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卷 50, 编号 3 (2016)

Nonelectronic Properties of Semiconductors (Atomic Structure, Diffusion)

Ab Initio Calculations of Phonon Dispersion in ZnGa2Se4

Dzhakhangirli Z., Kerimova T., Abdullaev N.


In the context of density functional theory, the phonon density of states and phonon dispersion are calculated for ZnGa2Se4. The temperature dependence of the heat capacity of ZnGa2Se4 in the temperature range 5–400 K is obtained. The calculated frequencies and symmetries of phonon modes in the center of the Brillouin zone are in good agreement with experimental data obtained by Raman spectroscopy and infrared spectroscopy.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(3):285-288
pages 285-288 views

Electronic Properties of Semiconductors

On Measurements of the Electrons and Holes Impact-Ionization Coefficients in 4H–SiC

Kyuregyan A.


All published results of measurements (at 300 K) of the impact ionization coefficients for electrons αn and holes αp in 4H–SiC are analyzed. It is shown that the most plausible approximations of dependences of αn, p on electric-field strength E have the usual form αn, p = an, p exp(–En, p/E) at fitting-parameter values of an = 38.6 × 106 cm–1, En = 25.6 MV/cm, ap = 5.31 × 106 cm–1, and Ep = 13.1 MV/cm. These dependences αn, p(E) are used to calculate the highest field strength Eb and thickness wb of the space-charge region at the breakdown voltage Ub. A number of new formulas for calculating αn, p(E) are obtained from the results of measuring the avalanche-multiplication coefficients and the excess-noise factors under the single-sided illumination of photodiodes with stepped doping.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(3):289-294
pages 289-294 views

Effect of Phonon Drag on the Thermopower in a Parabolic Quantum Well

Hasanov K., Huseynov J., Dadashova V., Aliyev F.


The theory of phonon-drag thermopower resulting from a temperature gradient in the plane of a two-dimensional electron gas layer in a parabolic quantum well is developed. The interaction mechanisms between electrons and acoustic phonons are considered, taking into account potential screening of the interaction. It is found that the effect of electron drag by phonons makes a significant contribution to the thermopower of the two-dimensional electron gas. It is shown that the consideration of screening has a significant effect on the drag thermopower. For the temperature dependence of the thermopower in a parabolic GaAs/AlGaAs quantum well in the temperature range of 1–10 K, good agreement between the obtained theoretical results and experiments is shown.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(3):295-298
pages 295-298 views

A Quasi-Classical Model of the Hubbard Gap in Lightly Compensated Semiconductors

Poklonski N., Vyrko S., Kovalev A., Zabrodskii A.


A quasi-classical method for calculating the narrowing of the Hubbard gap between the A0 and A+ acceptor bands in a hole semiconductor or the D0 and D donor bands in an electron semiconductor is suggested. This narrowing gives rise to the phenomenon of a semiconductor transition from the insulator to metal state with an increase in doping level. The major (doping) impurity can be in one of three charge states (–1, 0, or +1), while the compensating impurity can be in states (+1) or (–1). The impurity distribution over the crystal is assumed to be random and the width of Hubbard bands (levels), to be much smaller than the gap between them. It is shown that narrowing of the Hubbard gap is due to the formation of electrically neutral acceptor (donor) states of the quasicontinuous band of allowed energies for holes (electrons) from excited states. This quasicontinuous band merges with the top of the valence band (v band) for acceptors or with the bottom of the conduction band (c band) for donors. In other words, the top of the v band for a p-type semiconductor or the bottom of the c band for an n-type semiconductor is shifted into the band gap. The value of this shift is determined by the maximum radius of the Bohr orbit of the excited state of an electrically neutral major impurity atom, which is no larger than half the average distance between nearest impurity atoms. As a result of the increasing dopant concentration, the both Hubbard energy levels become shallower and the gap between them narrows. Analytical formulas are derived to describe the thermally activated hopping transition of holes (electrons) between Hubbard bands. The calculated gap narrowing with increasing doping level, which manifests itself in a reduction in the activation energy ε2 is consistent with available experimental data for lightly compensated p-Si crystals doped with boron and n-Ge crystals doped with antimony.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(3):299-308
pages 299-308 views

Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films

Deep Centers at the Interface in In2xGa2(1–x)Te3/InAs and In2Te3/InAs Heterostructures

Domashevskaya E., Mikhailyuk E., Prokopova T., Bezryadin N.


The methods of admittance, I–V, and C–V characteristics are used to investigate In2xGa2(1–x)Te3/InAs and In2Te3/InAs heterostructures obtained by the technologies of quasi-closed volume and deposition. The spectrum of the distribution of local energy levels at the interface is established. A new acceptor center with an energy of 0.36 eV alongside the known donor level with an energy of 0.5 eV is found by the method of admittance. The acceptor-center concentration Nt depends on the method of fabrication and technological modes. The kinetics of generation–recombination processes in the temperature range of 70–400 K does not affect the insulating properties of the In2Te3 or In2xGa2(1–x)Te3 (x ≈ 0.65) dielectric layer; therefore, the possibility of their use as heterostructures for field-effect transistors is demonstrated.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(3):309-313
pages 309-313 views

Role of Acoustoelectric Interaction in the Formation of Nanoscale Periodic Structures of Adsorbed Atoms

Peleshchak R., Lazurchak I., Kuzyk O., Dan’kiv O., Zegrya G.


The role of acoustoelectric effects in the formation of nanoscale structures of adatoms, resulting from the self-consistent interaction of adatoms with a surface acoustic wave and the electronic subsystem, is studied for the case of charged and uncharged adatoms. It is shown that an increase in the doping level of a semiconductor with donor impurities at a fixed average adatom concentration results in an increase in the critical temperature below which self-organization processes occur.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(3):314-319
pages 314-319 views

Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena

Investigation of Ion-Implanted Photosensitive Silicon Structures by Electrochemical Capacitance–Voltage Profiling

Yakovlev G., Frolov D., Zubkova A., Levina E., Zubkov V., Solomonov A., Sterlyadkin O., Sorokin S.


The method of electrochemical capacitance–voltage profiling is used to study boron-implanted silicon structures for CCD matrices with backside illumination. A series of specially prepared structures with different energies and doses of ion implantation and also with various materials used for the coating layers (aluminum, silicon oxide, and their combinations) is studied. The profiles of the depth distribution of majority charge carriers of the studied structures are obtained experimentally. Also, using the Poisson equation and the Fredholm equation of the first kind, the distributions of the charge-carrier concentration and of the electric field in the structures are calculated. On the basis of the analysis and comparison of theoretical and experimental concentration profiles, recommendations concerning optimization of the structures’ parameters in order to increase the value of the pulling field and decrease the effect of the surface potential on the transport of charge carriers are suggested.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(3):320-325
pages 320-325 views

Study of the Electron Distribution in GaN and GaAs after γ-Neutron Irradiation

Tarasova E., Khananova A., Obolensky S., Zemlyakov V., Sveshnikov Y., Egorkin V., Ivanov V., Medvedev G., Smotrin D.


The results of experimental studies of the parameters of GaN and GaAs structures before and after γ-neutron irradiation are reported. A special set of test diodes making it possible to reduce the error in the results of measuring the parameters of the structures, which is important in the design and optimization of the structure of semiconductor devices, is suggested.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(3):326-333
pages 326-333 views

Electrical and Photoelectric Properties of the TiN/p-InSe Heterojunction

Orletsky I., Ilashchuk M., Brus V., Marianchuk P., Solovan M., Kovalyuk Z.


The conditions for fabricating photosensitive TiN/p-InSe heterojunctions by the reactive-magnetron sputtering of thin titanium-nitride films onto freshly cleaved p-InSe single-crystal substrates is investigated. The presence of a tunnel-transparent high-resistivity In2Se3 layer at the heterojunction is revealed from analysis of the I–V characteristics, and the effect of this layer on the electrical properties and photosensitivity spectra of the heterostructures is analyzed. The dominant current transport mechanisms through the TiN/p-InSe energy barrier under forward and reverse bias are determined.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(3):334-338
pages 334-338 views

Layer-by-Layer Analysis of the Thickness Distribution of Silicon Dioxide in the Structure SiO2/Si(111) by Inelastic Electron Scattering Cross-Section Spectroscopy

Pchelyakov O., Mikhlin Y., Parshin A., Kushchenkov S.


The SiO2-concentration profile in the structure SiO2/Si(111) is determined from experimental spectra of the cross section for the inelastic scattering of reflected electrons in the primary electron energy range from 300 to 3000 eV. The spectra are analyzed with the use of a proposed algorithm and developed computer program for simulating the spectra of the cross section for the inelastic scattering of reflected electrons for layered structures with an arbitrary number of layers, arbitrary thickness, and variable concentration of components in each layer. The best agreement between the calculated and experimental spectra is attained by varying the silicon dioxide and silicon concentrations in each layer. The results obtained can be used for profiling film-substrate structures with an arbitrary composition.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(3):339-344
pages 339-344 views

Epitaxially Grown Monoisotopic Si, Ge, and Si1–xGex Alloy Layers: Production and Some Properties

Detochenko A., Denisov S., Drozdov M., Mashin A., Gavva V., Bulanov A., Nezhdanov A., Ezhevskii A., Stepikhova M., Chalkov V., Trushin V., Shengurov D., Shengurov V., Abrosimov N., Riemann H.


The technology of the growth of Si, Ge, and Si1–xGex layers by molecular-beam epitaxy with the use of a sublimation source of monoisotopic 30Si or 28Si and/or gas sources of monogermane 74GeH4 is demonstrated. All of the epitaxial layers are of high crystal quality. The secondary-ion mass spectroscopy data and Raman data suggest the high isotopic purity and structural perfection of the 30Si, 28Si, 74Ge, and 30Si1–x74Gex layers. The 30Si layers doped with Er exhibit an efficient photoluminescence signal.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(3):345-348
pages 345-348 views

Two Stages of Surface-Defect Formation in a MOS Structure under Low-Dose Rate Gamma Irradiation

Popov V.


The results of an experimental study of how surface defects are formed at the Si–SiO2 interface at γ-radiation dose rates of P = 0.1 and 1.0 rad/s are reported. It is found that the surface defects are formed in two stages. The defect-formation mechanisms are analyzed.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(3):349-351
pages 349-351 views

Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors

On Controlling the Hydrophobicity of Nanostructured Zinc-Oxide Layers Grown by Pulsed Electrodeposition

Klochko N., Klepikova K., Kopach V., Khrypunov G., Myagchenko Y., Melnychuk E., Lyubov V., Kopach A.


The possibility of fabricating highly hydrophobic nanostructured zinc-oxide layers by the inexpensive method of pulsed electrodeposition from aqueous solutions without water-repellent coatings, adapted for large-scale production, is shown. The conditions of the deposition of highly hydrophobic nanostructured zinc-oxide layers exhibiting the “rose-petal” effect with specific morphology, optical properties, crystal structure and texture are determined. The grown ZnO nanostructures are promising for micro- and nanoelectronics as an adaptive material able to reversibly transform to the hydrophilic state upon exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(3):352-363
pages 352-363 views

Photoluminescence and Confinement of Excitons in Disordered Porous Films

Bondar N., Brodin M., Brodin A., Matveevskaya N.


The exciton confinement effect in quantum dots at the surface of SiO2 spheres and the percolation phase transition in films based on a mixture of pure SiO2 spheres and spheres covered by CdS quantum dots (SiO2/CdS nanoparticles) are studied. It is found that, due to the high surface energy of spheres, the quantum dots deposited onto their surface are distorted, which modifies the exciton confinement effect: the effect is retained only in one direction, the direction normal to the surface of the spheres. As a result, the energy of the exciton ground state exhibits a complex dependence on both the quantum-dot radius and sphere size. In the optical spectra of films based on this mixture, the clustering of small-sized nanoparticles and then, at a critical concentration of nanoparticles of ~60%, the formation of a percolation cluster are detected for the first time. The critical concentration is twice higher than the corresponding quantity given by the model of geometrical “colored percolation”, which is a consequence of interaction between submicrometer nanoparticles. The relation between the basic parameters of the percolation transition, such as the film porosity, coordination number, and the quantity defining the number of particles in the percolation cluster, is obtained and analyzed.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(3):364-371
pages 364-371 views

Influence of the Surface Layer on the Electrochemical Deposition of Metals and Semiconductors into Mesoporous Silicon

Chubenko E., Redko S., Sherstnyov A., Petrovich V., Kotov D., Bondarenko V.


The influence of the surface layer on the process of the electrochemical deposition of metals and semiconductors into porous silicon is studied. It is shown that the surface layer differs in structure and electrical characteristics from the host porous silicon bulk. It is established that a decrease in the conductivity of silicon crystallites that form the surface layer of porous silicon has a positive effect on the process of the filling of porous silicon with metals and semiconductors. This is demonstrated by the example of nickel and zinc oxide. The effect can be used for the formation of nanocomposite materials on the basis of porous silicon and nanostructures with a high aspect ratio.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(3):372-376
pages 372-376 views

Carbon Systems

Model of Adsorption on Amorphous Graphene

Davydov S.


A model of the density of states of single-sheet graphene is proposed. The model applies to both the energy region close to the Dirac point and the peripheral region. In the context of the model, the problem of adsorption is solved within an approximation that allows an analytical representation of the band contributions nb to the occupation numbers of an adatom na. The amorphization-induced changes in the occupation numbers of alkali metal and halogen adatoms are estimated.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(3):377-383
pages 377-383 views

Physics of Semiconductor Devices

Model Development for Current–Voltage and Transconductance Characteristics of Normally-off AlN/GaN MOSHEMT

Swain R., Jena K., Lenka T.


In this paper, an AlN/GaN-based MOSHEMT is proposed, in accordance to this, a charge control model has been developed analytically and simulated with MATLAB to predict the characteristics of threshold voltage, drain currents and transconductance. The physics based models for 2DEG density, threshold voltage and quantum capacitance in the channel has been put forward. By using these developed models, the drain current for both linear and saturation models is derived. The predicted threshold voltage with the variation of barrier thickness has been plotted. A positive threshold voltage can be obtained by decreasing the barrier thickness which builds up the foundation for enhancement mode MOSHEMT devices. The predicted IdVgs, IdVds and transconductance characteristics show an excellent agreement with the experimental results and hence validate the model.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(3):384-389
pages 384-389 views

Microdisk Injection Lasers for the 1.27-μm Spectral Range

Kryzhanovskaya N., Maximov M., Blokhin S., Bobrov M., Kulagina M., Troshkov S., Zadiranov Y., Lipovskii A., Moiseev E., Kudashova Y., Livshits D., Ustinov V., Zhukov A.


Microdisk injection lasers on GaAs substrates, with a minimum diameter of 15 μm and an active region based on InAs/InGaAs quantum dots, are fabricated. The lasers operate in the continuous-wave mode at room temperature without external cooling. The lasing wavelength is around 1.27 μm at a minimum threshold current of 1.6 mA. The specific thermal resistance is estimated to be 5 × 10–3 °C cm2/W.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(3):390-393
pages 390-393 views

High-Power Thyristor Switching via an Overvoltage Pulse with Nanosecond Rise Time

Gusev A., Lyubutin S., Rukin S., Tsyranov S.


High-power thyristor switching from the blocking to conducting state via an overvoltage pulse with nanosecond rise time is studied. Low-frequency tablet thyristors with an operating voltage of 2 kV are used in the experiments. An external pulse providing a voltage rise rate from 0.5 to 6 kV/ns was applied to the thyristors main electrodes. Under these conditions, the time of thyristor switching to the conducting state is 200–400 ps. Empirical relations between the main switching characteristics, i.e., the turn-on voltage, pulse rise time before switching, and time of thyristor switching to the conducting state, are obtained. Numerical simulation shows that the ionization of deep technological defects should be taken into account to explain the results obtained.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(3):394-403
pages 394-403 views

High-Voltage Silicon-Carbide Thyristor with an n-type Blocking Base

Levinshtein M., Mnatsakanov T., Yurkov S., Tandoev A., Ryu S., Palmour J.


The possibility of creating a high-voltage SiC thyristor with an n-type blocking base is analyzed. It is shown that a thyristor structure fabricated as an “analog” of a modern thyristor structure with a p-type blocking base, i.e., with the same layer thicknesses and replaced doping types (donors instead of acceptors, and vice versa), cannot be turned-on at any input signal level. At room temperature, a structure with an n-type blocking base and acceptable parameters can only be obtained in the absence of a stop layer. In this case, however, the maximum blocking voltage is approximately two times lower than that for a thyristor with a p-type blocking base of the same thickness. In the presence of a stop layer, a portion of an S-shaped negative differential resistance appears at room temperature in the forward current–voltage characteristic of the thyristor with an n-type blocking base. This effect is due to the violation and subsequent restoration of neutrality. At ambient temperatures of T ≥ 150°C, the current–voltage characteristics of the thyristor with the n-type blocking base become quite acceptable even in the presence of a stop layer.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(3):404-410
pages 404-410 views

Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures

Effect of the Ti-Nanolayer Thickness on the Self-Lift-off of Thick GaN Epitaxial Layers

Yugov A., Malahov S., Donskov A., Duhnovskii M., Knyazev S., Kozlova Y., Yugova T., Belogorokhov I.


The effect of the type of substrate, sapphire substrate (c- and r-orientation) or GaN/Al2O3 template (c- and r-orientations), on the nitridation of an amorphous titanium nanolayer is shown. The effect of the titanium-nanolayer thickness on thick GaN epitaxial layer self-separation from the substrate is revealed. The titanium-nanolayer thickness at which thick GaN layer is reproducibly self-separated is within 20–40 nm.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(3):411-414
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Formation of Cadmium-Sulfide Nanowhiskers via Vacuum Evaporation and Condensation in a Quasi-Closed Volume

Belyaev A., Antipov V., Rubets V.


Structural and technological studies of processes in which cadmium-sulfide nanowhiskers are synthesized in a quasi-closed volume by the method of vacuum evaporation and condensation are reported. It is demonstrated that the processes are in agreement with the classical vapor–liquid–crystal model. Micrographs of the objects in different formation stages are presented.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(3):415-417
pages 415-417 views

Optical and Structural Properties of Composite Si:Au Layers Formed by Laser Electrodispersion

Ken O., Levitskii V., Yavsin D., Gurevich S., Davydov V., Sreseli O.


Composite Si–Au layers prepared by laser electrodispersion with different Si:Au ratios are studied. The microscopic structure of the layers is established and their Raman spectra and optical transmission and reflectance spectra are investigated. It is demonstrated that the sputtering of a two-component Si–Au target radically changes the layer morphology. With increasing Au content in the target, the layers become inhomogeneous and a large number of inclusions arise, which contain silicon nanocrystals and a certain amount of gold. Upon the sputtering of a two-component target, inclusions are most likely formed from large molten droplets, which are ejected from the target and do not manage to divide into nanoparticles. The nanocrystalline structure of the inclusions is attributed to the slow inhomogeneous cooling of particles on the substrate. It is concluded that variations in the photosensitivity spectra of heterostructures with the investigated layers are caused by the formation of inclusions containing silicon nanocrystals with the addition of gold.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(3):418-425
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