
Patterns of Variation in the External Quantum Efficiency of InGaN/GaN Green LEDs during Accelerated Tests
Sergeev V., Frolov I., Shirokov A., Radaev O.
Influence of Si-Doping on the Performance of InGaN/GaN Multiple Quantum Well Solar Cells
Chen X., Zhao B., Li S.
Investigation of DC and RF Performance of Novel MOSHEMT on Silicon Substrate for Future Submillimetre Wave Applications
Ajayan J., Ravichandran T., Mohankumar P., Prajoon P., Pravin J., Nirmal D.
Multilayer heterostructures for quantum-cascade lasers operating in the terahertz frequency range
Zhukov A., Cirlin G., Reznik R., Samsonenko Y., Khrebtov A., Kaliteevski M., Ivanov K., Kryzhanovskaya N., Maximov M., Alferov Z.
GaAs-Based Laser Diode with InGaAs Waveguide Quantum Wells
Dikareva N., Zvonkov B., Samartsev I., Nekorkin S., Baidus N., Dubinov A.
Electron transport and optical properties of structures with atomic tin nanowires on vicinal GaAs substrates
Khabibullin R., Yachmenev A., Lavrukhin D., Ponomarev D., Bugayev A., Maltsev P.
An Estimate for the Nonradiative Linewidths of the Quasibound Electron-Hole Pairs in Narrow Quantum Wells
Belov P.
On the Suppression of Electron-Hole Exchange Interaction in a Reservoir of Nonradiative Excitons
Eliseev S., Lovtcius V., Trifonov A., Ignatiev I., Kavokin K., Kavokin A., Shapochkin P., Efimov Y.
Quantum Efficiency of Gallium Nitride–Based Heterostructures with GaInN Quantum Wells
Vigdorovich E.
Features of the diagnostics of metamorphic InAlAs/InGaAs/InAlAs nanoheterostructures by high-resolution X-ray diffraction in the ω-scanning mode
Vasil’evskii I., Pushkarev S., Grekhov M., Vinichenko A., Lavrukhin D., Kolentsova O.
Influence of Holes Capture Efficiency on Photoluminescence Temperature Dependence of n-AlGaAs/GaAs Quantum-Well Structures
Yaremenko N., Strakhov V., Karachevtseva M.
Electron–Phonon Interaction in Quantum Wells Based on Uniaxial Materials
Maslov A., Proshina O.
Excitonic Effects and Impurity–Defect Emission in GaAs/AlGaAs Structures Used for the Production of Mid-IR Photodetectors
Krivobok V., Litvinov D., Nikolaev S., Onishchenko E., Pashkeev D., Chernopittsky M., Grigor’eva L.
Microdisk Injection Lasers for the 1.27-μm Spectral Range
Kryzhanovskaya N., Maximov M., Blokhin S., Bobrov M., Kulagina M., Troshkov S., Zadiranov Y., Lipovskii A., Moiseev E., Kudashova Y., Livshits D., Ustinov V., Zhukov A.
Residual-Photoconductivity Spectra in HgTe/CdHgTe Quantum-Well Heterostructures
Spirin K., Gaponova D., Gavrilenko V., Mikhailov N., Dvoretsky S.
Luminescence Line Broadening Caused by Alloy Disorder in InGaN Quantum Wells
Arteev D., Sakharov A., Lundin W., Zavarin E., Zakheim D., Tsatsulnikov A.
The Cavity-Effect in Site-Controlled GaN Nanocolumns with InGaN Insertions
Kazanov D., Evropeytsev E., Shubina T.
Investigation of InGaAs/GaAs Quantum Well Lasers with Slightly Doped Tunnel Junction
Yajie Li , Wang P., Meng F., Yu H., Zhou X., Wang H., Pan J.
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