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Volume 168, Nº 1 (2019)


Cortical Somatosensory Neurons in WAG/Rij Rats Transform Firing Evoked by Simulation of Posterior Thalamic Nucleus from Tonic to Phasic at Age of 6 Months

Tsvetaeva D., Sitnikova E., Raevsky V.


Functional peculiarities of paralemniscal subdivision of the thalamocortical system were examined in normal Wistar and in WAG/Rij rats genetically prone to absence epilepsy. In 6-7-month-old WAG/Rij characterized by developed epileptic activity, the response of cortical somatosensory neurons to single electrical stimulation of the posterior thalamic nucleus was phasic, whereas in normal Wistar rats, similar reaction was tonic. The study views this phasic response as neural equivalent of spike-wave discharges known as typical EEG symptom of absence epilepsy.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;168(1):1-4
pages 1-4 views


Examination of Statistical Instability of Electroencephalograms

Zilov V., Khadartsev A., Eskov V., Ilyashenko L., Kitanina K.


The study examined stochastic stability of EEG samples recorded in succession from the same healthy volunteer at unchanged state. The absence of statistical repetitions not only for EEG samples, but also for the corresponding spectral densities was proven. A method to calculate the pairwise comparison matrices of ECG samples and quasi-attractors was proposed. The diagnostic effectiveness of these calculations was demonstrated during photostimulation, when successive EEG samples chaotically changed under overall homeostatic conditions.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;168(1):5-9
pages 5-9 views

Hepatic Mast Cells in Mice with Experimental Amyloidosis

Ilyna L., Kozlov V., Sapozhnikov S.


We studied the response of mast cells in mouse liver to experimental amyloidosis modeled by administration of aqueous solution of soy cream substitute and its correction by spontaneous dry red wine intake per os. Mast cells in mice with amyloidosis and intact mice were presented by α-ortho- and β1-metachromatic non-degranulating forms. In mice with amyloidosis, the relative content of β1-metachromatic mast cells in the capsule and parenchyma of the liver was by 1.8 and 1.5 times higher than in intact animals, respectively. In mice with amyloidosis receiving dry red wine, the proportions of mast cells with different degrees of metachromasy and degranulation were similar to those in intact mice, but the relative content of β1-metachromatic mast cells in the liver parenchyma in these animals was by 1.6 times higher than in intact mice. Therefore, mast cells respond to amyloidosis development by changes in both the metachromasy and degranulation degree; dry red wine can be considered as a factor of amyloidosis prevention.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;168(1):14-17
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Structure of Rhythms of Blood Pressure, Heart Rate, Excretion of Electrolytes, and Secretion of Melatonin in Normotensive and Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats Maintained under Conditions of Prolonged Daylight Duration

Blagonravov M., Bryk A., Medvedeva E., Goryachev V., Chibisov S., Kurlaeva A., Agafonov E.


We studied the structure of rhythms of BP, HR (by telemetric monitoring), electrolyte excretion (by capillary electrophoresis), and products of epiphyseal melatonin (by the urinary concentration of 6-sulfatoxymelatonin measured by ELISA) in normotensive Wistar-Kyoto rats and spontaneously hypertensive SHR rats maintained at 16/8 h and 20/4 h light-dark regimes. In Wister-Kyoto rats exposed to prolonged daylight, we observed changes in the amplitude, rhythm power (% of rhythm), and range of oscillations of systolic BP; HR mezor decreased. In SHR rats, mezor of HR also decreased, but other parameters of rhythms remained unchanged. Changes in electrolyte excretion were opposite in normo- and hypertensive rats. Under conditions of 20/4 h light-dark regime, daytime melatonin production tended to increase in normotensive rats and significantly increased in SHR rats. At the same time, nighttime melatonin production did not change in both normotensive and hypertensive animals. As the secretion of melatonin has similar features in animals of both lines, we can say that the epiphyseal component of the “biological clock” is not the only component of the functional system that determines the response of the studied rhythms to an increase in the duration of light exposure.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;168(1):18-23
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Participation of GABAB Receptors of Parafacial Respiratory Group in the Regulation of Respiration in Rats

Kovaleva T., Vedyasova O.


The respiratory effects of microinjections of baclofen and 2-hydroxysaclofen into the parafacial respiratory group were studied in experiments on rats. It was shown that activation of GABAB receptors of the parafacial respiratory group suppressed external respiration due to a decrease in the tidal volume and inspiratory flow rate. In parallel, we observed a decrease in the amplitude and an increase in the duration of inspiratory bursts of the diaphragm. Injection of GABAB receptor blocker into the parafacial respiratory group increased pulmonary ventilation due to an increase in volumetric parameters of the inspiratory phase. This effect was accompanied by prolongation of expiration and lengthening of the intervals between the inspiratory bursts of the diaphragm. These results suggest that GABAB receptors of the parafacial respiratory group are an important element of the central mechanisms regulating the volumetric respiratory parameters and are involved in the regulation of the phases of the respiratory cycle.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;168(1):24-27
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Effects of Melatonin on the Body Composition, Physical Performance, and Blood Erythrocyte Indexes of C57Bl/6J Mice Exposed to Continuous Illumination

Michurina S., Ishchenko I., Korolev M., Letyagin A., Rachkovskaya L., Khotskina A., Khotskin N., Maslennikova S., Zavjalov E.


Male C57Bl/6J mice were exposed to daily 24-h illumination over 14 days and daily intragastrically received melatonin (1 mg/kg) or water (placebo). Controls were kept under standard day/night (14/10 h) conditions. Melatonin prevented the development of anemia in mice exposed to continuous illumination, which was proven by higher blood hemoglobin levels by the end of the experiment in melatonin-treated animals in comparison with the placebo group. Studies by the low-field NMR spectrometry detected lower lean body mass, total body water, and especially, fat content (by ~13%) in animals receiving placebo. Melatonin treatment led to an increase in the lean body mass and total body water on day 7 (in comparison with the placebo group) without affecting fat mass. On day 14 of continuous illumination, lean body mass increased in comparison with the corresponding parameter in the control and placebo groups. Melatonin had no effect on the physical endurance of mice exposed to continuous illumination (assessed by the grid hanging test).

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;168(1):28-32
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Permeability of Intestinal and Blood—Tissue Barriers in Rats for Evans Blue Dye under Conditions of Acute Intoxication with Cyclophosphamide

Schäfer T., Ivnitsky J., Rejniuk V.


Myeloablative therapy was modeled by administration of cyclophosphamide to rats in a dose of 2.1 LD50 for 14 days. Under these conditions, increased accumulation of Evans blue dye given by gavage was observed in the blood, brain, lung, liver, kidney, and ileum (by 34, 1.6, 149, 46, 30, and 6.2 times, respectively). After intravenous injection of the dye, its accumulation was increased only in the lung and ileum. Thus, simulation of myeloablation cytostatic therapy by cyclophosphamide injection to rats is associated with impairment of the intestinal and lung—blood barriers. These alterations predispose to penetration of biologically active substances from the small intestine, gastrointestinal chyme, and lungs to the blood, thus contributing to the development of the early toxic effects of cyclophosphamide.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;168(1):38-40
pages 38-40 views

Modification of Biochemical Properties of Nitrosothiol by Fe3+ Cation: A Presumable Physiological Role

Titov V., Osipov A., Ibragimova L., Petrov V., Dolgorukova A.


In the presence of Fe3+ cation, S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO) loses the potency to inhibit catalase in the system containing hemoglobin (an NO trap) with iron chelator or -SH inhibitor (a “sulfhydric poison” Hg2+). In the absence of hemoglobin, the inhibitory potency is retained in both cases. These properties are characteristic of dinitrosyl-iron complexes containing ferrous iron and thiols (DNIC/RSH). Since the potency to inhibit catalase results from the presence of -NO group, its loss in the presence of hemoglobin relates probably to transfer of this group to hemoglobin. The nitrosothiols are relatively stable compounds, so their ability to release NO under the action of iron chelators, which is characteristic of DNIC/RSH, can have important physiological implications, because the role of such chelators can be played by some endogenous agents as well. Thus, release of NO from the donor compounds can be controlled and regulated. Probably, the agents such as nitrosothiol+Fe3+ are the major constituents in the pool of nitroso compounds.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;168(1):41-44
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An Experimental Study of the Effect of Diindolylmethane on Alveolocyte and Hepatocyte Adhesion Strength in Mice

Kiselev V., Sukhikh G., Pchelintseva O., Udut V., Kuznetsov I., Drukh V.


We studied the effect of diindolylmethane in a dose of 600 mg/kg on the change in adhesion strength of alveolocytes and hepatocytes in CBA mice. Diindolylmethane was administered intragastrically to experimental animals for 10 days, controls intragastrically received an equivalent volume of saline. At the end of the therapeutic period, mice treated with diindolylmethane showed a significant increase in the adhesion strength of alveolocytes by 16% (p=0.003) and hepatocytes by 61% (p=0.0001) in comparison with the control group, which indicates the antipromotor activity of diindolylmethane.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;168(1):45-47
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Calcium Salt of N-(5-Hydroxynicotinoyl)-L-Glutamic Acid Weakens Depressive-Like Behavior and Parkinsonian Syndrome in Experiment on Rodents

Kiselev A., Vedenkin A., Stovbun I., Sergienko V., Kalinina T.


We studied antidepressant and antiparkinsonian properties of N-(5-hydroxynicotinoyl)-Lglutamic acid calcium salt (Ampasse) in rodents. It was found that Ampasse in a dose of 30 mg/kg exhibited antidepressant activity in the forced swimming test in mice and in a dose of 0.1 mg/kg maximally alleviates the symptoms of parkinsonian syndrome induced by systemic administration of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine in C57Bl/6 mice, and haloperidol-induced catalepsy in rats.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;168(1):48-51
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Effect of Surfagon on Open Field and Elevated Plus Maze Behavior of Gonadectomized and Non-Gonadectomized Male Rats

Masalova O., Kazakova S., Savateeva-Lyubimova T., Sivak K., Sapronov N., Shabanov P.


We studied the effect of gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist surfagon (2 μg/kg, once, intraperitoneally) on anxious behavior of adult gonadectomized and non-gonadectomized male rats. It was shown that surfagon significantly increased anxiety of both gonadectomized and non-gonadectomized rats in the open-field test and in elevated plus maze

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;168(1):52-54
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Effect of Endomorphin-1 on Contractile Activity of Rat Mesenteric Lymphatic Vessels

Nechaykina O., Petunov S.


We studied the effect of endomorphin-1 on isolated mesenteric lymphatic vessels in rats. It was found that endomorphin-1 caused a dose-dependent increase in the contractile activity of lymphangions, which was associated with stimulation of intracellular calcium depots. The observed effect of endomorphin-1 in isolated lymphatic vessels has a complex mechanism; it depends on the concentration of the applied peptide and is probably determined by its interaction with non-opioid receptors

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;168(1):55-57
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Peculiarities of Biofilms Formation by Campylobacter Bacteria in Mixed Populations with Other Microbial Contaminants of Food Products

Efimochkina N., Stetsenko V., Sheveleva S.


Peculiarities of biofilms formation by Campylobacter bacteria in mixed populations with other microbial contaminants was studied by real-time impedance spectroscopy on an automated xCelligence real time cell analyzer (RTCA). This method is based on measuring the medium resistance in special plates (E-plates) with interdigitated microelectrodes. Coculturing of campylobacter with coliform bacteria is accompanied by film formation; the intensity of this process varies depending on the type of the test cultures and the nature of their interaction in mixed populations. Film formation by C. jejuni during co-culturing with enterobacteria is maximum during the first hours and depends on the presence of stress factors in the environment. The biomatrix film was synthesized by 3 times more intensively in the presence of oxygen than in microaerobic conditions, and also by 1.7-4.3 times more active in the mixed culture with Enterobacter cloacae, E. coli, and K. pneumoniae. During co-culturing of campylobacter with salmonella, no enhanced film formation by the tested strains was observed. Unlike members of the genus Enterobacter intensively producing exopolysaccharides, pathogenic member of Enterobacteriaceae, salmonella, demonstrated weak capacity to form film matrix. The study of film formation by Campylobacter allows more accurate assessment of the effectiveness of sanitary bactericidal treatment of food industry facilities, predict the appearance of biofilms and the intensity of their formation depending son the nature of the antimicrobial effect and the used means.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;168(1):62-65
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Effect of Synthetic Organoselenium Drug on the Degree of Pathological Changes in the Organs of White Mice Immunized with Tularemia and Brucellosis Vaccines

Yurieva O., Dubrovina V., Potapov V., Musalov M., Starovoitova T., Ivanova T., Gromova A., Shkaruba T., Balakhonov S.


We studied the effect of the organoselenium compound 2,6-dipyridinium-9-selenium-bicyclo[ 3,3,1]nonan dibromide (974zh) on the severity of pathological changes in the organs of experimental animals immunized with live tularemia and brucellosis vaccines. It was found that 974zh reduced reactogenicity of vaccines for experimental animals. Our findings indicate the prospects for further studies of the effects of 974zh on the functional state of experimental animals.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;168(1):66-68
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Interaction of Salmonella enteritidis and Salmonella typhimurium in Microbial Association Formed by Them in In Vitro Experiment

Rakov A., Yakovlev A., Kuznetsova N.


We studied the interaction of Salmonella enteritidis and Salmonella typhimurium in the microbial association formed by these microorganisms in vitro. It was found that S. typhimurium in microbial association in LB-broth inhibited reproduction of S. enteritidis, which attested to its higher competitiveness. The concentration of S. typhimurium in the medium in 6 h reached 92-93% of the total number of bacteria. Parallel growth of the populations of S. enteritidis and S. typhimurium was observed only during the first hour, but later, S. typhimurium always exceeded S. enteritidis by the growth dynamics. The competitive advantage of S. typhimurium was observed both in the absence and presence of 60-MDa virulence plasmid.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;168(1):69-71
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Effects of Temperature on the Ability of Metabolites from Permafrost Microorganisms to Activate the Synthesis of Systemic Cytokines by Mononuclear Cells

Kalenova L., Kolyvanova S.


The effects of metabolites of Bacillus sp. strain M3 and Bacillus megaterium strain 8/75-1 isolated from permafrost formations, as well as a medicinal Bacillus cereus strain IP5832 on the secretion of TNFα, IL-1β, and IL-10 by mononuclear cells of human peripheral blood depending on the temperature of bacteria culturing (-16oC, -5oC, and 42oC) were studied. Metabolites of 8/75-1 and M3 strains cultured at 42oC produced more potent stimulating effect on TNFα and IL-10 synthesis than metabolites from these bacteria cultured at -16oC and -5oC (p<0.01). Temperature did not affect the ability of metabolites to modulate IL-1β synthesis in all bacterial strains and the ability of IP5832 strain metabolites to modulate TNFα production. IL-10 secretion was minimum under the effect of metabolites of IP5832 strain cultured at 42oC. The TNFα/IL-10 and IL-1β/IL-10 ratios indicated that metabolites of permafrost bacteria cultured at 42oC can shift the balance towards the synthesis of proinflammatory cytokines.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;168(1):72-75
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Changes of the Expression of Neuronal NO-Synthase in Rat Sympathetic Ganglia during Ontogeny

Moiseev K., Yukhmankova A., Masliukov P.


Expression of neuronal NO synthase in the sympathetic cranial cervical ganglion and stellate ganglion in rats during postnatal ontogeny was studied by immunohistochemistry and Western blotting. In the sympathetic ganglia, neuronal NO synthase-immunoreactive neurons were absent in all rats. In the stellate and cranial cervical ganglia, the expression of neuronal NO synthase and the density of immunoreactive fibers increased in early postnatal ontogeny from the moment of birth to the age of 30 days and then decreased. Thus, we observed heterochroneous expression of neuronal NOS in the preganglionic somata in the spinal cord and in the preganglionic fibers in the sympathetic ganglia during ontogeny.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;168(1):76-78
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Effect of VNTR Polymorphism of the AS3MT Gene and Obstetrical Complications on the Severity of Schizophrenia

Korovaitseva G., Gabaeva M., Yunilainen O., Golimbet V.


The role of the VNTR polymorphism of the AS3MT gene in determining the clinical features of schizophrenia and schizophrenic spectrum disorders was studied. The analysis included 670 individuals. We found no differences in PANSS scores for positive, negative, and common psychopathological symptoms between the carriers of different genotypes. The interaction of the studied polymorphism and obstetrical complications as an environmental factor was found. The genotype-environment interactions were identified for one of the characteristics reflecting the severity of schizophrenia: the level of negative symptoms. Women with the V2/V2 genotype, who have obstetrical complications, showed significantly higher negative symptoms scores, which was associated with a poor prognosis of the disease.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;168(1):84-86
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Induction of Osteogenesis in Rat Bone Tissue Using Cryogenically Structured Porous 3D Materials Containing a Bioregulator

Krasnov M., Shaikhaliev A., Korshakov E., Efimenko M., Soloshenkov P., Davidova T., Zvukova N., Sinitskaya E., Yamskova V., Yamskov I., Lozinsky V.


We studied osteogenesis induction after implantation of porous cryogenically structured 3D scaffolds based on chitosan, alginate, and serum albumin and containing a bioregulator from bovine serum into in vivo modeled experimental bone defect in rats. It was shown that such 3D-matrices are effective as osteoconductors due to their effect on osteoblast precursors. All types of bioregulator-loaded 3D materials promote active bone repair, which manifested in restoration of the dense bone tissue, formation of the bone marrow, and the recovery of osteons on day 14 after surgery. In animals receiving implantation of control 3D scaffolds without the bioregulator, the formation of dense fibrous tissue and spongy bone was observed by this term.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;168(1):99-103
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Differences between Neutrophilic Granulocytes and Lymphocytes in Fixation of Quantum Dots of Different Composition

Pleskova S., Gorshkova E., Boryakov A., Abarbanel N.


Studies by flow cytometry, scanning electron microscopy, and X-ray microanalysis have shown that fixation/internalization of quantum dots differ in lymphocytes and neutrophilic granulocytes. Punctate fixation of quantum dots to cell surface is characteristic of lymphocytes, while phagocytosis with perinuclear location of quantum dot aggregations is characteristic of neutrophils. The presence of complex functional groups on the surface of quantum dots can inhibit significantly the fixation/internalization of quantum dots by blood cells.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;168(1):104-108
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Effect of Peptide AEDG on Telomere Length and Mitotic Index of PHA-Stimulated Human Blood Lymphocytes

Khavinson V., Pendina A., Efimova O., Tikhonov A., Koltsova A., Krapivin M., Petrovskaia-Kaminskaia A., Petrova L., Lin’kova N., Baranov V.


We studied the effect of peptide AEDG on telomere length and mitotic index of PHA-stimulated blood lymphocytes from young (18-22 years, N=5) and middle-aged (49-54 years, N=6) men. In the younger age group, no significant changes in the mitotic index were detected, while in the middle-aged group, a decrease in this parameter was found in one case. The relative length of telomeric regions of metaphase chromosomes was evaluated by in situ fluorescence hybridization with DNA probes specific to telomeres. After incubation with peptide AEDG, significant changes in the relative telomere length were found in 7 of 11 individuals (3 cases in the younger age group and 4 cases in the middle age group). Significant increase in telomere length after exposure to peptide AEDG was revealed in 5 cases, including two individuals of the younger age group (by 41 and 55%) and three individuals of the middle age group (by 156, 18, and 76%). In one individual of the younger age group and in one of the middle-age group, a significant decrease in telomere length (by 37 and 15%, respectively) was found. A tendency to normalization of telomere lengths was noted: this parameter increased in individuals with initially lower telomere length relative to the group mean value and decreased in individuals with initially longer telomeres compared to the mean length in the group.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;168(1):141-144
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Content of Free Fetal DNA in Maternal Blood and Expression of DNA Recognition Receptors ZBP-1 in Placental Tissue in Preeclampsia and Preterm Labor

Baev O., Karapetian A., Nizyaeva N., Sadekova А., Krasniy A.


We evaluated the content of cell-free fetal DNA in maternal blood and expression of ZBP-1 receptors in the placental tissue of women with uncomplicated pregnancy, preeclampsia, and preterm labor. The study included 16 women with preeclampsia (early and late-onset preeclampsia, 8 cases each), 16 women with preterm labor, and 21 women with uncomplicated pregnancy. The concentration of cell-free fetal DNA was measured by PCR by detecting hypermethylated region of the RASSF1A gene. Immunohistochemistry was performed on paraffin-embedded sections of the placenta samples using primary polyclonal antibodies to ZBP-1. Significant increase in the level of cell-free fetal DNA was found in women with preeclampsia (both early and late-onset form) in comparison with uncomplicated pregnancy. The concentration of cell-free fetal DNA in preterm labor group did not differ from the control group; however, it was significantly lower than in early-onset preeclampsia, but not late preeclampsia. Immunohistochemical study showed higher expression of ZBP-1 in the villus syncytiotrophoblast in early-onset preeclampsia in comparison with that in preterm labor group (p=0.006). Fragments of damaged placental cells, predominantly trophoblast, enter maternal circulation and are the source of cell-free fetal DNA and a potential ligand for ZBP-1, which leads to further cell damage and the formation of a vicious circle. The increase in the content of cell-free fetal DNA in maternal blood and ZBP-1 expression in the syncytiotrophoblast in preeclampsia are interrelated processes reflecting impaired morphofunctional state of the placenta.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;168(1):145-149
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Cytokine Profile in Experimental Models of Critical Limb Ischemia in Rats

Lykov A., Bondarenko N., Poveshchenko O., Kabakov A., Surovtseva M., Kim I., Kazakov O., Poveshchenko A., Yankaite E.


We studied the effect of intramuscular administration of a cellular product (mesenchymal stem cells, conditioned media, and erythropoietin) on cytokine levels in blood serum, conditioned media of bone marrow mononuclears, and calf muscles in Wistar rats with hind limb ischemia. It is shown that the cellular product reduces the proinflammatory background at the early stages of the experiment and increases the content proangiogenic factors.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;168(1):150-155
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Quantitative Changes in the Population of Cancer Stem Cells after Radiation Exposure in a Dose of 10 Gy as a Prognostic Marker of Immediate Results of the Treatment of Squamous Cell Cervical Cancer

Zamulaeva I., Selivanova E., Matchuk O., Krikunova L., Mkrtchyan L., Kulieva G., Kaprin A.


Prognostic significance of the proportion of cancer stem cells in cervical scrapings from 38 patients with uterine cervical cancer before treatment and after irradiation in a total dose of 10 Gy was assessed for immediate results of radio- and combined chemoradiotherapy evaluated by the degree of tumor regression in 3-6 months after the treatment. Cancer stem cells were detected as cells with CD44+CD24low immunophenotype by flow cytometry. The proportion of cancer stem cells in patients with the complete tumor regression decreased by on average 2.2±1.1% after irradiation, while in patients with partial regression this indicator increased by on average 3.3±2.3% (p=0.03). Multiple regression analysis revealed two independent indicators affecting tumor regression: the stage of the disease (which is quite expected) and change in the proportion of cancer stem cells after the first irradiation sessions (R=0.60, p<0.002 for the model in the whole). The proportion of cancer stem cells before the treatment did not have prognostic significance.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;168(1):156-159
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Interaction of Magnesium-Based Materials with Human Blood Cells and Culture of Human Diploid Cells In Vitro

Borovkova N., Dobatkin S., Makarov M., Ponomarev I., Ofitserov A., Storozheva M., Martynenko N., Estrin Y.


We studied morphofunctional properties of human blood cells and diploid culture cells exposed to different types of magnesium materials: pure magnesium (Mg), magnesium—yttrium—neodymium—zirconium alloy (Mg-Y-Nd-Zr) and magnesium—zinc—calcium alloy (Mg-Zn-Ca). The materials were incubated with donor blood and mesenchymal multipotent stromal cells over 3 days. The studied materials did not induce massive lysis of human erythrocytes and leukocytes in vitro, but gradually impaired their structural integrity. In all cases, spontaneous platelet aggregation was observed in 6 h. In the presence of pure Mg and Mg-Zn-Ca alloy, this was accompanied by a decrease in the number of platelets with granules. In 24 h, substantial platelet degranulation occurred in all cases and in 72 h, the platelets did not contain granules. In parallel, the formation of large aggregates (60 μ) was observed. In the culture of stromal cells, all Mg-based materials reduced structural integrity of cells in 24 h, but did not significantly inhibit cell proliferation. Structural integrity of stromal cells partially recovered by day 3 in culture. The studied materials (Mg, Mg-Y-Nd-Zr, and Mg-Zn-Ca) seemed to be low-toxic for human cells during short-term contact, but could stimulate platelet aggregation and spontaneous degranulation and reduced the viability of diploid cells in vitro.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;168(1):160-167
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Changes in the Circulatory and Lymphatic Systems of Internal Genitals in Female Rats after Intravenous and Lymphotropic Administration of Multipotent Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Products Secreted by These Cells

Dergacheva T., Shurlygina A., Starkova E., Poveshchenko O., Klimontov V., Konenkov V.


We studied the effects of intravenous and lymphotropic administration of bone marrow multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells and products secreted by these cells into conditioned medium on the blood and lymph circulation in the uterus and ovaries, as well as on folliculogenesis in female Wistar rats. It was shown that stromal cells and conditioned media of these cells administered via both routes lead to an increase in the number and diameter of blood vessels in the uterine wall and in the cortical layer of the ovaries. Neither mesenchymal stromal cells, not conditioned media affected the ovarian follicular apparatus.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;168(1):168-172
pages 168-172 views

Human Umbilical Cord Blood Serum/Plasma: Cytokine Profile and Prospective Application in Regenerative Medicine

Romanov Y., Vtorushina V., Dugina T., Romanov A., Petrova N.


The concentrations of cytokines and growth factors in human umbilical cord blood serum and plasma samples were measured by multiplex analysis. It was found that in comparison with peripheral blood serum of adult donors, umbilical cord blood serum and plasma contain significantly higher concentrations of the most studied molecules including IL-4, 5, 6, 7, 10 and 15, MCP-1, SCF, and SDF, as well as growth factors directly involved in the processes of regeneration (G-CSF, HGF, PDGF-BB, and VEGF). Thus, umbilical cord blood plasma and especially serum are a rich source of cytokines and growth factors with anti-inflammatory, anti-apoptotic, and angiogenic effects and can be used in various fields of regenerative medicine.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;168(1):173-177
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Effect of Bioactive Peptide Complex Isolated from Bovine Serum on Proliferation and Migration of Mesenchymal Stromal Cells In Vitro and Reparation of Bone Defects In Vivo

Shaikhaliev A., Krasnov M., Vakhrushev I., Il’ina A., Rybakova E., Yarygina K., Yamskova V., Yamskov I.


We studied the effect of a bioactive peptide complex isolated from bovine serum on the proliferative potential and migration rate of mesenchymal stromal cells in vitro, as well as on the healing of modeled bone defects in rats. This bioregulatory preparation stimulated proliferation of mesenchymal stromal cells from deciduous tooth pulp in vitro, but did not affect the rate of their migration in two-dimensional cultures. In vivo experiments showed that application of this preparation in combination with hydroxyapatite and chitosan gel accelerated bone tissue regeneration, thus ensuring restoration of morphologically normal bone matrix. Thus, cattle blood serum is an available source for the production of bioregulatory preparations for medical purposes.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;168(1):178-185
pages 178-185 views

General Pathology and Pathophysiology

Heparin Modulates the Main Properties of the Central Nervous System in Experimental Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: A New Concept of the Mechanisms of Pathogenesis and Treatment

Kondashevskaya M.


Elevated plus-maze test was used to reveal the role of excitation and inhibition mechanisms in the CNS in the organization of the behavior of male Wistar rats under normal conditions and during modeling experimental post-traumatic stress disorder (with or without administration of low doses of high-molecular-weight heparin). The data about insufficiency in the system of excitation mechanisms and pronounced excess in the system of inhibition mechanisms in post-traumatic stress disorder are prioritized. Heparin seems to be a promising and effective preparation to cope with extreme psychotraumatic abnormalities in CNS.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;168(1):10-13
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Pharmacology and Toxicology

Examination of Cardioprotective Effects of Fabomotizole Hydrochloride in Translational Rat Model of Chronic Heart Failure

Kryzhanovskii S., Tsorin I., Stolyaruk V., Vititnova M., Ionova E., Barchukov V., Kozhevnikova L., Seredenin S.


A translational rat model of chronic heart failure was employed to examine the cardioprotective effect of fabomotizole hydrochloride. Fabomotizole therapy for 28 days (15 mg/kg/day intraperitoneally) restored inotropic function of the left ventricle and increased ejection fraction from 54±3 to 65±3% (p=0.001). The inotropic function returned to normal against the background of significantly reduced myocardial expression of angiotensin (p=0.01) and glucocorticoid (p=0.03) receptors and significant increased expression of sigma-1 receptors (p=0.04). Inhibition of abnormal expression of angiotensin and glucocorticoid receptors responsible for activation of the pathological cascades underlying the postinfarction remodeling of the left ventricle as well as activation of the expression of cytoprotective sigma-1 receptors are viewed as the key features of the cardioprotective action of fabomotizole hydrochloride.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;168(1):33-37
pages 33-37 views

Immunology and Microbiology

Antibacterial Activity of Hybrid Polymeric Scaffold for Reconstruction of Tubular Bone Defects

Anisimova N., Zalepugin D., Chernyshova I., Maksimkin A., Kiselevskii M., Senatov F., Spirina T., Sitdikova S., Karaulov A.


We studied antibacterial activity of a hybrid polymeric construction consisting of continuous and porous layers of ultrahigh-molecular-weight polyethylene reinforced by titanium. Experimental samples were impregnated with amoxycillin in subcritical Freon R22. The contact of bacterial culture with hybrid polymeric constructions saturated with amoxycillin suppressed the growth of microorganisms and the formation of their colonies. These results attest to the presence of a bactericidal effect of hybrid scaffold samples impregnated with an antibacterial component.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;168(1):58-61
pages 58-61 views


The Role of Inducible NOS2 Gene Polymorphism in the Development of Essential Arterial Hypertension

Topchieva L., Balan O., Korneeva V., Malysheva I.


The risk of essential arterial hypertension was assessed in carriers of the NOS2 gene variants (rs1800482 (-954G>C), rs3730017 (C>T)). In subjects carrying C allele (rs1800482), the risk for essential arterial hypertension developing was higher by 1.7 times (OR=1.712, 95%CI 1.07-2.74), while the presence of T-allele (rs3730017) had a protective effect (OR=0.304, 95%CI 0.192-0.482). In patients with essential arterial hypertension, the presence of the C allele (rs1800482) was associated with a higher content of NO metabolites in the blood plasma. A positive correlation was found between the plasma content of nitrites and nitrates and the level of transcripts of VCAM1, ICAM1 genes in peripheral blood leukocytes. We found the influence of the C allele carriership on the expression VCAM1 and ICAM1 genes in patients with essential hypertension. It was hypothesized that this polymorphic site in the NOS2 gene can be involved in the development of endothelial dysfunction and essential arterial hypertension through modulation of NO level under condition of inflammation.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;168(1):79-83
pages 79-83 views


The Presence of Human Papillomavirus DNA Integration is Associated with Poor Clinical Results in Patients with Third-Stage Cervical Cancer

Kiseleva V., Mkrtchyan L., Ivanov S., Lyubina L., Bezyaeva G., Panarina L., Krikunova L., Zamulaeva I.


The presence of virus DNA integration into the cell genome was studied for 47 primary HPV16-positive patients with morphologically verified stage III cervical cancer. By using ROC analysis, the patients were divided into two groups: with and without HPV DNA integration into the host cell genome. The differences between the groups by the histological type, degree of tumor differentiation, and primary response to therapy were statistically insignificant. Virus DNA integration more than 7-fold reduced 5-year relapse-free survival and 1.7-fold reduced overall survival rate in comparison with patients without HPV DNA integration (p=0.0002 and p=0.05, respectively). The relative risk of adverse outcome of the disease in patients with the presence of HPV16 DNA integration increases by 4 times over a period of less than 3 years (р=0.0006) at high AUC level. The probability of earlier progression of the disease in patients with of HPV DNA integration calculated according to the Cox proportional hazards model was 85.5% (hazard ratio 5.96; p=0.002). Thus, the results suggest that the presence of HPV16 DNA integration into the cell genome is an independent factor in predicting clinical outcome of advanced cervical cancer and can serve as an effective criterion for the individual choice of treatment tactics for the patients.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;168(1):87-91
pages 87-91 views


Comparison of Antitumor Effects of Combined and Separate Treatment with NO Synthase Inhibitor T1023 and PDK1 Inhibitor Dichloroacetate

Filimonova M., Podosinnikova T., Samsonova A., Makarchuk V., Shevchenko L., Filimonov A.


Combined chronic treatment of Ehrlich solid carcinoma (EC) with an NOS inhibitor 1-isobutanoyl-2-isopropylisothiourea hydrobromide (T1023) and a PDK1 inhibitor dichloroacetate was accompanied by statistically significant synergetic antitumor effects manifested in a significant and stable suppression of neoplasm growth (by 55-65%). Separate treatment with T1023 and dichloroacetate induced moderate short-term inhibition of tumor growth (by 30-35%) followed by weakening of tumor sensitivity to these substances. These results attest to synergetic antitumor effects NOS inhibitor T1023 and PDK1 inhibitor dichloroacetate producing antiangiogenic and hypoxia-targeted cytotoxic effects, during their combined administration, which allows overcoming the adaptive potential of the tumors.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;168(1):92-94
pages 92-94 views


Fibroin-Gelatin Composite Stimulates the Regeneration of a Splinted Full-Thickness Skin Wound in Mice

Arkhipova A., Kulikov D., Moisenovich A., Andryukhina V., Chursinova Y., Filyushkin Y., Fedulov A., Bobrov M., Mosalskaya D., Glazkova P., Kulikov A., Nalivkin A., Molochkov A., Semenov D.


The effects of composite fibroin-gelatin microparticles (100-250 μ) on the rate of wound healing and regeneration under conditions of contraction prevention were studied on the model of splinted full-thickness skin wound in a mouse. Subcutaneous injection of these particles into the defect area accelerated wound healing and promoted re-epithelialization and recovery of normal structure of the epidermis. In addition, the composite microparticles promoted the formation of connective tissue of characteristic structure, replacing the derma over the entire defect, and stimulated regeneration of subcutaneous muscle (panniculus carnosus) and skin appendages (sebaceous glands and hair follicles).

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;168(1):95-98
pages 95-98 views

Experimental Methods for Clinical Practice

Effects of Levofloxacin on Blood Lymphocyte Apoptosis in Patients with Pulmonary Tuberculosis: an In Vitro Study

Serebryakova V., Urazova O., Novitsky V., Vengerovskii A., Kononova T., Vasil’eva O., Beresneva A.


The effects of a fluroquinolone levofloxacin on apoptosis of peripheral blood lymphocytes from patients with infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis were studied in vitro. It was found that levofloxacin stimulated apoptotic cell death in tuberculosis. Addition of levofloxacin to cell suspension from patients with drug-susceptible form of tuberculosis led to an increase in the number of CD95+ and AnnV+ lymphocytes. In patients with drug-resistant form of tuberculosis, only the number of apoptotic lymphocytes, but not the count of CD95+ cells increased under these conditions.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;168(1):109-112
pages 109-112 views

Morphology and Pathomorphology

Structural and Functional Bases of Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause

Pichigina A., Shelkovnikova N., Neimark A., Lapii G.


We performed a comprehensive clinical and morphological examination of 70 menopausal patients aged 42-62 years with dysuria and chronic pelvic pain. Assessment of the bladder and vaginal microcirculation by laser Doppler flowmetry in menopausal patients with genitourinary syndrome revealed reduced (by 12-65%) microcirculation parameters. Analysis of the quantitative and qualitative composition of the bacterial microflora of the urethra and vagina revealed abnormalities of microbiota of varying severity, which can be the cause of infectiousinflammatory processes in the pelvic organs leading to chronic pelvic pain syndrome and incontinence. During menopause, the genitourinary syndrome in women is associated with the combined development of atrophic changes in the bladder and uterine mucosa that by their morphological characteristics differ from age-related involutive changes. Atrophy (hypoplasia) of the endometrium and bladder mucosa develops against the background of pronounced fibrosis and is accompanied by hyperemia and hemorrhages.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;168(1):113-117
pages 113-117 views

Cell Technologies in Biology and Medicine

Analysis of the Effect of IL-1β on Blood—Brain Barrier Permeability in M6 Glioma Mouse Model Using Intravital Microscopy

Melnikov P., Valikhov M., Kuznetsov I., Grinenko N., Sukhinich K., Simbirtsev A., Kekelidze Z., Chekhonin V.


We studied the effect of IL-1β on the permeability of brain capillaries in healthy mice. Intravital microscopy demonstrated that parenteral administration of IL-1β was followed by an increase in vascular permeability ensuring passage of free Alexa488 fluorescent label through the capillary walls, but not sufficient for penetration of liposomes. In addition, experiments on mice with intracranial M6 glioma showed penetration of liposomes through the walls of tumor capillaries after parenteral administration of IL-1β in a concentration of 2 μg/ml. Thus, the use of proinflammatory cytokine IL-1β in the therapy of brain tumors can significantly increase the therapeutic efficacy of drug delivery systems, in particular, for drugs poorly crossing the blood—brain barrier.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;168(1):118-124
pages 118-124 views

Translated from Kletochnye Tekhnologii v Biologii i Meditsine (Cell Technologies in Biology and Medicine)

Phenotype and Secretome of Monocyte-Derived Macrophages Interacting with Mesenchymal Stromal Cells under Conditions of Hypoxic Stress

Alekseeva O., Bobyleva P., Andreeva E.


We studied the effect of short-term hypoxic stress on the phenotypic polarization of monocyte-derived macrophages and their secretory activity during interaction with mesenchymal stromal cells. In the presence of mesenchymal stromal cells, monocyte-derived macrophages exhibited the signs of M2 polarization, which was evidenced by increased expression of CD206 and CD163 markers, as well as increased transcription and translation of IL-6. Short-term hypoxic stress promoted a shift of macrophage phenotype from inflammatory M1 towards anti-inflammatory M2 in monoculture and co-culture with mesenchymal stromal cells. In addition to the immunoregulatory action, mesenchymal stromal cells demonstrated stromal activity and maintained high viability of monocyte-derived macrophages.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;168(1):125-131
pages 125-131 views

Isolation of High-Molecular-Weight Activation Complexes of Initiator Caspases in DNA Damage

Zamaraev A., Egorshina A., Lavrik I., Zhivotovsky B., Kopeina G.


Initiation of apoptosis by chemotherapeutic drugs is one of the most effective approaches to the treatment of cancers. Caspases, the main enzymes of apoptosis, undergo activation to initiate cell death. Activation of initiator caspases requires their binding to special protein complexes. For elucidation of the mechanisms of apoptosis, these complexes should be isolated. However, their purification is challenging because they are formed in the cell in negligible amounts and rapidly degrade. We have developed an effective way to isolate caspase activation complexes formed in tumor cells in response to DNA damage. The method is based on combination of gel filtration with immunoprecipitation. The first stage is aimed at the separation of the high-molecular-weight caspase activation complexes and their monomeric forms, which allows increasing the efficiency of isolation of complexes at the second stage.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;168(1):132-140
pages 132-140 views

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