

栏目 标题 文件
编号 1 (2023) Articles Russian gosudar’ ‘sovereign’: Нistory and etymology
编号 1 (2023) Articles What micro-diachronic analysis can tell us about unmarked indefinites: Evidence from Russian
编号 1 (2023) Articles Grammaticalization, lexicalization, and pragmaticalization: Russian constructions with the preposition PO
编号 1 (2023) Articles North Russian prefix Z-: Between phonetics and morphemics
编号 1 (2023) Articles Finiteness in morphology and syntax: Evidence from Abaza
编号 1 (2023) Articles Tocharian A manuscript №№ 144–211 from Šorčuq: The new data. I
编号 1 (2023) Heritage Semantics of linguistic sign in the light of the asymmetrical dualism theory: Possible extensions
编号 2 (2023) Articles Gender variation and gender markedness in Russian nouns
编号 2 (2023) Articles The structure of the semantic domain of modality in Russian: Modelling systemic relations between constructions (based on the Russian Constructicon)
编号 2 (2023) Articles Northern Russian intonation: Prosodic breaks
编号 2 (2023) Articles Ossetic verbal paradigms in a cross-linguistic perspective
编号 2 (2023) Articles Beyond syntacticocentric and lexicalist: Event-structural force-dynamic approach to noun incorporation and promotion to direct object in Amguema Chukchi
编号 2 (2023) Surveys Linguistic studies of computer-mediated communication
编号 2 (2023) Reviews [Review of:] J. Bressem. Repetitions in gesture: A cognitive-linguistic and usage-based perspective. Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter Mouton, 2021.
编号 3 (2023) Articles Delimiting the class of derived prepositions in Russian: Grammatical and semantic features of isključaja ‘excluding’ and vključaja, sčitaja ‘including’
编号 3 (2023) Articles Russian colloquial complement clauses with čto: Quotative use and other special properties
编号 3 (2023) Articles Indefi niteness in Russian expressions like Oni brali vsë, čto najdut
编号 3 (2023) Articles The role of live material in verification of etymological hypotheses: The case of Russian čepuxa ‘nonsense’
编号 3 (2023) Articles Causative constructions in Bezhta
编号 3 (2023) Articles Areality of clause-linkage: The consecutive construction in languages of Veracruz
编号 3 (2023) Heritage Towards Franz Boas’s linguistic views
编号 3 (2023) Reviews [Review of:] A. P. Volodin (comp.), Ch. Ono (ed.). Polnyi itel’mensko-russkii slovar’ [A comprehensive Itelmen–Russian dictionary]. St. Petersburg; Fürstenberg / Havel: Institute of Linguistic Studies; Verlag der Kulturstiftung Sibirien, SEC Publications, 2021
编号 4 (2023) Articles Distributive patterns of Circassian vowels and reconstruction of the Common Circassian vowel system
编号 4 (2023) Articles On passive verbs with the marker -ra / -rye in Tundra Nenets
编号 4 (2023) Articles On the grammaticalization of past passive participles in Middle Russian
编号 4 (2023) Articles Is there a three-ictic taktovik in the verse of Russian bylinas?
编号 4 (2023) Articles Gavriil Derzhavin’s logoaedic verse
编号 4 (2023) Heritage Roman Jakobson and the Aleut materials collected by Waldemar Jochelson
编号 4 (2023) Heritage Linguistic thought of Medieval Iceland: The First Grammatical Treatise
编号 4 (2023) Surveys Thought-Based Linguistics: How Languages Turn Thoughts into Sounds. Wallace Chafe’s concluding book