Market drift of medicine and paramedical crafts (on the example of psychoanalysis)

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This work is a “literary response” to the publication by D. Trutneva and V. Mendelevich “Psychotherapy without a psychotherapist” within the overall subject “Apologies of the industrial model of medicine” which was raised by the author at the symposium “Stаtus praesens of psychiatry” in St. Petersburg on 29–30 November 2019. The body of the text is made up of two literary essays written way back in 1994. The essays have proven to be visionary in terms of the evolution of paramedical studies, to which I believe psychoanalysis belongs.

About the authors

Nikita A. Zorin

Russian Society of Evidence-Based Medicine

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, 127238, Moscow, Dmitrovsky highway, building 46, flat 2


  1. Апология индустриальной медицины. Тезисы доклада. АПОЛОГИЯ_ИНДУСТРИАЛЬНОЙ_МОДЕЛИ_МЕДИЦИНЫ_Тезисы_ (дата обращения: 05.10.2019). [Apologiya industrialʹnoy meditsiny. Tezisy doklada. АПОЛОГИЯ_ИНДУСТРИАЛЬНОЙ_МОДЕЛИ_МЕДИЦИНЫ_Тезисы_ (access date: 05.10.2019) (In Russ.)].
  2. Трутнева Д.Р., Менделевич В.Д. Психотерапия без психотерапевта Неврологич. вестн. 2019; LI (3): 20–27. [Trutneva D.R., Mendelevich V.D. Psikhoterapiya bez psikhoterapevta. Nevrologicheskiy vestnik. 2019; LI (3): 20–27. (In Russ.)]
  3. Зорин Н.А. Скромное обаяние психоанализа. Независимый психиатрич. ж. 1996; (3): 66–71.Скромное_обаяние_психоанализа (дата обращения: 05.10.2019). [Zorin N.A. Skromnoe obayanie psikhoanaliza. Nezavisimyy psikhiatricheskiy zhurnal. 1996; (3): 66–71.Скромное_обаяние_психоанализа (access date: 05.10.2019). (In Russ.)]

Copyright (c) 2020 Zorin N.A.

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