
Danilov, Yu.

栏目 标题 文件
卷 50, 编号 2 (2016) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena GaAs structures with a gate dielectric based on aluminum-oxide layers
卷 50, 编号 11 (2016) XX International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 14–18, 2016 Fabrication of MnGa/GaAs contacts for optoelectronics and spintronics applications
卷 50, 编号 11 (2016) XX International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 14–18, 2016 Effect of thermal annealing on the photoluminescence of structures with InGaAs/GaAs quantum wells and a low-temperature GaAs layer δ-doped with Mn
卷 50, 编号 11 (2016) XX International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 14–18, 2016 Study of the structures of cleaved cross sections by Raman spectroscopy
卷 51, 编号 11 (2017) XXI International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 13–16, 2017 Features of the selective manganese doping of GaAs structures
卷 52, 编号 8 (2018) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Specific Features of the Electrochemical Capacitance–Voltage Profiling of GaAs LED and pHEMT Structures with Quantum-Confined Regions
卷 52, 编号 11 (2018) Xxii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 12–15, 2018 The Effect of the Composition of a Carrier Gas during the Growth of a Mn delta-Layer on the Electrical and Magnetic Properties of GaAs Structures
卷 53, 编号 3 (2019) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Studying Magnetic Diodes with a GaMnAs Layer Formed by Pulsed Laser Deposition