Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат  Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді  Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін

Том 52, № 13 (2018)

Nonelectronic Properties of Semiconductors (Atomic Structure, Diffusion)

McCurdy’s Effects in the Thermal Conductivity of Elastically Anisotropic Crystals in the Mode of Knudsen Phonon-Gas Flow

Kuleyev I., Kuleyev I., Bakharev S.


The influence of phonon focusing on phonon transport in semiconductor and dielectric crystals with different types of elastic-energy anisotropy at low temperatures is investigated. McCurdy’s effects in the thermal conductivity of elastically anisotropic crystals in the mode of Knudsen phonon gas flow are calculated. The influence of phonon focusing on the propagation and boundary scattering of phonons in samples with square and rectangular cross sections is analyzed, and a physical explanation of McCurdy’s effects is given.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(13):1643-1652
pages 1643-1652 views

Effect of a por-Si Buffer Layer on the Structure and Morphology of Epitaxial InxGa1 – xN/Si(111) Heterostructures

Seredin P., Leiste H., Beltiukov A., Arsentyev I., Mizerov A., Khudyakov Y., Lenshin A., Kondrashin M., Zolotukhin D., Goloshchapov D., Rinke M.


Integrated heterostructures exhibiting nanocolumnar morphology of the InxGa1 – xN/Si(111) film are grown on a single-crystal silicon substrate (c-Si(111)) and a substrate with a nanoporous buffer sublayer (por-Si) by molecular-beam epitaxy with the plasma activation of nitrogen. Using a complex of structural and microscopic methods of analysis, it is shown that the growth of InxGa1 – xN nanocolumns on a nanoporous buffer layer offers a number of advantages over growth on c-Si. The por-Si substrate predetermines the preferential orientation of the growth of InxGa1 – xN nanocolumns closer to the Si(111) orientation direction and makes it possible to produce InxGa1 – xN nanocolumns with a higher degree of crystallographic uniformity and with a nanocolumn lateral size of ~40 nm unified over the entire surface. The growth of InxGa1 – xN nanocolumns on a por-Si layer yields a decrease in the strain components εxx and εzz and in the density of edge and screw dislocations compared to the corresponding parameters for InxGa1 – xN nanocolumns grown on c-Si. The InxGa1 – xN nanocolumnar layer fabricated on por-Si exhibits a 20% higher charge-carrier concentration compared to the layer grown on c-Si as well as a higher intensity of the photoluminescence quantum yield (+25%).

Semiconductors. 2018;52(13):1653-1661
pages 1653-1661 views

Electronic Properties of Semiconductors

Features of the Electron Mobility in the n-InSe Layered Semiconductor

Abdinov A., Babayeva R.


The dependences of the Hall electron mobility of n-InSe single crystals grown by the Bridgman method on a sample’s technological history, temperature, electric field, doping, and illumination are experimentally investigated. It is established that at temperatures below room temperature, the dependences of the electron mobility on external factors, initial resistivity, and doping are anomalous, i.e., do not obey the theory of free carrier mobility in quasi-ordered crystalline semiconductors. The observed anomalies are attributed to partial disordering and fluctuation of the potential of free energy bands of the n-InSe single crystals and can be controlled by temperature, electric field, doping, and illumination.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(13):1662-1668
pages 1662-1668 views

Measurement of the Charge-Carrier Mobility in Gallium Arsenide Using a Near-Field Microwave Microscope by the Microwave-Magnetoresistance Method

Usanov D., Postelga A., Kalyamin A., Sharov I.


The possibility of contactless nondestructive local measurements of the microwave carrier mobility in gallium arsenide using a near-field scanning microwave microscope and the effect of microwave magnetoresistance is shown. The need to consider the effect of a shift of the microwave field in processing the result of the measurements is noted.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(13):1669-1671
pages 1669-1671 views

Conduction-Electron Spin Resonance in HgSe Crystals

Veinger A., Kochman I., Okulov V., Andriichuk M., Paranchich L.


Samples of a gapless HgSe semiconductor with different iron impurity concentrations are investigated. HgSe:Fe samples are examined by the electron-spin-resonance technique. Multiple resonance lines caused by unpaired spins of different origins are analyzed. The properties of electrons localized at shallow impurities are described using a hydrogen-like model. The effect of an internal field on the resonance lines is established. It is found that the conduction of HgSe is not only nonparabolic, but also nonspherical.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(13):1672-1676
pages 1672-1676 views

Interaction Rates of Group-III and Group-V Impurities with Intrinsic Point Defects in Irradiated Si and Ge

Emtsev V., Abrosimov N., Kozlovski V., Poloskin D., Oganesyan G.


A comparative study of interactions of shallow impurities with primary defects in oxygen- and carbon-lean moderately doped Si and Ge subjected to irradiation with 0.9 MeV electrons, 60Co gamma-rays, and 15 MeV protons at room temperature is presented and discussed. For the quantitative characterization of such interactions, changes in the total concentration of the original shallow group-V donor or group-III acceptor impurities in the irradiated materials are determined by Hall effect measurements over a wide temperature range. Losses of the shallow donor or acceptor states in the irradiated Si and Ge are indicative of their removal rates that can be used for estimation of production rates of primary defects interacting with the dopants. Some important factors affecting the interactions between primary defects and shallow impurities in Si and Ge are highlighted.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(13):1677-1685
pages 1677-1685 views

Spectroscopy, Interaction with Radiation

Intracenter Radiative Transitions at Tantalum Impurity Centers in Cadmium Telluride

Ushakov V., Aminev D., Krivobok V.


Luminescence spectra of Ta impurity centers in CdTe are studied for the first time. It is found that, as the 3d (Ta) electron system of centers is considered instead of the 3d (V) system, a substantial change in the characteristics of impurity-related emission is observed. Electron transitions are identified in accordance with the Tanabe–Sugano diagrams of crystal-field theory. It is established that radiative transitions occur within isolated \({\text{Ta}}_{{{\text{Cd}}}}^{{3 + }}\) centers, between levels with different spins. Temperature broadening of the zero-phonon line of tantalum is induced by the interaction of d electrons of the center with TA phonons of the crystal lattice. However, in interpreting the data on the temperature shift of the line, it is essential to take into account the hybridization of local impurity states and band states. Temperature quenching of the luminescence signal occurs with activation energies of 60 and 160 meV. The radiative lifetime of centers in CdTe:Ta is 1.5 μs.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(13):1686-1690
pages 1686-1690 views

Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films

Optical Studies of Heat Transfer in PbTe:Bi(Sb) Thin Films

Ivakin E., Kisialiou I., Nykyruy L., Yavorskyy Y.


Electrical and thermal properties of lead-telluride films from 0.3 to 2.4 μm in thickness doped with antimony and bismuth, which were synthesized by thermal evaporation in vacuum, are investigated. Contact-free measurement of the in-plane thermal diffusivity is performed by the excitation of surface transient gratings and it is shown that the developed doping technology leads to a noticeable decrease in this heat-transfer parameter when compared with undoped PbTe.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(13):1691-1695
pages 1691-1695 views

Redistribution of Erbium and Oxygen Recoil Atoms and the Structure of Silicon Thin Surface Layers Formed by High-Dose Argon Implantation through Er and SiO2 Surface Films

Feklistov K., Cherkov A., Popov V., Fedina L.


Using analytical high-resolution electron microscopy, the Si structure and the redistribution of Er and O recoil atoms embedded in thin (~10 nm) surface layers by Ar+ implantation with an energy of 250–290 keV and a dose of 1 × 1016 cm–2 through Er and SiO2 films, respectively, and subsequent annealing are studied. It is established that Si recrystallization fails at a distance of ~20 nm from the surface, where the erbium concentration of 5 × 1019 cm–3 critical for failure is achieved at T = 950°C. It disproves the generally accepted model of Er-atom transfer by the recrystallization front into SiO2 on the surface. Instead, it is shown that the redistribution of O recoil atoms to the initial oxide during annealing for immobile Er atoms provides the formation of surface-inhomogeneous erbium phases in such a way that the oxygen-enriched Er–Si–O phase turns out to be concentrated in the oxide, while the depleted Er–Si phase remains in Si. It explains the partial loss of implanted Er after removal of the oxide together with the Er–Si–O phase. It was shown that the formation of a high density of microtwins (locally up to 1013 cm–2) is associated with the formation of Ar bubbles and clusters, which is atypical for (100)–Si recrystallization.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(13):1696-1703
pages 1696-1703 views

Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena

Diffusion Blurring of GaAs Quantum Wells Grown at Low Temperature

Ushanov V., Chaldyshev V., Preobrazhenskii V., Putyato M., Semyagin B.


The processes of the diffusion blurring of a periodic system of GaAs quantum wells separated by AlGaAs barriers are studied by photoluminescence spectroscopy. The system is grown by molecular-beam epitaxy at a low temperature (200°C) and additionally doped with Sb and P isovalent impurities. Postgrowth annealing at the temperature 750°C for 30 min induces an increase in the energy corresponding to the photoluminescence peak of the e1–hh1 exciton state in quantum wells because of blurring of the epitaxial GaAs/AlGaAs interfaces due to enhanced Al–Ga interdiffusion in the cation sublattice. For the Al concentration profile defined by linear diffusion into quantum wells, the Schrödinger equation for electrons and holes is solved. It is found that the experimentally observed energy position of the photoluminescence peak corresponds to the Al–Ga interdiffusion length 3.4 nm and to the effective diffusion coefficient 6.3 × 10–17 cm2 s–1 at the temperature 750°C. This value is found to be close to the corresponding value for GaAs quantum wells grown at low temperatures without additional doping with Sb and P impurities. From the results obtained in the study, it is possible to conclude that enhanced As–Sb and As–P interdiffusion in the anion sublattice only slightly influences the processes of Al–Ga interdiffusion in the cation sublattice.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(13):1704-1707
pages 1704-1707 views

Amorphous, Vitreous, and Organic Semiconductors

Specific Features of the Electron Structure of ZnTPP Aggregated Forms: Data of Optical Measurements and Quantum-Chemical Calculations

Zakharova I., Elistratova M., Romanov N., Kvyatkovskii O.


Zinc tetraphenylporphyrin (ZnTPP) films and ZnTPP-based composites are promising materials of organic photonics. Porphyrins are inclined towards self-assembly and the formation of molecular ensembles or differently structured aggregates. The energies of the formation of aggregates and ordered structures and modifications of their electron structures compared to that of a free ZnTPP molecule have not been adequately explored. In the study, the first comprehensive investigation of the structure, absorption and luminescence spectra, and photoluminescence kinetics of structurally perfect ZnTPP thin films produced under quasi-equilibrium conditions in vacuum is conducted. It is shown that changes in the absorption spectra and the red shift of the luminescence spectra of films by 0.15 eV from the spectra observed for ZnTPP solutions in toluene can be interpreted as a result of the formation of an ordered thin-film structure through the dimerization of porphyrin planar molecules under nearly equilibrium conditions. The optimal geometric structure, the energy of the ground state, and the electronic spectrum of excitations of the dimerized (ZnTPP)2 state are calculated in the context of density functional theory and time-dependent density functional theory. The energy gain on the formation of a dimer of symmetry Ci compared to two separate molecules is 0.23 eV per dimer; the HOMO–LUMO gap for the dimer is decreased by 70 meV. The radiative emission time in the ordered solid phase is an order of magnitude shorter than that in the solution in toluene and corresponds to 277 ps, which is typical of J aggregates of porphyrins.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(13):1708-1714
pages 1708-1714 views

Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors

Ab Initio Study of the ZnSnSb2 Semiconductor

Basalaev Y.


For the chalcopyrite-like ZnSnSb2 crystal, the equilibrium crystal-lattice parameters a = 6.2893 Å, c = 12.5975 Å, and u = 0.2314 and the band structure involving the band gap Eg = 0.43 eV are determined by ab initio calculations based on density functional theory. The phonon vibrational frequencies, the elastic constants (C11 = 89.3, C12 = 41.9, C13 = 41.8, C33 = 90.4, C44 = 43.9, and C66 = 44.1), the phase velocities of elastic waves, the elasticity moduli, the microhardness (2.29 GPa), and the Grüneisen elastic parameter (1.5) are calculated. The temperature dependences of the heat capacity and thermodynamic potential are considered (in the range from 20 to 633 K).

Semiconductors. 2018;52(13):1715-1720
pages 1715-1720 views

Influence of Hydrogen Peroxide on the Photoanodization of n-Si in the Breakdown Mode

Li G., Astrova E., Lihachev A.


The electrochemical etching of n-Si (100) in an electrolyte composed of 4% HF solution in 30% hydrogen peroxide is experimentally studied at a voltage exceeding the breakdown voltage. The effect of the illuminance of the wafer back side on the porous-structure morphology and such parameters as porosity, effective valence, and pore growth rate are examined. The data obtained are compared with those for structures subjected to photoanodization in an aqueous electrolyte at the same HF concentration. It is found that the presence of hydrogen peroxide strongly changes the morphology of macropores, makes their diameter smaller, and raises by a factor of ~2 the rate of growth deeper into the substrate. In the presence of H2O2, there appear inclined secondary pores oriented at an angle of 15°–35° to the main channel axis and a number of breakthrough mesopores propagating in the 〈100〉 directions in the plane parallel to the sample surface. The effective valence of the electrochemical dissolution of silicon in the HF:H2O2 electrolyte at a low illumination level is close to unity and grows with increasing light intensity, always being smaller than 2.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(13):1721-1731
pages 1721-1731 views

Physics of Semiconductor Devices

Charge Accumulation in MOS Structures with a Polysilicon Gate under Tunnel Injection

Aleksandrov O., Ageev A., Zolotarev S.


Charge accumulation in metal—oxide—semiconductor (MOS) structures with a doped and undoped polysilicon gate with Al contacts and without them under tunnel electron injection from the gate and silicon substrate is investigated. It is shown that negative charge is accumulated near the polysilicon gate irrespective of the injection polarity, and positive charge is accumulated near the silicon substrate. Negative charge also appears near the silicon substrate at large injection charges. The results are described with the help of a numerical model, in which the formation of electron traps with the deposition of Al contacts and the generation of electron traps during the recombination of free electrons with holes captured at traps is taken into account.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(13):1732-1737
pages 1732-1737 views

Impact of the Device Geometric Parameters on Hot-Carrier Degradation in FinFETs

Tyaginov S., Linten D., Vexler M., Hellings G., Grill A., Chasin A., Jech M., Kaczer B., Makarov A., Grasser T.


The effect of the geometric parameters of Fin field-effect transistors (FinFETs) on hot-carrier degradation (HCD) in these devices is theoretically studied. To this end, a model is used, in which three subproblems constituting the physical phenomenon of HCD are considered: carrier transport in semiconductor structures, description of microscopic defect formation mechanisms, and simulation of degraded device characteristics. An analysis is performed by varying the gate length, fin width and height. It is shown that HCD becomes stronger under fixed stress conditions in transistors with shorter channels or wider fins, while the channel height does not substantially affect HCD. This information can be important for optimizing the architecture of transistors with the fin-shaped channel to suppress degradation effects.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(13):1738-1742
pages 1738-1742 views

nBn-Photodiode Based on InAsSb/AlAsSb Alloys with a Long-Wavelength Cutoff of 5 μm

Kulikov V., Maslov D., Sabirov A., Solodkov A., Dudin A., Katsavets N., Kogan I., Shukov I., Chaly V.


The results of studying the photoelectric characteristics of an nBn structure are presented. The photodiodes based on such structures may have a cutoff wavelength as high as 5 μm. Calculations based on these results show that such photodiodes have a threshold photosensitivity comparable with that of traditional analogs. An energy band diagram of the nBn structure is proposed based on experimental results and theoretical estimations; this diagram makes it possible to estimate the effect of potential barriers in the valence band of the wide-gap layer and at its boundaries with narrow-gap layers on the nBn-based photodiode sensitivity. The experimental results of studying the dependence of the photocurrent thermal-activation energy on the photodiode bias turned out to be important for developing the model.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(13):1743-1747
pages 1743-1747 views

GaInAsP/InP-Based Laser Power Converters (λ = 1064 nm)

Khvostikov V., Sorokina S., Potapovich N., Levin R., Marichev A., Timoshina N., Pushnyi B.


Photovoltaic laser-power converters with irradiation of the substrate side are developed based on lattice-matched GaInAs/InP heterostructures formed by metal-organic vapor-phase epitaxy. Variants of antireflection coatings with a reflection minimum at a wavelength of λ = 1064 nm as well as features of chip bonding using soldering pastes with different melting points are considered. The efficiency of 34.5% (1.2 W, λ =1064 nm) is achieved for the converters with the area of 3.5 × 3.5 mm2 at uniform radiation conditions.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(13):1748-1753
pages 1748-1753 views

AlGaAs/GaAs Photovoltaic Converters of Tritium Radioluminescent-Lamp Radiation

Khvostikov V., Kalinovskiy V., Sorokina S., Shvarts M., Potapovich N., Khvostikova O., Vlasov A., Andreev V.


Electrical supply sources based on photovoltaic converters and tritium radioluminescent lamps with blue and green glow are developed and fabricated. AlxGa1 –xAs/n-GaAs pn heterostructures with various band-gap widths (Eg = 1.4–1.9 eV) and compositions of the active region (x = 0.1–0.35) are prepared by low-temperature liquid-phase epitaxy. The photovoltaic converter with an area of S = 0.12 cm2 upon irradiation by a green tritium lamp (wavelength λ = 550 nm) has the short-circuit current density 180 nA/cm2 and output electrical power >100 nW/cm2.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(13):1754-1757
pages 1754-1757 views

Radiation-Induced Damage of Silicon-Carbide Diodes by High-Energy Particles

Strel’chuk A., Kozlovski V., Lebedev A.


The radiation hardness of three types of commercial Schottky rectifier diodes based on silicon carbide (4H-SiC, base layer doping level (3–7) × 1015 cm–3) under electron (0.9 or 3.5 MeV electrons) and proton irradiation (15 MeV protons) is studied. The forward and reverse current–voltage characteristics of the diodes are monitored. In the initial state, the diodes have a breakdown voltage of 1–2 kV and an almost ideal forward current–voltage characteristic. It is found that the series resistance of the diodes is the most sensitive to radiation and governs the radiation hardness. This resistance grows by nearly 10 orders of magnitude and reaches a value of 109 Ω at high doses. The threshold doses of electron irradiation fall within the range Dth ≈ (0.5–2) × 1016 cm–2 and depend on the electron energy and doping level of the base layer, and those of proton irradiation, Dth ≈ 5 × 1013 cm–2.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(13):1758-1762
pages 1758-1762 views

Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures

Determination of the Region of Thermal Stability of the Size and Phase Composition of Silver-Sulfide Semiconductor Nanoparticles

Sadovnikov S., Vovkotrub E.


The region of thermal stability of the size and phase composition of silver sulfide (Ag2S) nanoparticles is determined. Nanopowders consisting of Ag2S nanoparticles 475–50 nm in sizes are produced by chemical deposition from aqueous solutions. To analyze the thermal stability of Ag2S nanoparticles, nanocrystalline powders are annealed upon heating from room temperature to 453 K. Annealing at temperatures of up to 453 K does not induce the growth of nanoparticles, nor any change in their phase composition, which allows the conclusion that this temperature range is the range of thermal stability of the nanostate of silver sulfide.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(13):1763-1769
pages 1763-1769 views

Features of the Selective Growth of GaN Nanorods on Patterned c-Sapphire Substrates of Various Configurations

Semenov A., Nechaev D., Troshkov S., Nashchekin A., Brunkov P., Jmerik V., Ivanov S.


The growth features of GaN nanorods on patterned c-sapphire substrates with a regular microcone array having a different density and base diameter in the ranges of (1–5) × 107 cm–2 and 2.5–3.5 μm, respectively, are investigated. The kinetics is studied and the selective-growth regimes are determined for single GaN nanorods with a diameter of 30–100 nm at the vertices of microcones under radically lower growth rates on their slopes. The effect of the configuration of microcones, the substrate temperature, the roughness of the initial surface, and the presence of indium as a surfactant on the degree of growth selectivity is investigated.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(13):1770-1774
pages 1770-1774 views

Precision Chemical Etching of GaP(NAs) Epitaxial Layers for the Formation of Monolithic Optoelectronic Devices

Kudryashov D., Gudovskikh A., Baranov A.


The results of studying the applicability of various etchants for the precision wet etching of structures of monolithic optoelectronic devices containing GaPNAs layers are presented. It is shown that an etchant based on potassium iodide and hydrochloric acid is best suited for this purpose. The presence of nitrogen (up to 4%) and arsenic in the semiconductor composition does not greatly affect the etchant action but requires additional calibration experiments to refine the etching rate in each particular case. Examples of the practical application of precision etching to measure the characteristics of GaPNAs-based solar cells are presented.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(13):1775-1781
pages 1775-1781 views

New Manufacturing Approaches to Texture Formation and Thermal Expansion Matching in the Design of Highly Efficient Silicon Solar Photoconverters

Nikitin S., Bobyl A., Avezova N., Terukov E.


The causes of the failure of highly efficient silicon solar photoconverters are considered. About 30% of failures take place because of crack formation in silicon wafers and electrodes. Mechanical stresses leading to crack formation are associated with the pyramidal texture geometry and difference in the thermal expansion of the construction materials. A new procedure for silicon texturing is described, where SiOx precipitates perform the function of texture nuclei, which makes it possible to obtain a surface consisting of submicron concave spheroids, which sharply decreases reflection in the wavelength region of 330–550 nm. A new method of matching the thermal expansion of photoconverter design elements with the use of matching layers of iron–nickel alloys is proposed, which provides a substantial decrease in the failure probability by the crack-formation mechanism in silicon wafers and the delamination of electrodes.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(13):1782-1789
pages 1782-1789 views

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