
Second line chemotherapy for advanced biliary cancer: FOLFOX versus FOLFIRI: Analysis of retrospective and prospective data
Savchenko I.V., Stilidi I.S., Dzhanyan I.A., Antonova E.Y., Polyakov A.N., Egorova A.V., Chulkova S.V., Breder V.V.
Therapy results of advanced-stag Hodgkin lymphoma in Khabarovsk district
Kanin V.S., Kanin E.S., Dolgaleva M.I.
Meta-analysis of the studies dedicated to the predictive significance of circulating tumor DNA in pancreatic cancer
Popova A.S., Fedyanin M.Y., Pokataev I.A., Tyulyandin S.A.
Results of pelvic exenteration in patients with cervical cancer: clinical experience
Khakimov G.A., Khakimova G.G.
Efficacy of immunotherapy (Prolgolimab) and targeted therapy (Trametinib and Dabrafenib, Cobimetinib and Vemurafenib) in adult patients with metastatic or unresectable skin melanoma: matching-adjusted indirect comparison
Sapozhnikov K.V., Sokolova V.D., Sableva N.A., Tolkacheva D.G.
Clinical significance of the pathological type of tumor in common forms of ovarian cancer: A retrospective study
Zhurman V.N.
Targeted therapy for metastatic renal cell carcinoma
Porta C., Tsimafeyev I.V.
Do cancer vaccines help people with advanced non-small cell lung cancer? (Russian translation of the Plain Language Summary (PLS) of the Cochrane Systematic Review)
Editorial B.
The role of minimal residual disease in therapy of pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia: a prospective cohort study
Korkina Y.S., Valiev T.T.
Prognostic role of clinical and biological factors and parameters of hormonal profile in patients with primary inoperable HER2-negative breast cancer
Samaneva N.I., Vladimirova L.I., Kolyadina I.V., Frantsiyants E.M., Storozhakova A.E., Bandovkina V.A., Kalabanova E.A., Kabanov S.N., Svetitskaya I.V., Tishina A.V., Ezhova M.O.
Clinico-morphological predictors and treatment outcomes in cervical stump cancer
Usmanova L.S., Kuznetsov V.V., Mustafina E.A., Barinov V.V., Bokin I.I., Knyazev R.I., Akhmedova M.D.
Otdalennye rezul'taty khirurgicheskogo lecheniya gastrointestinal'nykh stromal'nykh opukholey zheludochno-kishechnogo trakta
Istomin Y.V., Evdokimov M.Y.
Limfoma Khodzhkina: prognosticheskie priznaki segodnya
Demina E.A.
Is maintenance therapy following previous treatment better than observation or placebo for treating chronic lymphocytic leukaemia in adults? (Russian translation of the Plain Language Summary (PLS) of the Cochrane Systematic Review)
Editorial B.
Sarcopenia, sarcopenic obesity, myosteatosis as factors of poor prognosis in gastrointestinal tract tumors: sistematic review
Lyadov V.K., Dikova T.S., Zatsepina A.Y., Ivashchenko D.V.
Don’t let it disappear: new opportunities to prolong the life of HR+ HER2- advanced breast cancer patients. Event review of the satellite symposium. RUSSCO Big Conference «Breast Cancer» (online). January 28th, 2021
Board E.
Vozmozhnosti ul'trazvukovoy tomografii pri otsenke mestnogo rasprostraneniya pervichnoy melanomy kozhi
Chekalova M.A., Allakhverdyan G.S., Demidov L.V., Kokosadze N.V., Kharatishvili T.K., Khatyrev S.A.
Vysokodoznaya khimioterapiya i autotransplantatsiya pri mnozhestvennoy mielome
Mendeleeva L.P., Savchenko V.G., Tyurina N.G., Varlamova E.Y., Momotyuk K.S., Lyubimova L.S., Gribanova E.O., Ustinova E.N., Pokrovskaya O.S., Mitish N.E., Zherebtsova V.A., Kaplanskaya I.B., Vorob'ev I.A., Gretsov E.M., Kalinin N.N.
Current treatment aspects of hormone-dependent ERBB2-negative metastatic breast cancer: overall survival outcomes
Snegovoy A.V., Kononenko I.B.
Development of cytotoxic chemotherapy in metastatic breast cancer with a triple-negative phenotype
Karabina E.V., Zhukova L.G.
Prognosticheskie faktory effektivnosti lecheniya retsidiva raka yaichnikov IV stadii
Mel'ko A.I., Ushakov I.I., Kira E.F., Shamkina V.O., Gaytukieva R.A.
Preventivnaya limfodissektsiya pri rake gortani i gortanoglotki T3-4N0M0
Boykov V.P.
Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) targeting therapy for persistent, recurrent, or metastatic cervical cancer (Russian Translation of Cochrane Plain Language Summary)
Staroverova T.A.
Vliyanie na prognoz estrogenovykh retseptorov a v opukholevykh kletkakh u patsientov, radikal'no operirovannykh po povodu nemelkokletochnogo raka legkogo
Novikov D.V., Polotskiy B.E., Bogush T.A., Davidov M.M., Ahmedov B.B., Rotobelskaya L.E.
New opportunities to improve of duration and quality of life: eribulin in the treatment of patients with advanced breast cancer
Semiglazova T.Y., Klyuge V.A., Semiglazov V.V., Teletaeva G.M., Krivorotko P.V., Dashyan G.A., Paltuev R.M., Tkachenko E.V., Donskikh R.V., Semiglazov V.F.
Znachenie luchevoy terapii v lechenii generalizovannykh nekhodzhkinskikh limfom (IV stadiya)
Kharchenko V.P., Pan'shin G.A., Sotnikov V.M., Datsenko P.V., Smol'tsova N.N., Nikolaeva E.V.
Vysokodoznaya khimioterapiya s transplantatsiey autologichnykh kletok-predshestvennikov gemopoeza i primeneniem rituksimaba (mabtera) pri nekhodzhkinskikh limfomakh (opyt RONTs im. N.N.Blokhina RAMN)
Ptushkin V.V., Zhukov N.V., Minenko S.V., Mkheidze D.M., Grivtsova L.Y., Popov A.Y., Grishunenkova E.P., Chimishkyan K.L.
Comparative analysis results of surgical treatment, chemoradiotherapy and chemotherapy with assessment of prognostic factors in cervical esophageal cancer
Radzhabova Z.A., Kotov M.A., Girshovich M.M., Ponomareva O.I., Tkachenko E.V., Mitrofanov A.S., Radzhabova M.A., Levchenko E.V.
Diagnosis and treatment of metastatic melanoma of unknown primary
Krylovetskaya M.A., Komarov I.G., Karseladze D.A.
Insulin-like growth factors in patients with ovarian tumors (results of own research)
Knyazev R.I., Kuznetsov V.V., Bokin I.I., Barinov V.V., Kushlinskiy N.E., Poddubnaya I.V.
Osobennosti klinicheskogo techeniya i prognoz bol'nykh nekhodzhkinskoy limfomoy s pervichnoy lokalizatsiey v yaichke
Tumyan G.S., Kovrigina A.M., Timofeeva O.L., Probatova N.A., Sholokhova E.N., Tupitsyn N.N., Poddubnaya I.V., Osmanov D.S.
Pozdnie oslozhneniya terapii bol'nykh limfomoy Khodzhkina
Demina E.A., Pylova I.V., Shmakov R.G., Perilova E.E.
Comparison of afatinib and osimertinib effect on overall survival in first-line drug treatment of EGFR-positive metastatic non-small cell lung cancer: network meta-analysis
Goryaynov S.V.
The role of capecitabine and eribulin in the treatment of metastatic HER2-negative metastatic breast cancer
Kolyadina I.V., Poddubnaya I.V.
Osobennosti kliniko-morfologicheskikh kharakteristik i lecheniya retsidiva raka yaichnikov IV stadii
Mel'ko A.I., Ushakov I.I., Kira E.F., Shamkina V.O., Gaytukieva R.A.
Dopolnitel'nye kliniko-laboratornye faktory prognoza pri diffuznoy krupnokletochnoy V-kletochnoy limfome
Babicheva L.G., Poddubnaya I.V.
Effect of transfused donor and autoerythrocytes on the oncological outcomes of surgical treatment in patients with renal cell carcinoma with tumor-related venous thrombosis: observational study
Volkova M.I., Feoktistov P.I., Begaliev A.K., Shin A.R., Matveev V.B., Prikhodchenko A.O.
Comparison of the efficacy of first-line therapy with different generations of EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors in patients with advanced EGFR-associated non-small cell lung cancer: a network meta-analysis of overall survival data
Bogdanov A.A., Moiseenko F.V., Egorenkov V.V., Bogdanov A.A., Volkov N.M., Fedyanin M.Y.
Clinical significance of the achievement of MRD-negativity in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Mirolyubova Y.V., Stadnik E.A.
Prognosticheskoe znachenie lokal'nogo i sistemnogo lecheniya pri rake molochnoy zhelezy I stadii
Kolyadina I.V., Poddubnaya I.V., Trofimova O.P., Komov D.V., Karseladze A.I., Ermilova V.D., Vishnevskaya Y.V., Frank G.A., Banov S.M.
Nekotorye prognosticheskie faktory pri sovremennoy terapii khronicheskogo limfoleykoza
Byalik T.E., Grivtsova L.Y., Karseladze A.I., Zagoskina T.P., Bessmel'tsev S.S., Volkova M.A.
Zavisimost' vozniknoveniya retsidiva raka yaichnika rannikh stadiy ot prognosticheskikh faktorov
Tamaeva Z.E., Zhordania K.I., Kharitonova T.V., Panichenko I.V., Poddubnaya I.V.
Effective prevention of COVID-19 infection in cancer patients receiving antitumor drug therapy: a regional analysis
Valiachmetova C.K., Siraev E.R., Izmailov A.A.
Treatment of advanced small cell lung cancer. Clinical case and literature review
Menshikov K.V., Sultanbaev A.V., Musin S.I., Menshikova I.A., Nasretdinov A.F., Sultanbaeva N.I.
Head and neck cutaneous melanoma: an influence of surgical resection margin on long-term results
Pak M.B., Mudunov A.M., Demidov L.V., Azizyan R.I., Brzhezovskiy V.Z., Stelmah D.K., Alymov Y.V., Ignatova A.V.
Prognostic value of p53 expression in patients with stage I breast cancer
Kolyadina I.V., Poddubnaya I.V., Van de Velde C.J., Kuppen P.J., Liefers G.J., Dekker-Ensink N.G., Bastiaannet E., Van As-Sajet A., Prinse B., Engels C., Van Vlierberghe R., Komov D.V., Karseladze A.I., Ermilova V.D., Vishnevskaya Y.V., Frank G.A., Banov S.M.
Opyt primeneniya Taksotera v kombinatsii s doksorubitsinom v kachestve khimioterapii 1-y linii u bol'nykh metastaticheskim rakom molochnoy zhelezy
Samoylenko V.M., Gorbunova V.A., Koshelev M.N., Yurashko K.V.
1 - 47 of 47 Items

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