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Vol 62, No 9 (2017)

Electrodynamics and Wave Propagation

Synthesis and analysis of a planar waveguide array with two-dimensional frequency scanning focused in the Fresnel zone

Bankov S.E., Frolova E.V.


A 2D array of radiators with raster frequency scanning focused in the Fresnel zone is presented. The problem of determining the radiator positions for field focusing at a finite distance from the array plane is solved. An approximate matrix model of the array antenna describing its properties as a microwave multiport and allowing determination of the distribution of radiation sources in the array aperture is proposed. The problem of improvement of the array matching in scanning ranges is considered. An approximate model describing radiation from the array is built. This model is used for determining the position and shape of the scanning surface and the field distribution inside the focal spot as well as for the analysis of the dynamics of the field maximum in the frequency scanning sector.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2017;62(9):927-940
pages 927-940 views

Modeling of the zones of the Earth surface illuminated by the directional patterns of active multibeam antenna arrays

Yuskevich I.A., Teplyakov V.D., Petrov A.S.


A kinematic model of the motion of a spacecraft (SC) constellation along circular orbits and an expression for calculation of the number of SCs required to completely illuminate the entire Earth surface with the visibility cones of the directional patterns (DPs) of onboard antennas are presented. A simplified procedure for construction of multiple footprints of partial DPs formed by multibeam phased-array antennas on the Earth surface has been developed. Expressions for calculation of the slant distance, the grazing angle, and zones of visibility of the Earth surface from the SCs at the normal and oblique incidence of the antenna beam have been obtained. Numerical examples and the respective graphic illustrations are given.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2017;62(9):941-950
pages 941-950 views

Experimental results on the frequency dependence of attenuation, scattering, and absorption of millimeter waves in a dry snow cover

Golunov V.A., Kuz’min A.V., Skulachev D.P., Khokhlov G.I.


The reflectivity and transmissivity and coherent transmittance of dry homogeneous snow are measured as functions of the thickness of a snow layer at frequencies of 22.2, 37.5, 60, and 94 GHz. The experimental characteristics are approximated using the FIRE, HUT, and Kubelka–Munk models. The experimental frequency dependences of the extinction coefficient and model quantities: absorption, scattering, and flux attenuation coefficients are analyzed. It is shown that the dependence of the model quantities is governed by a power function of frequency in which the exponent for each quantity depends on the structure of snow and the frequency interval in which the remote sensing of the snow cover is performed. It is found that the frequency dependence of the scattering coefficient for coarse-grained snow in the millimeter-wave band is close to linear.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2017;62(9):951-959
pages 951-959 views

Probabilistic characteristics of detection of radio pulses during propagation along the ionospheric lines of satellite communications systems

Nazarov L.E., Batanov V.V.


The radio-pulse distortion methods are discussed under the condition of propagation along ionospheric transmission lines. These methods rely on the stationary spherically symmetric inhomogeneous medium model, which is equivalent to linear filtration. The numerical estimates of radio-pulse distortions based on correlation analysis of distorted radio pulses and the probabilistic characteristics of detection of distorted radio pulses with respect to propagation in free space are determined.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2017;62(9):960-968
pages 960-968 views

Analysis of the properties of slow-wave structures based on coaxial resonators coupled by two arc-shaped waveguides

Butorin V.M.


The dispersion and the coupling resistance of spatial harmonics of slow-wave structures formed by a chain of coaxial resonators coupled by arc-shaped waveguides are theoretically analyzed. A 3D vector boundary value problem is solved in the rigorous electromagnetic formulation with the use of projection methods. The 2D problems of excitation of a coaxial resonator are considered and amplitudes of excited waves are determined and used for solution of the 3D problem of the junction of arc-shaped waveguides and a coaxial resonator. The dispersion equation for the considered slow-wave structure is obtained. The results of calculation of the dispersion and the coupling resistance for different numbers and different configurations of coupling apertures are analyzed.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2017;62(9):969-975
pages 969-975 views

Antenna and Feeder Systems

Optimization of a combined high-power ultrawideband antenna

Andreev Y.A., Kornienko V.N., Liu S.


The results of optimization of the geometry of a combined ultrawideband antenna excited by a 1-ns bipolar pulse are presented. Numerical and physical experiments have been performed to optimize the increase in the electric-field strength in the direction of the antenna main beam. It has been shown that the peak field strength can be increased by 6%.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2017;62(9):976-983
pages 976-983 views

Miniature wideband matched loads of the millimeter band

Komarov V.V., Korchagin A.I., Meshchanov V.P., Popova N.F.


The designs of miniature waveguide loads of the millimeter wave band, that ensure an acceptable matching in a wide frequency band are proposed. Microwave one-ports with the volume-inhomogeneous dissipative filling are analyzed and optimized using 3D numerical models. Three experimental sample loads covering a frequency band of 53.57−178.4 GHz are fabricated and studied.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2017;62(9):984-989
pages 984-989 views

Theory and Methods of Signal Processing

Maximum likelihood estimates of the central frequency of narrow-band random normal processes from a minimum number of samples

Sobolev V.S., Kashcheeva G.A., Zhuravel’ F.A.


The paper presents an analysis of the errors in the maximum likelihood estimates of the central frequency of narrow band random normal processes from a small number of samples. It is shown that these errors are manifested in the form of large outliers of frequency and caused by the presence of several extrema of the likelihood function. By methods of mathematical modeling, the root-mean-square errors of the estimates of the frequency for different signal-to-noise ratios, correlation times, and sampling periods were obtained and studied. The minimum errors were obtained with sampling intervals of 0.1–0.2 of the period of the central frequency. Methods of reducing large outliers are proposed and studied.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2017;62(9):990-1003
pages 990-1003 views

Radio Phenomena in Solids and Plasma

Multiple frequency transformation in the magnetostriction transducer: Frequency division in the relaxation mode

Shavrov V.G., Shcheglov V.I.


The forced oscillations of the magnetization and elastic displacement in the normally magnetized ferrite plate with magnetoelastic properties are discussed. The process whereby the initial frequency is divided in the ratio defined by the multiplicity of the resonance frequencies of magnetic and elastic subsystems is investigated. The time and amplitude characteristics of the phenomenon are revealed on the basis of the impact excitation model of an elastic system under short-term magnetic actions. Recommendations are given for the practical implementation of excitation-frequency division in the scheme of a magnetostriction transducer.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2017;62(9):1004-1017
pages 1004-1017 views

Novel Radio Systems and Elements

Structure and thermomechanical properties of fast-quenched Ti2NiCu alloy ribbons with various crystalline phase fractions obtained by means of annealing by electric current

Akbasheva A.N., Irzhak A.V., Istomin-Kastrovskii V.V., Koledov V.V., Kuchin D.S., Lega P.V., Tabachkova N.Y., Shavrov V.G., Shelyakov A.V.


New promising functional materials—amorphous-crystalline fast-quenched Ti2NiCu alloys exhibiting the shape memory effect (SME)—are studied. A method for annealing amorphous alloys by electric current pulses is proposed. This method allows one to obtain the needed degree of crystallinity. It is demonstrated that a microcrystalline structure with spherical grains exists in amorphous-crystalline samples. These grains increase in size from 150 nm to 3.2 μm as the degree of annealing increases. The SME is not observed in nontreated samples and is clearly manifested in completely annealed samples. A two-way SME and a trend toward lowering of the martensitic transition temperature are observed in partially annealed samples.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2017;62(9):1018-1026
pages 1018-1026 views

Articles from the Russian Journal Uspekhi Prikladnoi Fiziki

Analytical description of avalanche photodiode characteristics. An overview: Part I

Burlakov I.D., Filachev A.M., Kholodnov V.A.


The analytical model of avalanche photodiodes based on the different types of p–n structures is discussed. Formulas for avalanche breakdown voltage VBD and the exponent in Miller’s relation for dependence between the carrier multiplication coefficient M and the applied voltage V are derived. The obtained results enable us to avoid time-consuming numerical calculations and develop an analytical method for optimizing the structural parameters of avalanche heterophotodiodes (its principles will be reported in Part II).

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2017;62(9):1027-1047
pages 1027-1047 views

Savitzky–Golay filtering of the spectral sensitivity of photodetector arrays

Nikonov A.V., Davletshin R.V., Iakovleva N.I., Lazarev P.S.


Recalculation of spectral sensitivity of photodetector arrays with a relatively low signal-to-noise ratio necessitates the analysis of noise filtering with maintaining of the positions of boundaries and maximum sensitivity. Methods for filtering of spectral characteristics of sensitivity (moving average method and its modifications, spline interpolation, calculations using the Bezier curves, and Savitzky–Golay procedure) are compared. Criteria for selection of nondestructive calculation procedure that does not introduce errors in the boundaries of the range and maximum sensitivity of photodetector arrays are determined. An optimal method for recalculation of spectral sensitivities of photodetector arrays is chosen and substantiated.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2017;62(9):1048-1052
pages 1048-1052 views

Implementation of the time delay and integration mode in a scanning 576 × 6 focal-plane array of the long-wave infrared range

Kuznetsov P.A., Moshchev I.S.


The results of the development of a focal-plane array (FPA) of the 576 × 6 format with the time delay and integration (TDI) mode are presented. The comparative analysis of different variants of implementation of the TDI mode in ROIC is conducted. The expedience of the upgrade of existing scanning photodetectors of the 288 × 4 format on the basis of the developed 576 × 6 FPA is justified. The result of this upgrade will be simplification of the optical–mechanical scanning unit and improvement of the quality of thermal image.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2017;62(9):1053-1056
pages 1053-1056 views

Nanosecond detector of infrared radiation based on thin pyroelectric films

Ivanov S.D., Kostsov E.G., Sobolev V.S.


The features of detection of short radiation pulses by thermal detectors based on thin pyroelectric films with the radiation energy deposited in a thin absorbing electrode are considered. It is demonstrated that the minimum response time of the sample to radiation pulses is determined by the time of thermal relaxation of the absorbing electrode. Specifically, picosecond pulses may be detected with a 0.5-μm-thick pyroelectric film and a 0.01-μm-thick absorbing electrode.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2017;62(9):1057-1060
pages 1057-1060 views

Analysis of characteristics of photodetectors based on InGaAs heteroepitaxial structures for 3D imaging

Iakovleva N.I., Boltar K.O., Sednev M.V., Nikonov A.V.


The 320 × 256 focal plane arrays based on р+-B–n-N+ tetralayer heterostructures with a wide-gap barrier layer have been investigated. The heterostructures with a narrow-gap n-InGaAs absorbing layer were grown by means of metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy on InP substrates. The band discontinuity between the In0.53Ga0.47As absorbing layer and the In0.52Al0.48As barrier layer is removed by growing a thin four-component n-AlInGaAs layer with the bandgap gradient variation. Delta-doped layers included into the heterostructures make it possible to lower the barrier in the valence band and eliminate the nonmonotonicity of energy levels. The experimental study of the dark current has been performed. It has been revealed that the average value of the dark current does not exceed 10 fA for the photodiode arrays with a pitch of 30 μm.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2017;62(9):1061-1065
pages 1061-1065 views

Formation of thermal defects in silicon grown by means of float zone melting

Klimanov E.A.


The factors of formation of thermal donors (TDs) and thermal acceptors (TAs) silicon with a low oxygen concentration grown by means of float-zone melting are discussed. The results of thermal treatment in a temperature range of 400–1150°C show that interstitial iron atoms produce the largest contribution to formation of TDs. Substitutional atoms of iron are probable drivers of TA formation in the process of hightemperature treatment (HTT). Iron precipitates formed during low-temperature annealing (400–600°C) also contribute to TA formation. The TD and TA densities after HTT depend on the type and the density of structural defects in the material and the conditions of thermal treatment: the cooling rate and the gas medium (oxygen or argon).

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2017;62(9):1066-1073
pages 1066-1073 views

Selective UV photodetectors based on the metal–AlGaN Schottky barrier

Tarasov S.A., Lamkin I.A., Mikhailov I.I., Evseenkov A.S., Solomonov A.V.


Selective metal–AlGaN photodetectors based on the Schottky barrier and operating in UV spectral range have been developed. The selective photodiodes based on Ag–AlGaN Schottky barriers of different composition have been manufactured, which has made it possible to improve the photosensitivity in the UV spectral range and eliminate spurious signals in the long-wavelength part of the UV spectral range. This has made it possible to develop visible-blind photodetectors with the long-wavelength edge of photosensitivity lying at the wavelengths less than 350 nm. The width of the photosensitivity spectrum is within 15–40 nm, depending on the thickness of the Ag layer, which varies from 15 to 150 nm. The proper choice of the composition of the AlxGa1–xN solid solution ensures increase in the photoresponse and reduction of the FWHM spectrum width up to 11 nm by matching peaks of the Ag transmission spectrum and the absorption spectrum of the epitaxial layer. The sensitivity is 0.071 A/W. The combination of effects of wideband window and overthe- barrier transfer has made it possible to create the ultraselective UV photodetectors based on Au–AlGaN structures with a half-width of the photosensitivity spectrum of 5–6 nm for the wave range 350—375 nm and a sensitivity of up to 140 mA/W. Based on a structure with the upper AlxGa1–xN epitaxial layer (with the AlN content x = 0.1 or x = 0.06), selective photodetectors with the maximum photosensitivity at wavelengths of 355 nm and 362 nm have been developed. Application of an additional less wideband GaN layer has made it possible to independently control the short-wavelength and long-wavelength boundaries of the sensitivity range.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2017;62(9):1074-1077
pages 1074-1077 views

Formation of guard ring of avalanche photodiode based on the InGaAs/InP heterostructure

Budtolaev A.K., Grishina T.N., Khakuashev P.E., Chinareva I.V.


The suppression of the early edge breakdown in planar avalanche photodiodes based on the InP/InGaAs heteroepitaxial structures is analyzed. A structure with a sunken central part and shallow periphery fabricated with the aid of wet chemical etching with the subsequent one-step diffusion of zinc is employed. The etching rates of epitaxial InP are determined for several etching agents. The composition of etching agent and the optimal etching regimes are determined. A p–n junction with the 0.5-μm-sunk central part and 1.3-μm-deep shallow periphery (guard ring) is obtained with the aid of wet chemical etching of the upper InP epitaxial layer in the acid mixture HCl: HNO3: H3PO4 and one-step diffusion of zinc. The proposed method makes it possible to avoid early edge breakdown in the avalanche photodiode based on the InP/InGaAs heterostructure, in particular, in the production of commercial avalanche photodiodes.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2017;62(9):1078-1082
pages 1078-1082 views

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