
Kuznetsov, N.

栏目 标题 文件
卷 68, 编号 1 (2023) СИНТЕЗ И СВОЙСТВА НЕОРГАНИЧЕСКИХ СОЕДИНЕНИЙ Ion-Selective Membrane Electrode for Determination of the Octahydrotriborate Anion
卷 68, 编号 4 (2023) НЕОРГАНИЧЕСКИЕ МАТЕРИАЛЫ И НАНОМАТЕРИАЛЫ Effect of Supersonic Nitrogen Flow on Ceramic Material Ta4HfC5–SiC
卷 68, 编号 5 (2023) ИСТОРИЯ НАУКИ XII Международное Курнаковское совещание по физико-химическому анализу
卷 68, 编号 6 (2023) СИНТЕЗ И СВОЙСТВА НЕОРГАНИЧЕСКИХ СОЕДИНЕНИЙ Mechanochemical Synthesis of closo-Decaborate Anion Derivatives with Pendant Functional Groups
卷 68, 编号 6 (2023) СИНТЕЗ И СВОЙСТВА НЕОРГАНИЧЕСКИХ СОЕДИНЕНИЙ Study of Crystal Structures of the [B10Cl10]2– Anion with Imidazolium Cations
卷 68, 编号 6 (2023) СИНТЕЗ И СВОЙСТВА НЕОРГАНИЧЕСКИХ СОЕДИНЕНИЙ Derivatives of the closo-Decaborate Anion with Pendant Functional Groups as Inhibitors of Viral Replication
卷 68, 编号 6 (2023) СИНТЕЗ И СВОЙСТВА НЕОРГАНИЧЕСКИХ СОЕДИНЕНИЙ Synthesis and Structure of Trisubstituted closo-Decaborane [B10H7(1-IPh)(6(7),10-NHOCCH3)]: Specifics of Interaction between the [2-B10H9NH=C(OH)CH3]– Ion and PhI(OAc)2
卷 68, 编号 6 (2023) СИНТЕЗ И СВОЙСТВА НЕОРГАНИЧЕСКИХ СОЕДИНЕНИЙ Study of Hydrolysis of Nitrile Derivatives of closo-Dodecaborate Anion (Et4N)[B12H11N≡C–R] (R = Me, Et, nPr, iPr)
卷 68, 编号 9 (2023) КООРДИНАЦИОННЫЕ СОЕДИНЕНИЯ Synthesis and Structures of Cobalt(II) Coordination Compounds with Isomeric Forms of Octadecahydroeicosaborate Anion
卷 68, 编号 6 (2023) КООРДИНАЦИОННЫЕ СОЕДИНЕНИЯ Synthesis and Crystal Structures of (HL)2[B10Cl10]·3CH3CN (L = Bipy, Phen)
卷 68, 编号 6 (2023) КООРДИНАЦИОННЫЕ СОЕДИНЕНИЯ Features of Copper(I) Complexation with Benzimidazole Derivatives in the Presence of the closo-Dodecaborate Anion
卷 68, 编号 10 (2023) СИНТЕЗ И СВОЙСТВА НЕОРГАНИЧЕСКИХ СОЕДИНЕНИЙ Nucleophilic Addition of Aliphatic Diamines NH2(CH2)nNH2 (n = 6, 9) to Nitrilium Derivatives of the closo-Decaborate Anion [2-B10H9NCR]– (R = CH3, C2H5, nC3H7)
卷 68, 编号 10 (2023) СИНТЕЗ И СВОЙСТВА НЕОРГАНИЧЕСКИХ СОЕДИНЕНИЙ Study of Hydrophilic/Hydrophobic Properties of Borylated Iminols [BnHn – 1NHC(OH)R]– (n = 10, 12)
卷 68, 编号 10 (2023) КООРДИНАЦИОННЫЕ СОЕДИНЕНИЯ Features of Cadmium(II) Complexation with N-Donor Heterocyclic Ligands in the Presence of the Octadecahydroeicosaborate Anion
卷 68, 编号 11 (2023) СИНТЕЗ И СВОЙСТВА НЕОРГАНИЧЕСКИХ СОЕДИНЕНИЙ New Method for Synthesis of Substituted 1-Amidine-closo-decaborates [1-B10H9NH=C(R1)NHR2] (R1 = Me, iPr, Ph; R2 = nBu, Bn)
卷 68, 编号 12 (2023) КООРДИНАЦИОННЫЕ СОЕДИНЕНИЯ Synthesis of New Iminium Derivatives of Sulphonio-сloso-Decaborate Anion (Bu4N)[2-B10H9SC(NH2)R] (R = –CH3, –CH2CH3, –CH(CH3)2, –Ph, –PhCH3)
卷 68, 编号 12 (2023) ФИЗИКОХИМИЯ РАСТВОРОВ Potentiometraic Method for Determining Biologically Non-Degradable Antimicrobial Substances
卷 68, 编号 12 (2023) НЕОРГАНИЧЕСКИЕ МАТЕРИАЛЫ И НАНОМАТЕРИАЛЫ Synthesis of Two-Dimensional NiO Nanostructures by a Combination of Programmable Chemical Deposition and Hydrothermal Treatment
卷 68, 编号 12 (2023) НЕОРГАНИЧЕСКИЕ МАТЕРИАЛЫ И НАНОМАТЕРИАЛЫ Hierarchically Organized MoS2 Films as Promising Electrodes for Flexible Supercapacitors