
Chinese Peaceful Plan for Ukraine in the Context of USA-China-Russia "Triangle"
Petrovskiy V.
Export of the South Korea’s defense: problems and prospects
Zueva A.
9th Conference on Canadian Studies at Saint Petersburg State University
Akimov Y., Minkova K.
The USA, the West, and Ukraine: What's Next? (Discussions in Washington)
Podlesny P.
The problem of climate change in the energy policy of the Biden administration
Khlopov O.
U.S. vs. Russia: Cyber «Drang nach Osten»
Selyanin Y.
Conference "80 years of russia-canada relations, 1942-2022"
Akimov Y., Minkova K.
The Role of Russia and China in the Confrontation with the United States
Klimenko A.
“The west needs a new strategy towards Ukraine”
Podlesnyi P.
The new tendencies in the development of international relations in the Аsia-Pacific region
Panov A.
Geopolitical Triangle "Russia – USA – China" in the Context of Sanctions Confrontation
Zakliazminskaia E.
U.S. policy in Central Asia in the context of confrontation with Russia and China
Perminova A.
Features of economic sanctions as a tool to protect the strategic interests of the United States
Soldatenkova O.
Usa, China and Russia in the new global political environment
Klimenko A.
To the 200th Anniversary of the Signing of the Russian-American Convention
Petrov A.
USA in the first year of war in Ukraine: interests, benefits, diplomacy
Bobkin N.
Sino-Russian cooperation in the context of Sino-US strategic rivalry
Xu B., Ding H.
Transatlantic Defense Cooperation in the Context of Russia – West Confrontation in Ukraine
The Ukraine conflict in the context of Russia-US relationship
Prikhodko O.
Scenarios of relationship in the “big triangle” in the current geopolitical situation
Davydov A.
U.S. Energy Independence: Opportunities and Limitations
Khlopov O.
German Security and Defence Policy in the Early 2020s and the Influence of US Interests
Trunov P.
Evolution of the Balance of Power in Northeast Asia: Implications for Regional Status Quo
Anglo-American Relations under Biden
Mamedova A.
Transformation of the post-cold war order and the global and regional powers policy in the South Caucasus after the 2020 Karabakh war
Poghosyan B.
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