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卷 53, 编号 7 (2019)

XVI International Conference  “thermoelectrics and Their Applications–2018” (Iscta 2018,) St. Petersburg, October 8–12, 2018

New Direction in the Application of Thermoelectric Energy Converters

Dashevsky Z., Konstantinov P., Skipidarov S.


In southern countries, including European states, solar collectors for additional water-heating systems are widely used. However, the disadvantage of such systems is that a considerable proportion of solar energy cannot be used with increasing water temperature and dissipates into the environment. It is proposed to use waste heat at a high temperature, which is supplied to a thermoelectric generator (TEG) operating on the basis of a temperature difference between the hot water in the solar collector and cold water supplied to a radiator on the other TEG side. This is a new application of thermoelectric converters, in which the converter can act not only as a source of electrical energy but also as a source of low-potential heat coming from the radiator. The total conversion efficiency in such devices can reach 90%. It is shown that the use of p-type legs in a TEG with the cleavage planes of the legs parallel to the heat-flux direction instead of the conventional parallel orientation results in an increase in the thermoelectric efficiency by 25% on average in the temperature range of 100–300°C.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(7):861-864
pages 861-864 views

Theoretical Modeling of the Thermoelectric Properties of Fe2Ti1 –xVxSn Heusler Alloys

Ashim Y., Inerbaev T., Akilbekov A., Miki H., Takagi T., Khovaylo V.


Theoretical calculations of the electron structure and Seebeck coefficient in Fe2Ti1 –xVxSn alloys for the cases of a fully ordered L21 and partially disordered B2 Heusler crystal structure are presented. It is shown that the band-gap width increases with the substitution of Ti by V. Comparison with the available theoretical and experimental data indicates that taking into account randomness in the atomic distribution makes it possible to acquire values of the Seebeck coefficient closer to the experimental results.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(7):865-868
pages 865-868 views

Thermoelectric Intensifier of Heat Transfer between Two Moving Media with Different Temperatures

Kadirova D.


A patented thermoelectric intensifier of heat transfer between two moving media with different temperatures is investigated. Its design envisages the use of fan units in order to increase the heat-transfer intensity between media. A mathematical model of the device is developed based on solution of the heat balance equation for media flows in transport zones under conditions of forward flow. The calculated data are presented in the form of a dependence of the temperature change of moving media along the intensifier for different values of the heat-transfer coefficient between the thermoelectric cell junctions and the air medium in the device gap. It is established that, the larger the temperature difference between the inlet media, the sharper the dependence of the thermopile limit on the heat-transfer coefficient.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(7):869-871
pages 869-871 views

Electronic Properties of Semiconductors

On the Poole–Frenkel Effect in Polycrystalline Europium Sulfide

Kazanin M., Kaminski V., Grevtsev M.


The field and temperature dependences of the electrical conductivity of europium sulfide are studied in the temperature range 160–430 K. It is found that the electrical conductivity increases in strong electric fields of up to 2 × 104 V/cm by the Poole–Frenkel mechanism.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(7):872-874
pages 872-874 views

Structure of the Energy Spectrum of Holes in IV–VI Materials from a Different Viewpoint

Prokofieva L., Konstantinov P.


A twofold decrease in the hole concentration for all PbTe〈NaTe〉 samples at 77–450 K and the same effect attained at 77 K and upon heavy doping due only to the introduction of a small tin addition into PbTe, supplemented by the observation of temperature hysteresis in the hole concentration in the mentioned range, serve as the basis for the development of another approach to studying the energy spectrum in IV–VI materials alternative to the two-band model. It is based on a phenomenon common for these materials, i.e., the compensation of current carriers as a response to electrically active doping. The appearance of compensation is associated with the initial (at a temperature below 77 K) doubly-charged process of the participation of an electron pair in a single doping act of PbTe due to their mutual attraction. The situation changes with increasing temperature and with the introduction of an impurity, and studying all aspects of the transformation is the task of further research.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(7):875-881
pages 875-881 views

Influence of Annealing on the Properties of Ge:Sb/Si(001) Layers with an Antimony Concentration Above Its Equilibrium Solubility in Germanium

Yurasov D., Baidakova N., Drozdov M., Morozova E., Kalinnikov M., Novikov A.


The influence of rapid thermal annealing on the electrical and radiative properties of Ge:Sb/Si(001) epitaxial layers with an antimony concentration substantially higher than its equilibrium solubility in germanium is investigated. Local variations in the electrical and luminescence properties of n-Ge/Si(001) throughout the structure depth are investigated by means of the precise chemical etching of Ge. It is shown that a variation in the properties of such layers at relatively low (≤500°C) annealing temperatures (decrease in the electron concentration and photoluminescence intensity) occur in the absence of the noticeable diffusion-related redistribution of dopant atoms. Variations in the electrical and luminescence properties of Ge:Sb layers at relatively high (≥700°C) annealing temperatures are caused by the substantial redistribution of Sb due to its bulk diffusion and desorption from the surface. In particular, Sb diffusion leads to the formation of doped layers in initially undoped parts of the studied structures, which start to give a substantial contribution to the resulting conductivity of the structure and its photoluminescence signal.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(7):882-886
pages 882-886 views

Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films

On the Properties of Isoparametric AlInGaAsP/InP Heterostructures

Alfimova D., Lunin L., Lunina M., Pashchenko A., Danilina E.


The effect of growth conditions on the structural perfection of AlInGaAsP/InP thin-film heterostructures is discussed. The key parameters determining the structural perfection and surface quality of thin AlInGaAsP epitaxial films grown on indium-phosphide substrates from the liquid phase in a temperature-gradient field are determined.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(7):887-891
pages 887-891 views

Development of the Physicochemical Properties of the GaSb(100) Surface in Ammonium Sulfide Solutions

Lebedev M., Lvova T., Shakhmin A., Rakhimova O., Dementev P., Sedova I.


Various conditions of passivation of the GaSb(100) surface by ammonium sulfide ((NH4)2S) solutions depending on the solution concentration, solvent, and treatment time are investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and atomic-force microscopy. It is shown that treatment of the GaSb(100) surface by any (NH4)2S solution leads to removal of the native oxide layer from the semiconductor surface and the formation of a passivating layer consisting of various gallium and antimony sulfides and oxides. The surface with the lowest roughness (RMS = 0.85 nm) is formed after semiconductor treatment with 4% aqueous ammonium sulfide solution for 30 min. Herewith, the atomic concentration ratio Ga/Sb at the surface is ~2. It is also found that aqueous ammonium sulfide solutions do not react with elemental antimony incorporated into the native-oxide layer. The latter causes a leakage current and Fermi-level pinning at the GaSb(100) surface. However, a 4% (NH4)2S solution in isopropanol removes elemental antimony almost completely; herewith, the semiconductor surface remains stoichiometric if a treatment duration is up to 13 min.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(7):892-900
pages 892-900 views

Spherical Distributed Bragg Reflector with an Omnidirectional Stop Band in the Near-IR Spectral Range

Medvedev A., Dukin A., Feoktistov N., Golubev V.


Spherical distributed Bragg reflectors (SDBR) for near-IR (infrared) applications are fabricated by plasma-enhanced chemical-vapor deposition. The SDBRs consist of alternating quarter-wave layers of amorphous hydrogenated silicon (a-Si:H) and amorphous silicon oxide (a-SiO2), deposited onto a glass or quartz microsphere that has a diameter of 500 μm and is doped with erbium ions. The reflection and transmission spectra of a SDBR are measured at different points on its surface. A wide band with high reflectance and low transmittance, i.e., a stop band, is detected. It is demonstrated that, for different radial directions from the center of the microspheres, the stop bands overlap to form an omnidirectional stop band. The influence exerted by the omnidirectional stop band on the spontaneous emission of erbium ions (1.53 μm) from the quartz microsphere is studied. It is shown that the omnidirectional stop band suppresses the intensity of spontaneous emission by more than an order of magnitude.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(7):901-905
pages 901-905 views

Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena

Electrical and Optical Properties of Unrelaxed InAs1 –xSbx Heteroepitaxial Structures

Guseynov R., Tanriverdiyev V., Belenky G., Kipshidze G., Aliyeva Y., Aliguliyeva K., Alizade E., Ahmadova K., Abdullayev N., Mamedov N., Zverev V.


The electrical and galvanomagnetic properties of unrelaxed heteroepitaxial InAs1 –xSbx structures (x = 0.43 and 0.38) in a wide temperature range of 5–300 K and magnetic fields up to 8 T are studied. From the thermal-activation dependence of the electrical conductivity, the band gap of the composition InAs0.57Sb0.43 is estimated as 120 meV. The electron concentration in InAs1 –xSbx (6 × 1016 cm–3 for InAs0.62Sb0.38 and 5 × 1016 cm–3 for InAs0.57Sb0.43) determined from the Hall effect agrees well with the electron concentration calculated from the Shubnikov–de-Haas oscillations. We also carry out the spectral ellipsometric studies of unrelaxed heteroepitaxial structures of InAs1 –xSbx (x = 0.43 and 0.38) in the photon energy range of 1–6 eV. The spectral dependences of the imaginary and real parts of the dielectric constant are determined. The dispersion dependences of the refractive index and the extinction coefficient are calculated and presented.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(7):906-910
pages 906-910 views

Differences in the Impurity Ionization in Quasi-Classically Strong Constant and Alternating Electric Fields in a Two-Dimensional Superlattice Based on Graphene

Badikova P., Glazov S., Syrodoev G.


The coefficient of the absorption of an electromagnetic wave in a two-dimensional superlattice based on graphene, in the presence of a constant electric field for the case of quasi-classically strong electric fields is investigated. The anisotropy of the absorption coefficient is revealed at different orientations of the vector of the constant electric field and the vector of polarization of the alternating electric field. It is demonstrated that the slow increase in the absorption coefficient at low frequencies is caused by impurity absorption, and its faster increase at higher frequencies is determined by miniband-to-miniband transitions. These peculiar properties can be used for the development of radiation detectors.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(7):911-918
pages 911-918 views

On the Thermal Activation of Conductivity Electrons in a p-Type HgTe/CdHgTe Double Quantum Well with HgTe Layers of Critical Width

Podgornykh S., Yakunin M., Krishtopenko S., Popov M., Mikhailov N., Dvoretskii S.


The temperature dependences of the Hall coefficient and magnetoresistivity of a p-type HgTe/CdHgTe double quantum well with HgTe layers of critical thickness in the temperature range T = 35–300 K under magnetic fields up to 9 T are investigated. The position of the earlier observed reentrant quantum Hall transition from plateau i = 1 to plateau i = 2 is found to be close to the transition field from light to heavy holes with an increase in the magnetic field in the classical Hall effect. It is found that thermally activated light electrons contribute to the Hall effect along with light and heavy holes at T ≥ 35 K. The activation energy of electrons is estimated from the temperature dependence of the electron concentration as 28 meV, which exceeds the calculated value from the lateral maximum of the valence subband to the edge of the lowest conduction subband, probably because of heterostructure asymmetry.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(7):919-922
pages 919-922 views

On the Morphology and Optical Properties of Molybdenum Disulfide Nanostructures from a Monomolecular Layer to a Fractal-Like Substructure

Domashevskaya E., Goloshchapov D., Dambos A., Rudnev E., Grechkina M., Ryabtsev S.


The impact of layer thickness on the morphology and optical properties of MoS2 nanostructures, including monomolecular layers, formed by the carrier-gas-assisted transport of sulfur vapor to the hot zone of a reactor containing metallic molybdenum and subsequent deposition on mica (muscovite) substrates is investigated. Molybdenum disulfide nanostructures of different thicknesses grown at different temperatures of gas-transport synthesis are studied by atomic-force microscopy, optical absorption spectroscopy, and Raman spectroscopy. It is found that synthesis at temperatures of 525–600°C makes it possible to obtain monomolecular MoS2 layers containing trigonal domains and featuring direct-gap optical transitions at 1.84 eV with the formation of excitons at room temperature. Fractal-type MoS2 substructures are obtained for the first time. The frequencies of intralayer and interlayer vibrational modes \(E_{{2g}}^{1}\) and A1g, respectively, in their Raman spectra (377.5 and 403.8 cm–1, respectively) differ both from the corresponding values for a monomolecular layer and the known frequencies for bulk samples. The frequency of the \(E_{{2g}}^{1}\) intralayer mode in these samples (377.5 cm–1) is the lowest of all previously reported.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(7):923-929
pages 923-929 views

Magnetotransport Spectroscopy of the Interface, Quantum Well, and Hybrid States in Structures with 16-nm-Thick Multiple HgTe Layers

Vasilyeva G., Greshnov A., Vasilyev Y., Mikhailov N., Usikova A., Haug R.


The longitudinal and Hall components of the resistivity tensor are measured in structures with multiple HgTe layers 16 nm thick in magnetic fields to 12 T at temperatures from 1.5 to 300 K. The slope of the magnetic-field dependence of the Hall resistance is found to change its sign at a certain critical temperature Tc = 5 and 10 K in the two studied samples, which indicates the presence of two types of charge carriers and a change in the relation between their contributions to the Hall resistance with temperature. The low critical temperature and manifestation of the “two-component” nature of the Hall curves only at T > Tc prove that the ground state of the system at T = Tc is gapless. At higher temperatures (20 K < T < 200 K), the Hall concentration is proportional to the temperature with good accuracy. The description of the charge-carrier dispersion laws by the 8-band kp model taking into account Γ8-band-edge splitting caused by mechanical stresses, which forms both types of state in HgTe, makes it possible to quantitatively describe the observed magnetotransport features. It is shown that they are associated with the simultaneous filling of electron and hole states formed as a result of mixing interface states responsible for the topological-insulator phase and the quantum-confined states in the Γ8 band.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(7):930-935
pages 930-935 views

Amorphous, Vitreous, and Organic Semiconductors

Dependence of the Conductivity of Porous Silicon Layers on the Carrier-Transport Direction

Guseva E., Forsh E.


An investigation into carrier-transport mechanisms in mesoporous silicon layers for the cases of transport along the layer surface (perpendicularly to silicon columns) and perpendicularly to the layer surface (along silicon columns) is presented. It is established that the conductivity measured along the layer surface is much lower than the conductivity measured perpendicularly to the surface. It is concluded from analysis of the temperature and frequency dependences of the conductivity that the carrier-transport mechanisms are different in the cases under consideration (along and perpendicularly to the surface).

Semiconductors. 2019;53(7):936-940
pages 936-940 views

Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors

Orientation Relationships upon the Structural Transformation of Monoclinic and Cubic Phases in Silver Sulfide

Sadovnikov S., Rempel A.


The orientation relationships between the low-temperature monoclinic semiconductor acanthite α-Ag2S and the high-temperature body-centered argentite β-Ag2S are determined based on high-temperature X-ray diffraction and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) data on silver sulfide. It is found that, in contrast to acanthite, the possible distances between silver atoms in cubic argentite are too small to allow Ag atoms to occupy metal sublattice sites with a probability of 1. It is shown that the (010) and (001) atomic planes of acanthite are parallel to the (1\(\bar {1}\)0) and (221) planes of argentite, respectively. The found orientation relationships between acanthite and argentite are important for understanding the physical operation of the Ag2S/Ag heteronanostructure, which is considered as a potential basis for designing resistive switches and nonvolatile memory devices.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(7):941-946
pages 941-946 views

Size Dependence of the Melting Point of Silicon Nanoparticles: Molecular Dynamics and Thermodynamic Simulation

Dronnikov V., Talyzin I., Samsonov M., Samsonov V., Pushkar M.


The size dependence of the melting point of Si nanoparticles is investigated using molecular dynamics and thermodynamic simulation based on the Thomson’s formula. The atomistic modeling data obtained using the Stillinger–Weber potential agree with the results reported by other authors and thermodynamic-simulation data and predict a decrease in the melting point Tm of Si nanoparticles with an increase in their reciprocal radius R–1 according to linear law. The available experimental data predict lower Tm values, including the limiting value \(T_{m}^{{(\infty )}}\), which corresponds to the linear extrapolation of experimental points to R–1 → 0 (to the radius R → ∞); the underestimation is 200–300 K as compared with the reference melting point of silicon (1688 K). It is concluded that the molecular-dynamics data on Tm(R–1) obtained using the Stillinger–Weber potential are more adequate than the available experimental data.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(7):947-953
pages 947-953 views

Carbon Systems

Epitaxial Carbyne: Analytical Results

Davydov S.


The Green’s function method in the tight-binding approximation is used to obtain analytical expressions for the electronic spectra and densities of states for two carbyne structural modifications (cumulene and polyyne). Metal and semiconductor substrates are considered and charge-transfer estimates are deduced. Criteria for the occurrence of a charge-density wave in free-standing and epitaxial carbynes are proposed taking into account the intra- and interatomic Coulomb repulsion. Analytical expressions for the phonon spectrum of free-standing carbyne are presented. The data obtained are compared with the results of numerical calculations performed by other researchers.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(7):954-961
pages 954-961 views

Physics of Semiconductor Devices

High-Voltage Diffused Step Recovery Diodes: I. Numerical Simulation

Kyuregyan A.


The operation of diffused step recovery diodes (dSRDs) as current interrupters in high-power nanosecond pulse generators is studied in detail for the first time by numerical computer simulation. One of the necessary conditions for minimizing the loss in dSRDs is specified. The dependences of the prepulse voltage, front duration, amplitude and duration of the pulse formed on a resistive load, and the switching-loss energy in a dSRD on the device area and break current density are obtained. It is shown that the simulation results can be described by simple analytical formulas obtained in the second part of the work with an error of 10–20% if the pulse amplitude does not exceed the dSRD avalanche breakdown voltage. A generalized figure of merit of dSRDs is proposed, which can be used to optimize the dSRD parameters and operation mode and compare the efficiency of current interrupters of different types.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(7):962-968
pages 962-968 views

High-Voltage Diffused Step Recovery Diodes: II. Theory

Kyuregyan A.


Approximate analytical formulas are derived to evaluate the main characteristics of diffused step recovery diodes, which operate as current interrupters in high-power nanosecond pulse generators with intermediate inductive energy storage: the spurious prepulse voltage, characterizing the resistive loss in diffused step recovery diodes; amplitude; front duration; maximum voltage rise rate, and duration of the pulse formed on an active load. Similar formulas for epitaxial step recovery diodes, partially obtained for the first time and partially refining previous results, are given for comparison.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(7):969-974
pages 969-974 views

Low-Temperature Annealing of Lightly Doped n-4H-SiC Layers after Irradiation with Fast Electrons

Korolkov O., Kozlovski V., Lebedev A., Sleptsuk N., Toompuu J., Rang T.


The effect of low-temperature (up to 600°C) isothermal and isochronous annealing on the electrical characteristics of irradiated n-4H-SiC JBS Schottky diodes is studied. Irradiation is performed with 0.9-MeV electrons at a dose of 1 × 1016 cm–2. It is shown that the forward current–voltage (IV) and capacitance–voltage (CV) characteristics of the irradiated diodes are mainly restored at annealing temperatures of up to 300°C. As the annealing temperature is raised to 500°C, nearly 90% of the defects introduced by irradiation with fast electrons are annealed out. The possible recommended mode of stabilizing annealing to be used in radiation-defect engineering (RDE) is 500°C, 30 min.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(7):975-978
pages 975-978 views

Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures

Features of the Initial Stage of the Heteroepitaxy of Silicon Layers on Germanium When Grown from Silicon Hydrides

Orlov L., Ivina N., Bozhenkin V.


Data on the dependence of the growth rate of Si layers deposited onto Ge(111) by the hydride method on their thickness at the initial heteroepitaxy stage are reported. The effect of a Ge substrate within ten grown silicon single layers on the Si-film growth rate is demonstrated. Based on the data obtained, the kinetic coefficients responsible for the rate of the main physicochemical processes related to the interaction of hydride molecular beams with the growth surface are calculated. An analysis of the capture probability and rates of pyrolysis of the adsorbed Si(Ge) hydride molecules on the pure Ge(Si) surfaces reveals the dependence of their behavior on the growing-layer thickness. Comparison of the results obtained during Si-layer growth on Ge shows that the pure germanium surface has higher adsorption and catalytic abilities with respect to silane molecules than the pure Si surface. The unstrained pure Si surface has higher adsorption and catalytic characteristics with respect to Ge-hydride molecules.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(7):979-988
pages 979-988 views

Properties of Semipolar GaN Grown on a Si(100) Substrate

Bessolov V., Konenkova E., Orlova T., Rodin S., Seredova N., Solomnikova A., Shcheglov M., Kibalov D., Smirnov V.


Semipolar GaN layers synthesized on a nanostructured Si(100) substrate are studied. It is shown that using a Si(100) nanoprofile combined with SixNy nanostrips on top of nanostructures can yield, via metal-organic chemical-vapor deposition, GaN(10\(\bar {1}\)2) layers. An additional SiC buffer layer makes it possible to obtain GaN(10\(\bar {1}\)1) layers with a full-width at half-maximum of the diffraction-curve of ωθ ≈ 35′ arcmin. It is found that the luminescence properties of the semipolar layers are mostly due to basal plane stacking faults BSFS-I1, in contrast to polar layers in which these properties are mostly due to the recombination of excitons.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(7):989-992
pages 989-992 views

Investigation into the Influence of a Buffer Layer of Nanoporous Silicon on the Atomic and Electronic Structure and Optical Properties of AIIIN/por-Si Heterostructures Grown by Plasma-Activated Molecular-Beam Epitaxy

Seredin P., Lenshin A., Zolotukhin D., Goloshchapov D., Mizerov A., Arsentyev I., Beltyukov A.


The influence of using a buffer sublayer of nanoporous por-Si on the morphological, physical, and structural properties of nanocolumnar InxGa1 –xN structures fabricated by plasma-activated molecular-beam epitaxy on single-crystal Si(111) substrates is shown. Using a set of structural-spectroscopic analytical methods, the electronic structure of the grown heterostructures, morphology, and optical properties are investigated, and the interrelations between them are established. It is shown that the use of a por-Si sublayer makes it possible to attain a more uniform distribution of diameters of InxGa1 –xN nanocolumns and to increase the photoluminescence intensity of the latter.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(7):993-999
pages 993-999 views