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Том 86, № 4 (2016)


Formation of binary salts in the system LiCl–CsCl–H2O

Pestova O., Baranauskaite V., Khripun M.


In the ternary system LiCl–CsCl–H2O the binary salt LiCl·2CsCl·4H2O was formed. Its structure was proved by the X-ray structural analysis. The binary compound formed in the aqueous solution by the structurally-forced insertion mechanism.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(4):767-770
pages 767-770 views

Solubility of d-element salts in organic and aqueous–organic solvents: II. Effect of halocomplex formation on solubility of cobalt bromide and chloride and nickel chloride

Gorbunov A., Tsyrul’nikov N., Tikhomirova A., Bogachev N., Skripkin M., Nikolskii A., Pestova O.


Solubility of salts in the systems MCl2–H2O–Solv (M = Co, Ni) and CoBr2–H2O–Solv (Solv = dimethyl sulfoxide, dimethyl formamide, and dimethyl acetamide) at 25°C was measured experimentally. Dominating species of cobalt and nickel halides existing in various concentration regions were identified by analysis of electron absorption spectra. It was shown that the major factor defining solubility is the interaction of halocomplexes of metal ions with solvent molecules.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(4):771-777
pages 771-777 views

Thermochemical study of gaseous salts of oxygen-containing acids: XXI. Zinc phosphate

Lopatin S., Shugurov S., Panin A., Prikhod’ko I.


A gas–phase reaction involving zinc phosphate was studied by the high-temperature massspectrometry method. Standard enthalpies of formation and atomization of the molecules ZnPO3(gas) were determined.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(4):778-784
pages 778-784 views

Solid-state synthesis of nanocrystalline strontium zirconate assisted by mechanical activation

Kalinkin A., Balyakin K., Nevedomskii V., Kalinkina E.


Nanocrystalline SrZrO3 has been synthesized by a solid-state procedure using mechanical preactivation of a strontium carbonate–zirconia mixture in an AGO-2 centrifugal planetary mill. The effect of mechanical activation of the reactant mixture on the processes occurring during its subsequent heating has been studied by thermal analysis. The resulting strontium zirconate has been characterized by X-ray diffraction and by scanning and transmission electron microscopy.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(4):785-791
pages 785-791 views

Structure and photocatalytic properties of materials based on titanium dioxide and silver nanoparticles

Vakhrushev A., Gorbunova V., Boitsova T., Stozharov V.


Phase composition and structure of mesostructured materials, titanium dioxide and titanium dioxide modified with silver nanoparticles, have been studied by X-ray diffraction analysis. Introduction of Ag(I) ions into the initial composition and variation of the annealing temperature over the 500–950°C range allows controlling the anatase to rutile crystal phase ratio in the samples. The photocatalytic activity of TiO2 and TiO2/Ag samples has been demonstrated using the methyl orange degradation reaction. The catalytic properties of the materials have been found to depend on the anatase to rutile phase ratio and on the presence of silver nanoparticles.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(4):792-797
pages 792-797 views

Colloid and nanosized catalysts in organic synthesis: XIV. Reductive amination and amidation of carbonitriles catalyzed by nickel nanoparticles

Popov Y., Mokhov V., Shcherbakova K.


Hydrogenation of carbonitriles catalyzed by nickel nanoparticles in the presence of primary amines led to the predominant formation of unsymmetrical secondary amines. In the presence of secondary amines hydrogenation of nitrites provided enamines as main products. Hydrogenation of nitriles in the presence of formamide or acetamide afforded formyl or acetyl derivatives of primary amines.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(4):798-805
pages 798-805 views

Structure of aminonitrones and electronic effect of substituents on their acid-base properties

Il’in M., Bolotin D., Demakova M., Avdontseva M.


A series of para-substituted aromatic aminonitrones p-RC6H4C(NH2)=N+(Me)O (R = NMe2, H, Br, Cl, CF3) have been prepared. Acidity constants of the conjugate acids RC6H4C(NH2)N+(Me)OH at 25°C in a EtOH–H2O mixture (5: 95) have been determined by potentiometric titration. A linear correlation between log (kR/kH) and σpara values has been revealed, and a ρ298para) parameter has been determined as of 0.635.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(4):806-809
pages 806-809 views

Approach to preparative synthesis of ortho-(1-methylbut-2-en-1-yl)anilines, precursors of new cytotoxic heterocycles

Aleksandrova L., Abdullin M., Vakhitova Y., Gataullin R.


The reaction of aromatic Claisen rearrangement of N-(1-methylbut-2-en-1-yl)anilines in the presence of p-toluenesulfonic acid was investigated. N-Tosyl-2-(1-iodoethyl)-3-methylindoline derivatives were obtained; one of them exhibited a cytotoxic activity.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(4):810-814
pages 810-814 views

Study of acid-base properties of morin by tristimulus colorimetry

Chebotarev A., Snigur D.


Acid-base properties of morin in aqueous solutions have been studied by means of chemical tristimulus colorimetry, and the ionization constants have been determined. The pK values have been assigned to the corresponding functional groups, and their dissociation scheme has been suggested. Diagram of distribution of ionic and molecular forms of morin at pH 1–13 has been constructed. Spectral parameters of equilibrium acid-base forms of morin have been determined.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(4):815-820
pages 815-820 views

Synthesis and reactivity of maleopimaric acid N-aryl(aralkyl)imidoamides

Bei M., Yuvchenko A., Sokol O., Puchkova N.


A method of synthesis of maleopimaric acid N-aryl(aralkyl)imidoamides by reaction of the corresponding aromatic amides of maleopimaric acid and amines in p-xylene at reflux was developed. Thermal stability of the synthesized compounds was evaluated by derivatography.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(4):821-825
pages 821-825 views

New method of preparation of carboxy-protected amino acid conjugates of glycyrrhizinic acid

Baltina L., Fairushina A., Baltina L.


A method for preparation of carboxy-protected amino acid conjugates of glycyrrhizinic acid with the use of N-hydroxybenzotriazole, 1-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)-3-ethylcarbodiimide, and methyl esters of L-amino acids (phenylalanine, tyrosine, leucine, isoleucine, and methionine) in 85–90% yield was developed. The structure of the prepared compounds was confirmed by IR and 13C NMR spectra.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(4):826-829
pages 826-829 views

New derivatives of 2-mercaptobenzotellurazole

Ali A., Ramazanova P., Abakarov G., Tarakanova A., Anisimov A.


New derivatives of 2-mercaptobenzotellurazole at the three reaction centers, the thiol group, nitrogen atom and tellurium atom, have been synthesized.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(4):830-834
pages 830-834 views

The effect of functional substitution on thermal stability of pyridinylporphyrins under argon atmosphere

Berezina N., Minh D., Tikhonova Y., Tumanova N., Guseinov S., Bazanov M., Berezin M., Glazunov A., Semeikin A.


The data on thermal stability under argon atmosphere of a series of porphyrin ligands containing meso- and β-positioned electron-donor (Me, Et, or Ph) groups as well as electron-acceptor pyridinyl substituents differing in the heteroatom location are presented. Thermogravimetric analysis and electron absorption spectroscopy studies have shown that pyridinylporphyrins are thermally stable at heating to 360–500°С depending on the functional substitution in the molecule.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(4):835-839
pages 835-839 views

Synthesis, spectral luminescent properties, and photostability of monoiodo- and dibromo-substituted BF2-dipyrrinates

Nuraneeva E., Guseva G., Antina E., Kuznetsova R., Berezin M., V’yugin A.


4-Iodo-, 4,4′-, and 5,5′-dibromo-substituted BF2-dipyrrinates (BODIPY) have been prepared, and their spectral luminescent properties and photostability have been studied. It has been shown that the introduction of iodine and bromine atoms in the molecule structure results in build-up of the BODIPY phosphorescence and decrease in their fluorescence quantum yield. Basing on the obtained data, the prepared dipyrrinates can be recommended for development of fluorescent sensors for medical and technical applications.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(4):840-847
pages 840-847 views

Phthalocyanines containing macrocyclic and azo chromophores in the molecule

Tikhomirova T., Gruzdeva O., Galanin N., Shaposhnikov G., Abramov I.


4-[(Z)-(R)-Diazenyl]phthalonitriles and cobalt phthalocyanines on their basis are synthesized and their electron absorption spectra are studied.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(4):848-853
pages 848-853 views

Synthesis and association in dichloromethane solution of low-symmetry phenoxy(fluoro)-substituted nickel phthalocyaninates

Koptyaev A., Galanin N., Shaposhnikov G.


Cross-condensation of 4,5-diphenoxyphthalonitrile (component A) with tetrafluorophthalonitrile (component B) in the presence of nickel(II) acetate has yielded the low-symmetry nickel phthalocyaninates of the A3B, ABAB, and AABB types. Their spectral properties have been studied. It has been demonstrated that even at the concentration as low as (6.0–8.0) × 10–7 mol/L the examined complexes exist in the associated form in the dichloromethane solution.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(4):854-858
pages 854-858 views

Adducts of tetracoordinate cobalt(II) complexes and 1-(pyridin-2-yl)methanimine: Computational search for valence tautomeric systems

Starikov A., Starikova A., Minkin V.


A density functional theory method [B3LYP*/6-311++G(d,p)] was used to study mixed-ligand adducts of tetracoordinate cobalt(II) complexes and 1-(pyridin-2-yl)methanimines. Stability of the adducts with respect to dissociation into the initial components and the possibility of intramolecular electron transfer were explored. The calculated energy characteristics of the adduct of Co(II) bisacetylacetonate with a redox-active ligand functionalized by cyano groups suggest the possibility of valence tautomerism in this compound.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(4):859-864
pages 859-864 views

Synthesis of 2-(diphenylphosphoryl)phenyl ethers of ethylene glycols and structure of their sodium and potassium complexes

Ivanova I., Polyakova I., Baulin V., Pyatova E., Krivorot’ko E., Tsivadze A.


Phase-transfer catalysis and template assembly on sodium and cesium cations were used to prepare 2-(diphenylphosphoryl)phenyl ethers of ethylene glycols Ln with varied number of polyether units (n = 3–8). Previously unknown dinitro and disulfo derivatives of 2-(diphenylphosphoryl)phenyl ethers of di- and triethylene glycols were synthesized. Complexes [NaL4]NCS·C6H6, [NaL4]ClO4, [KL5]NCS, and [KL5]ReO4 were synthesized, and their crystal structure was studied. Structure–stability constant correlations were found for alkali metal complexes with phosphoryl podands Ln and isodentate crown ethers.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(4):865-875
pages 865-875 views

Synthesis and structure of enaminoketones of pyrazole containing 2-thione(selenone)benzimidazolyl fragments and their zinc and cadmium complexes

Borodkina I., Burlov A., Borodkin G., Chesnokov V., Kuzmenko T., Uraev A., Korshunova E., Vasil’chenko I.


New ligand systems based on 4-formyl-5-hydroxypyrazole and 1-aminobenzimidazole derivatives are synthesized. The obtained enamines and their Zn2+ and Cd2+ metal complexes of composition ML2 were investigated using the IR, heteronuclear (1H, 13C, 15N, 77Se, 113Cd) and two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy (COSY, HSQC, HMBC). The data of physicochemical investigations and quantum-chemical calculations showed that the ligands exist in the ketoamine tautomeric form. Quantum-chemical simulation of Zn(II) and Cd(II) complexes showed that the zinc complexes adopt the pseudo-tetrahedral and the cadmium complexes pseudo-octahedral configuration.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(4):876-884
pages 876-884 views

New methacrylate-containing derivatives of hydroxyethyl starch

Morgacheva A., Artyukhov A., Flegontov P., Zhavoronok E., Shtilman M., Panov A., Mezhuev Y.


Modification of hydroxyethyl starch with glycidyl methacrylate in dimethylsulfoxide medium has resulted in the formation of the derivatives containing double C=C bonds capable of producing biocompatible hydrogels via the free-radical cross-linking. Structure of the glycidyl methacrylate derivatives has been elucidated by means of IR, UV, and NMR spectroscopy. Branching of the hydroxyethyl starch chains in the course of the interaction with glycidyl methacrylate has been observed and interpreted; the branching density has been determined. The influence of the substitution degree of the glycidyl methacrylate derivatives of hydroxyethyl starch on its melting point has been demonstrated.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(4):885-889
pages 885-889 views

Nafion-based composite solid electrolytes containing carbon nanotubes

Postnov D., Postnov V., Murin I., Mel’nikova N., Novikov A.


Nafion-based composite solid electrolytes containing multiwalled carbon nanotubes have been studied by impedance spectroscopy. The effect of carbon nanotube morphology on the proton conductivity of the composites has been estimated at low relative humidity. Surface modification of carbon nanotubes with acidic groups increases the proton conductivity.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(4):890-893
pages 890-893 views

Nafion-based composite solid electrolytes containing water-soluble fullerene C60 derivatives

Postnov D., Postnov V., Murin I., Mel’nikova N., Semenov K.


Nafion-based composite solid polyelectrolytes containing fullerene C60 and its water-soluble derivatives fullerenol-C60 and tris-malonate-C60 were studied by the impedance spectroscopy method. It was found that introduction of these dopants in Nafion leads to a substantial increase in proton conductivity of the composites in the region of low relative humidity. The reasons for the influence of dopants on proton conductivity of composites were discussed.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(4):894-896
pages 894-896 views

Glycine adsorption on a mercury electrode modified by neodymium

Laptenkova A., Sukhodolov N., Yanklovich A., Prikhod’ko I., Fedorova A., Selyutin A., Ermakov S.


Ranges of neodymium reduction potentials in aqueous solutions of potassium chloride at pH = 2 and in solutions containing glycine were determined by differential pulse polarography. The glycine complex with neodymium is not formed in the range of the amino acid concentration 0.001–0.12 M. Glycine adsorption on a mercury electrode and on an electrode modified with neodymium was studied by the cyclic voltammetry method.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(4):897-900
pages 897-900 views

Transition metal chelates: Synthesis, physicochemical, thermal, and biological studies

Suryawanshi N., Pethe G., Yaul A., Aswar A.


The transition metal complex of Mn(II), Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II), Ti(III), Cr(III), Fe(III), Zr(IV), and UO2(VI) ion with a Schiff’s base ligand derived from 2-hydroxy-[2-oxo-1,2-dihydro-3H-indol-3-ylidene]-benzohydrazide have been prepared. The complexes have been characterized by elemental analysis data, IR and electronic absorption spectra, magnetic moments, and thermogravimetric analysis data. The complexes of the 1: 1 metal-to-ligand stoichiometry have been formed. The physico-chemical data have suggested the octahedral geometry for all the complexes except for Cu(II); the Cu(II) complex has been square planar. Thermal analysis data of the ligand and its complexes have been analyzed, and the kinetic parameters have been determined using the Horowitz–Metzger method. According to the solid-state electrical conductivity measurements, the ligand and its complexes are semiconducting in nature. The antimicrobial activity of the ligand and the complexes towards E. coli, S. typhi, P. aeruginosa, and S. aureus has been tested by the disc diffusion method.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(4):901-906
pages 901-906 views

Microwave-assisted synthesis of 1-{2-[(1-benzyl-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methoxy]phenyl}-3-(3-aryl-1-phenyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl)prop-2-en-1-ones and their antimicrobial activity

Ashok D., Padmavati K.


A series of new (E)-1-{2-[(1-benzyl-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methoxy]phenyl}-3-(3-aryl-1-phenyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl)prop-2-en-1-ones (3a–3i) has been synthesized via copper-catalyzed 1,3-dipolar azide-alkyne cycloaddition reaction (CuAAC) of benzyl azide with substituted (E)-3-(3-aryl-1-phenyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl)-1-[2-(prop-2-ynyloxy)phenyl]prop-2-en-1-ones (2a–2i). The synthesized compounds have been characterized by their IR, lH, 13C NMR spectra, and mass spectroscopy data. All the compounds have been screened for antimicrobial activity.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(4):907-914
pages 907-914 views

Preparation of graphene oxide and its application in Ni2+ removal

Zheng X., Hou W., Lian Q., Wu H.


Graphene oxide (GO) has been prepared by the modified Hummers method using graphite as starting material. The product was studied by the X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman spectroscopic, transmission electron microscopic (TEM), and scanning electron microscopic (SEM) analyses. Adsorption capacity of GO for heavy metal ions was studied for the example of the Ni2+ ions and the adsorption kinetics and adsorption isotherm were determined. It was shown that the adsorption equilibrium curves are adequately described by the Langmuir equation.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(4):915-918
pages 915-918 views

Synthesis of some novel S-alkylated and S-glycosylated hydantoin derivatives containing pyrene moiety

Khalifa N., Nossier E., Al-Omar M., Amr A.


3-Aryl-5-[(Z)-pyrenylmethylene]-2-alkylthiohydantoins and 3-Aryl-5-[(Z)-pyrenylmethylene]-2-(D-glycosyl)-2-thiohydantoins functionalized with different aromatic and glycoside substituents have been synthesized by the reaction of (Z)-3-(4-methoxyphenyl)-5-[(pyren-8-yl)methylene]-2-thiohydantoin with alkyl halides, cyclic and acyclic nucleosides via various routes with moderate to good yields and characterized by 1H, 13C NMR and mass spectra and elemental analysis

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(4):919-923
pages 919-923 views

Multiple hydrogen bonds-mediated formation of supramolecular polysiloxanes based on oligoamide duplexes

Luo K., Wang W., Cao R., Feng W.


Formation of supramolecular polysiloxane polymers was studied by using oligoamide strands 1a, 2a, and 3a bearing multiple hydrogen bonds as association units. According to SEM and TEM studies one polymeric strand associated into supramolecular spherical assemblies via duplex formation. The results demonstrated the effect of such complementary oligoamides upon constructing main-chain supramolecular polymers.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(4):924-929
pages 924-929 views

Microwave assisted selective synthesis of (E)-1-(4-Chloro-7-hydroxy-2-aryl-2H-chromen-6-yl)-3-arylprop-2-en-1-ones and their antimicrobial activity

Ashok D., Sarasija M., Shravani D., Vijayalaxmi B., Sudershan K.


A series of new (E)-1-(4-chloro-7-hydroxy-2-aryl-2H-chromen-6-yl)-3-arylprop-2-en-1-ones (2a–2f) have been synthesized by selective mono cyclization of 4,6-dicinnamoyl resorcinols (1a–1f) using Vilsmeier–Haack reagent under conventional heating and microwave irradiation. The structures of the synthesized compounds have been elucidated by elemental analysis, IR, 1H NMR, 13C NMR and Mass spectral data. The synthesized compounds were tested in vitro for antimicrobial activity.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(4):930-933
pages 930-933 views

One-pot synthesis of xanthene derivatives catalyzed by Fe(III) tetranitrophthalocyanine immobilized on activated carbon

Huang H., Yao Y., Lin Q., Zhao J., Hua C., Gou X.


Xanthene derivatives were synthesized by a multicomponent one-pot reaction of aromatic aldehydes, β-naphthol, and 5,5-dimethylcyclohexane-1,3-dione or 1,3-cyclohexanedione upon efficient and eco-friendly catalysis of Fe(III) tetranitrophthalocyanine immobilized on activated carbon in ethanol. The method tolerated a variety of functional groups and the process was carried out under mild conditions to give high yield of products (85–91%) in 30 min. The catalyst can be recycled without any loss in catalytic activity.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(4):934-938
pages 934-938 views

Synthesis of novel heptaplatin derivatives and evaluation of their ability to inhibit proliferation of cancer cell lines

Xu W., Wang D.


A series of novel heptaplatin derivatives were synthesized and evaluated for their ability to inhibit growth of two cancer cell lines: human colon carcinoma cell line HCT-8 and human hepatocarcinoma cell line Bel-7402. Majority of the synthesized compounds demonstrated superior activity against cancer cell lines compared to heptaplatin. Specifically, compounds 5a and 5b (5 µg/mL) had more pronounced efficacy against the HCT-8 cell line while 6b and 6c (0.5 µg/mL) had higher efficacy against Bel-7402 cell line.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(4):939-943
pages 939-943 views

Synthesis of pyridinecarboxaldimine grafted to magnetic nanoparticles (Fe3O4@SiO2) and its application in the aerobic oxidation of primary alcohols catalyzed by CuBr2/TEMPO

Zhang Y., Sun X., Guo Z., Su L., Zhao J.


A pyridinecarboxaldimine grafted to silica-coated magnetic nanoparticles was prepared. The structure and magnetic properties of the functionalized magnetic silica nanoparticles were identified by TEM, FT-IR, XRD, elemental analysis, and vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM). The supported pyridinecarboxaldimine as chelating ligand in combination with CuBr2 and 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-1-piperadoxyl (TEMPO) exhibited efficient catalytic performance in the aerobic oxidation of primary alcohols to aldehydes. The functionalized magnetic silica nanoparticles could be easily recovered using an external magnetic field and reused for at least 6 times with low reduction in its performance in the aerobic oxidation of benzyl alcohol.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(4):944-952
pages 944-952 views

Synthesis, crystal structure, and magnetic characteristics of chiral cyanide-bridged Fe–Cu complex

Xue C., Yuan H., Zhang H., Zhang D.


Based on the building blocks, trans-dicyanide Fe(III) precursor and chiral amine Cu(II) compound, the chiral cyanide-bridged heterometallic Fe(III)–Cu(II) complex with the formula {[Cu(R/R-Chxn)2Fe(bpmb)·(CN)2][Fe(bpmb)(CN)2]}·CH3OH·H2O (1) [bpmb2– = 1,2-bis(pyridine-2-carboxamido)-4-methylbenzenate, R,R-Chxn = R,R-1,2-diaminocyclohexane] has been synthesized and characterized by elemental analysis, IR spectra and X-ray analysis. The latter revealed that the complex contained the cyanide-bridged cationic binuclear entity and free anionic cyanide building block. The complex demonstrated weak ferromagnetic coupling between neighboring Fe(III) and Cu(II) ions via the bridging cyanide group.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(4):953-957
pages 953-957 views

Green synthesis of new Ge(IV) complexes with bio-potent ligands and their antimicrobial, DNA cleavage, and antioxidant activities

Fahmi N., Khedar R., Singh R.


Green microwave supported synthesis, spectral, antimicrobial, DNA cleavage, and antioxidant studies of Ge(IV) complexes with bio-potent ligands, 1-acetylferrocenehydrazinecarboxamide (L1H) and 1-acetylferrocenehydrazinecarbothioamide (L2H) have been carried out. The ligands and their respective complexes have been characterized on the basis of elemental analysis, IR, 1H and 13C NMR spectra, and X-ray powder diffraction studies. The ligands are coordinated to the Ge(IV) via azomethine nitrogen and thiolic sulfur atom/ enolic oxygen atom. Both ligands and their complexes demonstrated appreciable fungicidal and bactericidal properties. The metal complexes demonstrated stronger antimicrobial than the respective free ligands. DNA cleavage activity of the complexes study revealed higher activity of the complexes than the ligands. Antioxidant activity of the complexes was tested for their hydrogen peroxide scavenging.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(4):958-964
pages 958-964 views

Charge-transfer complexes of two highly efficient drugs with σ- and π-acceptors: Spectroscopic, thermal, and surface morphology characteristics

Naglah A., Al-Omar M., Ibrahim O., Refat M., Adam A., Saad H., El-Metwaly N.


Considerable attention has recently been devoted to the formation of stable charge-transfer (CT) complexes that result from the reaction of drugs with acceptors. Intermolecular CT interactions of two drugs, barbituratic acid (Bar) and ephedrine hydrochloride (Eph), with different σ- and π-acceptors have been studied stoichiometrically, structurally (IR, Raman, 1H NMR, and UV-Vis spectroscopy), thermally, and morphologically (SEM).

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(4):965-974
pages 965-974 views

Ag(I), Cu(II), and Cd(II) sulfacetamide complexes: Synthesis, spectral, thermal study, and antimicrobial activity assessment

El-Megharbel S.


Sulfacetamide complexes of Ag(I), Cu(II), and Cd(II) were synthesized and characterized by the elemental analyses and IR and 1H NMR spectra. Structural assessment revealed two modes of coordination in the sulfacetamide complexes, showing that sulfacetamide reacts as a bidentate ligand and coordinates to Ag(I) and Cd(II) through the amido and sulfonyl oxygens and to Cu(II) through the NH2 nitrogen. Molar conductance measurements in DMSO showed that both the complexes are nonelectrolytes in nature, which allowed they to be assigned the formulas [Ag(SAM-Na)(NO3)H2O)]·3H2O, [Cu(SAM-Na)2(Cl)2], and [Cd(SAM-Na)(Cl)2]·10H2O. The kinetic and thermodynamic parameters of the thermal decomposition reactions of the complexes were estimated from the TG/DTG curves by the Coats–Redfern and Horowitz–Metzeger methods. The surface morphology of sulfacetamide complexes was scanned using X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) analyses.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(4):975-982
pages 975-982 views

Letters to the Editor

Optimization of CrO2 magnetic characteristics in the process of hydrothermal synthesis using nucleating agents of complex structure

Arkhipov D., Gordeev S., Dzidziguri E., Osmolovskii M., Osmolovskaya O.
Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(4):983-985
pages 983-985 views

Synthesis of new cyclic derivatives of isothiourea, potential inhibitors of NO-synthases

Martinovich N., Abzianidze V., Kuznetsov V., Ramsh S.
Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(4):986-988
pages 986-988 views

Synthesis and spectral-luminescent properties of methyl and benzyl ethers of 2-[(E)-2-(pyridin-3-yl)vinyl]quinolin-8-ol

Mikhailov I., Svetlichnyi D., Burov O., Dushenko G., Revinskii Y., Kurbatov S.
Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(4):989-991
pages 989-991 views

Sol–gel synthesis of coatings based on titanium oxide with two-level structure organization

Arbenin A., Zemtsova E., Ponomaryova A., Smirnov V.
Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(4):992-993
pages 992-993 views

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