
Issue Title File
Vol LVI, No 1 (2024) Is anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis real? II. Therapeutic challenges PDF
Snedkov E.V., Volchek I.A., Lemeshev I.V.
Vol LVI, No 1 (2024) Does new knowledge allow to improve the diagnosis of mental disorders: the problem of anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis? PDF
Shmukler A.B.
Vol LVI, No 1 (2024) Why invent the bicycle? PDF
Pashkovskiy V.E.
Vol LV, No 4 (2023) On the natural incompleteness of terms, euphemisms and psychiatric nomenclature PDF
Davtian E.N.
Vol LV, No 4 (2023) Is anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis real? I. Diagnostic challenges PDF
Snedkov E.V., Volchek I.A., Lemeshev I.V.
Vol LV, No 4 (2023) Anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis as a reversible cause of acute psychoses: Diagnostic possibilities. (Comment on the article by E.V. Snedkov "Is anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis real? I. Diagnostic challenges") PDF
Vasenina E.E., Levin O.S.
Vol LV, No 4 (2023) Are the new diagnoses needed in psychiatry, or is it enough for us to remember valentin magnan’s bouffée délirante? (To the article by E.V. Snedkov and co-authors ‘Is anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis real?’) PDF
Sivolap Y.P., Portnova A.A.
Vol LV, No 3 (2023) Commentary on the article by V.D. Mendelevich “Semantic void” of a number of psychiatric terms used in the diagnosis of schizophrenia” PDF
Pashkovskiy V.E.
Vol LV, No 3 (2023) The evolution of psychiatry as the disappearance of cysts (Response to the article by V.D. Mendelevich “Semantic void” of a number of psychiatric terms used in the diagnosis of schizophrenia) PDF
Sivolap Y.P.
Vol LV, No 2 (2023) How misunderstanding the principles and limitations of evidence-based medicine may discredit the concept PDF
Zorin N.A.
Vol LIV, No 4 (2022) Illness as a metaphor — a psychiatrist’s view PDF
Voskresensky B.A., Begmatov R.I.
Vol LIV, No 4 (2022) “Revolutionary” steps to a dead end. To the 160th anniversary of the publication of the article “Reflexes of the brain” PDF
Reshetnikov M.M.
Vol LIV, No 4 (2022) Comments on the article of M.M. Reshetnikov “Revolutionary” steps to a dead end. To the 160th anniversary of the publication of the article “Reflexes of the brain” PDF
Zobin M.L.
Vol LIV, No 3 (2022) ICD-11: Routine diagnostic tool without the splendor of classical psychopathology of the past PDF
Sivolap Y.P., Portnova A.A.
Vol LIV, No 3 (2022) ICD-11 (psychiatric section): from regress in diagnosis to progress in therapy? PDF
Snedkov E.V.
Vol LIV, No 3 (2022) On some aspects of psychiatric diagnosis PDF
Voskresensky B.A., Begmatov R.I.
Vol LIV, No 1 (2022) Effectiveness of therapies for mental disorders: real clinical practice versus scientific evidence PDF
Gazizullin T.R., Zhidyaevskij A.G.
Vol LIII, No 4 (2021) Modern pathopsychology and psychopathology at the stage of revision of the mental disorders classification: understanding the logic of interaction, problems and development prospects PDF
Truevtsev D.V., Sagalakova O.A., Zhirnova O.V.
Vol LIII, No 2 (2021) Psychoanalysis: from clinical medicine to clinical anthropology PDF
Martynov I.A.
Vol LIII, No 1 (2021) Diagnosis of schizotypal disorder: reliability of categorial approach or validity of dimensional one? PDF
Kotsiubinskii A.P., Isaenko Y.V.
Vol LIII, No 1 (2021) Uncomfortable treatment without diagnosis PDF
Zorin N.A.
Vol LIII, No 1 (2021) Treatment without diagnosisand diagnosis without treatment PDF
Zislin I.M.
Vol LIII, No 1 (2021) Mental disorder as a natural cataclysm: boundaries of а psychopathological landscape PDF
Davtian S.E.
Vol LIII, No 1 (2021) Diagnosis in the one-dimensional psychiatry PDF
Davtian E.N.
Vol LIII, No 1 (2021) Discussion questions about the therapy of nonchemical addictions PDF
Egorov A.Y.
Vol LIII, No 1 (2021) About permanent diagnostics in child psychiatry PDF
Pashkovskiy V.E.
Vol LIII, No 1 (2021) Psychotherapy, psychoanalysis and anthropology: how a psychiatrist becomes a sophist (commentary to Joseph Zislin, md, part 1) PDF
Martynov I.A.
Vol LII, No 4 (2020) Addictive spectrum: pro et contra PDF
Egorov A.Y.
Vol LII, No 2 (2020) Psychiatry: a philosophy of cognitivism and/or clinical medicine (methodological discourse 1) PDF
Nosachev G.N., Nosachev I.G.
Vol LII, No 2 (2020) Adversarial nature of the parties in the litigation, related to the assessment of mental health of participants PDF
Mendelevich V.D.
Vol LII, No 2 (2020) How and why psychoanalysts become storytellers. Part 2 PDF
Zislin I.M.
Vol LII, No 1 (2020) Place of evidence-based medicine in the diagnosis of mental disorders PDF
Poltavskaya E.G.
Vol LII, No 1 (2020) Modern ideas about the psyche: changing of the paradigm PDF
Reshetnikov M.М.
Vol LII, No 1 (2020) Perspectives of phenomenological approach in psychiatry: the problem of patient’s understanding PDF
Kropocheva N.V., Lebedeva A.A.
Vol LII, No 1 (2020) How and why psychoanalysts become storytellers PDF
Zislin Y.M.
Vol LI, No 4 (2019) Market drift of medicine and paramedical crafts (on the example of psychoanalysis) PDF
Zorin N.A.
Vol LI, No 3 (2019) How to consider the scientific nature of psychotherapy PDF
Zislin Y.M.
Zobin M.
Vol LI, No 2 (2019) The story of a metaphor PDF
Zobin M.L.
Vol LI, No 2 (2019) Enchanted again, this time with evidence-based medicine PDF
Zorin N.A.
Vol LI, No 2 (2019) Place of fake-diagnosis and functional diagnosis in psychiatry (institutional discourse) PDF
Nosachev G.N.
1 - 41 of 41 Items

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