Therapy results of advanced-stag Hodgkin lymphoma in Khabarovsk district

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Objectives. To evaluate therapy results of advanced-stag Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) in Kraev Oncology Centre, Khabarovsk district. Methods. The study included 76 patients with Hodgkin's lymphoma. They were observed in the Regional Oncology Centre in Khabarovsk district in the period from May 2007 to May 2015. The median age was 31 (range from 18 to 61 years of age). Patients received modified BEACOPP regimen therapy. Results. According to therapy results of advanced-stag HL at the median of 53 months, the median of overall survival and disease-free survival was not reached. The rates of survival were 89.1 and 94.9% respectively, and the failure free survival was 86.6%. Using of the modified BEACOPP protocol therapy was accompanied by predictable and avoidable side effects. The hematological toxicity of 3-4 degree of development of leukopenia was observed in 74.5% of cases; anemia and thrombocytopenia in 16.5 and 14.9% respectively. Conclusions. The modified BEACOPP protocol is highly effective in the treatment of Hodgkin’s lymphoma and leads to significant improvement in overall survival.

About the authors

V S Kanin

Regional Oncology Centre

врач-гематолог отд-ния химиотерапии ГБУЗ ККЦО 680042, Russian Federation, Khabarovsk, Voronezhskoe sh., d. 164

E S Kanin

S.I.Sergeev 1 Teaching Hospital

врач-патолог ГБУЗ КБ №1 им. проф. С.И.Сергеева 680009, Russian Federation, Khabarovsk, ul. Krasnodarskaia, d. 9

M I Dolgaleva

Regional Oncology Centre

врач-онколог отд-ния химиотерапии ГБУЗ ККЦО 680042, Russian Federation, Khabarovsk, Voronezhskoe sh., d. 164


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