Psychiatry: a philosophy of cognitivism and/or clinical medicine (methodological discourse 1)

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Based on the philosophy and methodology of science are discussed two provisions of article by Y.P. Sivolap and A.A. Portnova “Psychiatry: scholastic philosophy and clinical medicine?” the subject of psychiatry and “expansion” of neurologists in clinical psychiatry organic dementia. Differences between neurologists and psychiatrists in the concept of “dementia” are analyzed. Discussed proposed by E.V. Makushkin and L.E. Pischikovа “The Concept of understanding late age” for clinical gerontopsychiatry and all of the clinical neurosciences.

About the authors

Gennady N. Nosachev

Samara state medical university

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, 443099, Samara, Chapaevskaya str, 89

Igor G. Nosachev

Samara state medical university

Russian Federation, 443099, Samara, Chapaevskaya str, 89


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