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Volume 52, Nº 2 (2018)

Nonelectronic Properties of Semiconductors (Atomic Structure, Diffusion)

Use of the Atomic Structure of Silicon Crystals to Obtain Multi-Tip Field-Emission Sources of Electrons

Yafarov R.


The field-emission properties of field electron sources produced using the atomic structure of silicon crystals, the heterophase vacuum-plasma self-organization of island carbon coatings, and highly anisotropic plasma-chemical etching under weak-adsorption conditions are studied. A correlation between the morphological and field-emission characteristics of field cathode microstructures on silicon crystals with various conductivity types is ascertained. The results of experimental studies are interpreted using the Fowler–Nordheim theory in conjunction with changes in the compositions of the surface phases formed in fabricating emitting silicon projections.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(2):137-142
pages 137-142 views

Electronic Properties of Semiconductors

Conductivity of Ga2O3–GaAs Heterojunctions

Kalygina V., Remizova I., Tolbanov O.


The effect of annealing in argon at temperatures of Tan = 700–900°C on the IV characteristics of metal–Ga2O3–GaAs structures is investigated. Samples are prepared by the thermal deposition of Ga2O3 powder onto GaAs wafers with a donor concentration of Nd = 2 × 1016 cm–3. To measure theIV characteristics, V/Ni metal electrodes are deposited: the upper electrode (gate) is formed on the Ga2O3 film through masks with an area of Sk = 1.04 × 10–2 cm2 and the lower electrode in the form of a continuous metallic film is deposited onto GaAs. After annealing in argon at Tan ≥ 700°C, the Ga2O3-n-GaAs structures acquire the properties of isotype n-heterojunctions. It is demonstrated that the conductivity of the structures at positive gate potentials is determined by the thermionic emission from GaAs to Ga2O3. Under negative biases, current growth with an increase in the voltage and temperature is caused by field-assisted thermal emission in gallium arsenide. In the range of high electric fields, electron phonon-assisted tunneling through the top of the potential barrier is dominant. High-temperature annealing does not change the electron density in the oxide film, but affects the energy density of surface states at the GaAs–Ga2O3 interface.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(2):143-149
pages 143-149 views

Frequency Dependence of the Conductivity of Disordered Semiconductors in the Region of the Transition to the Fixed-Range Hopping Regime

Ormont M., Zvyagin I.


The effect of hybridization of electron states on the high-frequency conductivity of disordered semiconductors is studied. It is shown that the dependence of the pre-exponential factor of the resonance integral on the intercenter separation in a pair determines the abruptness of the change in conductivity mechanisms near the transition of the frequency dependence of the real part of the conductivity σ1(ω) from sublinear to quadratic. The abruptness of the change of the conductivity regimes is associated with a rapid decrease in hopping distance with increasing frequency near the transition, which leads to a substantial relative decrease in the contribution from the phononless conductivity component in the variable-range hopping regime with increasing frequency and transition to the fixed-range hopping conductivity regime.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(2):150-155
pages 150-155 views

Dielectric Properties and Conductivity of Ag-Doped TlGaS2 Single Crystals

Mustafaeva S., Asadov S., Kerimova E.


The effect of silver ions (2 mol %) on the dielectric properties and electrical conductivity of TlGaS2 single crystals grown by the Bridgman–Stockbarger method is investigated. The experimental results of studying the frequency dispersion of the dielectric coefficients of TlGaS2 single crystals (2 mol % Ag) makes it possible to establish the nature of dielectric losses and the charge-transfer mechanism, to evaluate the density of states near the Fermi level, the spread of states, the average hopping time and length, and the concentration of deep traps responsible for ac conductivity. The Ag doping of the TlGaS2 single crystals results in an increase in the density of states near the Fermi level and in a decrease in the average hopping time and length.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(2):156-159
pages 156-159 views

Electrically Active States of Charge Capture and Transfer Causing Slow Recombination in Thallium-Bromide Crystals at Low Temperatures

Kažukauskas V., Garbačauskas R., Savicki S.


TlBr single crystals grown by the Bridgman–Stockbarger method are studied. It is established that frozen-conductivity effects manifest themselves under interband excitation by light at temperatures below 200 K. Herewith, clearly pronounced superlinear dependences of the induced photoconductivity on the strength of the applied electric field manifest themselves. The results of studying thermally stimulated conductivity evidence that these phenomena can be associated with the filling of trap states with thermal activation energies of 0.08–0.12 eV. This state can be removed due to thermal quenching at temperatures of ≳180 K because of the emptying of energy states with an activation energy of 0.63–0.65 eV filled after optical generation.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(2):160-164
pages 160-164 views

Effect of Dislocation-related Deep Levels in Heteroepitaxial InGaAs/GaAs and GaAsSb/GaAs pin Structures on the Relaxation time of Nonequilibrium Carriers

Sobolev M., Soldatenkov F.


The results of an experimental study of the capacitance–voltage (CV) characteristics and deep-level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) spectra of p+p0in0 homostructures based on undoped dislocationfree GaAs layers and InGaAs/GaAs and GaAsSb/GaAs heterostructures with homogeneous networks of misfit dislocations, all grown by liquid-phase epitaxy (LPE), are presented. Deep-level acceptor defects identified as HL2 and HL5 are found in the epitaxial p0 and n0 layers of the GaAs-based structure. The electron and hole dislocation-related deep levels, designated as, respectively, ED1 and HD3, are detected in InGaAs/GaAs and GaAsSb/GaAs heterostructures. The following hole trap parameters: thermal activation energies (Et), capture cross sections (σp), and concentrations (Nt) are calculated from the Arrhenius dependences to be Et = 845 meV, σp = 1.33 × 10–12 cm2, Nt = 3.80 × 1014 cm–3 for InGaAs/GaAs and Et = 848 meV, σp = 2.73 × 10–12 cm2, Nt = 2.40 × 1014 cm–3 for GaAsSb/GaAs heterostructures. The concentration relaxation times of nonequilibrium carriers are estimated for the case in which dislocation-related deep acceptor traps are involved in this process. These are 2 × 10–10 s and 1.5 × 10–10 s for, respectively, the InGaAs/GaAs and GaAsSb/GaAs heterostructures and 1.6 × 10–6 s for the GaAs homostructures.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(2):165-171
pages 165-171 views

Spectroscopy, Interaction with Radiation

Investigation of the Far-IR Reflection Spectra of SmS Single Crystals and Polycrystals in the Homogeneity Range

Ulashkevich Y., Kaminskiy V., Romanova M., Sharenkova N.


The far- and mid-IR reflection spectra of Sm1 + xS (x = 0–0.17) samples are recorded and analyzed, as well as their electrical and structural parameters at a temperature of T = 300 K. The bond ionicity in SmS is shown to fall with a decrease in the area of the X-ray coherent scattering region and an increase in the concentration of donor impurities and, consequently, conduction electron concentration. The electrical conductivity of stoichiometric SmS single crystals and polycrystals can be determined with an error of 10% from the IR reflection spectra. Due to the low structural quality of the samples, the electrical conductivity cannot be determined in the case of deviation from stoichiometry.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(2):172-176
pages 172-176 views

Effect of Heat and Plasma Treatments on the Photoluminescence of Zinc-Oxide Films

Abdullin K., Gritsenko L., Kumekov S., Markhabaeva A., Terukov E.


The structure and electrical properties of ZnO films and the effect of annealing in a hydrogen-plasma atmosphere on the photoluminescence spectra of the films are studied. Short-term plasma treatment in a hydrogen atmosphere improves the electrical properties and brings about the appearance of an intense near-band-edge photoluminescence band. The heavy dependence of the intensity and spectral shape of nearband- edge photoluminescence on the conditions of preliminary annealing is observed. It is shown that the photoluminescence spectrum consists of several contributions. The effect of an ultraviolet-radiation-induced increase in the photoluminescence intensity is observed. The effect is reversible: the photoluminescence signal is intensified after exposure to ultraviolet radiation and reduced to the initial intensity upon keeping the samples in the dark. The nature of experimentally observed metastable shallow donors is discussed.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(2):177-183
pages 177-183 views

Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films

Oxygen Nitrogen Mixture Effect on Aluminum Nitride Synthesis by Reactive Ion Plasma Deposition

Lubyanskiy Y., Bondarev A., Soshnikov I., Bert N., Zolotarev V., Kirilenko D., Kotlyar K., Pikhtin N., Tarasov I.


In the work we investigate synthesis of aluminum nitride films using reactive ion plasma deposition in oxygen/nitrogen gas mixture for application as optical elements for power semiconductor lasers. The experimental refractive index of synthesized AlNO films is dependent on oxygen composition and is decreasing in diapason from 1.76 to 2.035 at elevation of the oxygen fraction.It is shown that the AlN films synthesized by pure nitrogen plasma are polycrystalline and textured. The oxygen presence in discharging gas results to growth of amorphous phase of the AlNO film.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(2):184-188
pages 184-188 views

Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena

Electron Transport in PHEMT AlGaAs/InGaAs/GaAs Quantum Wells at Different Temperatures: Influence of One-Side δ-Si Doping

Safonov D., Vinichenko A., Kargin N., Vasil’evskii I.


The influence of the concentration of δ doping with Si on the electron transport properties of Al0.25Ga0.75As/In0.2Ga0.8As/GaAs pseudomorphic quantum wells is studied in a broad temperature range of 4.2–300 K. A decrease in the doping efficiency at an electron concentration of >1.8 × 1012 cm–2 is found. This is caused by the effects of incomplete impurity ionization, which is also reflected on the temperature dependence of the electron concentration. A nonmonotonic variation in the electron mobility with increasing donor concentration, which is not associated with filling of the upper subband of size quantization, is observed. An increase in the mobility is associated with a rise in the Fermi momentum and screening, while its subsequent drop with increasing Si concentration is caused by the tunnel degradation of the spacer layer with a decrease in the conduction-band potential in the region of the δ-Si layer.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(2):189-194
pages 189-194 views

Intraband Radiation Absorption by Holes in InAsSb/AlSb and InGaAsP/InP Quantum Wells

Pavlov N., Zegrya G., Zegrya A., Bugrov V.


Microscopic analysis of intraband radiation absorption by holes with their transition to the spin-split band for InAsSb/AlSb and InGaAsP/InP semiconductor quantum wells is performed in the context of the four-band Kane model. The calculation is performed for two incident-radiation polarizations: along the crystal-growth axis and in the quantum-well plane. It is demonstrated that absorption with transition to the discrete spectrum of spin-split holes has a higher intensity than absorption with transitions to the continuous spectrum. The dependences of the intraband absorption coefficient on temperature, hole density, and quantum- well width are thoroughly analyzed. It is shown that intraband radiation absorption can be the main mechanism of internal radiation losses in lasers based on quantum wells.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(2):195-208
pages 195-208 views

Amorphous, Vitreous, Porous, Organic, and Microcrystalline Semiconductors; Semiconductor Composites

Optical Properties of Tellurium-Based Chalcogenide Alloys in the Far Infrared Region (λ > 30 μm)

Ryzhov V., Melekh B.


Ternary telluride alloys of Ge–Se(Sb)–Te and Si–Ge(Ga)–Te systems are synthesized in glassy and crystalline states for use in the terahertz frequency range. The transmission spectra of the obtained alloys are measured and studied in a wide wavelength range from 0.75 to 300 μm. The possible mechanisms of their formation are discussed. A comparative analysis of the results shows that the Ge14Sb28Te56 alloy of the GST system is most promising. Its phonon spectrum is in the range of 40–280 cm–1, limiting the long-wavelength transmission window of this alloy by 35 μm. Optimization of the Ge14Sb28Te56 composition, the removal of impurities, and heat treatment will promote a further decrease in the absorbance in the far-infrared spectrum of this alloy.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(2):209-214
pages 209-214 views

Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors

Microstructure and Raman Scattering of Cu2ZnSnSe4 Thin Films Deposited onto Flexible Metal Substrates

Stanchik A., Gremenok V., Bashkirov S., Tivanov M., Juškénas R., Novikov G., Giraitis R., Saad A.


Cu2ZnSnSe4 thin films are produced by selenizing electrochemically layer-by-layer deposited and preliminarily annealed Cu–Zn–Sn precursors. For flexible metal substrates, Mo and Ta foils are used. The morphology, elemental and phase compositions, and crystal structure of Cu2ZnSnSe4 films are studied by scanning electron microscopy, X-ray spectral microanalysis, X-ray phase analysis, and Raman spectroscopy.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(2):215-220
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Change in the Character of Biaxial Stresses with an Increase in x from 0 to 0.7 in AlxGa1 – xN:Si Layers Obtained by Ammonia Molecular Beam Epitaxy

Ratnikov V., Sheglov M., Ber B., Kazantsev D., Osinnykh I., Malin T., Zhuravlev K.


The deformation mode and defect structure of AlxGa1 – xN:Si epitaxial layers (x = 0–0.7) grown by molecular beam epitaxy and doped with Si under a constant silane flux are studied by X-ray diffractometry. The concentration of Si atoms in the layers measured by secondary ion mass spectrometry is (4.0–8.0) × 1019 cm–3. It is found that the lateral residual stresses are compressive at x < 0.4 and become tensile at x > 0.4. The stresses after the end of growth are estimated and the contribution to the deformation mode of the layers of both the coalescence of nuclei of the growing layer and misfit stresses in the layer–buffer system are discussed. It is found that the density of vertical screw and edge dislocations are maximal at x = 0.7 and equal to 1.5 × 1010 and 8.2 × 1010 cm–2, respectively.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(2):221-225
pages 221-225 views

Carbon Systems

On the Extended Holstein–Hubbard Model for Epitaxial Graphene on Metal

Davydov S.


A model that combines the extended Hubbard model involving intra-atomic and interatomic Coulomb repulsion and the Holstein model describing the interaction of a band electron with an Einstein phonon is proposed. Three regions of the phase diagram are considered. The regions correspond to the states of spin- and charge-density waves and the state uniform in spin and charge. Numerical estimations for the Rh, Ir, and Pt substrates show that Coulomb interaction plays a leading part, making possible transitions from the uniform state to the states of spin- and charge-density waves.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(2):226-230
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Optimization of the Parameters of PbSB-based Polycrystalline Photoresistors

Miroshnikov B., Miroshnikova I., Popov A.


Photosensitive elements based on polycrystalline lead sulfide layers are investigated. The influence of heterogeneous reactions at the crystallite–environment interfaces on the photosensitive-element characteristics is considered. It is shown that heat treatment in vacuum can be used to significantly change the parameters of the as-fabricated structures and optimize them for specific optoelectronic systems. A model is proposed to explain the nature of the observed phenomena.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(2):231-235
pages 231-235 views

Physics of Semiconductor Devices

Graphite/p-SiC Schottky Diodes Prepared by Transferring Drawn Graphite Films onto SiC

Solovan M., Andrushchak G., Mostovyi A., Kovaliuk T., Brus V., Maryanchuk P.


Graphite/p-SiC Schottky diodes are fabricated using the recently suggested technique of transferring drawn graphite films onto p-SiC single-crystal substrates. The current–voltage and capacitance–voltage characteristics are measured at different temperatures and at different frequencies of a small-signal AC signal, respectively. The temperature dependences of the potential-barrier height and of the series resistance of the graphite/p-SiC junctions are measured and analyzed. The dominant mechanisms of the charge–carrier transport through the diodes are determined. It is shown that the dominant mechanisms of the transport of charge carriers through the graphite/p-Si Schottky diodes at a forward bias are multi-step tunneling recombination and tunneling described by the Newman formula (at high bias voltages). At reverse biases, the dominant mechanisms of charge transport are the Frenkel–Poole emission and tunneling. It is shown that the graphite/p-SiC Schottky diodes can be used as detectors of ultraviolet radiation since they have the open-circuit voltage Voc = 1.84 V and the short-circuit current density Isc = 2.9 mA/cm2 under illumination from a DRL 250-3 mercury–quartz lamp located 3 cm from the sample.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(2):236-241
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Physical Principles of Self-Consistent Simulation of the Generation of Interface States and the Transport of Hot Charge Carriers in Field-Effect Transistors Based on Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor Structures

Tyaginov S., Makarov A., Jech M., Vexler M., Franco J., Kaczer B., Grasser T.


A detailed simulation of degradation (caused by hot charge carriers) based on self-consistent consideration of the transport of charge carriers and the generation of defects at the SiO2/Si interface is carried out for the first time. The model is tested using degradation data obtained with decananometer n-type-channel field-effect transistors. It is shown that the mutual influence of the above aspects is significant and their independent simulation gives rise to considerable quantitative errors. In calculations of the energy distribution for charge carriers, the actual band structure of silicon and such mechanisms as impact ionization, scattering at an ionized impurity, and also electron–phonon and electron–electron interactions are taken into account. At the microscopic level, the generation of defects is considered as the superposition of single-particle and multiparticle mechanisms of breakage of the Si–H bond. A very important applied aspect of this study is the fact that our model makes it possible to reliably assess the operating lifetime of a transistor subjected to the effects of “hot” charge carriers.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(2):242-247
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Suppression of Recombination in the Waveguide of a Laser Heterostructure by Means of Double Asymmetric Barriers

Zubov F., Maximov M., Gordeev N., Polubavkina Y., Zhukov A.


A semiconductor-laser design is proposed in which parasitic recombination in the waveguide region is suppressed by means of double asymmetric barriers adjacent to the active region. Double asymmetric barriers block the undesirable transport of one type of charge carrier while allowing the transport of the other type of carrier. The spacer in the double asymmetric barrier can serve to compensate the elastic strain introduced by the barrier layers as well as to control the energy spectrum of charge carriers and, thus, the transmission coefficient. By the example of a laser with Al0.2Ga0.8As waveguide layers, it is shown that the design with double asymmetric barriers makes it possible to suppress undesirable electron transport by a factor of 4 in comparison to the design using single asymmetric barriers.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(2):248-253
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Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures

Electrical Activity of Extended Defects in Multicrystalline Silicon

Pescherova S., Yakimov E., Nepomnyashchikh A., Pavlova L., Feklisova O., Presnyakov R.


The excess carrier lifetime (τ) distribution in multicrystalline silicon grown by the Bridgman technique from high-purity metallurgical silicon (HPMG-Si) is studied. The features of the variation in τ, caused by the grain-boundary structure of ingots, are revealed. The grain boundaries, dislocations, and impurity microinclusions are studied by electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) using selective acid etching. The electrical activity of extended defects is measured by the electronbeam- induced-current (EBIC) method.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(2):254-259
pages 254-259 views

Luminescence Properties of CdxZn1 – xO Thin Films

Lotin A., Novodvorsky O., Parshina L., Khramova O., Cherebylo E., Mikhalevsky V.


Thin CdxZn1 – xO films with a Cd content in the range from zero to 35 at % are synthesized by pulsed laser deposition. A record-breaking solubility limit of 30 at % of Cd in wurtzite-structured CdxZn1 – xO thin films is attained. Apart from the exciton peak, additional peaks associated with an inhomogeneous distribution of Cd in the samples are observed in the low-temperature (10 K) photoluminescence spectra of Cd0.15Zn0.85O and Cd0.3Zn0.7O films. An unsteady (S-like) temperature dependence of the spectral position of the exciton photoluminescence peak in CdxZn1 – xO films is observed. Such a dependence is associated with the effect of the localization of charge carriers.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(2):260-263
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Effect of the Addition of Silicon on the Properties of Germanium Single Crystals for IR Optics

Shimanskii A., Pavlyuk T., Kopytkova S., Filatov R., Gorodishcheva A.


Homogeneous Sb-doped single crystals of Ge–Si solid solutions are grown with a silicon content of 0.2 to 0.8 at %. The optical absorption of single crystals with a resistivity of (2–3) Ω cm is studied by IR Fourier spectroscopy at a wavelength of 10.6 μm in the temperature range from 25 to 60°C. It is found that the introduction of silicon into antimony-doped germanium improves the temperature stability of the optical properties of the crystals.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(2):264-267
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Ion-Beam Synthesis of the Crystalline Ge Phase in SiOxNy Films upon Annealing under High Pressure

Tyschenko I., Krivyakin G., Volodin V.


The nucleation of the crystalline Ge phase in SiOxNy films implanted with Ge+ ions with the energy 55 keV to doses of 2.1 × 1015–1.7 × 1016 cm–2 and then annealed at a temperature of Ta = 800–1300°C under pressures of 1 bar and 1–12 kbar is studied. From analysis of the Raman spectra, it is concluded that amorphous Ge precipitates increase in size upon hydrostatic compression at a temperature of 1000°C. Raman scattering at optical phonons localized in Ge nanocrystals is observed only after annealing of the samples with the highest content of implanted atoms at a temperature of 1300°C. In the photoluminescence spectra, a peak is observed at the wavelength ∼730 nm. The peak is considered to be the manifestation of the quantum-confinement effect in nanocrystals ∼3 nm in size.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(2):268-272
pages 268-272 views

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