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Volume 52, Nº 8 (2018)

Nonelectronic Properties of Semiconductors (Atomic Structure, Diffusion)

Solid-Phase Reactions and Phase Transformations in a Nanoscale Bismuth/Selenium Film Structure

Kogai V., Mikheev G.


Experimental results of a study concerned with solid-phase reactions and phase transformations in a Bi/Se nanoscale film structure under heat treatment in vacuum are presented. Nanocrystalline Bi2Se3, BiSe, and Bi4Se3 films are obtained for the first time by solid-phase synthesis at various ratios between the Bi and Se layer thicknesses. The phase-transformation temperatures at which Se, BiSe, and Bi4Se3 crystalline phases are formed are determined. The average crystallite sizes in the Bi2Se3, BiSe, and Bi4Se3 films are found to be 21, 23, and 33 nm, respectively.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(8):957-960
pages 957-960 views

Formation of Precipitates in Si Implanted with 64Zn+ and 16O+ Ions

Privezentsev V., Kirilenko E., Goryachev A., Lutzau A.


The results of studying the surface Si layer and precipitate formation in CZ n-Si(100) samples sequentially implanted with 64Zn+ ions with a dose of 5 × 1016 cm2 and energy of 100 keV and 16O+ ions with the same dose but an energy of 33 keV at room temperature so that their projection paths Rp = 70 nm would coincide are presented. The post-implantation samples are annealed for 1 h in an inert Ar medium in the temperature range of 400–900°C with a step of 100°C. The profiles of the implanted impurities are studied by time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry. The Si surface is visualized using a scanning electron microscope, while the near-surface layer is visualized with the help of maps of elements formed by Auger electron spectroscopy with profiling over depth. The ZnO(002) texture is formed in an amorphized Si layer after the implantation of Zn and O ions. ZnO(102) crystallites of 5 nm in size are found in a recrystallized single-crystalline Si layer after annealing in Ar at 700°C.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(8):961-968
pages 961-968 views

Features of 63,65Cu NMR Spectra in the Local Field of Samples of CuFeS2 Semiconductor Mineral from Oceanic Sulfide Deposits

Matukhin V., Pogoreltsev A., Gavrilenko A., Garkavyi S., Shmidt E., Babaeva S., Sukhanova A., Terukov E.


The results of studying natural samples of CuFeS2 chalcopyrite mineral from hydrothermal ore manifestations of island arcs of the Pacific Ocean by 63Cu nuclear magnetic resonance (63Cu NMR) in a local field at room temperature are presented. The asymmetric shape of the detected resonance lines in the 63Cu NMR spectrum indicates the presence of at least two overlapping lines. The presence of two overlapping central components can be a consequence of the occurrence of regions with different types of structural distortion near the resonant nuclei. These results show that the pulsed 63Cu NMR method can be an effective method for studying the physical properties of deep-sea polymetallic sulfides of the global ocean.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(8):969-972
pages 969-972 views

Electronic Properties of Semiconductors

Electronic Processes in CdIn2Te4 Crystals

Grushka O., Chupyra S., Bilichuk S., Parfenyuk O.


The results of investigations of electrical, optical, and photoelectric properties of CdIn2Te4 crystals, which were grown by the Bridgman method are presented. It is shown that electrical conductivity is determined mainly by electrons with the effective mass mn = 0.44m0 and the mobility 120–140 cm2/(V s), which weakly depends on temperature. CdIn2Te4 behaves as a partially compensated semiconductor with the donor-center ionization energy Ed = 0.38 eV and the compensation level K = Na/Nd = 0.36. The absorption-coefficient spectra at the energy < Eg = 1.27 eV are subject to the Urbach rule with a typical energy of 18–25 meV. The photoconductivity depends on the sample thickness. The diffusion length, the charge-carrier lifetime, and the surface-recombination rate are determined from the photoconductivity spectra.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(8):973-976
pages 973-976 views

Optical Absorption of Copper-Activated Zinc-Sulfide Polycrystalline Layers

Avanesyan V., Rakina A., Kablukova N.


The characteristics of the optical absorption of copper-activated zinc-sulfide polycrystalline layers after preliminary heat treatment are investigated. The composition of the compound under study was monitored by X-ray fluorescence analysis. The band gap Eg and characteristic Urbach energy are estimated from the fundamental absorption edge. The contribution of structural defects and the impurity factor to the variation in the optical properties is discussed.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(8):977-979
pages 977-979 views

Microwave Magnetoabsorption Oscillations in Fe-Doped HgSe Crystals

Veinger A., Kochman I., Okulov V., Andriichuk M., Paranchich L.


Magnetoresistance oscillations are considered in the case of microwave-radiation absorption in HgSe samples with a different Fe-impurity concentration. From the simultaneous analysis of the field and temperature dependences of the Shubnikov–de Haas oscillations, the effective mass, the Dingle temperature, and the quantum-limit field corresponding to the Fermi level are obtained. A method for analyzing the spectra with several oscillation frequencies, i.e., the beating effect, is proposed. The results are compared with data obtained by Hall measurements.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(8):980-985
pages 980-985 views

Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films

On Recombination Processes in CdS–PbS Films

Rokakh A., Shishkin M., Atkin V.


The transverse and longitudinal photoconductivity, photoluminescence, and cathodoluminescence of sublimated (CdS)0.9–(PbS)0.1 films at room temperature and upon cooling are studied. The role of inclusions of the narrow-gap phase in the processes is shown. The films are excited over the entire active surface and pointwise (within one crystallite). The surface recombination rate and the lifetime of majority charge carriers at different generation rates and characters of excitation are estimated. A comparative table of recombination parameters of CdS and CdS–PbS films is presented.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(8):986-992
pages 986-992 views

Effect of the Ag Nanoparticle Concentration in TiO2–Ag Functional Coatings on the Characteristics of GaInP/GaAs/Ge Photoconverters

Lunin L., Lunina M., Kravtsov A., Sysoev I., Blinov A., Pashchenko A.


The results of studying the effect of the silver nanoparticle concentration in TiO2–Ag functional coatings on the characteristics of GaInP/GaAs/Ge photoconverters are discussed. The optimum concentration of silver nanoparticles in TiO2 coatings, improving the functional characteristics of solar cells is determined.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(8):993-996
pages 993-996 views

Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena

Nonlinear Optical Properties of CdS/ZnS Quantum Dots in a High-Molecular-Weight Polyvinylpyrrolidone Matrix

Kulagina A., Evstropiev S., Rosanov N., Vlasov V.


Sols containing core/shell CdS/ZnS semiconductor quantum dots are synthesized and their nonlinear properties, which are interesting for a large variety of applications in nanophotonics, are studied. The quantum dots produced are smaller in dimensions than the exciton Bohr radius and, therefore, exhibit a well-pronounced quantum-confinement effect. The nonlinear optical properties of low-concentration sols are studied upon exposure to laser pulses with an emission wavelength of 532 nm and a duration of 5 ns by the z-scan technique. The dependences of nonlinear optical coefficients on the concentration of CdS/ZnS quantum dots are obtained. The intensity dependence of two-photon absorption coefficients is presented. The dependence determines the boundary of the influence of high-order nonlinearities on the nonlinear transmittance of the samples. The mechanisms of optical limitation exhibited by sols, specifically, two-photon absorption, nonlinear refraction, and nonlinear scattering are discussed.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(8):997-1003
pages 997-1003 views

Specific Features of the Electrochemical Capacitance–Voltage Profiling of GaAs LED and pHEMT Structures with Quantum-Confined Regions

Yakovlev G., Dorokhin M., Zubkov V., Dudin A., Zdoroveyshchev A., Malysheva E., Danilov Y., Zvonkov B., Kudrin A.


GaAs light-emitting (LED) and HEMT structures with δ-doped regions, InGaAs/GaAs quantum wells, and surface layers of InAs/GaAs quantum dots were studied by means of the electrochemical capacitance- voltage profiling technique. The concentration depth profiles of free charge carriers were obtained. Charges accumulated in quantum wells and quantum dots, as well as the doping levels of the emitter and δ layers were determined. The band structure and free carrier density distribution over the depth of the samples with different quantum well geometry were simulated. The specific features of electrochemical capacitance- voltage profiling in different heterostructure types are analyzed. A method of integration of capacitance- voltage curves at each etching stage was suggested. This method provides the efficient separation of responses from closely located layers, particularly the quantum well and δ layer.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(8):1004-1011
pages 1004-1011 views

Effect of Misorientation and Preliminary Etching of the Substrate on the Structural and Optical Properties of Integrated GaAs/Si(100) Heterostructures Produced by Vapor Phase Epitaxy

Seredin P., Goloshchapov D., Zolotukhin D., Lenshin A., Lukin A., Khudyakov Y., Arsentyev I., Zhabotinsky A., Nikolaev D., Pikhtin N.


It is shown for the first time that the structural and optical functional characteristics of integrated GaAs/Si(100) heterostructures can be controlled by using misoriented Si(100) substrates and their preliminary etching. The growth of an epitaxial GaAs layer on a Si substrate without the formation of antiphase domains can be carried out on a substrate deviated from the (100) singular plane by an angle smaller than 4°–6° or without a transition layer of GaAs nanocolumns. Preliminary treatment of the silicon substrate by etching makes it possible to use it for the vapor-phase epitaxial growth of a single-crystal GaAs film with a considerably smaller relaxation coefficient, which has a positive effect on the structural quality of the film. These data are in good agreement with the results of IR reflectance spectroscopy and photoluminescence and ultraviolet spectroscopy. The features of the optical properties of integrated GaAs/Si(100) heterostructures in the infrared and ultraviolet spectral regions are also defined by the relaxation coefficient.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(8):1012-1021
pages 1012-1021 views

Photoluminescence of ZnS:Cu in a Polymethyl Methacrylate Matrix

Smagin V., Eremina N., Leonov M.


The method of agents arising directly in the (poly)methyl methacrylate medium is used to synthesize ZnS:Cu quantum dots fixed in an optically transparent polymer matrix. The optical transmittance of the polymer composites in the visible spectral region reaches 92% (at the thickness 5 mm). The photoluminescence of the (poly)methyl methacrylate/ZnS:Cu composite is defined by defects in the crystal structure of ZnS and by the system of energy levels in the band gap of ZnS. The photoluminescence signal depends on the Cu-ion concentration, the reabsorption of radiation in ZnS and (poly)methyl methacrylate, and other factors.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(8):1022-1026
pages 1022-1026 views

Influence of Isotropic Pressure on the Current–Voltage Characteristics of Surface-Barrier Diodes Sb–p-Si〈Mn〉–Au

Zainabidinov S., Tursunov I., Khimmatkulov O.


The influence of hydrostatic pressure on the current–voltage characteristics of surface-barrier diode structures of the Sb–p-Si〈Mn〉–Au type are investigated. The potential-barrier height and the baric coefficient of its variation are found to be eϕδ = 0.75 eV and δ =–1.54 × 10–11 eV/Pa, respectively.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(8):1027-1030
pages 1027-1030 views

Simulating Tunneling Electron Transport in the Semiconductor–Crystalline Insulator–Si(111) System

Vexler M.


Tunneling carrier transport through a thin insulator (e.g., CaF2) layer between a Si(111) substrate and a semiconductor gate is theoretically investigated. Along with the conservation of a large transverse wave vector of tunneling particles, the limitation imposed on the availability of states in the gate is taken into account. Due to this limitation, the tunneling currents at low insulator bias are weaker than in an analogous structure with a metal gate electrode. The same feature leads to a change in the shape of the energy distribution of tunneling electrons, both in transport between the substrate and gate conduction bands and during the Si(111) conduction band–gate valence band transfer.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(8):1031-1036
pages 1031-1036 views

Photoconductivity Amplification in a Type-II n-GaSb/InAs/p-GaSb Heterostructure with a Single QW

Mikhailova M., Andreev I., Konovalov G., Danilov L., Ivanov E., Kunitsyna E., Il’inskaya N., Levin R., Pushnyi B., Yakovlev Y.


Significant photocurrent/photoconductivity amplification is observed at low reverse biases in a type-II n-GaSb/InAs/p-GaSb heterostructure with a single quantum well (QW), grown by metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy. A sharp increase in the photocurrent by more than two orders of magnitude occurs under exposure of the heterostructure to monochromatic light with a wavelength of 1.2–1.6 μm (at 77 K) and the application of a reverse bias in the range 5–200 mV. The optical gain depends on the applied voltage and increases to 2.5 × 102 at a reverse bias of 800 mV. Theoretical analysis demonstrated that the main role in the phenomenon is played by the screening of the external electric field by electrons accumulated in the deep InAs QW and by the mechanism of the tunneling transport of carriers with a small effective mass. It is shown that the effect under study is common to both isotype and anisotype type-II heterojunctions, including structures with QWs and superlattices.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(8):1037-1042
pages 1037-1042 views

Amorphous, Vitreous, and Organic Semiconductors

Dielectric Relaxation in Thin Layers of the Ge28.5Pb15S56.5 Glassy System

Castro R., Anisimova N., Kononov A.


The results of studying dielectric relaxation processes in the Ge28.5Pb15S56.5 glassy system are presented. The existence of the non-Debye relaxation process caused by the distribution of relaxors over the relaxation time according to the Cole–Cole model is revealed. The energy and structural parameters are calculated: the activation energy Ep = 0.40 eV and the molecular dipole moment μ = 1.08 D. The detected features are explained within the model according to which the chalcogenide-glass structure is a set of dipoles formed by charged defects such as D+ and D.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(8):1043-1046
pages 1043-1046 views

Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors

Magnetic Properties of Vacancies and Doped Chromium in a ZnO Crystal

Jafarova V., Orudzhev G., Huseynova S., Stempitsky V., Baranava M.


The electronic and magnetic properties of ZnO containing Cr doped atoms and Zn and O vacancies in its crystal structure are theoretically investigated. Calculations are performed using Atomistix Tool Kit and Vienna Ab-initio Simulation Package software implementing the electron density functional theory method with the Hubbard correction. It is shown that the magnetic moment of a defect supercell strongly depends on the impurity concentration and presence of vacancies. The doping of an oxygen atom increases the probability of zinc-vacancy formation.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(8):1047-1050
pages 1047-1050 views

Dynamics of Changes in the Photoluminescence of Porous Silicon after Gamma Irradiation

Elistratova M., Poloskin D., Goryachev D., Zakharova I., Sreseli O.


Radiation stability of the nanoporous silicon under gamma irradiation was investigated. Changes in the properties of porous silicon under gamma irradiation were registered by measurements of photoluminescence spectra and Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. Besides the appearance of point defects and their subsequent oxidation, the significant differences were shown to be in the behavior of the porous silicon properties in comparison with that of bulk silicon apparently due to the quantum size nature of nanoporous silicon.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(8):1051-1055
pages 1051-1055 views

On the Application of Silicate Glasses with CdSxSe1–x Semiconductor Nanocrystals as Optical Thermometers and Optical Filters with a Controlled Absorption Edge

Petrosyan P., Grigoryan L., Musaelyan G.


The experimental results of studying the temperature dependence of the optical transmission spectra of silicate glasses containing CdSxSe1–x semiconductor nanocrystals are presented. The dependence of the band-gap energy temperature coefficient on the average nanocrystallite size is found. The possibility of the practical application of silicate glasses containing semiconductor nanocrystals as optical thermometers and optical filters is shown.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(8):1056-1060
pages 1056-1060 views

Degradation of the Photoluminescence of ZnTPP and ZnTPP–C60 Thin Films under Gamma Irradiation

Romanov N., Elistratova M., Lahderanta E., Zakharova I.


Porphyrins and their fullerene complexes are promising materials for organic photovoltaic structures. However, the stability of the properties of organic components under hard radiation is poorly studied. Here, the influence of γ irradiation with medium (about 104 Gy) and large (107 Gy) doses on the photoluminescence of thin structurally perfect films of both pure porphyrin ZnTPP and ZnTPP/C60 composite films in the molar ratio of 1.3: 1 is investigated. It is shown that the intensity of the electronic radiative transition (626 nm) decreases under the effect of γ irradiation, and the dose dependence is threshold. The threshold dose is ~20 kGy for the ZnTPP films. The intensity of the electron-vibrational part of the spectral dependence of the PL (670–690 nm) for both types of samples decreased at initial irradiation doses and decreases less with a further increase in the irradiation dose than for the purely electron transition. The addition of a fullerene in nanocomposite films increases the threshold dose, after which the PL of the films started to degrade, by a factor of ~2.5. Herewith, the spectral components of the PL associated with the manifestation of the radiation transition of the fullerene C60 are more stable under γ irradiation.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(8):1061-1067
pages 1061-1067 views

Physics of Semiconductor Devices

Modulation of the Charge of Germanium MIS Structures with Fluorine-Containing Insulators

Shalimova M.


An insulator layer of ErF3, YF3, NdF3, and TmF3 was formed in n-type Ge-based MIS (metal–insulator–semiconductor) structures. It is shown that no negative effective charge is observed in these Ge MIS structures, while the degradation of electric characteristics and the rise of density of surface states leads to an increase in the positive charge. The positive charge formed at the Ge–rare-earth-element fluoride interface can compensate the negative charge of dangling bonds on the surface of Ge, which is potentially promising for modulation of the charge magnitude and sign in MIS devices based on Ge.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(8):1068-1071
pages 1068-1071 views

Effect of Deep Centers on the Statistical Delay of Microplasma Breakdown in Gallium-Arsenide Light-Emitting Diodes

Ionychev V., Shesterkina A.


A statistical study of the microplasma-breakdown delay in gallium-arsenide light-emitting diodes is performed. The significant effect of deep centers on the microplasma breakdown of gallium arsenide p–n junctions is detected. It is shown that the statistical delay of the microplasma breakdown makes it possible to estimate the energy spectrum of deep levels in the microplasma channel when varying the charge state of deep centers by decreasing the reverse voltage applied to the p–n junction. In the temperature range of 250–350 K, the effect of three deep levels is detected and their parameters are determined.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(8):1072-1076
pages 1072-1076 views

On the Fabrication of Graphene p–n Junctions and Their Application for Detecting Terahertz Radiation

Vasileva G., Vasilyev Y., Novikov S., Danilov S., Ganichev S.


A new method for the formation of lateral p–n junctions in epitaxial graphene with the use of UV (ultraviolet) radiation is considered. The UV illumination method makes it possible to obtain large-size p–n junctions. Such p–n junctions are investigated in the photocurrent and photoconductivity modes under irradiation with terahertz radiation. The mechanisms of terahertz photoresponse in graphene p–n junctions are discussed.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(8):1077-1081
pages 1077-1081 views

Room Temperature Lasing of Multi-Stage Quantum-Cascade Lasers at 8 μm Wavelength

Babichev A., Gladyshev A., Kurochkin A., Kolodeznyi E., Sokolovskii G., Bougrov V., Karachinsky L., Novikov I., Bousseksou A., Egorov A.


Room-temperature lasing at a wavelength of 8 μm in multistage quantum-cascade lasers pumped by current pulses is demonstrated. A quantum-cascade laser heterostructure based on the In0.53Ga0.47As/Al0.48In0.52As alloy heteropair, matched to an InP substrate, is grown by molecular-beam epitaxy and consists of 50 identical cascades placed in a waveguide with air as the top cladding. A threshold current density of ~5.1 kA/cm2 at a temperature of 300 K is obtained in ridge lasers with a cavity length of 1.4 mm and a ridge width of 24 μm.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(8):1082-1085
pages 1082-1085 views

Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures

Crystal Structure and Band Gap of (MnIn2S4)1–x • (AgIn5S8)x Alloys

Bodnar I., Tkhan C.


The (MnIn2S4)1–x • (AgIn5S8)x alloy single crystals are grown for the first time by the Bridgman method in the entire range of component concentrations. The composition of the single crystals and their crystal structure are determined. It is shown that the alloy crystallizes in the cubic spinel structure. The unit-cell parameter of the single crystals (a) is calculated, and its dependence on the composition parameter (x) is determined. It is established that the parameter a linearly varies with x. From the transmittance spectra in the region of the fundamental absorption edge, the band gap (Eg) of the MnIn2S4 and AgIn5S8 compounds and (MnIn2S4)1–x • (AgIn5S8)x alloys is determined, and the dependence of Eg on the parameter x is constructed. It is found that the band gap Eg nonlinearly varies with x and has a maximum at x = 0.6.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(8):1086-1090
pages 1086-1090 views

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