
Effect of the Spread of the Depths of pn Junction on the Parameters of InGaAs/InP Avalanche Photodiodes
Budtolaev A., Khakuashev P., Chinareva I.
Epitaxial structures for InGaAs/InP avalanche photodiodes
Budtolaev A., Khakuashev P., Chinareva I., Gorlachuk P., Ladugin M., Marmaluk A., Ryaboshtan Y., Yarotskaya I.
Study of Photodiodes Based on the InGaAs Structure with a Boundary Wavelength of 2.06 μm
Boltar K., Irodov N., Sednev M., Marmalyuk A., Ladugin M., Ryaboshtan Y.
Investigation of planar photodiodes of a focal plane array based on a heteroepitaxial InGaAs/InP structure
Andreev D., Boltar K., Vlasov P., Irodov N., Lopuhin A.
Current–Voltage Characteristics of n-B-p Structures with Absorbing In0.53Ga0.47As Layer
Sednev M., Boltar K., Irodov N., Demidov S.
320 × 256 avalanche array photodetector on the basis of ternary alloys of the A3B5 group with an InGaAs absorbing layer and an InAlAs barrier layer
Iakovleva N., Boltar K., Sedneva M., Lopukhin A., Korotaev E.
Methods for Calculation and Control of the Impurity Difference Dose in Avalanche InGaAs/InP Structures
Budtolaev A., Kravchenko N., Khakuashev P., Chinareva I.
Short-wavelength infrared array avalanche photodetectors on the basis of InGaAs heteroepitaxial structures
Iakovleva N., Boltar K., Sednev M., Patrashin A., Irodov N.
Influence of Indirect Transitions on Optical Characteristics of A3B5 Heteroepitaxial Layers
Nikonov A., Iakovleva N.
Formation of guard ring of avalanche photodiode based on the InGaAs/InP heterostructure
Budtolaev A., Grishina T., Khakuashev P., Chinareva I.
Photodetector of Shortwave Infrared Range of Format 640 × 512 Elements with Increased Dynamic Range
Kuznetsov P., Moschev I.
Analysis of characteristics of photodetectors based on InGaAs heteroepitaxial structures for 3D imaging
Iakovleva N., Boltar K., Sednev M., Nikonov A.
Short-Wave Infrared Camera with a Focal Plane Array Based on InGaAs/InP Heterostructures
Khamidullin K., Baliev D., Lazarev P., Boltar K., Polesskiy A., Burlakov I., Chepurnov E., Gusarova N., Popov S.
Investigation of spectral dependences of the absorption coefficient in InGaAs layers
Iakovleva N., Nikonov A.
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