Expert diplomacy in conflict settlement: Transdnistria and Moldova

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Expert diplomacy is interaction of researchers within the framework of the peace process, combined with the efforts of diplomats and other government representatives and coordinated by official negotiators. Based on the case of the Transdniestrian settlement, the role and potential of expert diplomacy in the absence of a stable political and diplomatic negotiation process are identified. The article is of an interdisciplinary and applied nature and is aimed at studying the unique practice of promoting the peace process by organizing an additional expert track of negotiations. The advantages of transprofessionalization of diplomacy in the context of negotiations, such as inclusiveness, versatility, flexibility in decision-making, coordination with the “first track” and others, are revealed. It is shown how the work of the “one and a half track of diplomacy” enriches the diplomatic practice of peacemaking and peace-building. It doesn’t replace the official format, but contributes to the expansion of political and diplomatic interaction and confidence-building.

About the authors

Nina V. Shevchuk

Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, North-Western Institute of Management

Saint Petersburg, Russia


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