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No 3 (2024)

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Financial Worries of Americans Before the Presidential Elections in the U.S.

Lebedeva L.F.


The article addresses the concerns of Americans about their financial state, despite the stabilizing economic conditions post-pandemic. The overall positive economic trends don’t correspond to a wild range of concerns about personal finances, including difficulties with paying bills, cutting on nonessentials (like entertainment, holiday trips etc.), and other household worries. With the uncertainty that prices may rise again, the adults are afraid they won’t be able to finance their families’ needs. At the same time more Americans are experiencing anxiety not only about their own financial position, but also about the economic situation in the country, the direction the economy is headed; worry about the deficit of federal budget. Being in the process of transformation, the opinions of Americans reflect growing challenges to their financial stability, both currently and in the long term.
USA & Canada: economics, politics, culture. 2024;(3):5–14
pages 5–14 views

U.S. Energy Independence: Opportunities and Limitations

Khlopov O.A.


Climate change, the shale revolution, which allowed the United States to become a key exporter in international oil and gas markets, along with the introduction of renewable energy sources to replace traditional energy resources, are new integral factors in U.S. energy policy and influence its changes. The introduction of new technologies in the energy sector has given the United States the opportunity to increase oil and gas production, reduce its dependence on imports of hydrocarbon resources, and increase their exports. D. Trump's energy policy aimed for global energy dominance of the United States by increasing oil and gas production and exporting hydrocarbon resources to the EU and other regions of the world. On the one hand, allows us to conclude about the energy independence of the United States. However, on the other hand, the analysis of the debate about U.S. energy independence shows two different approaches to understanding the concept. The first approach follows from the fact that a state is energy independent if its energy system produces more than enough energy for its needs. The second suggests that the state does not import any energy at all. The author concludes that, today, the United States has technological and financial advantages that allow it to influence the global energy market. However, in the near future, the United States will not be able to become an energy independent state – that is to abandon oil and gas, despite the use of renewable energy sources. The U.S. energy industry is closely interconnected with the rest of the world: some energy resources still come from external international markets, and America is deeply integrated into the global economy, where the price of hydrocarbon resources is set on the international market. In conditions of mutual dependence, trade links many countries together and no single oil supplier can easily ensure compliance with their own interests or dictate the terms of trade. Nevertheless, interdependence and mutual interests of all actors in the energy market are able to help strengthen the energy security of a state.
USA & Canada: economics, politics, culture. 2024;(3):15–28
pages 15–28 views

USA – Poland: Bilateral Trade and Economic Relations in the New Realities

Zimenkov R.I.


The article is devoted to analyzing the current state of affairs of economic cooperation between USA and Poland. The author examines the bilateral economic relations, including their main forms, volume, dynamics and factors determining their recent developments. The large scale and mutual benefits of the cooperation are highlighted here. The author concludes that the active participation of the U.S. and Poland in global politics, as well is their efforts to promote bilateral trade and economic ties, indicate their close allied relationship in both economic and political-military affairs, notwithstanding a number of economic disagreements. Their economic cooperation is not transitory, it is built upon a long-term commitment.
USA & Canada: economics, politics, culture. 2024;(3):29–46
pages 29–46 views

Washington's Foreign Policy towards Georgia: Influences of Domestic Policy

Gegelashvili N.A.


The article examines the policies of the United States and the EU regarding Georgian domestic policies. It identifies reasons for Georgia's deviations from its democratic path, a country whose regional importance to the United States has significantly increased amidst severe confrontations with Russia. The article analyzes the current situation in Georgia before its parliamentary elections, scheduled for the fall of 2024. It discusses the assertive and proactive policies of both Washington and the European Union acting together within the Transatlantic Partnership format. However, we can see a consistency of Washington’s policy in the region, particularly evident in its approach toward Georgia in the context of the United States' growing interest in the region, underscored by the strategic importance of Black Sea coastal countries amidst the current tensions between the Russian Federation and the West.
USA & Canada: economics, politics, culture. 2024;(3):47–61
pages 47–61 views

US Intangible Economic Cultural Capital (Outline for Characterization)

Studentsov V.B.


Countries differ in their prevailing values, norms, traditions, perceptions, etc., what can be called intangible cultural capital. Since economic relations permeate all relationships between people, a special place in cultural capital is occupied by its economic dimension. The United States is, in every sense of the word, a unique country with a distinct economic cultural capital. Its specificity is determined by the fact that this community was formed as a result of multi-tribal and multilingual immigration, adopting the so-called American Creed as a dominant worldview, which is based mainly on the values of British Protestant settlers. With vast untapped natural resources and the complete absence of feudal relations, the newcomers had a wide scope of economic activity with an absolute equality of opportunities. Individualism, partly inherited from the English nuclear family, has risen to become the prevailing principle of their behavior. This individualism, voluntaristic in nature, did not preclude individuals from uniting freely in various social entities, while also allowing for easy separation. Americans placed emphasis in their economic activity on achievement, success, the measure of which was perceived to be wealth. The accumulation of wealth was not and is not condemned; it is believed that its source is primarily the hard work of its owners who perform important social functions (investment, development of new technologies, etc.). Meanwhile, the causes of poverty, both in the past and present, are often seen in the poor people's own misbehavior. One cannot rule out that the active influx of immigrants with different cultural capital may in the future provoke changes in the American Creed.
USA & Canada: economics, politics, culture. 2024;(3):62–77
pages 62–77 views

Indicators of Increased Military Production in the United States

Shkrobtak I.O.


This study examines the indicators of increased activity within the United States military-industrial complex. It identifies key markers that reflect both the state of the military production industry and its potential reforms. The paper highlights the factors that signify the growth of industrial production in the American defense industry: social, demographic, economic, political, and personal. Separately, it explores the conditions under which the US military industry can become more prominent within the national economy.
USA & Canada: economics, politics, culture. 2024;(3):78–87
pages 78–87 views

Intercivilizational Interaction between the United States and the Non-Western World (The Civilizational Identity of Russia in the Context of S. Huntington’s Concept of the Clash of Civilizations)

Surguladze V.S.


The article offers a retrospective analysis of S. Huntington’s concept of the clash of civilizations, examining the scholar’s predictions concerning the development scenarios of Russian-Ukrainian relations of the post-Soviet period in the context of wars along the fault lines between civilizations. It characterizes the structure of civilizations, patterns of intercivilizational interaction, and specifics of the identity crisis manifestations in cleft and torn countries. The paper concludes that the predicted conflicting scenario of Russian-Ukrainian relations caused by the confrontation between Western and Orthodox (in S. Huntington's terminology) civilizations is coming true. In the civilizational context, the article explores approaches to deterring Russia, reflected in the documents of RAND Corporation analysts and a lecture by CIA Director W. Burns, delivered at the Ditchley Foundation. Considering Huntington’s provisions about the core role of the Russian state for the Orthodox civilization, as well as the centuries-old tear of identity and public consciousness of Russia, the author believes that the most important task of the state identity politics is nationalizing the Russian elite, overcoming the ideological gap between the nationally-oriented "deep people" and the Western-centric elite groups.
USA & Canada: economics, politics, culture. 2024;(3):88–103
pages 88–103 views

Distinctive Features of the Mexican Automobile Industry and its Industrial Integration in North America

Feist A.A.


The article analyzes the economic state of the Mexican automotive industry at the beginning of the third decade of the 21st century, with a special emphasis on the obstacles preventing the further successful development of the industry. Due to the significant changes in the structure of the global automotive market that have occurred in the last decade, the Mexican automotive industry, which is one of the key manufacturing sectors in the country's GDP, requires deep technological transformation, as well as access to new promising markets in developing countries. Based on the results of an analysis of modern economic indicators and factors that significantly influence the situation in the country's automotive industry, the article proposes various opportunities for solving existing problems, which in the future will reveal the potential of the industry and bring the existing business processes within it into line with the goals of achieving a zero-emission balance CO2 and sustainable development of the world economy.
USA & Canada: economics, politics, culture. 2024;(3):104–113
pages 104–113 views

Fakeization Processes in the U.S. Information Space: Problems and Solutions

Nerentz D.V.


The modern world is facing an unprecedented growth of fake content, facilitated by several factors. First, social networks and messengers are becoming a key source of information for audiences. Second, the shift away from traditional media consumption leads to the inability to distinguish primary from secondary information. Third, artificial intelligence (AI) technologies make it possible to create extremely convincing fakes. Finally, the substitution of facts with opinions prevents people from obtaining objective assessment of situations. The mentioned reasons confirm the need for a scientific understanding of the current situation. The article considers approaches to the concept and typology of fake content, the influence of fakes on shaping the information landscape of the American world, post-truth as a phenomenon of modern reality, strategies to combat fakes at the audience, media and state levels.
USA & Canada: economics, politics, culture. 2024;(3):114–126
pages 114–126 views

Informatsiya dlya avtorov

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USA & Canada: economics, politics, culture. 2024;(3):127–128
pages 127–128 views

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