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Vol 64, No 9 (2019)


Application of Fractal Theory, Fractional Operators, Textures, Scaling Effects, and Nonlinear Dynamics Methods in the Synthesis of New Information Technologies in Radio Electronics (Specifically, Radiolocation)

Gulyaev Y.V., Potapov A.A.


In this review, we present the main results on the creation of new information technologies based on textures, fractals, fractional operators, scaling effects, and nonlinear dynamics methods that were obtained from 1979 to the present at the Kotelnikov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics, Russian Academy of Sciences (IRE, RAS). It is shown that new dimensional and topological (not energy!) signs or invariants that are combined under the generalized concept of “sampling topology” ~ “fractal signature” were proposed for the first time and then applied. Texture and fractal-scaling (topological) methods for detecting super-weak signals and fields in intense noise and interferences are proposed. A new type and a new method of modern radiolocation, namely, fractal-scaling or scale-invariant radiolocation was proposed, discovered, and developed. This entails fundamental changes in the structure of theoretical radiolocation, as well as in its mathematical apparatus.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(9):911-925
pages 911-925 views

Electrodynamics and Wave Propagation

Electromagnetic Crystal with Capacitive Cylinders

Bankov S.E., Kalinichev V.I., Frolova E.V.


The article investigates an electromagnetic crystal in the form of metal cylinders with capacitive gaps in the nodes of a rectangular two-dimensional periodic lattice between metal screens forming a flat waveguide. Using a standard electrodynamic modeling system, the authors studied the diffraction of a plane wave at the boundary of an infinite layer for one coordinate and a finite layer for another coordinate, and determined the band structure of the electromagnetic crystal. The behavior of the pass and stop bands was studied as a function of the crystal parameters. An additional passband was discovered, the occurrence of which is associated with excitation of a higher-type wave of a plane waveguide. The effect of series resonance in a capacitive cylinder on the damping of a wave in the stop band is considered. The possibility of an approximate description of an electromagnetic crystal in the stop band is investigated. A number of models are proposed, obtained via numerical solution of the problem of oblique incidence of a plane wave on the crystal boundary.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(9):926-936
pages 926-936 views

Numerical Simulation of the Distribution of the Low-Frequency Field Created by a Transmitting Loop Antenna Installed on Board a Spacecraft

Moshkov A.V., Pozhidaev V.N.


Based on the results of numerical calculations of the intensity of the low-frequency (LF) electric field of an emitter in the form of a loop antenna installed on board an artificial Earth satellite, this quantity was compared with the strength of the field demodulated in the lower ionosphere, perturbed by the radiation of a high-power high-frequency (HF) transmitter (HAARP station, Alaska). It is shown that the onboard low-frequency transmitter with a power of ~1 kW is able in the lower ionosphere to provide approximately the same field strength as the HAARP demodulator with an average power consumption of the HF transmitter of 3.6 MW.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(9):937-944
pages 937-944 views

The Features of the Characteristics of Artificial Magnetic Conductors Based on Band-Stop and Band-Pass Frequency-Selective Surfaces

Kazantsev Y.N., Kraftmakher G.A., Mal’tsev V.P.


Artificial magnetic conductors (AMCs) based on band-stop and band-pass frequency-selective surfaces (FSSs) have been considered. Analytical expressions relating the AMC characteristics (position and operating bandwidth) and the FSS characteristics (resonance frequency and quality factor) have been obtained. Numerical calculations for specific FSS structures (with square and dumbbell-shaped slots) confirmed that the AMC characteristics can be estimated using analytical expressions. It has experimentally been proved that the AMC characteristics can be controlled by varying the FSS resonance frequency.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(9):945-951
pages 945-951 views

Forecasting High-Frequency Radio Communications Based on GLONASS/GPS Navigation System Data

Smirnov V.M., Smirnova E.V., Tynyankin S.I.


The paper considers the possibility of forecasting high-frequency (HF) radio communications based on GLONASS/GPS navigation satellite system data. The authors comparatively analyze the the calculation data for the maximum usable frequencies for short- (100 km) and medium-range (800 km) HF radio communications. Good agreement of the calculated data has been obtained using the results of probe measurements and the hardware–software complex (HSC) for monitoring the ionosphere. It is shown that real-time HSC monitoring of the ionosphere parameters allows successful assessment of the current propagation conditions of HF radio waves.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(9):952-957
pages 952-957 views

Antenna and Feeder Systems

Synthesis of a Three-Mirror System with Specified Shape of the Main Mirror Using Phase Front and Mapping Law

Kaloshin V.A., Frolova E.V.


Ray-optic approximation is used to derive an analytical solution to the problem of synthesis of mirrors that form an axisymmetric three-mirror system with predetermined main mirror. Such a system provides transformation a spherical front of a source into an arbitrary front with the desired mapping law. The generatrix of an auxiliary mirror is represented as a polynomial in terms of even powers of angle. The solution can be used to exactly implement the output front and obtain the desired error of mapping law. The synthesis of a three-mirror telescope in which either parabolic or spherical mirror serves as the main mirror is considered.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(9):958-961
pages 958-961 views

Theory and Methods of Signal Processing

Estimation of the Anti-Interference Ability of Radio Communication Channels under Electronic Warfare Conditions

Bekkiev A.Y., Borisov V.I.


A probabilistic–time model has been constructed for assessing the anti-interference ability of radio communication systems in electronic warfare conditions. Based on the model, a closed system of equations has been obtained, which makes it possible to estimate the anti-interference ability of radio communication channels, as well as the limiting capabilities of the reciprocal jamming station in the disruption of radio communication systems with pseudorandom operational frequency readjustment (PROFR). Numerical calculations of the dependence of the frequency switching rate of the signal with PROFR on the probability of error after countermeasures are given.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(9):962-972
pages 962-972 views

Multipurpose Tracking in Multiposition Radar Systems

Verba V.S., Merkulov V.I., Sadovsky P.A.


An algorithm for multipurpose tracking in multiposition radar systems is considered, and its effectiveness is evaluated.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(9):973-980
pages 973-980 views

A Noise Stability Study of the Algorithm of Optimal Symbol-by-Symbol Reception of Signals Corresponding to Parity Check Codes in Non-Binary Fields

Nazarov L.E., Shishkin P.V.


In this paper, we consider an algorithm for optimal symbol-by-symbol reception of signal constructions based on block error-correcting codes in non-binary fields. The basis of the developed symbol-by-symbol algorithm is shown to be the spectral transformation in the Walsh-Hadamard basis. The resulting complexity of the developed reception algorithm is shown to be determined by the dimension of the dual code, which determines the perspective of its application for block error-correcting codes with a high code rate. The simulation results of the developed reception algorithm for the purpose of studying the noise stability for signals based on parity check codes are presented.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(9):981-986
pages 981-986 views

Dynamics Chaos in Radiophysics and Electronics

Artificial Radio Illumination in a Closed Space

Dmitriev A.S., Itskov V.V., Petrosyan M.M., Popov M.G., Ryzhov A.I.


The problem of illumination of objects and surfaces by artificial incoherent sources of microwave radiation (radio light lamps based on dynamic chaos generators) in order to observe them using special receiving equipment is considered. A scheme of a receiver is developed and an experimental model of such a receiver with a spatial resolution sufficient for the visualization of a part of the surrounding space in artificial radio light is implemented. Images of a room in radio light are obtained. The feasibility of detecting changes on these images, associated with the emergence of new objects, is shown.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(9):987-996
pages 987-996 views

Radio Phenomena in Solids and Plasma

Isolating Capacitive Currents when Diagnosing a Heterogeneous Anisotropic Sample

Dmitriev S.G.


Formulas are determined that describe the contribution from capacitive currents to the current measured in the external circuit when diagnosing heterogeneous anisotropic samples with slowly varying parameters.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(9):997-1000
pages 997-1000 views

Microwave Electronics

Visualizing the Intensity Distribution of a Microwave Field Using a Microstrip Rectenna with a Schottky Diode

Lyubchenko V.E., Yunevich E.O.


A microwave radiation intensity indicator based on an antenna-coupled detector (rectenna), an amplifier, and a semiconductor light-emitting diode was constructed and tested. This device is a hybrid integrated circuit, where a microstrip log-periodic antenna on a dielectric substrate also serves as a mechanical carrier. The possibility of visual determination of the shape of the antenna radiation pattern and the shape of an object based on the reflected radiation intensity was demonstrated experimentally at 10 and 30 GHz.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(9):1001-1002
pages 1001-1002 views

Physical Processes in Electron Devices

Limiting Characteristics of Classical Josephson Detector

Pavlovskiy V.V., Divin Y.Y.


Analytical and numerical calculations of limiting characteristics of electromagnetic radiation detectors based on Josephson junctions are carried out. Josephson junctions are described by a simple resistively shunted model and their Josephson energy is considered to be comparable to the energy of thermal fluctuations. The operation modes of such junctions as a classical detector using ac rectification on a static nonlinear current–voltage characteristic are established. The results of numerical and analytical calculations are compared, and it is shown that the classical detection mode can be analyzed and optimized using the derived analytical expressions for the main limiting characteristics. The study demonstrates the possibility of achieving a limiting sensitivity up to 2 × 10–15 W/Hz1/2, a dynamic power range of 105–106, and a spectral range up to 1.4 THz, in a temperature range 50–77 K using new Josephson thin-film junctions consisting of high-temperature YBa2Cu3O7 – x superconductors with mutually tilted c axes.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(9):1003-1010
pages 1003-1010 views


A Megapixel Matrix Photodetector of the Middle Infrared Range

Bazovkin V.M., Varavin V.S., Vasil’ev V.V., Glukhov A.V., Gorshkov D.V., Dvoretsky S.A., Kovchavtsev A.P., Makarov Y.S., Marin D.V., Mzhelsky I.V., Polovinkin V.G., Remesnik V.G., Sabinina I.V., Sidorov Y.G., Sidorov G.Y., Stroganov A.S., Tsarenko A.V., Yakushev M.V., Latyshev A.V.


Abstract—The characteristics of MWIRs focal plane aeeays made in the form of a hybrid chip based on a planar n+–p-HgCdTe focal matrix with 2048 × 2048 elements and a silicon multiplexer are considered. The temperature dependence of the reverse current of elements in the 125–300 K range had a characteristic Arrhenius dependence with an activation energy close to the band gap of the semiconductor and was limited by the diffusion component of the current. At a lower temperature, the current was limited by the generation of carriers with the participation of a deep level near the middle of the forbidden band. The histogram of the detectability of the elements of the matrix had the form of a symmetric curve with a maximum and an average value ≈ 1.3 × 1012 cm Hz1/2/W.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(9):1011-1015
pages 1011-1015 views

Focal Plane Array Based on the InGaAs/InP Heterostructure for 3D Imaging in Short-Wave IR Range

Burlakov I.D., Kuznetsov P.A., Moshchev I.S., Boltar K.O., Yakovleva N.I.


A Russian-made focal plane array (FPA) for gated imager working in the short-wave IR range is presented. The FPA contains an array of p–i–n photodiodes based on a 320 × 256 InGaAs/InP heterostructure with a pitch of 30 µm, readout integrated circuit, thermoelectric cooler, and a sealed housing with a sapphire window. A distinctive feature of the FPA is related to functioning in four modes: passive, gated 3D, gated 2D, and asynchronous binary. Flexible combinations of such modes can be used to obtain maximum data on an object under observation. Range data that are formed in each pixel of the FPA and the signal intensities make it possible to synthesize 3D images of objects. The main parameters of the FPA and IR images obtained in different modes are demonstrated. Calculated ranging results are presented versus power and divergence of laser radiation. The main sources of errors in calculations of range resolution are considered.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(9):1016-1023
pages 1016-1023 views

Photodetectors with 384 × 288 Matrix Elements for the Infrared Range of 8–10 Microns

Zverev A.V., Suslyakov A.O., Sabinina I.V., Sidorov G.Y., Yakushev M.V., Kuzmin V.D., Varavin V.S., Remesnik V.G., Makarov Y.S., Predein A.V., Gorshkov D.V., Dvoretsky S.A., Vasil’ev V.V., Sidorov Y.G., Latyshev A.V., Kremis I.I.


Abstract—Design and fabrication of photosensitive array elements in the 384 × 288 element format with a step of 25 μm with a long wavelength limit of sensitivity at 0.5 to approximately 9.5 μm were performed. The circuit and topology were developed, according to which matrix high-speed multiplexers are manufactured in the form of 384 × 288 elements with a step of 25 microns, which provide operating modes at a clock frequency of up to 20 MHz. The 384 × 288 element hybrid photodetector (PD) format in 25 μm increments has an average Noise Equivalent Temperature Difference (NETD) of less than 30 mK, while the number of working elements was more than 97%. Examples are given of using the microscanning system to reduce defective pixels in an image frame and/or increase the frame format to 768 × 576. It is shown that as a result of the use of microscans in a thermal imaging channel based on the developed PD during the transition to the 768 × 576 format, an improvement in spatial resolution of 1.4 times was obtained for the same minimum resolved temperature difference (MRTD), while the MRTD at a frequency of 0.44 mrad-1 decreased from 1.6 to 0.9 K compared to the original 384 × 288 format.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(9):1024-1029
pages 1024-1029 views

Microstructuring of the Surface of High-Resistivity Single-Crystalline Silicon by Chemical Etching

Kashuba A.S., Permikina E.V., Golovin S.V., Lakmanova M.R., Pogozheva A.V.


The influence of various etching processes on the single-crystalline (100) silicon surface is studied. It is demonstrated that microstructuring of the surface of high-resistivity single-crystalline silicon in alkaline solutions is better performed using electrolytic methods at temperatures no lower than 80°C. Etch patterns with better-defined side faces are formed by anisotropic etching with the addition of hydrogen peroxide.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(9):1030-1033
pages 1030-1033 views

Photodetector of Shortwave Infrared Range of Format 640 × 512 Elements with Increased Dynamic Range

Kuznetsov P.A., Moschev I.S.


The paper substantiates the necessity of expanding the dynamic range in a shortwave infrared (SWIR) photodetector (PD). The traditionally used methods have low efficiency, especially in large-format matrices with a step of not more than 15 µm. The greatest efficiency of expanding the dynamic range (up to 100 dB) is provided by accumulative cells with individually variable transfer characteristic depending on the brightness of the fragments of the observed scene. The paper proposes a simple, in topological implementation, and effective way of expanding the dynamic range based on the auto-tuning of accumulation time individually in each cell of the integrated reading circuit. At the same time, the high steepness and linearity of the transformation in the storage cells with moderate illumination (up to 50–70% of the maximum signal) remains, but the sensitivity in the cells close to saturation decreases. As a result, a linear-log transfer characteristic is formed, providing an extended dynamic range. The paper provides examples of images with an extended dynamic range obtained using the first domestic SWIR camera of format 640 × 512 elements.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(9):1034-1037
pages 1034-1037 views

On the Theory of a Photocurrent Burst in an Intrinsic Photoresistor upon Longitudinal and Transverse Illumination

Kholodnov V.A.


In this paper, we analyze the intrinsic photoconductivity burst of semiconductors at an increase in the recombination center concentration upon uniform and non-uniform weak illumination along the electric field. An equation for the concentration distribution of nonequilibrium carriers at an arbitrary illumination profile along the electric field is derived without using the quasi-neutrality approximation. Based on this equation, the bursts in photoelectric gain of the transverse and longitudinal photoresistors should significantly differ from each other under any recombination conditions at current contacts due to the photo-induced space charge. If the carrier photogeneration is not uniform, then, unlike uniform photogeneration, the photoelectric gain burst depends on the polarity of the applied voltage. The quasi-neutrality approximation does not produce these results. An analytical expression for the maximum value of the electron photoelectric gain depending on the recombination center concentration is derived in the case of an exponential photogeneration profile and pulling-out contacts. The relationship that was found between the concentrations of nonequilibrium electrons and holes allows derivation of an analytical expression for the maximum value of the hole photoelectric gain.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(9):1038-1045
pages 1038-1045 views

Analysis of Current–Voltage Characteristics in UV AlGaN Heterostructure FPAs

Iakovleva N.I., Nikonov A., Boltar K.O., Sednev M.V.


UV visible-blind and solar-blind 320 × 256 photodiode arrays based on AlxGa1 – xN heteroepitaxial structures (AlGaN HES) and sensitive in the near-ultraviolet range of 0.2–0.4 μm have been created and studied. The AlGaN HES were grown by organometallic vapor deposition (MOCVD) and molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) on sapphire substrates. To reduce structural defects, the state of the surface and the surface layer of epipolished sapphire substrates was investigated, and a finishing technology was developed. UV FPAs in the AlGaN HES were produced by ion etching. The dark current components for AlGaN photodiodes were simulated. The main dark current components, such as generation–recombination, shunting leakage, hopping conductivity, and Poole–Frenkel components, are calculated. The possibility of achieving photoelectric parameters on the level of the best foreign counterparts is demonstrated.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(9):1046-1054
pages 1046-1054 views

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