphous, Vitreous, and Organic Semiconductors

Effect of the Temporal Characteristics of Modulated DC Plasma with the (SiH4–Ar–O2) Gas Phase on ncl-Si Growth in an a-SiOx:H matrix (\({{C}_{{{{{\text{O}}}_{{\text{2}}}}}}}\) = 15.5 mol %)

Undalov Y., Terukov E., Trapeznikova I.


The effect of various operating conditions of time-modulated DC (direct current) plasma on the formation of an amorphous a-SiOx:H matrix and silicon nanoclusters is studied using IR (infrared) and photoluminescence spectra. DC-plasma modulation consists in repeated (n = 180) switching off and on of the magnetron magnet coil with various time combinations, toff = 1, 2, 5, 10, 15 s and ton = 5, 10, 15 s, respectively, at a fixed oxygen concentration (\({{C}_{{{{{\text{O}}}_{{\text{2}}}}}}}\) = 15.5 mol %) in a (SiH4 + Ar + О2) gas mixture. The positive effect of self-induction on the formation of both the amorphous matrix and silicon nanoclusters is confirmed. The largest values of x in a-SiOx:H and photoluminescence intensity are observed in the case of the combination of prolonged plasma residence in the working state (ton = 10–15 s) and the maximum magnetic-field strength. The effect of toff on the processes of the formation of both the a-SiOx:H matrix and silicon nanoclusters is also noted.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(10):1255-1263
pages 1255-1263 views

Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors

Simulation of Electron and Hole States in Si Nanocrystals in a SiO2 Matrix: Choice of Parameters of the Empirical Tight-Binding Method

Belolipetskiy A., Nestoklon M., Yassievich I.


The problem of the optimal choice of parameters of the empirical tight-binding method to simulate the quantum-confined levels of Si nanocrystals embedded into an amorphous SiO2 matrix is studied. To account for tunneling from nanocrystals to SiO2, the amorphous matrix is considered as a virtual crystal with a band structure similar to that of SiO2 β-cristobalite and with a lattice constant matched to the lattice constant of bulk Si. The electron density distributions in k space for electrons and holes quantum-confined in a Si nanocrystal in SiO2 are calculated in a wide energy region, which provides a means to see clearly the possibility of the existence of efficient direct optical transitions for hot electrons at the upper quantum-confined levels.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(10):1264-1268
pages 1264-1268 views

Physics of Semiconductor Devices

Impact of the Periphery Electrostatic Field on the Photovoltaic Effect in Metal–Semiconductor Contacts with a Schottky Barrier

Torkhov N.


Studies of an electrostatic system of flat metal–semiconductor contacts with a Schottky barrier reveals a nontrivial dependence of their current and voltage photosensitivity (the photovoltaic effect) on the contact shape. The specific features of using the photovoltaic effect in such contacts are determined, to a great extent, by the built-in periphery electrostatic field with an absolute value that depends on the contact perimeter and area. Thus, to increase the efficiency of light-to-electrical energy conversion by Schottky contacts, it is necessary to use optimization techniques based on the concepts of the proposed physical model of an electrostatic system of flat Schottky contacts with regard to periphery electrostatic fields. The “hot electron resonance” effect, which enhances the external quantum efficiency of photodiodes with a Schottky barrier, can be explained by enhancement of the field emission of electrons by the periphery electrostatic field.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(10):1269-1292
pages 1269-1292 views

Luminescence Spectra of High-Power Violet and Ultraviolet Gallium Nitride-Based LEDs

Volkov V., Kogan L., Turkin A., Yunovich A.


The electroluminescence spectra of high-power light-emitting diodes (LEDs) based on pn heterostructures of the InGaN/AlGaN/GaN type emitting in the visible short-wavelength and ultraviolet spectral regions (the range from 370 to 460 nm) are investigated. The shape of spectra is described by a model taking into account a two-dimensional combined density of states and potential fluctuations. Additional long-wavelength peaks are found in emission spectra. The emission power of ultraviolet and violet LEDs reaches 233 mW at a current of 350 mA, and the external quantum yield reaches 23% at the maximum (near a current of 100 mA).

Semiconductors. 2018;52(10):1293-1297
pages 1293-1297 views

Analysis of the Features of Hot-Carrier Degradation in FinFETs

Makarov A., Tyaginov S., Kaczer B., Jech M., Chasin A., Grill A., Hellings G., Vexler M., Linten D., Grasser T.


For the first time, hot-carrier degradation (HCD) is simulated in non-planar field-effect transistors with a fin-shaped channel (FinFETs). For this purpose, a physical model considering single-carrier and multiple-carrier silicon–hydrogen bond breaking processes and their superpositions is used. To calculate the bond-dissociation rate, carrier energy distribution functions are used, which are determined by solving the Boltzmann transport equation. A HCD analysis shows that degradation is localized in the channel region adjacent to the transistor drain in the top channel-wall region. Good agreement between the experimental and calculated degradation characteristics is achieved with the same model parameters which were used for HCD reproduction in planar short-channel transistors and high-power semiconductor devices.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(10):1298-1302
pages 1298-1302 views

Determining the Hydrogen Concentration from the Photovoltage of Pd–Oxide–InP MIS Structures

Grebenshchikova E., Salikhov K., Sidorov V., Shutaev V., Yakovlev Y.


The photovoltage of a metal–insulator–semiconductor structure (Pd–anodic oxide–InP) is studied in relation to the hydrogen concentration in the range 0.1–100 vol % in a nitrogen–hydrogen gas mixture. It is shown that, under simultaneous exposure of the structure to light and hydrogen, the photovoltage decay rate and the hydrogen concentration are exponentially related to each other: NH = aexp(bS). Here, NH is the hydrogen concentration (vol %) in the nitrogen–hydrogen mixture. S = dU/dt|t = 0 is the rate at which the signal U changes in the initial portion of the photovoltage decay, beginning from the instant at which the structure is brought into contact with the gas mixture. a and b are constants dependent on the thicknesses of the palladium layer and anodic oxide film on InP.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(10):1303-1306
pages 1303-1306 views

Effect of Low-Dose Proton Irradiation on the Electrical Characteristics of 4H-SiC Junction Diodes

Ivanov P., Potapov A., Kudoyarov M., Samsonova T.


The effect of low-dose proton irradiation (irradiation dose 1010–1.8 × 1011 cm–2) on the capacitance–voltage, forward current–voltage, and reverse-recovery characteristics of 4H-SiC pno junction diodes is studied. Irradiation is performed with 1.8-MeV protons through a 10-μm-thick Ni-film (the proton energy and Ni-film thickness were chosen so that the projected proton range in silicon carbide is approximately equal to the pno junction depth). It is shown that proton irradiation in the above doses (i) does not change the concentration of majority carriers, (ii) leads to a dramatic decrease in the lifetime of nonequilibrium carriers (at a low injection level) (by several tens of times at the highest irradiation dose), and (iii) decreases the reverse-recovery charge at a high injection level (by up to a factor of 3 at the highest irradiation dose).

Semiconductors. 2018;52(10):1307-1310
pages 1307-1310 views

Effect of Epitaxial-Structure Design and Growth Parameters on the Characteristics of Metamorphic Lasers of the 1.46-μm Optical Range Based on Quantum Dots Grown on GaAs Substrates

Maximov M., Nadtochiy A., Shernyakov Y., Payusov A., Vasil’ev A., Ustinov V., Serin A., Gordeev N., Zhukov A.


The characteristics of lasers of the 1.44–1.46-μm optical range grown on GaAs substrates using a metamorphic buffer are studied. The active region of the laser contains 10 rows of InAs/In0.4Ga0.6As/In0.2Ga0.8As quantum dots. It is shown that the use of special selective high-temperature annealing along with the application of short-period In0.2Ga0.8As/In0.2Al0.3Ga0.5As short-period superlattices makes it possible to substantially decrease the density of threading dislocations in the active region. A threshold current density of 1300 A cm–2, external differential quantum efficiency of 38%, and maximal pulsed-mode output power of 13 W are attained for a laser with a broad area 3 mm in length.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(10):1311-1316
pages 1311-1316 views

Specific Features of the IR Reflectance and Raman Spectra of Sb2Te3 – xSex Crystals

Nemov S., Andreeva V., Ulashkevich Y., Povolotsky A., Allahkhah A.


A comprehensive study (X-ray phase analysis, Raman spectroscopy, and IR reflectance measurements) of p-Sb2Te3 – xSex (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.10) crystals synthesized by the Czochralski method is carried out. The X-ray phase data and Raman spectra show that all of the alloy samples under study are rhombohedral crystals in structure, with unit-cell parameters close to those of Sb2Te3 crystals. At the same time, the formation of regions with different degrees of the replacement of Te atoms with Se atoms is observed. The reflectance spectra of the crystals, R(ν), have a characteristic minimum at about 1000 cm–1. The minimum is attributed to hole plasma vibrations. The plasma minimum systematically shifts to higher frequencies, as the Se content is increased. Calculation of the reflectance spectra in the context of the Drude–Lorentz model satisfactorily describes the experimental data; in this case, it is necessary to take into account also the contribution of optical crystal-lattice vibrations to spectra in the low-frequency region. The calculation makes it possible to determine the optical parameters of the crystals and to estimate the hole effective mass and the optical conductivity.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(10):1317-1322
pages 1317-1322 views

Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures

On the Growth of FeIn2S2Se2 Single Crystals and the Study of their Properties

Bodnar I., Detkov S., Kasyuk Y., Fedotova Y.


FeIn2S2Se2 single crystals are grown for the first time by the Bridgman method, and their composition and properties are determined. It is found that the single crystals are hexagonal in structure. The arrangement of Fe ions in the structure of the FeIn2S2Se2 crystals is studied by nuclear γ-resonance spectroscopy. From the transmittance spectra in the region of the fundamental absorption edge, the band gap of the single crystals grown in the study is determined.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(10):1323-1326
pages 1323-1326 views

Influence of the Synthesis Conditions and Tin Nanoparticles on the Structure and Properties of a-C:H〈Sn〉 Composite Thin Films

Ryaguzov A., Nemkayeva R., Guseinov N.


The results of studies of the structure and properties of composite materials based on amorphous carbon (a-C:H) films and tin nanoparticles are reported. The composite films are synthesized by the magnetron-assisted ion-plasma sputtering of a combined target in a 92%Ar : 4%CH4 : 4%H2 gas mixture. The dependence of the local structure of the a-C:H〈Sn〉 films on the conditions of synthesis and the content of Sn nanoparticles is clarified by means of Raman spectroscopy. The dependence of the photoluminescence intensity and the optical band gap of a-C:H〈Sn〉 films on the Sn content is shown.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(10):1327-1333
pages 1327-1333 views

Copper(I) Selenide Thin Films: Composition, Morphology, Structure, and Optical Properties

Maskaeva L., Fedorova E., Markov V., Kuznetsov M., Lipina O., Pozdin A.


The systematized results of studies of the composition, morphology, structure, optical properties, and conductivity of hydrochemically deposited copper(I) selenide thin films (Cu1.8Se) with the thickness of 390–400 nm are reported. The studies are carried out using scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive analysis, X-ray diffraction analysis, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The hole conductivity of the layers is established by the thermopower technique. The optical band gap determined from the results of studies of optical absorbance and diffuse reflection spectra of the films at 298 K is 2.5 and 1.84 eV for direct and indirect optical transitions, respectively.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(10):1334-1340
pages 1334-1340 views

Positive Charge in SOS Heterostructures with Interlayer Silicon Oxide

Popov V., Antonov V., Vdovin V.


The continuous transfer of (001)Si layers 0.2–1.7 μm thick by implanted hydrogen to the c-sapphire surface during direct bonding at high temperatures of 300–500°C is demonstrated for the first time. The formation of an intermediate silicon-oxide layer SiOx during subsequent heat treatments at 800–1100°C, whose increase in thickness (up to 3 nm) correlates with an increase in the positive charge Qi at the heterointerface to ~1.5 × 1012 cm–2 in contrast to the negative charge at the SiOx/Al2O3 ALD heterointerface. During silicon-layer transfer to sapphire with a thermal silicon-dioxide layer, Qi decreases by more than an order of magnitude to 5 × 1010 cm–2 with an increase in the SiO2 thickness from 50 to 400 nm, while the electron and hole mobilities barely differ from the values in bulk silicon. Based on these results, a qualitative model of the formation of positively charged oxygen vacancies in a 5-nm sapphire layer near the bonding interface is proposed.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(10):1341-1348
pages 1341-1348 views

Study of the Effective Refractive Index Profile in Self-Assembling Nanostructured ITO Films

Markov L., Pavluchenko A., Smirnova I., Pavlov S.


The optical characteristics and structural features of self-assembling nanostructured indium–tin oxide (ITO) films deposited onto substrates heated above 400°C are studied. Estimations of the distribution profiles of the material and effective refractive index in the films under study are obtained by computer simulation of a medium having spectral dependences of light transmission and reflection coefficients closest to those observed in the experiment. These results are in good agreement with scanning electron microscopy data for these films and make it possible to not only confirm the gradient character of such coatings but also restore some of its features. The further overgrowth of voids in self-assembling nanostructured films by means of the deposition of an additional material amount by magnetron sputtering at room temperature leads to a variation in the effective refractive index profile in them. Thus, it is possible to form transparent conductive films with an efficient refractive index profile adjusted for specific tasks. Adjustment of the refractive index profile in self-assembled ITO films acquires a special value for designing coatings with specified properties by virtue of a limited set of transparent conductive materials.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(10):1349-1356
pages 1349-1356 views

Selective Epitaxial Growth of III–N Structures Using Ion-Beam Nanolithography

Lundin W., Tsatsulnikov A., Rodin S., Sakharov A., Usov S., Mitrofanov M., Levitskii I., Evtikhiev V.


The selective epitaxial growth of GaN by metalorganic vapor-phase epitaxy combined with ion-beam etching is investigated. To this end, partially masked GaN epitaxial layers are fabricated by depositing a thin Si3N4 layer onto the surface in a single technological process with the growth of GaN and the subsequent opening of windows of different shapes in this layer by an ion beam. Selective epitaxial growth regimes are studied. It is shown that, in a situation where the total area of the windows in the mask is small relative to the total area of the sample, the required epitaxy duration should be 5–10 s, which impairs the reproducibility of the parameters of the epitaxial process. It is also shown that the mechanism of the selective growth of submicrometer objects differs significantly from that for planar layers and selectively grown layers with dimensions of ~1 μm or greater. The effect of precursor (trimethylgallium and ammonia) fluxes on the character of selective epitaxy is examined. To investigate the possibilities of varying mask topology for fabricating model objects with regard to photonic crystals, the impact of the shape and orientation of the windows in the Si3N4 mask on the character of selective epitaxy is studied.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(10):1357-1362
pages 1357-1362 views

Nanostructure Growth in the Ga(In)AsP–GaAs System under Quasi-Equilibrium Conditions

Karlina L., Vlasov A., Soshnikov I., Smirnova I., Ber B., Smirnov A.


The formation of nanostructures on the surface of GaAs under quasi-equilibrium conditions in a quasi-closed volume from saturated phosphor and indium vapors in the presence of a Au catalyst with growth according to the “vapor–liquid–crystal” mechanism is considered for the first time. The influence of the growth temperature and size of Au drops on the morphology and composition of the fabricated nanostructures is studied. Experimental data on the formation of Ga(In)AsP nanocrystals on GaAs substrates with various orientations are presented. It is established that the temperature growth range of the nanostructures when using this method is 540–640°C with a drop size from 30 to 120 nm. It is shown that the size of the catalyst drops substantially affects the morphology and growth rate of the fabricated nanostructures while their composition weakly depends on both the drop size and the substrate orientation.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(10):1363-1368
pages 1363-1368 views

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