Author Details

Demidov, E.

Issue Section Title File
Vol 50, No 11 (2016) XX International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 14–18, 2016 Heavily doped GaAs:Te layers grown by MOVPE using diisopropyl telluride as a source
Vol 50, No 12 (2016) XX International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 14–18, 2016 Atomic composition and electrical characteristics of epitaxial CVD diamond layers doped with boron
Vol 51, No 7 (2017) XV International Conference “Thermoelectrics and Their Applications—2016”, St. Petersburg, November 15–16, 2016 Structure of bismuth films obtained using an array of identically oriented single-crystal bismuth islands preliminarily grown on a substrate
Vol 51, No 7 (2017) XV International Conference “Thermoelectrics and Their Applications—2016”, St. Petersburg, November 15–16, 2016 Measurement of the thickness of block-structured bismuth films by atomic-force microscopy combined with selective chemical etching
Vol 51, No 7 (2017) XV International Conference “Thermoelectrics and Their Applications—2016”, St. Petersburg, November 15–16, 2016 Dependence of the surface morphology of ultrathin bismuth films on mica substrates on the film thickness
Vol 51, No 7 (2017) XV International Conference “Thermoelectrics and Their Applications—2016”, St. Petersburg, November 15–16, 2016 Galvanomagnetic properties of bismuth films with a thin antimony coating or sublayer
Vol 51, No 8 (2017) Erratum Erratum to: “Atomic composition and electrical characteristics of epitaxial CVD diamond layers doped with boron”
Vol 51, No 12 (2017) XXI International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 13–16, 2017 Specific features of the photoexcitation spectra of epitaxial InN layers grown by molecular-beam epitaxy with the plasma activation of nitrogen
Vol 53, No 5 (2019) XVI International Conference  “thermoelectrics and Their Applications–2018” (Iscta 2018,) St. Petersburg, October 8–12, 2018 The Thermoelectric Power of Bi1 –xSbx Films (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.15) on Mica and Polyimide Substrates in the Temperature Range of 77–300 K
Vol 53, No 5 (2019) XVI International Conference  “thermoelectrics and Their Applications–2018” (Iscta 2018,) St. Petersburg, October 8–12, 2018 The Band-Structure Parameters of Bi1 –xSbx (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.15) Thin Films on Substrates with Different Thermal-Expansion Coefficients
Vol 53, No 6 (2019) XVI International Conference  “thermoelectrics and Their Applications–2018” (Iscta 2018,) St. Petersburg, October 8–12, 2018 Specific Features of the Quantum-Size Effect in Transport Phenomena in Bismuth-Thin Films on Mica Substrates
Vol 53, No 10 (2019) Xxiii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 11–14, 2019 Ohmic Contacts to CVD Diamond with Boron-Doped Delta Layers

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