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No 2 (2024)

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International relations

Modern geopolitical transformations: Russian interests and Russian society

Kokoshin A.A., Kokoshina Z.A.


The factors and parameters of modern geopolitical transformations are examined. Geopolitical transformations are determined as a complex set of economic, military, social, political-diplomatic, technological, demographic and other processes. Those processes are changing the centro-power structure of the world political system. The role of such global centers of power as the Russian Federation, China, the USA, as well as of a potential global player – India – is analyzed. The importance of the role of the military factor in modern geopolitics (including its nuclear dimension) is shown. Conclusions are drawn about the place and interests of Russia in the modern system of world politics, including in relation to internal socio-economic and socio-political development in the Russian Federation and the formation of social reality in Russia. The social changes that are taking place under the influence of geopolitical transformations, especially under the influence of the “hybrid war” waged against Russia by the “aggregate West”, are considered. It is emphasized that under these conditions Russian society became more consolidated; support has increased for the Russian Federation to follow its own path based on traditional Russian values.

Obŝestvennye nauki i sovremennostʹ. 2024;(2):7–25
pages 7–25 views

Prerequisites for the present China – US сonfrontation

Gubin A.V.


The reasons for the complex confrontation between China and the United States in current conditions are analyzed. The theoretical, methodological and ideological foundations of the increase in tension between these countries are of interest. The novelty of the work lies in the analysis of the prerequisites for the confrontation, on the one hand, from the point of view of the theory of international relations, and on the other, taking into account expert assessments, opinions of politicians, as well as practical politics. The conclusion is formulated: a new round of conflict in the world is caused by the intensification of US activities to restore its influence and prevent the strengthening of other centers of power. The focus on multidimensional confrontation without direct military conflict was predetermined 30 years ago. At the same time, it is now obvious that Chinese initiatives in the field of economics and security are finding more and more supporters. In these conditions, when it is impossible to talk about the unambiguous superiority of the United States or China, a search for compromises and possibilities for peaceful coexistence is necessary.

Obŝestvennye nauki i sovremennostʹ. 2024;(2):26–39
pages 26–39 views

Social philosophy

Homeostasis and metastability as natural sciences’ heuristics of modern social sciences

Klupt M.A.


The article shows how polemics of C.Wright Mills with T. Parsons and N. Wiener with G. Simondon allowed to identify the potential of applying the concepts of homeostasis and metastability to elaborating the philosophy of social governance. Particular attention is paid to the contribution of these concepts to better understanding the problems of governance at both societal and organizational levels. Both in the organizations and societies homeostatic self-regulation is often co-exising with metastable states which are fraught both by long-range stagnation and unexpected explosive changes. This factor seriously complicates forecasting changes in metastable states and increases the cost of error. The pioneering role of A.Bogdanov’s “Tektologia” which anticipated this conclusion is characterized. It is concluded that transfer of concepts of homeostasis and metastability into social sciences throws a bridge from philosophy of history to philosophy of social governance and contributes to their development.

Obŝestvennye nauki i sovremennostʹ. 2024;(2):40–51
pages 40–51 views

Tectology of A. Bogdanov and world-system analysis in the theory of international relations

Boreyko A.V.


The views of the Russian researcher A.A. Bogdanov (Malinovsky, 1873–1928) on the development patterns of systems in the system of international relations (IR) are analyzed. World-systems analysis used as an example. The potential of tectology in the theory of international relations is determined. General patterns of systems development, as well as the possibilities of their application to the analysis of the IR system, are identified. The scenarios of the development of the world order based on the identified patterns are provided. It is concluded that tectology allows the simulation of international dynamics processes and the development of adequate mechanisms for compensating imbalances.

Obŝestvennye nauki i sovremennostʹ. 2024;(2):52–62
pages 52–62 views

Digitalization and artificial intelligence

Digitalization as a driver of economic growth

Varnavskii V.G.


The purpose of this paper is to assess the impact of digitalization on global economic growth and employment over the past 20–30 years. The waves of digitalization are highlighted, the dynamics and components of its material basis – the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) – are studied. Methods of mathematical statistics and common methods for analyzing time series, economic cycles and trends, structural shifts, regressions were used. Databases of such specialized agencies as UNCTAD, WTO, OECD, the US National Scientific Council, the Bureau of Economic Analysis USA, etc. are used as the main sources of digital and factual information. The main trends of the last 10–15 years have been calculated and justified: the exit of the ICС complex after the crisis of 2008–2009 to stationary growth trajectories; the beginning of the second wave of digitalization in 2015–2016, intensified by the COVID-19 pandemic; the advanced development of ICС services, etc.

Obŝestvennye nauki i sovremennostʹ. 2024;(2):63–78
pages 63–78 views

Negative socio-geographical consequences of distributed artificial intelligence deployment: research directions

Blanutsa V.I.


The purpose of the research is to identify promising directions for studying the negative socio-geographical consequences of using spatially distributed artificial intelligence. To do this, it was necessary to solve the following tasks: understand the features of deploying distributed artificial intelligence; generalize the experience of assessing the social consequences of introducing artificial intelligence; analyze studies of artificial intelligence from the point of view of geography; identify promising areas of scientific research in the area under consideration. The deployment of distributed artificial intelligence is projected to rely on the 6G wireless infrastructure that will be available in the next decade. Before this, it is necessary to develop a methodology for studying the socio-geographical consequences of the spread of artificial intelligence. In relation to its deployment, the concept of “geocontext” has been introduced. The outlines of five future directions are outlined – intellectual geo-urbanistic, spatial-stratified, territorial-occupational substitution, cascade-geocritical and algorithmic-geocontextual.

Obŝestvennye nauki i sovremennostʹ. 2024;(2):79–90
pages 79–90 views

Social problems of health care services

Coverage of health care services in Russia and EU countries: comparative analysis

Panova L.V., Panova A.Y.


An analysis of universal health coverage (UHC) of the Russian population compared to EU countries for the period 2019–2020 is provided. The concept of three-dimensional measurement of health care coverage proposed by R. Busse, J. Schreyögg and C. Gericke is used as basis of the research. Within the framework of this methodology, three indicators are applied that determine the level of UHC development: 1) coverage of the population eligible for publicly funded health services; coverage of medical services included in the program of state guarantees; and personal medical expenses of the population. Comparative analysis was applied using quantitative methods on the databases of Rosstat, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The following conclusions were made. Medical assistance in Russia and the EU countries covers almost the entire population. Coverage of medical services (what kind of care is provided by the state guarantees programs) differs significantly in Russia and many EU countries. In Russia much fewer services and medical supplies are covered, which does not meet the needs of the population in medical care. In particular, this applies to outpatient care, where only half (52%) of the services are paid under the state guarantee program. In EU countries, on average, the state pays 78% of outpatient care costs. The medication supply to outpatients also lags far behind the average EU standards. The main reason for this situation is related to the fact that Russia provided insufficient funds on healthcare over the past twenty years (3.5% of GDP and 4.6% at the beginning of the pandemic), relying heavily on household spending.

Obŝestvennye nauki i sovremennostʹ. 2024;(2):91–103
pages 91–103 views

Information warfare

To the issue of mythological reality of modern german-language media text

Slesarev A.G.


The actualization of the consciousness myth is realized through a mythological text. In modern society, media text can represent mythological text. The main criterion for identifying such media text as mythological reality is the repeated uncritical and categorical canonicity of subject-object relations in a special unformalized time and space as the only true one. In the practice of German-language media this can be found in an axiomatic and unreasoned exaltation of German cultural achievements, such as gender balance in linguistic practice, the absolutism of the ideals of Western democracies, representation of the German nation as a “victim of war,” etc. The individual – as well as the author of the media text – always unconsciously strives to bring his actualizations in line with the collective ones, and the collective, in turn, accepting and updating the individual as the general (reduplication), has a reverse influence on the individual, due to which the world perception of the individual and the collective tends to identity. The mythical in the German media text is found both in its structure and in the features of media speech.

Obŝestvennye nauki i sovremennostʹ. 2024;(2):104–118
pages 104–118 views

The rostrum of a young scientist

Migrant integration in Germany: the role of non-state actors

Matiukhova E.I.


Based on spatial approach and multilevel governance theory, the role and strategies of non-state actors in Germany involved in the integration of migrants at the local, national, regional and global levels are analyzed. The study concerns non-governmental organizations (NGOs), including non-governmental non-profit structures, foundations, migrant associations, trade unions, as well as the media and international intergovernmental organizations. It is shown that the German method of management in this area involves close cooperation between a wide range of such institutions and the state.

Obŝestvennye nauki i sovremennostʹ. 2024;(2):119–133
pages 119–133 views

The specifics of the party-political system of Wales at the present stage

Nazaruk T.V.


The development of the political party system in Wales is analyzed. The relationship between Wales and Westminster is characterized in the context of Brexit – one of the most significant events in the contemporary history of the United Kingdom. Political and socio-economic consequences of Brexit for Wales are outlined. Their significance for the changes in the programs and rhetoric of Welsh parties, as well as their role in the political system (primarily in the Welsh nationalist party Plaid Camry) are determined. Other factors that contributed to the formation of new trends in the political development of the region are specified. The problem is studied in retrospect, which makes it possible to understand how historical events and processes have influenced the current state of the Welsh party system. Due to the importance of understanding the context, the impact of Brexit on Wales in comparison with other regions of the United Kingdom was also analyzed. It is concluded that due to Brexit tendencies towards federalism, which were launched in the process of devolution, intensified in the region (independence in the case of Scotland and the border poll in Northern Ireland). For Westminster, the issue of the growing prospects of secession of the regions has been actualized, which escalates the political discussion in Britain. This once again demonstrates the complexity and inconsistency of the British party-political system and increases the importance of the regional agenda for London.

Obŝestvennye nauki i sovremennostʹ. 2024;(2):134–147
pages 134–147 views

Book review

British assessments of the Red Army, 1934–1945

Okhoshin O.V.
Obŝestvennye nauki i sovremennostʹ. 2024;(2):148–152
pages 148–152 views

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