The specifics of the party-political system of Wales at the present stage

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The development of the political party system in Wales is analyzed. The relationship between Wales and Westminster is characterized in the context of Brexit – one of the most significant events in the contemporary history of the United Kingdom. Political and socio-economic consequences of Brexit for Wales are outlined. Their significance for the changes in the programs and rhetoric of Welsh parties, as well as their role in the political system (primarily in the Welsh nationalist party Plaid Camry) are determined. Other factors that contributed to the formation of new trends in the political development of the region are specified. The problem is studied in retrospect, which makes it possible to understand how historical events and processes have influenced the current state of the Welsh party system. Due to the importance of understanding the context, the impact of Brexit on Wales in comparison with other regions of the United Kingdom was also analyzed. It is concluded that due to Brexit tendencies towards federalism, which were launched in the process of devolution, intensified in the region (independence in the case of Scotland and the border poll in Northern Ireland). For Westminster, the issue of the growing prospects of secession of the regions has been actualized, which escalates the political discussion in Britain. This once again demonstrates the complexity and inconsistency of the British party-political system and increases the importance of the regional agenda for London.

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About the authors

Tatiana V. Nazaruk

HSE University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-0819-8122

PhD Student, Doctoral School of International Relations and Regional Studies

Russian Federation, Moscow


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