Diagnosis in the one-dimensional psychiatry

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Based on the analysis of the semantic content of the word “diagnosis” in general medicine and psychiatry, the author comes to the conclusion that of all the functions of diagnosis (medical, social, economic and statistical), modern psychiatric diagnosis has only the last two ones — economic and statistical. The clinical (medical) component of the diagnosis disappears. The origins of this state of things are analyzed. The article substantiates the position that the statistical language of operational psychiatry is a kind of pidgin languages, which led to the one-dimensional psychiatry.

About the authors

Elena N. Davtian

Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen

Author for correspondence.
Email: elena.davtian@gmail.com

кандидат медицинских наук, доцент кафедры клинической психологии и психологической помощи

Russian Federation, 191186, St. Petersburg, emb. of the Moika river, 48


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Copyright (c) 2021 Davtian E.N.

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