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Том 49, № 12 (2018) EPR and Magnetization Studies of Polymer-Derived Fe-Doped SiCN Nanoceramics Annealed at Various Temperatures: Blocking Temperature, Superparamagnetism and Size Distributions PDF
Misra S., Andronenko S., Gilmutdinov I., Yusupov R.
Том 49, № 12 (2018) Peculiar Features of the Spectrum Saturation Effect When the Spectral Diffusion Operates: System with Two Frequencies PDF
Salikhov K.
Том 49, № 11 (2018) Cu(II) EPR Reveals Two Distinct Binding Sites and Oligomerization of Innate Immune Protein Calgranulin C PDF
Ghosh S., Garcia V., Singewald K., Damo S., Saxena S.
Том 49, № 11 (2018) Electron-Spin Relaxation of Triarylmethyl Radicals in Glassy Trehalose PDF
Kuzhelev A., Krumkacheva O., Timofeev I., Tormyshev V., Fedin M., Bagryanskaya E.
Том 49, № 11 (2018) Measurement of T1e, T1N, T1HE, T2e, and T2HE by Pulse EPR at X-Band for Nitroxides at Concentrations Relevant to Solution DNP PDF
Biller J., McPeak J., Eaton S., Eaton G.
Том 49, № 11 (2018) Heterogeneity of Accelerated Photooxidation in Stabilized Bulk Commodity Polymers Studied by X-Band ESRI PDF
Pilař J.
Том 49, № 11 (2018) An Assessment of the Use of Mesoporous Silica Materials to Improve Pulsed Dipolar Spectroscopy PDF
Lai Y., Chang A., Yang C., Chiang Y.
Том 49, № 11 (2018) Characterization of the Lipid Binding Pocket in GM2AP and SapB with EPR Spectroscopy PDF
Ran Y., Fanucci G.
Том 49, № 10 (2018) Gas Flow Mapping in a Recorder: An Application of SPRITE MRI PDF
Gauthier A., Newling B.
Том 49, № 10 (2018) Non-invasive Measurements of Oilseed Temperature in Soil and Soil Thermal Diffusivity Using Time-Domain NMR Relaxometry PDF
Carosio M., Bernardes D., Carvalho A., Colnago L.
Том 49, № 10 (2018) Impurities of [1-13C]Pyruvic Acid and a Method to Minimize Their Signals for Hyperpolarized Pyruvate Metabolism Studies PDF
Harris T., Gamliel A., Sosna J., Gomori J., Katz-Brull R.
Том 49, № 10 (2018) Influence of Polarity and Ionic Strength on Intramolecular Spin Exchange in a Short Nitroxide Biradical, Containing Sulphur Atom in the Bridge PDF
Kokorin A., Mladenova-Kattnig B., Gromov O., Shubin A., Zaripov R., Grampp G.
Том 49, № 10 (2018) NMR Characterization of Pore Structure and Connectivity for Nano-self-assembly γ-Al2O3 and Precursor PDF
Wang L., Xiao L., Yue W.
Том 49, № 10 (2018) Plasma Dynamic Viscosity Determined by NMR PDF
Guevara M., Torres Y., Naranjo J., Suárez N., Beyries L., Feliu M., Boada T., Reyes I., Philippé J.
Том 49, № 10 (2018) Analysis of the Regularization Parameters of Primal–Dual Interior Method for Convex Objectives Applied to 1H Low Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Data Processing PDF
Campisi-Pinto S., Levi O., Benson D., Cohen M., Resende M., Saunders M., Linder C., Wiesman Z.
Том 49, № 10 (2018) A New Method for Predicting Capillary Pressure Curves Based on NMR Logging in Tight Sandstone Reservoirs PDF
Liu M., Xie R., Xu H., Wu S., Zhu R., Mao Z.
Том 49, № 9 (2018) Planar Gradient Coil Design Using L1 and L2 Norms PDF
Sanchez Lopez H., Xu Y., Andono P., Chang Y., Yang X.
Том 49, № 9 (2018) The Decrease of the ESEEM Frequency of \({\text{P}}_{700}^{ + } {\text{A}}_{1}^{ - }\) Ion-Radical Pair in Photosystem I Embedded in Trehalose Glassy Matrix at Room Temperature can be Explained by Acceleration of Spin–Lattice Relaxation PDF
Sukhanov A., Mamedov M., Möbius K., Semenov A., Salikhov K.
Том 49, № 9 (2018) Motion Adaptive Wavelet Thresholding for Recovery of Compressively Sampled Static and Dynamic MR Images PDF
Bilal M., Shah J., Qureshi I., Ahmed A.
Том 49, № 9 (2018) Alignment of Anisotropic Particles by Magnetic Field as Seen by NMR PDF
Sergeev N., Panich A., Goren S.
Том 49, № 9 (2018) Fractal Approach for 1H-NMR Spectra Simplification and Data Processing PDF
Costa Pereira J., Jarak I., Carvalho R.
Том 49, № 8 (2018) Double Quantum Coherence EPR Reveals the Structure–Function Relationships of the Cardiac Troponin C–Troponin I Complex Regulated by Ca2+ Ions and a Phosphomimetic PDF
Abe J., Ueki S., Yamauchi S., Arata T., Ohba Y.
Том 49, № 8 (2018) Double Electron–Electron Resonance Between Trapped Electron and Hole in a Semiconductor PDF
Akimoto I., Sekiya T.
Том 49, № 8 (2018) Measurements for Addition Reaction Rate Constants of Organic Free Radicals to Maleic Anhydride by Means of Pulsed EPR Spectroscopy with Laser Excitation PDF
Takahashi H., Hagiwara K., Kawai A.
Том 49, № 8 (2018) Irradiation of Phenolic Compounds with Ultraviolet Light Causes Release of Hydrated Electrons PDF
Okazaki S., Takeshita K.
Том 49, № 8 (2018) Solvation and Rotational Diffusion of Solutes in Room Temperature Ionic Liquids as Studied by EPR Spectroscopy with Nitroxide Spin Probing Method PDF
Miyake Y., Kawai A.
Том 49, № 8 (2018) Application of a Stopped-Flow EPR Method for the Detection of Short-Lived Flavonoid Semiquinone Radicals Produced by Oxidation Using 15N-Labeled Nitrosodisulfonate Radical (Fremy’s Salt) PDF
Kuwabara K., Sakurai Y., Sanuki H., Morimoto C., Li Y., Miyake Y., Kanaori K., Tajima K.
Том 49, № 8 (2018) Genotoxic Responses of Mitochondrial Oxygen Consumption Rate and Mitochondrial Semiquinone Radicals in Tumor Cells PDF
Yamamoto K., Yasui H., Bo T., Yamamori T., Hiraoka W., Yamasaki T., Yamada K., Inanami O.
Том 49, № 8 (2018) Electrically Controlled Dimensionality of Magnetic Systems in Organic Materials PDF
Sakurai Y., Matsumoto D., Marumoto K.
Том 49, № 8 (2018) Imaging Doxorubicin Free Radical in Mice with Overhauser Enhanced MRI and its Tumor Suppression Effect in Mice PDF
Kato N., Sato S., Yamada K., Ichikawa K.
Том 49, № 8 (2018) Impact of the Characteristic Impedance of Coaxial Lines on the Sensitivity of a 750-MHz Electronically Tunable EPR Resonator PDF
Nakaoka R., Komarov D., Matsumoto S., Hirata H.
Том 49, № 8 (2018) Local Structural Modification of Ca2+-Depleted Photosystem II Detected by Proton Matrix ENDOR PDF
Nagashima H., Mino H.
Том 49, № 7 (2018) 31P MRS Study of Hyperbaric Oxygenation Effects on Phosphate Metabolism of Normal Human Brain PDF
Manzhurtsev A., Vasiukova O., Sergeeva V., Zaitseva N., Menshchikov P., Melnikov I., Akhadov T., Semenova N.
Том 49, № 7 (2018) Exploring the Limits of Overhauser Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (O-DNP) for Portable Magnetic Resonance Detection of Low γ Nuclei PDF
Yoder J., Magnelind P., Espy M., Janicke M.
Том 49, № 7 (2018) Flowing Liquids in NMR: Numerical CFD Simulation and Experimental Confirmation of Magnetization Buildup PDF
Kespe M., Förster E., Nirschl H., Guthausen G.
Том 49, № 7 (2018) Effect of NaCl Solution on Swelling Characteristics of Bentonite with Different Diffuse Double Layers PDF
Yu H., Sun D., Gao Y.
Том 49, № 7 (2018) Rock-Type Definition and Pore Characterization of Tight Carbonate Rocks Based on Thin Sections and MICP and NMR Experiments PDF
Tian F., Wang W., Liu N., Jiang J., Niu C., Zhang Y., Li Y.
Том 49, № 7 (2018) Peculiarity of the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Method Application for the Liquid Medium Flow Parameters Control PDF
Davydov V., Dudkin V., Vysoczkiy M., Myazin N., Rud’ V.
Том 49, № 7 (2018) Enzymatic Activity Prediction Using Time-Domain Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (TD-NMR) and Multivariate Analysis: A Case Study Using Cassava Roots PDF
da Silva Ferreira J., Moraes T., Colnago L., Pereira F.
Том 49, № 6 (2018) NMR Self-diffusion Study of Amino Acid Ionic Liquids Based on 1-Methyl-3-Octylimidazolium in Water PDF
Chernyshev Y., Koneva A., Safonova E.
Том 49, № 6 (2018) Magic-Angle Spinning NMR and Molecular Mobility in Heterogeneous Systems PDF
Michel D.
Том 49, № 6 (2018) 77Se Low-Temperature NMR in the Bi2Se3 Single Crystalline Topological Insulator PDF
Antonenko A., Nefedov D., Charnaya E., Naumov S., Marchenkov V.
Том 49, № 6 (2018) Can MRI Contribute to the Understanding and Therapy of Mental Diseases? PDF
Eichhoff U.
Том 49, № 6 (2018) Usage of Relative Differences of Experimental and Calculated Vicinal Constants 3JHH for Conformational Analysis of Rigid Molecules in Liquid PDF
Selivanov S.
Том 49, № 6 (2018) Aggregation Behavior of Monomeric Surfactants and a Gemini Cationic Surfactant by NMR and Computer Simulation Data PDF
Popova M., Raev D.
Том 49, № 5 (2018) A Fast and Convenient Way to Predict Relaxation During a Frequency-Selective Adiabatic Hyperbolic Secant Pulse (HS1 Sech Pulse) PDF
Pfaff A., Woelk K.
Том 49, № 5 (2018) Simultaneous Recording of NMR Signals from Nuclei with Different Gyromagnetic Ratios Using Undersampling Technique PDF
Anisimov N., Pavlova O.
Том 49, № 5 (2018) To the Precision of Measuring Concentrations of Nitroxide Radicals in Polymers by EPR Technique PDF
Chumakova N., Ivanova T., Golubeva E., Kokorin A.
Том 49, № 5 (2018) Effect of Structural Disorder on Hydrodynamic Behavior of Alpha-Casein According to PFG NMR Spectroscopy PDF
Kusova A., Sitnitsky A., Zuev Y.
Том 49, № 5 (2018) Compressed-Sensing MRI Based on Adaptive Tight Frame in Gradient Domain PDF
Fan X., Lian Q., Shi B.
Том 49, № 4 (2018) Hyperfine Structure in the OD ESR Spectra of Recombining Charge Pairs in Doped Polyethylene Matrices PDF
Verkhovlyuk V., Borovkov V., Bagryansky V., Zikirin S., Taratayko A., Anisimov O., Molin Y.
Том 49, № 4 (2018) Translational Mobility of Components and Structure of Water–Ethanol Solutions PDF
Sevryugin V., Azancheev N., Kosova G.
Том 49, № 4 (2018) A Variable Temperature X- and W-Band EPR Study of Fe-Doped SiCN Ceramics Annealed at 1000, 1100, and 1285 °C: Dangling Bonds, Ferromagnetism and Superparamagnetism PDF
Andronenko S., Rodionov A., Misra S.
Том 49, № 4 (2018) The Study of the Magnetic Properties of a Fe(III) Complex Solution by the NMR Method of “Stationary Coaxial Ampoule” PDF
Volkov M., Turanova O., Turanov A.
Том 49, № 4 (2018) FMR Investigation of the Magnetic Anisotropy in Films Synthesized by Co+ Implantation into Si PDF
Chirkov V., Gumarov G., Petukhov V., Bakirov M., Nuzhdin V., Valeev V.
Том 49, № 4 (2018) ViP-CSI: Virtual Phantom Chemical Shift Imaging PDF
Liu J., Karfoul A., Jiang L., Shu H., Saint-Jalmes H., Gambarota G.
Том 49, № 4 (2018) 31P NMR Manifestation of Metabolic Changes in Blood of Spinal Cord Injured Rats PDF
Yurtaeva S., Volkov M., Yafarova G., Silantyeva D., Yamalitdinova E.
Том 49, № 4 (2018) Secondary-Phase Formation in Spinel-Type LiMn2O4-Cathode Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries: Quantifying Trace Amounts of Li2MnO3 by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy PDF
Sun R., Jakes P., Eurich S., van Holt D., Yang S., Homberger M., Simon U., Kungl H., Eichel R.
Том 49, № 4 (2018) Impregnation of Polycarbonate by Paramagnetic Probe 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-4-Hydroxy-Piperidine-1-Oxyl (TEMPOL) in Supercritical CO2 PDF
Akovantseva A., Bagratashvili V., Chumakova N., Golubeva E., Gromov O., Kuzin S., Melnikov M., Timashev P.
Том 49, № 3 (2018) Pulse EPR Study of Gas Adsorption in Cu2+-Doped Metal–Organic Framework [Zn2(1,4-bdc)2(dabco)] PDF
Poryvaev A., Sheveleva A., Demakov P., Arzumanov S., Stepanov A., Dybtsev D., Fedin M.
Том 49, № 3 (2018) Refining Spin–Spin Distance Distributions in Complex Biological Systems Using Multi-Gaussian Monte Carlo Analysis PDF
Timofeev I., Krumkacheva O., Fedin M., Karpova G., Bagryanskaya E.
Том 49, № 3 (2018) Viscosity Correlations with Nuclear (Proton) Magnetic Resonance Relaxation in Oil Disperse Systems PDF
Kashaev R.
Том 49, № 3 (2018) Research of the Spin-Hamiltonian Parameters and Defect Structure for the Trigonal Mn4+ Centers in Y2Ti2O7:Mn4+ Crystal PDF
Cheng M., Wu X., Zheng W.
Том 49, № 3 (2018) Trigonal Distortions of the Cr3+ Octahedral Centers in Cr3+-Doped ABO3 (A = Sc, In, Lu) Crystals Obtained by Analyzing EPR Data PDF
Peng R., Mei Y., Liu H., Zheng W.
Том 49, № 3 (2018) Influential Factors of Internal Magnetic Field Gradient in Reservoir Rock and Its Effects on NMR Response PDF
Xing D., Fan Y., Deng S., Ge X., Liu J., Wu F.
Том 49, № 3 (2018) Electron Spin Polarization of Photo-Excited Copper Coproporphyrin I: From Monomers to Dimers PDF
Sukhanov A., Kandrashkin Y., Voronkova V., Tyurin V.
Том 49, № 2 (2018) Tailored Nitroxide Radicals and Biradical Containing 13C Enriched Acetylene Groups: ENDOR and DFT Investigation PDF
Kokorin A., Zaripov R., Gromov O., Hideg K., Kálai T.
Том 49, № 2 (2018) Encoding Textual Information in Magnetic Resonance Imaging PDF
Anisimov N., Pavlova O.
Том 49, № 2 (2018) FMR Studies of Ultra-Thin Epitaxial Pd0.92Fe0.08 Film PDF
Esmaeili A., Vakhitov I., Yanilkin I., Gumarov A., Khaliulin B., Gabbasov B., Aliyev M., Yusupov R., Tagirov L.
Том 49, № 2 (2018) Optimizing Image Reconstruction in SENSE Using GPU PDF
Qazi S., Nasir S., Saeed A., Omer H.
Том 49, № 2 (2018) Assessment of Combined Therapy of Histochrome and Nebivalol as Angioprotectors on the Background of Experimental Hypertension by Magnetic Resonance Angiography PDF
Agafonova I., Kotelnikov V., Geltser B., Kolosova N., Stonik V.
Том 49, № 2 (2018) Multiple Parallel Round Leg Design for Quadrature Birdcage Coil in Ultrahigh-Field MRI PDF
Xu Y., Wen Q., Yang H., Zhong K.
Том 49, № 2 (2018) Theoretical Investigations of the Spin Hamiltonian Parameters for the Mononuclear Square Pyramidal [CuO5] Groups in Two Paddle Wheel Copper Complexes PDF
Wu L., Wu S., Kuang M., Zhang L., Peng L.
Том 49, № 1 (2018) Features of Exchange Interaction Between Cr3+ Ions in Compounds [Fe(phen)3][Cr2(OH)(Ac)(nta)2]·6,25H2O and [Fe(bpy)3][Cr2(OH)(Ac)(nta)2]·8H2O PDF
Mingalieva L., Galeev R., Sukhanov A., Voronkova V., Budnikova I., Novitchi G.
Том 49, № 1 (2018) Room-Temperature Level Anticrossing and Cross-Relaxation Spectroscopy of Spin Color Centers in SiC Single Crystals and Nanostructures PDF
Anisimov A., Soltamov V., Mokhov E., Baranov P., Astakhov G., Dyakonov V.
Том 49, № 1 (2018) Magnetic Resonance of Impurity Spin in Slow Fluctuating Local Field PDF
Dzheparov F., Lvov D.
Том 49, № 1 (2018) Accelerating MRI Using GROG Gridding Followed by ESPIRiT for Non-Cartesian Trajectories PDF
Aslam I., Najeeb F., Omer H.
Том 49, № 1 (2018) EPR Study of Sc2SiO5:Nd143 Isotopically Pure Impurity Crystals PDF
Eremina R., Tarasov V., Konov K., Gavrilova T., Shestakov A., Shustov V., Kutovoi S., Zavartsev Y.
Том 49, № 1 (2018) Bayesian Modeling of NMR Data: Quantifying Longitudinal Relaxation in Vivo, and in Vitro with a Tissue-Water-Relaxation Mimic (Crosslinked Bovine Serum Albumin) PDF
Meinerz K., Beeman S., Duan C., Bretthorst G., Garbow J., Ackerman J.
Том 49, № 1 (2018) The Effect of Shape and Concentration on Translational Diffusion of Proteins Measured by PFG NMR PDF
Kusova A., Sitnitsky A., Idiyatullin B., Bakirova D., Zuev Y.
Том 49, № 1 (2018) Visualization of Digestion Process Using 19F MRI PDF
Volkov D., Gulyaev M., Kosenkov A., Silachev D., Anisimov N., Chernyaev A., Pirogov Y.
Том 49, № 1 (2018) Dipolar Relaxation of Multiple Quantum NMR Coherences as a Model of Decoherence of Many-Qubit Coherent Clusters PDF
Bochkin G., Fel’dman E., Vasil’ev S., Volkov V.
Том 48, № 11-12 (2017) An X-Band Crossed-Loop EPR Resonator PDF
Rinard G., Quine R., McPeak J., Buchanan L., Eaton S., Eaton G.
Том 48, № 11-12 (2017) Saturation Recovery EPR Spin-Labeling Method for Quantification of Lipids in Biological Membrane Domains PDF
Mainali L., Camenisch T., Hyde J., Subczynski W.
Том 48, № 11-12 (2017) The Current State of Measuring Bimolecular Spin Exchange Rates by the EPR Spectral Manifestations of the Exchange and Dipole–Dipole Interactions in Dilute Solutions of Nitroxide Free Radicals with Proton Hyperfine Structure PDF
Bales B., Bakirov M., Galeev R., Kirilyuk I., Kokorin A., Salikhov K.
Том 48, № 11-12 (2017) High-Bandwidth Q-Band EPR Resonators PDF
Tschaggelar R., Breitgoff F., Oberhänsli O., Qi M., Godt A., Jeschke G.
Том 48, № 11-12 (2017) Six Decades of Progress in Magnetic Resonance: The Contributions of James S. Hyde PDF
Eaton G., Hubbell W., Froncisz W.
Том 48, № 11-12 (2017) Autobiography of James S. Hyde PDF
Hyde J.
Том 48, № 11-12 (2017) Unseen Coherences Can Be Felt PDF
Maryasov A., Bowman M.
Том 48, № 11-12 (2017) High-Pressure EPR Spectroscopy Studies of the E. coli Lipopolysaccharide Transport Proteins LptA and LptC PDF
Schultz K., Klug C.
Том 48, № 11-12 (2017) ELDOR-detected NMR at Q-Band PDF
Hetzke T., Bowen A., Prisner T.
Том 48, № 11-12 (2017) EPR Uniform Field Signal Enhancement by Dielectric Tubes in Cavities PDF
Hyde J., Mett R.
Том 48, № 11-12 (2017) Q-Band Loop-Gap Resonator for EPR Applications with Broadband-Shaped Pulses PDF
Prisner T., Denysenkov V., van Os P.
Том 48, № 11-12 (2017) Resonators for In Vivo Imaging: Practical Experience PDF
Rinard G., Quine R., Buchanan L., Eaton S., Eaton G., Epel B., Sundramoorthy S., Halpern H.
Том 48, № 11-12 (2017) Modes and Fields of Two Stacked Dielectric Resonators in a Cavity of an Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Probe PDF
Mattar S., Elnaggar S.
Том 48, № 11-12 (2017) ODMR Spectroscopy of NV Centers in Diamond Under High MW Power PDF
Zhukov I., Anishchik S., Molin Y.
Том 48, № 11-12 (2017) Optimization Methods for the Design of Sensitive Surface ESR Resonators PDF
Ishay Y., Blank A.
Том 48, № 11-12 (2017) Analysis of Saturation Recovery Amplitudes to Characterize Conformational Exchange in Spin-Labeled Proteins PDF
Bridges M., Yang Z., Altenbach C., Hubbell W.
Том 48, № 10 (2017) NMR Study Conformations of Calcium Gluconate in the Aqueous Solution PDF
Akhmetov M., Konygin G., Rybin D., Petukhov V., Gumarov G., Konov A.
Том 48, № 10 (2017) MRI Contrast Enhancement Using Ferritin Genes and Its Application for Evaluating Anticancer Drug Efficacy in Mouse Melanoma Models PDF
Kim J., Lee G., Lee O., Han G., Ha S., Oh C.
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