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Issue Section Title File
No 3 (2023) Social philosophy Civil society: liberal or diverse?
No 3 (2023) Social philosophy Human model as a key to understanding ideology (on the non-marxist alternative to liberalism)
No 3 (2023) Problems of security Regional Missile Defense Architecture of the US and Their Partners In the Western Pacifi Security
No 3 (2023) Communication studies Political mentality and mental traps of political communication
No 3 (2023) Communication studies External information pressure on russian youth as a tool of global confrontation
No 3 (2023) Communication studies Communication problem in risk society: challenges of the media reality
No 3 (2023) Postsoviet space Historical policy and memorial culture in Latvia in the early 2020s
No 3 (2023) Postsoviet space Public Opinion in Armenia on the Greater Russian Space Before and After the Second Karabakh War
No 3 (2023) Gender studies Representation of women in regional parliaments: testing the model of traditional gender roles
No 3 (2023) Values and innovation Value orientations of managers and innovation management at enterprises
No 1 (2023) Social philosophy Postmodernism: philosophical paradigm or sociological explanatory scheme?
No 1 (2023) Social philosophy The concept of ressentiment and modernity: in search of elusive comparator
No 1 (2023) Articles Swinging pendulum: a model or metaphor for change in policy on nationalities in multi-composite states? the case of USSR and post-soviet Russia
No 1 (2023) Articles The state and environmental challenges: views and approaches in Latin America
No 1 (2023) Articles The unsolved issue of arms control: anti-missile dilemma
No 1 (2023) Articles The policy of Germany in military sphere: drift from the concept of “strategic restraint”?
No 1 (2023) Articles The influence of political power on models of industrial organization: institutional approach
No 1 (2023) Articles The level of demand for higher education in Germany
No 2 (2023) Social philosophy Modern West-Russia confrontation as a stage of the clash of civilizations and its peculiarities
No 2 (2023) Articles Ukrainian nationalism in the first half of the XX century as a variant of nazism
No 2 (2023) Articles The role of J. Basanavičius in the making of lithuanian nationalism
No 2 (2023) Articles J. Biden’s Green agenda: slogans and realites
No 2 (2023) Articles EU-Russia economic relations in conditions of restrictions
No 2 (2023) Articles Adaptation of russian small business to COVID-19 pandemic shocks: the first evidence of a longitude
No 2 (2023) Articles Opportunities and achievements in the field of education in Russia and the Visegrad countries
No 2 (2023) Articles Eurasian integration in the new geopolitical realities
No 4 (2023) Articles The left-wing ideology of the new elites: from luxury beliefs to universal humanism
No 4 (2023) Articles Rebooting social reality in the space of quantified symbolic objects: “ontologization of the figure”
No 4 (2023) Articles Problems and prospects of the development of social and human sciences in the system of scientific knowledge
No 4 (2023) Articles Constructivism and primordialism: complementary methodologies in ethnology and sociology
No 4 (2023) Articles Sovereignty as a way out of collective anxiety: the EU’s discourse on money, health, and food
No 4 (2023) Articles The US economy: “symptoms” of a recession and the “diseases” of high-tech industries
No 4 (2023) Articles Ambivalent effects of public participation in the space of digital communications: the discursive field of contemporary studies
No 4 (2023) Articles Russophobia in the context of social stigma
No 4 (2023) Articles Gender gap in the federal government authorities under conditions of the rising economic role of women in modern Russia
No 4 (2023) Articles Gender aspects of the civilizational approach (new horizons of interdisciplinary research)
No 5 (2023) Articles Destabilization of the old world order and the formation of a new world order: main trends and alternatives
No 5 (2023) Articles Interconnected dynamics of duration, productivity and “bullshit” of labor (branch aspect on the example of the USA)
No 5 (2023) Articles Studies of USA and Japan economic relations: new theoretical approaches and some promising developments
No 5 (2023) Articles Industrial alliances in the policy of industrial autonomy of the European Union
No 6 (2023) Articles The right to science in the context of the deformation of the international law-order under sanctions
No 6 (2023) Articles Expert diplomacy in conflict settlement: Transdnistria and Moldova
No 5 (2023) Articles Transit migration management in the Western Balkans
No 6 (2023) Articles Internal political crisis in Bulgaria (2021-2023)
No 5 (2023) Articles New guidelines for digital platform competition policy: a comparative analysis (Russia, USA, China, EU)
No 6 (2023) Articles Consequences of climate change: adaptive governance for global risks reduction
No 6 (2023) Articles The least developed countries: ICT landscape and possible directions of support
No 5 (2023) Articles Japanese non-mainstream political discourse in the context of the latest Russia-Japan relations
No 6 (2023) Articles Spatial dimension of subjective well-being
No 5 (2023) Articles Prospects for strengthening logistics cooperation between Russia and China in the context of the “New Silk Road” and the factor of the Republic of Kazakhstan
No 6 (2023) Articles Consumption, leisure, social interactions: the features of russians’ lifestyle in the unstable 2020s
No 5 (2023) Articles Legal analysis of the formation and development of local self-government in the Republic of Kazakhstan
No 6 (2023) Articles Native language in conditions of bilingualism: the case of Belarus and Khakassia
No 5 (2023) Articles Patriotism and migration sentiments of generation Z in Novosibirsk and the Novosibirsk regionon the eve of the smo
No 6 (2023) Articles Individual values and perceived discrimination as predictors for the formation of russian identity
No 6 (2023) Articles Cognitive biases in the behavior of nonprofessional investor
No 1 (2024) Social philosophy Development in retrospect: historical-phenomenological analysis
No 1 (2024) Social philosophy Environmental criticism of capitalism: the main trump card of the left or an apple of discord?
No 1 (2024) European security NATO defense planning under new military and political conditions
No 1 (2024) European security The role of Germany as a NATO «framework nation»
No 1 (2024) World economy Transnational business in conditions of geoeconomic fragmentation
No 1 (2024) World economy Big data as a source of market power of digital platforms
No 1 (2024) German studies East Germans in the political elites of reunited Germany: the problem of underrepresentation
No 1 (2024) German studies Anti-war forces of the FRG in 2022–2023: is their alliance possible?
No 1 (2024) The rostrum of a young scientist Shia paramilitary groups as an instrument of Iranian influence in Iraq
No 1 (2024) The rostrum of a young scientist Conflict of interest in the civil service: factors of effective regulation
No 2 (2024) International relations Modern geopolitical transformations: Russian interests and Russian society
No 2 (2024) International relations Prerequisites for the present China – US сonfrontation
No 2 (2024) Social philosophy Homeostasis and metastability as natural sciences’ heuristics of modern social sciences
No 2 (2024) Social philosophy Tectology of A. Bogdanov and world-system analysis in the theory of international relations
No 2 (2024) Digitalization and artificial intelligence Digitalization as a driver of economic growth
No 2 (2024) Digitalization and artificial intelligence Negative socio-geographical consequences of distributed artificial intelligence deployment: research directions
No 2 (2024) Social problems of health care services Coverage of health care services in Russia and EU countries: comparative analysis
No 2 (2024) Information warfare To the issue of mythological reality of modern german-language media text
No 2 (2024) The rostrum of a young scientist Migrant integration in Germany: the role of non-state actors
No 2 (2024) The rostrum of a young scientist The specifics of the party-political system of Wales at the present stage
No 2 (2024) Book review British assessments of the Red Army, 1934–1945

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