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卷 51, 编号 6 (2017)

XV International Conference “Thermoelectrics and Their Applications—2016”, St. Petersburg, November 15–16, 2016

Transport properties of cobalt monosilicide and its alloys at low temperatures

Burkov A., Novikov S., Zaitsev V., Reith H.


The electrical resistivity and thermopower of cobalt monosilicide (CoSi) and dilute alloys of CoSi with iron at temperatures from 2 to 370 K are experimentally investigated. CoSi is a semimetal and considered to be a promising thermoelectric material. It crystallizes into the cubic structure without an inversion center. This feature suggests the existence of topologically nontrivial electronic states and makes CoSi a candidate for the Weyl semimetal class. The main goal of the study is to find experimental confirmation of this assignment. It is shown that the experimental temperature dependences of the electrical resistivity and thermopower of CoSi and Co1–xFexSi (x = 0.04) at low temperatures cannot be interpreted within the standard theory of conductivity in metals and may be related to topological features of the electronic structure of this compound.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(6):689-691
pages 689-691 views

On the density-of-states effective mass and charge-carrier mobility in heteroepitaxial films of bismuth telluride and Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 solid solution

Lukyanova L., Boikov Y., Usov O., Danilov V.


It is shown that the Seebeck coefficient α, the power factor α2σ, and the density-of-states effective mass m/m0 in heteroepitaxial films of Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 solid solution are higher than the corresponding characteristics of bulk thermoelectric materials. The elevated values and weak temperature dependences of these parameters lead to a rise in the parameter proportional to the effective mass, the charge-carrier mobility, and the figure of merit. The character of change in α, α2σ, and m/m0 is determined by the peculiarities of the mechanism of charge-carrier scattering, the anisotropy of the constant-energy surface, and the possible influence of topological surface states of Dirac fermions in the films.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(6):692-694
pages 692-694 views

Calculation of the thermal conductivity of nanostructured Bi2Te3 with the real phonon spectrum taken into account

Bulat L., Pshenay-Severin D., Osvenskii V., Parkhomenko Y.


The results of calculations of lattice thermal conductivity in bismuth telluride are presented and its decrease in a nanostructured material due to boundary scattering is estimated. Calculation is carried out using the lattice-dynamics method with the real phonon spectrum and the phonon–phonon interaction taken into account. Its results well agree with experimental data for the crystalline material. The estimates for the nanostructured material give a decrease in the thermal conductivity by 30% for grain sizes of 20 nm. Calculations by this method are compared with those obtained using approximate methods of description of the spectrum and scattering processes. It is shown that the least difference in the estimates (about 10%) can be obtained when using the approximation of a constant matrix element of phonon–phonon scattering with correction of the frequency dependence for acoustic modes.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(6):695-698
pages 695-698 views

Thermoelectric properties of InSb〈Zn〉 in nanoporous glass

Uryupin O., Shabaldin A.


Nanowire structures of zinc-doped indium antimonide are fabricated. These structures are formed in porous glass with characteristic pore sizes of ~7 nm. The temperature dependences of the electrical conductivity, Seebeck coefficient, and current–voltage characteristics are studied. An increase in the InSb Seebeck coefficient in porous glass in comparison with that of the bulk material is detected for the first time.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(6):699-701
pages 699-701 views

Galvanomagnetic properties of Bi85Sb15 thin films on different substrates

Komarov V., Suslov A., Suslov M.


The results of studying the galvanomagnetic properties of Bi85Sb15 thin films on substrates with various thermal-expansion coefficients are presented. The significant effect of the difference between the thermal expansions of film and substrate materials on the galvanomagnetic properties of the films is revealed. An analysis of the film properties within the two-band model shows that the difference in the properties of films on different substrates is associated with changes in the charge-carrier concentration and mobility. It is shown that a decrease in the thermal-expansion coefficient of the substrate material results in a decrease in the carrier concentration in the film composition under study, which indicates a significant difference in changes in the film band structure in comparison with changes occurring with increasing antimony concentration.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(6):702-705
pages 702-705 views

Structure of thermoelectric films of higher manganese silicide on silicon according to electron microscopy data

Orekhov A., Kamilov T., Ibragimova B., Ivakin G., Klechkovskaya V.


The structural features of higher manganese-silicide films obtained by the diffusion doping of single-crystal silicon substrates with manganese vapor in a sealed cell and a flow-through quartz reactor with continuous pumping are comparatively analyzed. Scanning electron microscopy and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy show that a single-phase textured film of higher manganese silicide is formed in the evacuated cell. A change in the growth conditions from steady (cell) to quasi-steady-state (reactor) leads to the formation of polycrystalline islands of higher manganese silicide with nanoscale inclusions of the manganese- monosilicide phase.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(6):706-709
pages 706-709 views

Synthesis and electrical properties of Bi2Te3-based thermoelectric materials doped with Er, Tm, Yb, and Lu

Yapryntsev M., Lyubushkin R., Soklakova O., Ivanov O.


Nanopowders of Bi2Te3 and R0.1Bi1.9Te3 (where R = Er, Tm, Yb, Lu) are obtained by microwave solvothermal synthesis. The powder-like materials are compacted by cold isostatic compression followed by annealing in argon. The influence of the doping agent on the structure and characteristics of the derived materials are investigated. It is demonstrated that the introduction of rare-earth elements (2 at %) into the bismuth-telluride lattice leads to a decrease in the electrical resistivity and to an increase in the Seebeck coefficient. The best thermoelectric properties are obtained for the sample of bismuth telluride doped with thulium.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(6):710-713
pages 710-713 views

Preparation and properties of Zn4Sb3-based thermoelectric material

Panchenko V., Tabachkova N., Ivanov A., Senatulin B., Andreev E.


The effect of synthesis conditions on the structure and thermoelectric properties of zinc-antimonide- based materials is investigated. The effects of Zn excess, the modes of spark plasma sintering, and In doping on the phase composition and the thermal stability of the properties of the obtained material are considered. The material is prepared by the method of the direct alloying of components and spark plasma sintering. It is shown that, at certain modes of spark plasma sintering, the introduction of an excess amount of Zn and In doping make it possible to obtain β-Zn4Sb3 with the thermoelectric efficiency ZT ≈ 1.47 at a temperature of 720 K, which shows the stability of characteristics under the performed tests.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(6):714-717
pages 714-717 views

Fe-based semiconducting Heusler alloys

Khovaylo V., Voronin A., Zueva V., Seredina M., Chatterdjee R.


A brief overview of the current state of research on Fe-based semiconducting Heusler alloys is given. The most significant achievement in this area is the increase of thermoelectric figure of merit to ZT > 1 in the p-type Fe(V,Nb)Sb-based compounds. Besides these compounds, growing attention has been paid in recent years to the study of promising thermoelectric materials based on Fe2TiZ (Z = Al, Si, Sn) Heusler alloys and the investigation of multifunctional Fe2MnZ (Z = Al, Si) compounds, which may be of interest as thermoelectric materials as well as magnetic semiconductors with a high Curie temperature.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(6):718-721
pages 718-721 views

Simulation of the field-activated sintering of thermoelectric materials

Bulat L., Novotelnova A., Osvenskii V., Tukmakova A., Yerezhep D.


The field-activated sintering of segmented thermoelement branches is considered within a timedependent computer model. Modified asymmetric tooling with an electrical insulating layer is proposed. This tooling facilitates the formation of a temperature difference as high as several hundreds of kelvins in the sample. The influence of the insulating-layer thickness on the axial and radial temperature differences in the samples is analyzed. The possibility of reducing the radial temperature gradient is demonstrated.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(6):722-724
pages 722-724 views

Effect of anion and cation substitution in tungsten disulfide and tungsten diselenide on conductivity and thermoelectric power

Yakovleva G., Romanenko A., Berdinsky A., Kuznetsov V., Ledneva A., Artemkina S., Fedorov V.


The temperature dependences of the conductivity and thermoelectric power for a series of samples W1–xNbxS2, W1–xNbxSe2, WS2–ySey, W1–xNbxS2–ySey are studied at low temperatures. It is found that the cation substitution of W atoms with Nb leads to an increase in the conductivity and a decrease in the thermoelectric power. The anion substitution of S with Se atoms results in a simultaneous increase in the conductivity and thermoelectric power. The highest power factor among the samples studied is inherent to W0.8Nb0.2Se2.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(6):725-728
pages 725-728 views

On the morphology of the interlayer surface and micro-Raman spectra of layered films in topological insulators based on bismuth telluride

Lukyanova L., Bibik A., Aseev V., Usov O., Makarenko I., Petrov V., Nikonorov N.


Resonant micro-Raman spectra and the morphology of the interlayer Van der Waals surface are studied for layered thin films of n-Bi2Te3 and solid solutions based on Bi2Te3. It is found that the composition, thickness, surface morphology, and the method of obtaining films affect the relative intensity of Raman phonons, which are sensitive to the topological surface states of Dirac fermions.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(6):729-731
pages 729-731 views

Nonelectronic Properties of Semiconductors (Atomic Structure, Diffusion)

Polymorphic transformations and thermal expansion in AgCuSe0.5(S,Te)0.5 crystals

Aliyev Y., Asadov Y., Aliyeva R., Jabarov S.


The high-temperature X-ray diffraction technique is used to study AgCuSe0.5(S,Te)0.5 crystals. It is shown that, at room temperature, the AgCuSe0.5S0.5 crystal is composed of Cu1.96S and AgCuSe phases. At a temperature of 695 K, these phases transform into a single face-centered cubic (fcc) phase. The transformation is reversible. The AgCuSe0.5Te0.5 composition consists of three phases, specifically, Cu2Te, AgCuSe, and a cubic phase. At 444 K, both orthorhombic phases simultaneously transform into a diamond-like cubic phase. In this transformation, the cubic phase plays the role of a seed. From the temperature dependence of the lattice parameters, the thermal-expansion coefficients of the phases involved in both compositions are calculated for the main crystallographic directions.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(6):732-739
pages 732-739 views

On a neutron detector based on TlInSe2 crystals intercalated with a lithium isotope

Alekseev I., Goremychkin E., Gundorin N., Petrenko A., Sashin I.


The possibility of increasing the sensitivity of a neutron detector based on a TlInSe2 crystal by introducing the 6Li isotope into this crystal is investigated. Introduction of the isotope is conducted by the method of electrochemical intercalation from aqueous and nonaqueous solutions of LiCl and also from the melt of the LiCl–KCl eutectic. It is shown that intercalation by the electrochemical method from a LiCl solution in propylene carbonate, performed along the “c” axis of the crystal (along strong bond chains) is efficient. The attained concentration of introduced lithium amounts to (1–1.2) × 1021 cm–3, which increased the sensitivity of the detector by approximately four times. Good agreement between the calculated and experimental values of the detector sensitivity is demonstrated.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(6):740-744
pages 740-744 views

Study of the distribution profile of iron ions implanted into silicon

Kozhemyako A., Balakshin Y., Shemukhin A., Chernysh V.


Iron ions with energies of 90 and 250 keV and a dose of 1016 cm–2 are implanted into a silicon single crystal with the (110) orientation. The method of Rutherford backscattering in combination with channeling is used to study the distribution profiles of the introduced impurity and also the profiles of the distribution of radiation-induced defects in the crystal lattice. Experimental data are compared with the results of simulation performed using the TRIM software package. It is shown that, at an energy of 4.6 keV/nucleon, the average projected ranges coincide; however, at an energy of 1.6 keV/nucleon, the difference amounts to 35%. In addition, it is shown that the calculation incorrectly takes into account the dose dependence at energies of 1.6–4.6 keV/nucleon.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(6):745-750
pages 745-750 views

Electronic Properties of Semiconductors

Electrical properties of ZnSe crystals doped with transition elements

Nitsuk Y., Vaksman Y.


The conductivity and photoconductivity of ZnSe crystals doped with transition elements are studied. It is shown that the doping of ZnSe crystals with 3d impurity elements is not accompanied by the appearance of electrically active levels of these impurities. At the same time, the introduction of these impurities into the cation sublattice brings about the formation of electrically active intrinsic defects. It is established that ZnSe crystals doped with Ti, V, Cr, Fe, Co, or Ni exhibit high-temperature impurity photoconductivity. Photoconductivity mechanisms in the crystals are proposed. From the position of the first ionization photoconductivity band, the energies of ground states of 3d2+ ions in ZnSe crystals are determined.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(6):751-754
pages 751-754 views

Simulation of drift-diffusion transport of charge carriers in semiconductor layers with a fractal structure in an alternating electric field

Rekhviashvili S., Alikhanov A.


Based on the fractional-order partial differential equation, the diffusion-drift charge-carrier transport in a semiconductor layer with a fractal structure under a longitudinal alternating electric field is simulated. The simulation showed that the space–time distributions of carriers are broadened and asymmetric in layers with a fractal structure. Under certain conditions, the effect of charge oscillation frequency doubling in an external alternating electric field is observed.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(6):755-759
pages 755-759 views

Electron properties of surface InGaAs/InAlAs quantum wells with inverted doping on InP substrates

Galiev G., Klochkov A., Vasil’evskii I., Klimov E., Pushkarev S., Vinichenko A., Khabibullin R., Maltsev P.


The electron-transport and optical properties of heterostructures with a surface InGaAs/InAlAs quantum well in the cases of inverted δ doping with Si atoms (below the quantum well) and of standard δ doping (above the quantum well) are compared. It is shown that, in the case of inverted doping, the two-dimensional electron density in the quantum well is increased in comparison with the case of the standard arrangement of the doping layer at identical compositions and thicknesses of other heterostructure layers. The experimentally observed features of low-temperature electron transport (Shubnikov–de Haas oscillations, Hall effect) and the photoluminescence spectra of heterostructures are interpreted by simulating the band structure.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(6):760-765
pages 760-765 views

Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena

Classical magnetoresistance of a two-component system induced by thermoelectric effects

Alekseev P., Gornyi I., Dmitriev A., Kachorovskii V., Semina M.


Magnetotransport in a two-dimensional two-component system consisting of electrons and holes with the same concentrations is studied. Balance equations to describe charge carrier and heat transfer are derived from the classical kinetic equation. The charge-carrier density and temperature distributions and electric-current densities are calculated by solving the balance equations for a long strip sample. In a sufficiently high magnetic field, regions of increased and decreased charge-carrier density, temperature, and fluxes are formed near the sample edges. This leads to nontrivial positive magnetoresistance.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(6):766-776
pages 766-776 views

Amorphous, Vitreous, and Organic Semiconductors

Influence of the samarium impurity on the structure and surface morphology of Se95Te5 chalcogenide glassy semiconductor

Mekhtiyeva S., Atayeva S., Isayev A., Zeynalov V.


X-ray diffraction and atomic-force microscopy are used to study the structure and surface morphology of Se95Te5 chalcogenide glassy semiconductor films and the influence exerted on these films by doping with samarium. The parameters of the first sharp diffraction peak (FSDP), observed in X-ray diffraction patterns, are used to determine the numerical values of the local structure parameters, such as the “quasiperiod” of density fluctuations, correlation length [size of medium-range-order (MRO) regions], and nanovoid diameters. In addition, the numerical values of the roughness-amplitude parameters are determined. It is found that the disorder in the atomic structure and the irregularities on the surface of the films under study become more pronounced with increasing percentage content of the samarium impurity.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(6):777-782
pages 777-782 views

Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors

Ab initio study of the electronic and vibrational structures of tetragonal cadmium diarsenide

Basalaev Y., Kopytov A., Poplavnoi A., Polygalov Y.


Ab initio calculations of the electronic spectrum, deformation electron density, and phonon frequencies at the center of the Brillouin zone of the CdAs2 tetragonal compound are carried out in the context of the density-functional method. It is established that the crystal is an indirect-gap semiconductor with a band gap of ~1 eV, which is in good agreement with well-known optical and electrical experimental data. The features of chemical bonding in the crystal are studied. The features are defined by the fact that As atoms form spiral chins of covalent As–As bonds, whereas Cd–As bonds are ionic-covalent. The ab initio calculated phonon frequencies are compared with the frequencies calculated in the Keating model and with experimental data; the partial contributions of Cd and As atoms are analyzed.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(6):783-788
pages 783-788 views

Physics of Semiconductor Devices

n-ZnO/p-CuI barrier heterostructure based on zinc-oxide nanoarrays formed by pulsed electrodeposition and SILAR copper-iodide films

Klochko N., Kopach V., Khrypunov G., Korsun V., Volkova N., Lyubov V., Kirichenko M., Kopach A., Zhadan D., Otchenashko A.


A p-CuI/n-ZnO barrier structure is investigated as a promising base diode structure for a semitransparent near-ultraviolet detector. We analyze the crystal structure and electrical and optical properties of zinc-oxide nanoarrays electrodeposited in the pulsed mode and copper-iodide films formed by the successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction (SILAR) method, which were used as the basis for an n-ZnO/p-CuI barrier heterostructure sensitive to ultraviolet radiation in the spectral range of 365–370 nm. Using the I–V characteristics, a shunting resistance of Rsh · Sc = 879 Ω cm2, a series resistance of Rs · Sc = 8.5 Ω cm2, a diode rectification factor of K = 17.6, a rectifying pn-junction barrier height of Φ = 1.1 eV, and a diode ideality factor of η = 2.4 are established. It is demonstrated that at low forward biases (0 V < U < 0.15 V), the effects of charge-carrier recombination and tunneling are equal. As the bias increases above 0.15 V, the tunneling–recombination transport mechanism starts working. The diode saturation current J0 is found to be 6.4 × 10–6 mA cm–2 for recombination and tunneling charge-carrier transport and 2.7 × 10–3 mA cm–2 for tunneling–recombination charge-carrier transport.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(6):789-797
pages 789-797 views

On the limit of the injection ability of silicon p+n junctions as a result of fundamental physical effects

Mnatsakanov T., Levinshtein M., Shuman V., Seredin B.


Analytical expressions describing the dependences of the p+n-junction leakage current on the doping level of the p+-type region are derived by taking into account a whole set of nonlinear physical effects: electron–hole scattering, Auger recombination, band-gap narrowing, and nonlinear dependences of the charge-carrier lifetime and mobility on the doping level. It is shown that the dependence for the leakage current has a minimum at which the injection ability of the p+-type emitter is at a maximum. The dependence of the extremum position on the main parameters of the heavily doped p+ layer is analyzed. The data obtained make it possible to optimize the structure of high-power silicon devices and to facilitate the adequacy of numerical calculations.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(6):798-802
pages 798-802 views

Simulation of reversely switched dynistors in modes with a lowered primary-ignition threshold

Gorbatyuk A., Ivanov B.


A new method for triggering reversely switched dynistors (RSDs) into submicrosecond modes with high current-rise rates being switched at a substantially lower primary ignition threshold is proposed and studied numerically in detail by computer simulation methods. The numerical problem considers all the relevant physical laws for the spatially distributed and discrete elements of RSD switching unit, including the nonlocal isochronous interaction between the working regions of power RSDs or the photodiode control switches and external-circuit components. The simulation results confirm the possibility of reaching, in actual practice for RSDs, current-rise rates up to dJ/dt = 3 × 1010 A cm–2 s–1 in circuits based on lowpower semiconductor control switches at primary ignition levels relative to a reversely injected charge, which has a density as low as 1–2 μC/cm2. These parameters have been considered previously as only a theoretical limit, unachievable in the submicrosecond range for real thyristor switches.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(6):803-811
pages 803-811 views

Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures

Influence of a static magnetic field on the formation of silicide phases in a Cu/Si(100) structure upon isothermal annealing

Buchin E., Naumov V., Vasilyev S.


It is experimentally shown that the process of the solid-phase synthesis of copper silicide is sensitive to magnetic fields. Upon low-temperature vacuum annealing of a Cu/Si(100) thin-film structure, a static magnetic field with moderate strength stimulates the alloying of silicon in copper and suppresses synthesis of the Cu3Si phase.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(6):812-816
pages 812-816 views

Effect of deposition temperature on the structure and optical properties of zinc-selenide films produced by radio-frequency magnetron sputtering

Kobziev V., Zakirova R., Kostenkov N., Krylov P., Fedotova I.


The effect of the condensation temperature on the growth rate, structure, and optical properties of zinc-selenide films produced by radio-frequency magnetron sputtering is studied. As the deposition temperature is increased, the film thickness decreases. Polycrystalline zinc-selenide films consist of a mixture of cubic and hexagonal phases, of which the cubic phase is dominant. A correlation between the refractive index and the crystallite size is shown.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(6):817-822
pages 817-822 views

On the detachment of thin ITO films from silicon substrate by microsecond laser irradiation

Kirienko D., Berezina O.


A method for the separation of thin ITO (indium-tin-oxide) films from a silicon substrate by pulsed laser irradiation is studied. The method enables the detachment of films with thicknesses of 360 nm and more without their destruction. The separation process consists in successive irradiation of the surface with single microsecond laser pulses at a wavelength of 650 nm. Upon being detached from silicon substrates, the films produced by high-frequency magnetron sputtering have a transmittance of 65% in the visible spectral range and a resistivity of ~1.2 kΩ/□. The thermal stresses appearing in thin ITO films and leading to their detachment are estimated.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(6):823-827
pages 823-827 views

Structural features of Sm1–xEuxS thin polycrystalline films

Kaminskii V., Solov’ev S., Khavrov G., Sharenkova N., Hirai S.


Thin polycrystalline Sm1–xEuxS films (x = 0.1, 0.167, 0.2, 0.25, 0.33, 0.5) were prepared by evaporation of SmS and EuS powders. Structural features of the films were investigated. The influence of Eu concentration and temperature of film deposition on the value of lattice parameter and sizes of X-гау coherent scattering regions was studied. It is shown that formation of Sm1–xEuxS films comes about according to the theory that was previously suggested for SmS films and that the deviation of lattice parameter is explained by the variable valence of samarium ions.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(6):828-830
pages 828-830 views