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No 4 (2024)

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Transatlantic Defense Cooperation in the Context of Russia – West Confrontation in Ukraine



In recent years, US-EU security and defense cooperation has considerably intensified and expanded due to the extensive military support that the West provides to Ukraine in the armed conflict with Russia. The United States took on the lion’s share of burden in delivering multifaceted military assistance to Kiev. However, the U.S. long-term strategic priorities shift towards the Indo-Pacific area, where Washington faces the prospect of an aggravating stand-off with China and an erosion of American hegemony. The U.S. efforts to avoid an overstretch of resources are likely to entail an essential redistribution of the burden within NATO, as well as a build-up of the EU capabilities. In the case of bringing more responsibilities on the European Union in ensuring the West’s security interests, Washington will have to revise its biased perception of European defense projects, given a race in arms and ammunition production inspired by a fierce struggle between Russia and the West in Ukraine.
USA & Canada: economics, politics, culture. 2024;(4):5–23
pages 5–23 views

Higher Education in the USA: Characteristics of Development During the Third Decade of the 21st Century

Supyan V.B.


The article aims to examine the state of higher education in the USA during the third decade of 21st century. The author reviews the best US universities still leading in global educational rankings. The paper highlights the increasing proportion of the population with a bachelor degree or higher, including among racial and ethnic minorities. It also addresses longstanding issues within the US education system, including the high cost of tuition, inequal access to university education among different racial groups of population. It also identifies new challenges including growing bureaucracy in universities and rising dissatisfaction with higher education as a factor of professional success.
USA & Canada: economics, politics, culture. 2024;(4):24–34
pages 24–34 views

The Institutionalization of English Language Hegemony in the United States of America

MARUSENKO M.A., Marusenko N.M.


The article analyzes measures to institutionalize the hegemonic position of English in the United States. The desire of some states to give English an official status is explained by demographic and socio-economic problems: the growing share of African-American and Hispanic population, as well as economic problems of immigrant communities. General American, a standardized version of English, is proposed as a tool to improve the living standards of nonEnglish speakers and create a common American identity, which in the future should take over the functions of the national language.
USA & Canada: economics, politics, culture. 2024;(4):35–51
pages 35–51 views

Transatlantic Relations in the Light of the US’s Withdrawal from the Iran Nuclear Deal

Levchenko A.V.


The article presents an analysis of the political divisions between the United States and its European allies concerning the U.S. withdrawal from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) on the Iranian nuclear program. The first section of the article elucidates the key aspects of the research program, which is grounded in the theoretical framework of neoclassical realism to interpret the goal-setting and motivations of European participants' actions. The subsequent section delineates the circumstances surrounding the U.S. departure from the Iranian nuclear agreement, while the third part outlines the context and manifestations of foreign policy responses by European participants of the JCPOA, offering initial conceptual insights into challenging the U.S. exit from the Agreement. The article suggests that emerging contradictions stem from varying assessments by partners regarding the international-political ramifications of the JCPOA's breakdown and conflicting interests among involved parties. The response of European allies (EU/E3) was influenced by specific conditions at that time, shaping responsive actions and reaction forms based on a set of political and economic factors. In these circumstances, European participants aimed at a) maintaining constructive politico-diplomatic relations with Iran and fostering multilateral cooperation; b) sustaining mutually beneficial trade and economic ties, alongside established infrastructures for engagement with Iran.
USA & Canada: economics, politics, culture. 2024;(4):52–68
pages 52–68 views

Latino Religious Shift: Causes and Impact on the U.S. Political System

Chernykh M.A.


The article focuses on the religious shift of U.S. Latinos, identifying the difficulties in measuring their religious affiliation, the religious tendencies in their community, and the reasons behind the shift. It reveals the political views of Catholics, Protestants, and the nonreligious within this demographic. The research establishes a direct correlation between religious affiliation and political choices, noting an increasing degree of polarization based on this factor. The religious shift may cause a partial transformation of their party preferences, which challenges the traditional Democratic electoral base.
USA & Canada: economics, politics, culture. 2024;(4):69–84
pages 69–84 views

U.S. Approaches to Regulating Digital Assets

Chadaeva T.V.


Approximately 50% of the world's largest financial technology companies were created and successfully operate in the United States, many of which conduct transactions with digital assets. Meanwhile, about 7 million Americans do not have a bank account, another 24 million rely on costly non-bank services, such as check cashing and money transfers. Those with traditional bank accounts face prohibitively slow and expensive financial transactions, especially for cross-border payments. The Executive Office, the Legislature, and the financial regulatory agencies in the United States all agree that the digital economy must work to the benefit of all Americans. In other words, it is necessary to develop financial services that are safe, secure, affordable and accessible to all, providing convenience for low-income consumers and minimizing the risks of predatory financial policies. Regulators are concerned about the volatility of prices for digital assets, the actions of sellers who mislead consumers about expected profits and do not comply with the law, the growing volume of thefts in digital asset markets, the characteristics of cryptocurrency exchanges, where there is no central governing body with which regulators can interact, instead there are pseudonymous nodes distributed throughout the world. At the same time, the relationship between traditional finance and digital assets is strengthening, along with the crisis transmission channels.
USA & Canada: economics, politics, culture. 2024;(4):85–103
pages 85–103 views

Transformation of Pacific Regions in the Second Half of the 20th Century – Beginning of the 21st Century

Boldyrev V.E.


The paper is devoted to transformation of international political regions in the Pacific. In the late 1960s to early 1970s the formation of the Indo-Pacific started as a consequences of US military and political activities and the intensification of bipolar confrontation. But an emphasis on military aspects at the expense of the economic ones as well as US foreign policy planning based on classical, smaller regions, weakened the unity of the Indo-Pacific space. The end of the Cold War and economic growth in East Asia turned Indian Ocen region into a periphery. Then, for 25 years, economic architecture of the Asian-Pacific, rather than its military-political framework, was at the core of US foreign policy interests. India, Japan, and China used the appeared vacuum to shape a common Indo-Pacific space in accordance with their perspectives. All three had economic foundations and military-political superstructures. In the 2010s, the USA reacted to China’s growth and suggested their own politically motivated version of the Indo-Pacific region, based on political-military presence and interaction later solidifying this in official strategies. So, the formation of the Indo-Pacific is related to space-based objective mutual interests and military and politically motivated regions.
USA & Canada: economics, politics, culture. 2024;(4):104–122
pages 104–122 views

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USA & Canada: economics, politics, culture. 2024;(4):127–128
pages 127–128 views

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