Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат  Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді  Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін

Том 87, № 10 (2023)


Бүкіл шығарылым

Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат
Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді
Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін


Morphology of surface aerosol particles in Moscow via scanning electron microscopy

Gubanova D., Sadovskaya N., Iordanskii M., Avilov A., Minashkin V.


The morphology and composition of aerosol particles in the surface Moscow atmosphere have been studied by scanning electron microscopy and X-ray spectral microanalysis. The results are interpreted considering seasonal, synoptic, and meteorological conditions. The main morphological types of particles of natural and anthropogenic origin are revealed.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriâ fizičeskaâ. 2023;87(10):1374-1380
pages 1374-1380 views

A novel method for the preparation of nanosized tysonite phases

Zakalyukin R., Levkevich E., Grebenev V., Glazunova T., Buzoverov М., Kumskov A.


Nanopowders of tysonite solid solutions La1 – xBaxF3 – x (х = 0–0.07) were synthesized for the first time by thermal decomposition of lanthanum and barium trifluoroacetates. The samples obtained were characterized by electron microscopy, X-ray phase analysis, and impedance spectroscopy. Nanoparticles are crystalline and have characteristic sizes of 20–75 nm. The ionic conductivity of solid solutions in the range up to 300°C is determined by surface phenomena at the particle boundaries.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriâ fizičeskaâ. 2023;87(10):1381-1384
pages 1381-1384 views

Fractal analysis of magneto-optical visualization of the remagnetization of a permanent magnet in a pulsed field

Zigert A., Kuz’min N., Sdobnyakov N., Ivanova A., Dunaeva G., Semenova E.


The results of fractal analysis of images of the surface of a permanent magnet KS37, obtained by the method of the polar Kerr effect using an indicator bismuth-containing ferrite-garnet film after magnetization reversal by a pulsed field of 0.1–1.5 T, are presented. The obtained dependences of the residual magnetization on the magnitude of the external pulsed field are compared with the fractal dimension of the magneto-optical images of the magnet surface after exposure to the pulsed field. It is shown that the maximum value of the fractal dimension corresponds to the demagnetized state of the magnet.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriâ fizičeskaâ. 2023;87(10):1385-1388
pages 1385-1388 views

On regularities of the formation of fractal structure on the surface of metal films of different thickness

Ivanov D., Antonov A., Kuz’min N., Sdobnyakov N., Afanasiev M.


The surface morphology of nanosized copper and nickel films on mica is studied using a scanning tunneling microscope. Altitude parameters and fractal dimension are determined for copper and nickel films of different thicknesses. The characteristic sizes of structural agglomerates for copper and nickel films are indicated depending on the thickness. The choice of the film thickness and the conditions for its production makes it possible to formulate recommendations for the development of the technology of “growing” structures with a given surface morphology.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriâ fizičeskaâ. 2023;87(10):1389-1396
pages 1389-1396 views

Characterization of vertically aligned carbon nanotubes by piezoresponse force microscopy

Il’ina M., Soboleva O., Polyvianova M., Selivanova D., Khubezhov S., Il’in O.


The piezoelectric properties of vertically aligned carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are characterized using the piezoresponse force microscopy method. Dependence of piezoelectric properties on the nitrogen concentration is established. It is shown that CNTs have predominantly longitudinal polarization due to the direction of the dipole moment in the bamboo-like “bridges”. It has been established that a decrease in the growth temperature from 690 to 645°С leads to an increase in the piezoelectric strain coefficient of CNTs from 4.5 to 21.2 pm ⋅ V–1. The obtained results can be used in the development of energy-efficient nanopiezotronic devices.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriâ fizičeskaâ. 2023;87(10):1397-1403
pages 1397-1403 views

Electron-microscopic study of phase transformations in 316L austenitic steel manufactured by laser 3D printing

Kazantseva N., Vinogradova N., Koemets Y., Ezhov I., Davidov D.


We studied the structure and phases in porous samples of 316L austenitic steel manufactured by laser 3D printing. Transmission electron microscopy revealed the presence of residual δ-ferrite along with austenite in the sample. A high density of dislocations is also observed in the sample. EBSD analysis revealed a lack of texture.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriâ fizičeskaâ. 2023;87(10):1404-1409
pages 1404-1409 views

Carbon nanoparticle identification using transmission electron microscopy methods in biological samples

Masyutin A., Tarasova E., Onishchenko G., Erokhina M.


Carbon nanoparticles are a common type of nanoparticles, the identification of which in biological samples is associated with great difficulties. It is demonstrated that the use of standard transmission electron microscopy in combination with the electron diffraction method is a reliable and relevant tool for the carbon nanoparticles identification in biological samples.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriâ fizičeskaâ. 2023;87(10):1410-1415
pages 1410-1415 views

Study of the effect of cation substitution on the formation of microcracks in Ni-rich layered oxides

Moiseev I., Golubnichiy А., Pavlova А., Abakumov А.


The formation of microcracks in agglomerated particles of positive electrode (cathode) material based on Ni-enriched layered oxide LiNi0.6Mn0.2Co0.2O2 has been studied using transmission electron microscopy. The influence of magnesium cations as a doping additive on the stability of the material to the accumulation of structural defects and the formation of cracks during long-term galvanostatic cycling is demonstrated, and a mechanism for stress relaxation is proposed.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriâ fizičeskaâ. 2023;87(10):1416-1422
pages 1416-1422 views

Electron beam stimulated luminescence of helium ion irradiated hexagonal boron nitride

Petrov Y., Vyvenko O., Gogina O., Sharov T., Kovalchuk S., Bolotin K.


The impact of the irradiation with focused helium ion beam and electron beam on the cathodoluminescence (CL) of hexagonal boron nitride was investigated. It was shown that the irradiation with helium ions resulted in a decrease of the intensity of CL in the region 200–700 nm. Subsequent irradiation with electrons results in an increase of the intensity of 2 eV CL band comparing with its intensity in pristine material.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriâ fizičeskaâ. 2023;87(10):1423-1429
pages 1423-1429 views

Degradation of the surface of melamine formaldehyde particle in dusty plasma in neon and krypton

Polishchuk V., Dzlieva E., Ermolenko M., Karasev V.


A comprehensive decrease in the particle size and a change in the surface morphology, depending on an exposure time in plasma in krypton, have been experimentally established. The results of the size degradation and the surface modification are compared with the results obtained in a lighter inert gas. It is shown that, under similar experimental conditions, the degradation of particles in the heavy gas begins faster.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriâ fizičeskaâ. 2023;87(10):1430-1433
pages 1430-1433 views

Electron microscopy and electron energy loss spectroscopy of titanium nitride thin films in TiNx/La: HfO2 (Hf0.5Zr0.5O)/TiNx/SiO2

Suvorova E., Uvarov O., Klimenko A., Chizh K.


The structure and properties of TiNx electrodes obtained by plasma-enhanced atomic layer deposition in the 20 nm TiNx/10 nm La: HfO2(Hf0.5Zr0.5O)/20 nm TiNx/1 μm SiO2 system have been studied by electron microscopy and electron energy loss spectroscopy. It is shown that the electrode material has a TiNxOy composition, the band gap width varies within 1.7–2.5 eV, the resistivity is 208 μOm cm and the value of the temperature coefficient of resistance (20–100°C) is equal to –31.4 ⋅ 10–6 1/K.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriâ fizičeskaâ. 2023;87(10):1434-1440
pages 1434-1440 views

Evolution of the structure of shells of hollow submicron SiO2 particles during heat treatment

Sukhinina N., Masalov V., Khodos I., Zhokhov A., Emel’chenko G.


Hollow SiO2 particles of submicron size were synthesized and changes in the structures and morphology of their shells during heat treatment were investigated. The dependences of the shrinkage of silica shells on the annealing temperature of the particles were studied. It has been found that after annealing at 600°C, shells of hollow particles become non-porous and impermeable to liquid media.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriâ fizičeskaâ. 2023;87(10):1441-1445
pages 1441-1445 views

Effect of prolonged annealing on the morphology and optical properties of ZnO films produced by magnetron sputtering

Tomaev V., Polishchuk V., Leonov N., Vartanyan T.


The effect of annealing time on the structural and optical properties of ZnO films, which are formed from Zn films obtained by magnetron sputtering followed by oxidation in air, is described. Thermal oxidation in air was carried out for 7 and 24 hours, respectively, in a programmable muffle furnace at T = 750°C. A change in the structure of the film surface depending on the annealing time of the Zn film and the substrate material was found, which manifests itself in the optical properties of the films.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriâ fizičeskaâ. 2023;87(10):1446-1451
pages 1446-1451 views

FeNi nanowires as a promising filler for magnetic sensitive gel

Filippova Y., Bizhetskiy A., Papugaeva A., Panov D., Bedin S., Shibaev A., Philippova O., Razumovskaya I.


A method for obtaining iron-nickel nanowires 5 μm in length and 100 nm in diameter using template synthesis based on track membranes is described. The actual length of the obtained FeNi nanowires was estimated by scanning electron microscopy, and their elemental composition and structure were studied. The possibility of using the synthesized nanowires to obtain magnetic polymer gels is described.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriâ fizičeskaâ. 2023;87(10):1452-1456
pages 1452-1456 views

Photonics of plant chloroplasts

Bukhanov E., Volochaev M., Pyatina S.


It is shown that the features of light propagation in plant leaves depend on the long-range ordering in chloroplasts and spectral characteristics of pigments. It has been established that, with regard of the dispersion of the chlorophyll absorption spectrum, the photonic density of states increases and the spectral peak shifts to the effective photosynthesis wavelength range, which enhances the probability of the photosynthesis processes.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriâ fizičeskaâ. 2023;87(10):1458-1462
pages 1458-1462 views

Direct current generation in Dirac crystal in the field of the wave polarized by Lissajous figure

Kryuchkov S., Kukhar E., Tarasov V.


The constant component of the current density aroused in a Dirac crystal due to the alternating electric field of a wave polarized by the Lissajous figure has been calculated within the relaxation time approximation. The amplitude and frequency characteristics of direct current have been analyzed for the different frequency ratios. Some ways of applications of the studied effect have been discussed.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriâ fizičeskaâ. 2023;87(10):1463-1467
pages 1463-1467 views

The problem of description of relaxation modes in the dielectric spectroscopy

Volkov A., Chuchupal S.


The problem of a model choice for description of broad absorption–dispersion relaxation bands in the dielectric spectroscopy is discussed. An example of the spectra processing difficulty negotiation by replacing the Debye relaxation with the overdamped Lorentzian is given.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriâ fizičeskaâ. 2023;87(10):1468-1472
pages 1468-1472 views

Phased antenna array with digital scheme formation multibeam radiation pattern

Guoming L., Zakharov P., Korolev A.


A digital synthesis of multibeam radiation pattern is implemented. The parameters and structure of the designed planar antenna array provided isolation between the ports of more than 15 dB. Measurements of the multibeam radiation pattern in the horizontal and vertical radiation planes were carried out.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriâ fizičeskaâ. 2023;87(10):1473-1477
pages 1473-1477 views

Analysis of intermittency near the boundary of the phase synchronization in systems with complex topology of attractor

Tarasova A., Moskalenko O.


Intermittent behavior near the boundary of phase synchronization in systems with a complex topology of attractor is studied. Using the calculation of statistical characteristics of the laminar phase lengths it is shown that in the case of a relatively small detuning of the control parameters of interacting systems near the phase synchronization boundary the eyelet intermittency takes place.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriâ fizičeskaâ. 2023;87(10):1478-1481
pages 1478-1481 views

The local approach to the theory of open optical quantum systems and “violation” of the second law of thermodynamics

Aleksashin M., Basharov A., Trubilko A.


Being correctly calculated, energy flows between thermostats into which nonresonantly coupled quantum harmonic oscillators decay, there is no violation of the second law of thermodynamics in using the local approach reported earlier.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriâ fizičeskaâ. 2023;87(10):1482-1492
pages 1482-1492 views

Relationship between the spin wave distribution across a ferrite plate thickness and the directions of wave’s group and phase velocities

Lock E., Gerus S.


The general nonreciprocal properties of surface and backward spin waves in a tangentially magnetized ferrite plate are investigated. It is established the rule that determines interconnection between the spin wave localization over the ferrite plate thickness and the directions of group and phase velocities of the wave.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriâ fizičeskaâ. 2023;87(10):1494-1498
pages 1494-1498 views

Influence of the exchange interaction between the magnetic layers of a THz spin-injection emitter on its operation efficiency

Chigarev S., Byshevski-Konopko O.


The effect of a 5 nm thick non-magnetic electrically conductive Mo layer placed between the magnetic layers Fe and Fe3O4 of the “rod–film” type spin emitter structure on the efficiency of its operation was investigated experimentally. The possibility of increasing the radiation power by more than 2 times was established. It is found that the Mo layer also affects the resistance of the structures, increasing it. The influence of the Mo layer on resistance is qualitatively substantiated due to the appearance of a contact potential difference between the layers of the structure different from the contact potential difference between the two metals.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriâ fizičeskaâ. 2023;87(10):1499-1502
pages 1499-1502 views

Electromagnetic spectrum of lightning from space high-speed shooting analysis to study Schumann resonance

Filatov A., Lukanina L.


The problem of determining the low-frequency electromagnetic radiation spectrum of lightning activity zones based on the analysis of data obtained from a space-based high-speed camera is investigated. A novel method is proposed for obtaining the electromagnetic spectrum of lightning, based on the hypothesis of the correlation of the time dependences of the radiation intensity of the same lightning discharge, measured in the optical and electromagnetic ranges. The necessity of conducting studies of the influence of local lightning on the processes associated with the Schumann resonance is substantiated.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriâ fizičeskaâ. 2023;87(10):1503-1506
pages 1503-1506 views

Magnetic and resistive characteristics of the SrMnO3/La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 heterostructure in a wide temperature range

Sizov V., Shaikhulov T.


Magnetic and resistive properties of the antiferromagnet–ferromagnet SrMnO3 La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 heterostructure were studied in the temperature range of 50–300 K using magnetotransport measurements. It is established that in the heterostructure, the SrMnO3 layer is in an antiferromagnetic state at room temperature, which is higher than its temperature for a single layer, and the magnetization of the heterostructure exhibits the properties of unidirectional anisotropy. This conclusion is also confirmed by the ferromagnetic resonance spectra

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriâ fizičeskaâ. 2023;87(10):1507-1510
pages 1507-1510 views

Study of the local magnetic properties of Fe(Ni,Cu)(SiB) ribbon amorphous alloys produced by ultrafast cooling

Kaminskaya T., Shipko M., Stepovich M., Tikhonov A., Viryus A., Popov V.


Magnetic force microscopy was used to investigate the effect of magnetic pulse treatment on the local magnetic properties of the surface of ribbon amorphous Fe(Ni,Cu)(SiB) alloys obtained by ultrafast cooling by melt spraying on a rotating copper drum.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriâ fizičeskaâ. 2023;87(10):1511-1516
pages 1511-1516 views

Features of the composition and magnetic properties of composites based on ultrafine particles NiFe2O4 produced under low-temperature underwater plasma

Khlyustova A., Shipko M., Stepovich M., Agafonov A., Sirotkin N., Savchenko E.


The results of studies of NiFe2O4 and ε-Fe2O3 nanoparticles synthesized in a low-temperature underwater plasma are presented. The results obtained indicate the possibility of synthesizing nanocomposites with a given ratio of nickel ferrite, which provides low ferromagnetic resonance linewidths, and ε-Fe2O3, which exhibits high-frequency resonance in the millimeter range of electromagnetic radiation.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriâ fizičeskaâ. 2023;87(10):1517-1520
pages 1517-1520 views

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