Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат  Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді  Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін

Том 51, № 4 (2017)

Electronic Properties of Semiconductors

On the peculiarities of galvanomagnetic effects in high magnetic fields in twisting bicrystals of the 3D topological insulator Bi1–xSbx (0.07 ≤ x ≤ 0.2)

Muntyanu F., Gheorghitsa E., Gilewski A., Chistol V., Bejan V., Munteanu V.


Galvanomagnetic effects in twisting bicrystals of Bi1–xSbx alloys (0.07 ≤ x ≤ 0.2) at low temperatures and in magnetic fields up to 40 T are studied. It is found that, at small crystallite misorientation angles, the semiconductor–semimetal transition is induced in the central layer (~60-nm-thick) and two adjacent layers (each ~20-nm-thick) of the interface at different values of ultraquantum magnetic field. Bicrystals with large misorientation angles, being located in strong magnetic fields, exhibit quantum oscillations of the magnetoresistance and the Hall effect, thus indicating that the density of states is higher and charge carriers are heavier in the adjacent layers of the interfaces than in the crystallites. Our results show also that twisting bicrystals contain regions with different densities of quantum electronic states, which are determined by the crystallite misorientation angle and magnetic-field strength.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(4):413-416
pages 413-416 views

Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films

Modification of the thermal relaxation kinetics of the photoinduced (at T = 425 K) metastable dark conductivity of a-Si:H films by weak illumination during the initial stage of relaxation

Kurova I., Ormont N.


The effect of weak illumination during the initial stage of relaxation of the dark metastable conductivity of an undoped a-Si:H film, photoinduced at T = 425 K, on the rate of its subsequent thermal relaxation is studied. It is found that the kinetics of relaxation upon illumination or in the absence of illumination is described by stretched exponents with the parameters τ0 and β, which are smaller in the case of illumination. It is shown that a decrease in these parameters increases the rate of thermal relaxation of the dark conductivity of the film. Because the temperature and the illumination intensities at which the study is carried out are low, the changes in the relaxation rate of the metastable conductivity are unlikely associated with significant restructuring of the amorphous network. This may be due to changes in the system of hydrogen bonds, which can result, in particular, from the generation and relaxation of slow photoinduced defects under the influence of illumination.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(4):417-419
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Reversible electrochemical modification of the surface of a semiconductor by an atomic-force microscope probe

Kozhukhov A., Sheglov D., Latyshev A.


A technique for reversible surface modification with an atomic-force-microscope (AFM) probe is suggested. In this method, no significant mechanical or topographic changes occur upon a local variation in the surface potential of a sample under the AFM probe. The method allows a controlled relative change in the ohmic resistance of a channel in a Hall bridge within the range 20–25%.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(4):420-422
pages 420-422 views

Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena

Electron mobility in the inversion layers of fully depleted SOI films

Zaitseva E., Naumova O., Fomin B.


The dependences of the electron mobility μeff in the inversion layers of fully depleted double–gate silicon-on-insulator (SOI) metal–oxide–semiconductor (MOS) transistors on the density Ne of induced charge carriers and temperature T are investigated at different states of the SOI film (inversion–accumulation) from the side of one of the gates. It is shown that at a high density of induced charge carriers of Ne > 6 × 1012 cm–2 the μeff(T) dependences allow the components of mobility μeff that are related to scattering at surface phonons and from the film/insulator surface roughness to be distinguished. The μeff(Ne) dependences can be approximated by the power functions μeff(Ne) ∝ Nen. The exponents n in the dependences and the dominant mechanisms of scattering of electrons induced near the interface between the SOI film and buried oxide are determined for different Ne ranges and film states from the surface side.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(4):423-429
pages 423-429 views

Dynamics of electron scattering in absolutely transparent channels in three-barrier structures in the case of two-photon transitions

Pashkovskii A.


Solution of the Schrödinger equation, which describes resonant transitions between three quantum levels in large-signal and high-frequency electric fields, is generalized to the case of the detuning of frequencies and energies from those exactly resonant for asymmetric three-barrier resonance-tunneling structures with thin high barriers. The dependence of the shape of the resonance levels on the amplitude and frequency of electric fields is studied. It is shown that the number of regions of absolute transparency can be as large as four depending on the microwave-field amplitude.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(4):430-437
pages 430-437 views

Alloyed Si/Al-based ohmic contacts to AlGaN/GaN nitride heterostructures

Slapovskiy D., Pavlov A., Pavlov V., Klekovkin A.


For the first time in Russia, the Si/Al/Ti/Au alloyed contact composition is investigated for the formation of ohmic contacts to AlGaN/GaN heterostructures using thermal annealing. The obtained results are compared with those for conventional Ti/Al/Ni/Au ohmic contacts. Use of the composition under investigation makes it possible to decrease the annealing temperature to 675–700°C, which results in improvement in the morphology of alloyed ohmic contacts in comparison with conventional contacts. The value of the contact resistance using the Si/Al-based composition to the AlGaN/GaN heterostructure is obtained in relation to the temperature and annealing duration. It is shown that no qualitative change in the resistance occurs at an annealing duration of several minutes in the temperature range of 700–750°C. In the temperature range of 675–700°C, there is an asymptotic decrease in the contact resistance with increasing annealing duration. The smallest value of the contact resistance amounts to 0.41 Ω mm.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(4):438-443
pages 438-443 views

Quantum-well charge and voltage distribution in a metal–insulator–semiconductor structure upon resonant electron Tunneling

Vexler M., Illarionov Y., Grekhov I.


The prerequisites for electron storage in the quantum well of a metal–oxide–p+-Si resonant-tunneling structure and the effect of the stored charge on the voltage distribution are theoretically investigated. Systems with SiO2, HfO2, and TiO2 insulators are studied. It is demonstrated that the occurrence of a charge in the well in the case of resonant transport can be expected in structures on substrates with an acceptor concentration from (5–6) × 1018 to (2–3) × 1019 cm–3 in the range of oxide thicknesses dependent on this concentration. In particular, the oxide layer thickness in the structures with SiO2/p+-Si(1019 cm–3) should exceed ~3 nm. The electron density in the well can reach ~1012 cm–2 and higher. However, the effect of this charge on the electrostatics of the structure becomes noticeable only at relatively high voltages far above the activation of resonant transport through the first subband.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(4):444-448
pages 444-448 views

Amorphous, Vitreous, and Organic Semiconductors

Electron exchange between neutral and ionized impurity iron centers in vitreous arsenic selenide

Marchenko A., Terukov E., Egorova A., Kiselev V., Seregin P.


Impurity iron atoms in vitreous arsenic-selenide As2Se3 films modified by iron form one-electron donor centers with an ionization energy of 0.24 (3) eV (the energy is counted from the conduction-band bottom). The Fermi level is shifted with an increase in the iron concentration from the mid-gap to the donorlevel position of iron due to the filling of one-electron states of the acceptor type lying below the Fermi level. At an iron concentration of ≥3 at %, the electron-exchange process is observed between neutral and ionized iron centers resulting in a change both in the electron density and in the tensor of the electric-field gradient at iron-atom nuclei with increasing temperature above 350 K.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(4):449-453
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Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors

Specific features of ZnCdS nanoparticles synthesized in different solvents

Kyazym-zade A., Jafarov M., Nasirov E., Jahangirova C., Jafarli R.


Stable colloidal solutions of ZnCdS nanoparticles (3–6 nm in diameter) in polyvinyl alcohol, polyethylene glycol, and H2O are produced. The size of the synthesized nanoparticles is independent of the relation between precursors. It is shown that stabilization of the particles is defined by the charge-stability factor and can be attained without any additional stabilizing additives. The ZnCdS quantum dots synthesized emit in a wide spectral range from 450 to 600 nm.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(4):454-457
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Anodic processes in the chemical and electrochemical etching of Si crystals in acid-fluoride solutions: Pore formation mechanism

Ulin V., Ulin N., Soldatenkov F.


The interaction of heavily doped p- and n-type Si crystals with hydrofluoric acid in the dark with and without contact with metals having greatly differing work functions (Ag and Pd) is studied. The dependences of the dissolution rates of Si crystals in HF solutions that contain oxidizing agents with different redox potentials (FeCl3, V2O5 and CrO3) on the type and level of silicon doping are determined. Analysis of the experimental data suggests that valence-band holes in silicon are not directly involved in the anodic reactions of silicon oxidation and dissolution and their generation in crystals does not limit the rate of these processes. It is also shown that the character and rate of the chemical process leading to silicon dissolution in HF-containing electrolytes are determined by the interfacial potential attained at the semiconductor–electrolyte interface. The mechanism of electrochemical pore formation in silicon crystals is discussed in terms of selfconsistent cooperative reactions of nucleophilic substitution between chemisorbed fluorine anions and coordination- saturated silicon atoms in the crystal subsurface layer. A specific feature of these reactions for silicon crystals is that vacant nonbonding d2sp3 orbitals of Si atoms, associated with sixfold degenerate states corresponding to the Δ valley of the conduction band, are involved in the formation of intermediate complexes. According to the suggested model, the pore-formation process spontaneously develops in local regions of the interface under the action of the interfacial potential in the adsorption layer and occurs as a result of the detachment of (SiF2)n polymer chains from the crystal. Just this process leads to the preferential propagation of pores along the <100> crystallographic directions. The thermodynamic aspects of pore nucleation and the effect of the potential drop across the interface, conduction type, and free-carrier concentration in the crystal on the pore size and structure are discussed. The concepts developed in the study can consistently account for experimental facts characterizing the etching of silicon crystals with various electrical parameters under various conditions providing the anodic polarization of crystals in HF-containing solutions.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(4):458-472
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Ab initio calculations of the electron spectrum and density of states of TlFeS2 and TlFeSe2 crystals

Ismayilova N., Orudjev H., Jabarov S.


The results of ab initio calculations of the electron spectrum of TlFeS2 and TlFeSe2 crystals in the antiferromagnetic phase are reported. Calculations are carried out in the context of the density functional theory. The origin of the bands of s, p, and d electron states of Tl, Fe, S, and Se atoms is studied. It is established that, in the antiferromagnetic phase, the crystals possess semiconductor properties. The band gaps are found to be 0.05 and 0.34 eV for TlFeS2 and TlFeSe2 crystals, respectively.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(4):473-476
pages 473-476 views

Sensitivity of energy-packed compounds based on superfine and nanoporous silicon to pulsed electrical treatments

Zegrya G., Savenkov G., Morozov V., Zegrya A., Ulin N., Ulin V., Lukin A., Bragin V., Oskin I., Mikhailov Y.


The sensitivity of an energy-packed compound based on nanoporous silicon and calcium perchlorate to a high-current electron beam is studied. The initiation of explosive transformations in a mixture of potassium picrate with a highly dispersed powder of boron-doped silicon by means of a high-voltage discharge is examined. It is shown that explosive transformation modes (combustion and explosion) appear in the energy-packed compound under study upon its treatment with an electron beam. A relationship is established between the explosive transformation modes and the density of the energy-packed compound and between the breakdown (initiation) voltage and the mass fraction of the silicon powder.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(4):477-482
pages 477-482 views

Effect of gamma irradiation on the photoluminescence of porous silicon

Elistratova M., Romanov N., Goryachev D., Zakharova I., Sreseli O.


The effect of gamma irradiation on the luminescence properties of porous silicon produced by the electrochemical technique is studied. Changes in the photoluminescence intensity between irradiation doses and over a period of several days after the last irradiation are recorded. The quenching of photoluminescence at low irradiation doses and recovery after further irradiation are registered. It is found that porous silicon is strongly oxidized after gamma irradiation and the oxidation process continues for several days after irradiation. It is conceived that the change in the photoluminescence spectra and intensity of porous silicon after gamma irradiation is caused by a change in the passivation type of the porous surface: instead of hydrogen passivation, more stable oxygen passivation is observed. To stabilize the photoluminescence spectra of porous silicon, the use of fullerenes is proposed. No considerable changes in the photoluminescence spectra during irradiation and up to 18 days after irradiation are detected in a porous silicon sample with a thermally deposited fullerene layer. It is shown that porous silicon samples with a deposited C60 layer are stable to gamma irradiation and oxidation.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(4):483-487
pages 483-487 views

Carbon Systems

On the high charge-carrier mobility in polyaniline molecular channels in nanogaps between carbon nanotubes

Emelianov A., Romashkin A., Tsarik K., Nasibulin A., Nevolin V., Bobrinetskiy I.


This study is devoted to the fabrication of molecular semiconductor channels based on polymer molecules with nanoscale electrodes made of single-walled carbon nanotubes. A reproducible technology for forming nanoscale gaps in carbon nanotubes using a focused Ga+ ion beam is proposed. Polyaniline molecules are deposited into nanogaps up to 30 nm wide between nanotubes by electrophoresis from N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone solution. As a result, molecular organic transistors are fabricated, in which the field effect is studied and the molecular-channel mobility is determined as 0.1 cm2/(V s) at an on/off current ratio of 5 × 102.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(4):488-491
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Optical transparency of graphene layers grown on metal surfaces

Rut’kov E., Lavrovskaya N., Sheshenya E., Gall N.


It is shown that, in contradiction with the fundamental results obtained for free graphene, graphene films grown on the Rh(111) surface to thicknesses from one to ~(12–15) single layers do not absorb visible electromagnetic radiation emitted from the surface and influence neither the brightness nor true temperature of the sample. At larger thicknesses, such absorption occurs. This effect is observed for the surfaces of other metals, specifically, Pt(111), Re(1010), and Ni(111) and, thus, can be considered as being universal. It is thought that the effect is due to changes in the electronic properties of thin graphene layers because of electron transfer between graphene and the metal substrate.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(4):492-497
pages 492-497 views

Physics of Semiconductor Devices

Polarization-modulation diagnostics of thermal stresses in an integrated pressure transducer

Mikhailenko I., Orlov A., Serdega B.


A semiconductor pressure transducer consisting of a sensing resistor implanted into a silicon membrane as an elastic mechanical element is studied by the modulation polarimetry technique. Internal mechanical stresses are detected. The coordinate distributions of uniaxial stresses are measured in two cases: stresses remaining from local crystal doping inhomogeneities and stresses caused by heating by flowing current. The coordinate distribution of the temperature caused by the heat flux released by the resistor current is determined by double integration of the stress function, taking into account corresponding boundary conditions.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(4):498-502
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Terahertz-radiation generation and detection in low-temperature-grown GaAs epitaxial films on GaAs (100) and (111)A substrates

Galiev G., Pushkarev S., Buriakov A., Bilyk V., Mishina E., Klimov E., Vasil’evskii I., Maltsev P.


The efficiency of the generation and detection of terahertz radiation in the range up to 3 THz by LT-GaAs films containing equidistant Si doping δ layers and grown by molecular beam epitaxy on GaAs (100) and (111)Ga substrates is studied by terahertz spectroscopy. Microstrip photoconductive antennas are fabricated on the film surface. Terahertz radiation is generated by exposure of the antenna gap to femtosecond optical laser pulses. It is shown that the intensity of terahertz radiation from the photoconductive antenna on LT-GaAs/GaAs (111)Ga is twice as large as the intensity of a similar antenna on LT-GaAs/GaAs(100) and the sensitivity of the antenna on LT-GaAs/GaAs (111)Ga as a terahertz-radiation detector exceeds that of the antenna on LT-GaAs/GaAs(100) by a factor of 1.4.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(4):503-508
pages 503-508 views

Terahertz radiation in In0.38Ga0.62As grown on a GaAs wafer with a metamorphic buffer layer under femtosecond laser excitation

Ponomarev D., Khabibullin R., Yachmenev A., Maltsev P., Grekhov M., Ilyakov I., Shishkin B., Akhmedzhanov R.


The results of time-domain spectroscopy of the terahertz (THz) generation in a structure with an In0.38Ga0.62As photoconductive layer are presented. This structure grown by molecular-beam epitaxy on a GaAs substrate using a metamorphic buffer layer allows THz generation with a wide frequency spectrum (to 6 THz). This is due to the additional contribution of the photo-Dember effect to THz generation. The measured optical-to-terahertz conversion efficiency in this structure is 10–5 at a rather low optical fluence of ~40 μJ/cm2, which is higher than that in low-temperature grown GaAs by almost two orders of magnitude.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(4):509-513
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Energy spectrum and thermal properties of a terahertz quantum-cascade laser based on the resonant-phonon depopulation scheme

Khabibullin R., Shchavruk N., Klochkov A., Glinskiy I., Zenchenko N., Ponomarev D., Maltsev P., Zaycev A., Zubov F., Zhukov A., Cirlin G., Alferov Z.


The dependences of the electronic-level positions and transition oscillator strengths on an applied electric field are studied for a terahertz quantum-cascade laser (THz QCL) with the resonant-phonon depopulation scheme, based on a cascade consisting of three quantum wells. The electric-field strengths for two characteristic states of the THz QCL under study are calculated: (i) “parasitic” current flow in the structure when the lasing threshold has not yet been reached; (ii) the lasing threshold is reached. Heat-transfer processes in the THz QCL under study are simulated to determine the optimum supply and cooling conditions. The conditions of thermocompression bonding of the laser ridge stripe with an n+-GaAs conductive substrate based on Au–Au are selected to produce a mechanically stronger contact with a higher thermal conductivity.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(4):514-519
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Optimization of vertical cavity lasers with intracavity metal layers

Lazarenko A., Ivanov K., Gubaydullin A., Kaliteevski M.


The dependence of the decay of optical eigenmodes in a vertical cavity laser with intracavity metal layers on the geometric parameters of the system is investigated. It is shown that the lowest decay rate corresponds to the case where the frequency of the cavity eigenmode differs from the Bragg frequency of the cavity mirrors. The spontaneous-emission rate is calculated using the S-quantization formalism. It is found that, for the odd-parity high-energy mode, this rate increases by two orders of magnitude with respect to the freespace emission rate.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(4):520-523
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Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures

In As1–xSbx heteroepitaxial structures on compositionally graded GaInSb and AlGaInSb buffer layers

Guseynov R., Tanriverdiyev V., Kipshidze G., Aliyeva Y., Aliguliyeva K., Abdullayev N., Mamedov N.


Unrelaxed InAs1–xSbx (x = 0.43 and 0.38) alloy layers are produced by molecular-beam epitaxy on compositionally graded GaInSb and AlGaInSb buffer layers. The high quality of the thin films produced is confirmed by the results of high-resolution X-ray diffraction analysis and micro-Raman studies. The twomode type of transformation of the phonon spectra of InAs1–xSbx alloys is established.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(4):524-530
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Surface nanostructuring in the carbon–silicon(100) system upon microwave plasma treatment

Yafarov R., Shanygin V.


The study is concerned with the physical and chemical processes and the mechanisms of the effect of plasma preparation of a surface on the systematic features of condensation and surface phase transformations during the formation of Si–C mask domains on p-Si(100) crystals by the deposition of submonolayer C coatings in the microwave plasma of low-pressure ethanol vapors. It is shown that, at short durations of the deposition of carbon onto silicon wafers with a natural-oxide coating at a temperature of 100°C, the formation of domains is observed. The lateral dimensions of the domains lie in the range from 10–15 to 200 nm, and the heights of ridges produced by the plasma chemical etching of silicon through the mask domain coatings vary in the range from 40 to 80 nm.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(4):531-535
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Investigation of spatial distribution of photocurrent in the plane of a Si p–n photodiode with GeSi nanoislands by scanning near-field optical microscopy

Filatov D., Kazantseva I., Shengurov V., Chalkov V., Denisov S., Gorshkov A., Mishkin V.


The spatial distribution of photocurrent in the plane of a Si-based p+n junction with embedded self-assembled GexSi1–x (x ≈ 0.35) nanoislands is studied by scanning near-field optical microscopy with local photoexcitation by a microscope probe at an emission wavelength of 1310 nm (larger than the intrinsicphotosensitivity red edge for Si). Inhomogeneities related to interband optical absorption in separate GeSi nanoislands are observed in the photocurrent images (maps of the spatial distribution of the photocurrent in the input-window plane of the p+n photodiodes). The results of this study demonstrate the possibility of visualizing individual GeSi nanoislands in images of the photocurrent with a spatial resolution of ~100 nm.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(4):536-541
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Silicon nanowire array architecture for heterojunction electronics

Solovan M., Brus V., Mostovyi A., Maryanchuk P., Orletskyi I., Kovaliuk T., Abashin S.


Photosensitive nanostructured heterojunctions n-TiN/p-Si were fabricated by means of titanium nitride thin films deposition (n-type conductivity) by the DC reactive magnetron sputtering onto nano structured single crystal substrates of p-type Si (100). The temperature dependencies of the height of the potential barrier and series resistance of the n-TiN/p-Si heterojunctions were investigated. The dominant current transport mechanisms through the heterojunctions under investigation were determined at forward and reverse bias. The heterojunctions under investigation generate open-circuit voltage Voc = 0.8 V, short-circuit current Isc = 3.72 mA/cm2 and fill factor FF = 0.5 under illumination of 100 mW/cm2.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(4):542-548
pages 542-548 views

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