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Том 52, № 6 (2018)

Electronic Properties of Semiconductors

AC Electrical Conductivity of FeIn2Se4 Single Crystals

Niftiyev N., Mammadov F., Quseynov V., Kurbanov S.


The results obtained in a study of the frequency and temperature dependences of the ac electrical conductivity of FeIn2Se4 single crystals are presented. It is found that the law σ ~ fS (0.1 ≤ S ≤ 1.0) is obeyed for electrical conductivity in the 295–375 K temperature range at frequencies of 2 × 104–106 Hz. It shown that the frequency dependence of the conductivity in an FeIn2Se4 single crystal can be accounted for in terms of the multiplet model, and, consequently, the conductivity in these single crystals is characterized by the band-hopping mechanism.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(6):683-685
pages 683-685 views

Contribution of Iron Clusters to the Magnetic Properties of Pb1 – yFeyTe Alloys

Skipetrov E., Solovev A., Slynko V.


The field dependences of the magnetization (temperatures T = 2.0–70 K, magnetic fields B ≤ 7.5 T) of the samples from a single-crystalline Pb1 – yFeyTe ingot (y = 0.02) grown by the Bridgman method are studied. It is established that the sample magnetization contains several major contributions such as the paramagnetism of iron ions, diamagnetism of the crystal lattice, and the contributions of charge carriers and clusters of iron atoms. The field dependences of the paramagnetic contribution of iron ions and the contribution of clusters of iron atoms are approximated by theoretical dependences based on the Brillouin and Langevin functions, respectively. The average concentrations and magnetic moment of clusters as well as the total magnetic momentum of clusters in the volume unit in the samples upon increasing the impurity concentration along the ingot are determined.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(6):686-691
pages 686-691 views

Quasi-Classical Model of the Static Electrical Conductivity of Heavily Doped Degenerate Semiconductors at Low Temperatures

Poklonski N., Vyrko S., Dzeraviaha A.


Germanium, silicon, gallium arsenide, and indium antimonide n-type crystals on the metal side of the insulator–metal transition (Mott transition) are considered. In the quasi-classical approximation, the static (direct current) electrical conductivity and the drift mobility of electrons of the c band, and electrostatic fluctuations of their potential energy and the mobility edge are calculated. It is considered that a single event of the elastic Coulomb scattering of a mobile electron occurs only in a spherical region of the crystal matrix with an impurity ion at the center. The results of calculations using the proposed formulas without using fitting parameters are numerically consistent with experimental data in a wide range of concentrations of hydrogenlike donors at their weak and moderate compensation by acceptors.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(6):692-701
pages 692-701 views

Electrophysical Properties of p-Type Undoped and Arsenic-Doped Hg1 – xCdxTe Epitaxial Layers with x ≈ 0.4 Grown by the MOCVD Method

Evstigneev V., Varavin V., Chilyasov A., Remesnik V., Moiseev A., Stepanov B.


The temperature dependences of the charge-carrier concentration and lifetime of minority carriers in undoped and arsenic-doped p-type Hg1 – xCdxTe epitaxial layers with x ≈ 0.4 grown by the MOCVD-IMP (metalorganic chemical vapor deposition–interdiffusion multilayer process) method are studied. It is shown that the temperature dependences of the charge-carrier concentration can be described by a model assuming the presence of one acceptor and one donor level. The ionization energies of acceptors in the undoped and arsenic-doped materials are 14 and 3.6 meV, respectively. It is established that the dominant recombination mechanism in the undoped layers is Shockley–Read–Hall recombination, and after low-temperature equilibrium annealing in mercury vapors (230°C, 24 h), the dominant mechanism is radiative recombination. The fundamental limitation of the lifetime in the arsenic-doped material is caused by the Auger-7 process. Activation annealing (360°C, 2 h) of the doped layers makes it possible to attain the 100% activation of arsenic.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(6):702-707
pages 702-707 views

On the Structure of the Mössbauer Spectra of 119mSn Impurity Atoms in Lead Chalcogenides under Conditions of the Radioactive Equilibrium of 119mTe/119Sb Isotopes

Terukov E., Marchenko A., Seregin P., Zhukov N.


The method of Mössbauer emission spectroscopy with 119mTe and 119Sb parent isotopes in the radioactive-equilibrium state is used to obtain information on the localization and valence state of 119mSn daughter atoms formed from the 119Sb and 119mTe parent atoms at cation and anion sites of the lattice of PbSe and PbTe lead chalcogenides.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(6):708-712
pages 708-712 views

Spectroscopy, Interaction with Radiation

Rb1 – xCsxNO3 (x = 0.025, 0.05, 0.1) Single Crystals and Their High-Temperature X-Ray Study

Haziyeva A., Nasirov V., Asadov Y., Aliyev Y., Jabarov S.


Polymorphic transformations in Rb0.975Cs0.025NO3, Rb0.950Cs0.05NO3, and Rb0.90Cs0.1NO3 crystals grown by us have been studied by the X-ray diffraction method. Four different modifications are found for crystals in the range from room temperature to the melting point. The transformation temperatures and the unit-cell parameters are determined for the crystals of these modifications.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(6):713-716
pages 713-716 views

Forbidden Resonant Raman Scattering in GaAs/AlAs Superlattices: Experiment and Calculations

Volodin V., Sachkov V., Sinyukov M.


The Raman spectra of GaAs/AlAs(100) superlattices are calculated and studied experimentally for various wave-vector directions. The experiments are performed when applying a confocal optical microscope combined with a micro-Raman spectrometer for various scattering geometries both for phonons with a wave vector directed along the normal to a superlattice and in the in-plane geometry. The frequencies and eigenvectors of phonons are calculated in the extended Born model approximation taking into account Coulomb interaction in the rigid-ion approximation. The Raman spectra are calculated in the scope of the deformation- potential mechanism; herewith, it turns out that additional peaks, which are not described in the scope of this approach, appear in the experimental spectra. It seems likely that these peaks appear due to the manifestation of Raman scattering forbidden by selection rules under resonance conditions. An attempt is made to explain the appearance of these peaks in the experimental spectra within the scope of inelastic phonon scattering at bound charges (phonons with a large dipole moment).

Semiconductors. 2018;52(6):717-722
pages 717-722 views

Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films

Optical Properties of Multilayered Sol–Gel Zinc-Oxide Films

Denisov N., Chubenko E., Bondarenko V., Borisenko V.


Study of structural, optical and photocatalytic properties of multilayered (1–8 layers) zinc oxide films deposited on glass substrates by sol-gel method showed, that after thermal treatment at 500°C they consist of random oriented hexagonal crystalline grains with size of 34–40 nm, forming larger particles with sizes of 100–150 nm, which do not depend on number of layers. With an increase in the number of layers, the intensity of exciton photoluminescence decreases by a factor of 10, the absorption of light in the visible and near IR ranges increases, and the efficiency of photocatalytic decomposition of the test organic dye rhodamine B increases by 10–12%. The observed changes are related to the increase in the total area of grain boundaries and to the change in the integral amount of oxygen vacancies and interstitial atoms as the number of layers increases, which makes it possible to control the properties of zinc oxide films for applications in optoelectronics, photovoltaics and photocatalysis.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(6):723-728
pages 723-728 views

Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena

Study of the Structural and Luminescence Properties of InAs/GaAs Heterostructures with Bi-Doped Potential Barriers

Pashchenko A., Lunin L., Chebotarev S., Lunina M.


The influence of Bi in GaAs barrier layers on the structural and optical properties of InAs/GaAs quantum-dot heterostructures is studied. By atomic-force microscopy and Raman spectroscopy, it is established that the introduction of Bi into GaAs to a content of up to 5 at % results in a decrease in the density of InAs quantum dots from 1.58 × 1010 to 0.93 × 1010 cm–2. The effect is defined by a decrease in the mismatch between the crystal-lattice parameters at the InAs/GaAsBi heterointerface. In this case, an increase in the height of InAs quantum dots is detected. This increase is apparently due to intensification of the surface diffusion of In during growth at the GaAsBi surface. Analysis of the luminescence properties shows that the doping of GaAs potential barriers with Bi is accompanied by a red shift of the emission peak related to InAs quantum dots and by a decrease in the width of this peak.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(6):729-733
pages 729-733 views

X-Ray Diffraction Analysis of Features of the Crystal Structure of GaN/Al0.32Ga0.68N HEMT-Heterostructures by the Williamson–Hall Method

Pushkarev S., Grekhov M., Zenchenko N.


The fitting of θ/2θ and ω peaks in X-ray diffraction curves is shown to be most accurate in the case of using an inverse fourth-degree polynomial or probability density function with Student’s distribution (Pearson type VII function). These functions describe well both the highest-intensity central part of the experimental peak and its low-intensity broadened base caused by X-ray diffuse scattering. The mean microdeformation ε and mean vertical domain size D are determined by the Williamson–Hall method for layers of GaN (ε ≈ 0.00006, D ≈ 200 nm) and Al0.32Ga0.68N (ε = 0.0032 ± 0.0005, D = 24 ± 7 nm). The D value obtained for the Al0.32Ga0.68N layer is most likely to result from the nominal thickness of this layer, which is 11 nm.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(6):734-738
pages 734-738 views

Quantum Oscillations of Photoconductivity Relaxation in pin GaAs/InAs/AlAs Heterodiodes

Khanin Y., Vdovin E.


The photoconductivity and its relaxation characteristics in tunneling pin GaAs/AlAs heterostructures under pulsed illumination is studied. Quantum oscillations in the photoconductivity are detected depending on the bias voltage with the period independent of the light wavelength, as well as an oscillating component of the relaxation curves caused by modulation of the recombination rate at the edge of a triangular quantum well in the undoped i layer, as in the case of photoconductivity oscillations. The common nature of oscillations of the steady-state photoconductivity and relaxation curves under pulsed illumination is directly confirmed by the lack of an oscillating component in both types of dependences of some studied p–i–n heterostructures. Simultaneous suppression of the observed oscillations of dependences of both types as the temperature increases to 80 K also confirms the proposed mechanism of their formation. The dependences of these oscillations on the magnetic field and light flux power are studied. Oscillation-amplitude suppression in a magnetic field of ~2 T perpendicular to the current is caused by the effect of the Lorentz force on the ballistic motion of carriers in the triangular-quantum-well region.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(6):739-744
pages 739-744 views

Heterostructures of Single-Wavelength and Dual-Wavelength Quantum-Cascade Lasers

Babichev A., Kurochkin A., Kolodeznyi E., Filimonov A., Usikova A., Nevedomsky V., Gladyshev A., Karachinsky L., Novikov I., Egorov A.


The results of development of the basic structure and technological conditions of growing heterostructures for single- and dual-frequency quantum-cascade lasers are reported. The heterostructure for a dual-frequency quantum-cascade laser includes cascades emitting at wavelengths of 9.6 and 7.6 μm. On the basis of the suggested heterostructure, it is possible to develop a quantum-cascade laser operating at a difference frequency of 8 THz. The heterostructures for the quantum-cascade laser are grown using molecularbeam epitaxy. The methods of X-ray diffraction and emission electron microscopy are used to study the structural properties of the fabricated heterostructures. Good agreement between the specified and realized thicknesses of the epitaxial layers and a high uniformity of the chemical composition and thicknesses of the epitaxial layers over the area of the heterostructure is demonstrated. A stripe-structured quantum-cascade laser is fabricated; its generation at a wavelength of 9.6 μm is demonstrated.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(6):745-749
pages 745-749 views

Study of the Properties of II–VI and III–V Semiconductor Quantum Dots

Mikhailov A., Kabanov V., Gorbachev I., Glukhovsky E.


The specific features of the electron spectra of II–VI and III–V semiconductor quantum dots are studied experimentally and theoretically. Analysis of the samples makes it possible to estimate the positions of the first three levels in the electron spectrum of the quantum object. Good qualitative and quantitative agreement between the experimental results and theoretical estimates is attained. It is shown that the mechanism of the experimentally observed field-emission current through a quantum dot is satisfactorily described by Morgulis–Stratton theory in experimental conditions.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(6):750-754
pages 750-754 views

Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors

Properties of Lead-Sulfide Nanoparticles in a Multicrystalline Structure

Zhukov N., Rokakh A., Shishkin M.


The structural and electrical properties of PbS nanoparticles (40–70 nm), produced by a chemical reaction of sodium hydroxide with lead nitrate and electrophoretically deposited onto a conductive substrate, are investigated. The composition and structure of the nanoparticles are identified by X-ray analysis as pure PbS phase with a face-centered cubic lattice. Several minima, related to plasma-resonance absorption at 10–17 μm, are observed in the frustrated total internal reflection (FTIR) spectra. The layer morphology and the nanoparticle shape and sizes are determined by scanning electron and tunneling microscopy. The threedimensional topograms show that the surface fine structure is a set of faceted pyramidal spikes with a size of 5–10 nm and a density of ~400 μm–2. An analysis of the tunneling current–voltage characteristics of individual nanospikes shows the presence of low-field emission and makes it possible to determine the barrier heights (1.6–1.8 eV), which are explained within the quantum-dot (QD) model.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(6):755-759
pages 755-759 views

Carbon Systems

Effect of the Dehydrogenation of Graphane on Its Mechanical and Electronic Properties

Openov L., Podlivaev A.


The effect of the desorption of hydrogen on the mechanical characteristics and electronic structure of the armchair conformation of graphane is studied in the context of the nonorthogonal tight-binding model. It is shown that the mechanical stiffness and the Poisson ratio nonmonotonically depend on the hydrogen content and take minimum values at a hydrogen vacancy content of ~50% and ~30%, respectively. As hydrogen is desorbed, the characteristic peaks of the phonon density of states are rapidly reduced. In the initial stage of desorption, local energy levels are formed in the band gap. As the number of hydrogen vacancies is increased, these levels form an impurity band, in which the Fermi level is located.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(6):760-765
pages 760-765 views

On the Possibility of the Propagation of Solitary Electromagnetic Waves in Bigraphene

Kryuchkov S., Ionkina E., Kukhar E.


The possibility of the propagation of a solitary electromagnetic wave in bigraphene, between the layers of which a potential difference is applied, is studied. The condition is found under which the formation of such a wave is possible. The dependence of the solitary-wave shape on the potential difference between graphene layers is studied. As possible solitary-wave identification, the electric charge carried away by the wave in the direction of its propagation is calculated.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(6):766-770
pages 766-770 views

Physics of Semiconductor Devices

High-Sensitivity Photodetector Based on Atomically Thin MoS2

Lavrov S., Shestakova A., Mishina E., Efimenkov Y., Sigov A.


A design for a high-sensitivity photodetector with a single layer of MoS2 transition-metal dichalcogenide used as the basic functional element is proposed and the process of its fabrication is presented step by step. Quality evaluation and the selection of functional MoS2 flakes is based on the results of combined optical characterization. The main operating characteristics of the fabricated device are investigated and a photosensitivity of 1.4 mA/W is demonstrated. A difference of this device in comparison with existing analogues is its high photosensitivity at low operating voltages (in the range of ±3 V).

Semiconductors. 2018;52(6):771-775
pages 771-775 views

Tunneling Current in Oppositely Connected Schottky Diodes Formed by Contacts between Degenerate n-GaN and a Metal

Maiboroda I., Grishchenko J., Ezubchenko I., Sokolov I., Chernych I., Andreev A., Zanaveskin M.


The nonlinear behavior of the IV characteristics of symmetric contacts between a metal and degenerate n-GaN, which form oppositely connected Schottky diodes, is investigated at free-carrier densities from 1.5 × 1019 to 2.0 × 1020 cm–3 in GaN. It is demonstrated that, at an electron density of 2.0 × 1020 cm–3, the conductivity between metal (chromium) and GaN is implemented via electron tunneling and the resistivity of the Cr–GaN contact is 0.05 Ω mm. A method for determining the parameters of potential barriers from the IV characteristics of symmetric opposite contacts is developed. The effect of pronounced nonuniformity of the current density and voltage distributions over the contact area at low contact resistivity is taken into account. The potential-barrier height for Cr–n+-GaN contacts is found to be 0.47 ± 0.04 eV.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(6):776-782
pages 776-782 views

Model for Charge Accumulation in n- and p-MOS Transistors during Tunneling Electron Injection from a Gate

Aleksandrov O., Mokrushina S.


A quantitative model for charge accumulation in an undergate dielectric during tunneling electron injection from a gate according to the Fowler–Nordheim mechanism is developed. The model takes into account electron and hole capture at hydrogen-free and hydrogen-related traps as well as the generation of surface states during the interaction of holes with hydrogen-related centers. The experimental dependences of the threshold voltage shift and gate voltage shift of n- and p-channel MOS (metal–oxide–semiconductor) transistors on the injected charge in the constant current mode are analyzed based on the model.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(6):783-788
pages 783-788 views

Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures

Effect of the Sapphire-Nitridation Level and Nucleation-Layer Enrichment with Aluminum on the Structural Properties of AlN Layers

Malin T., Milakhin D., Mansurov V., Galitsyn Y., Kozhuhov A., Ratnikov V., Smirnov A., Davydov V., Zhuravlev K.


The effect of atomic aluminum deposited onto sapphire substrates with different nitridation levels on the quality of AlN layers grown by ammonia molecular-beam epitaxy is investigated. The nitridation of sapphire with the formation of ~1 monolayer of AlN is shown to ensure the growth of layers with a smoother surface and better crystal quality than in the case of the formation of a nitrided AlN layer with a thickness of ~2 monolayers. It is demonstrated that the change in the duration of exposure of nitrided substrates to the atomic aluminum flux does not significantly affect the parameters of subsequent AlN layers.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(6):789-796
pages 789-796 views

Effect of Pulsed Gamma-Neutron Irradiation on the Photosensitivity of Si-Based Photodiodes with GeSi Nanoislands and Ge Epitaxial Layers

Ivanova M., Kachemtsev A., Mikhaylov A., Filatov D., Gorshkov A., Volkova N., Chalkov V., Shengurov V.


A comparative study of the effect of pulsed γ-neutron irradiation on the photosensitivity spectra of Si pn photodiodes with active layers based on self-assembled GeSi nanoisland arrays and Ge epitaxial layers is performed. The irradiation of photodiodes with GeSi nanoislands is found to not lead to photosensitivity degradation in the spectral region of interband optical absorption in nanoislands (wavelength range of 1.1–1.7 μm). At the same time, a steady decrease in the intrinsic photosensitivity of Si and the photosensitivity of photodiodes based on Ge epitaxial layers with an increase in irradiation dose is observed. This effect is attributed to the accumulation of radiation-induced defects in the Si matrix and deep in Ge epitaxial layers, respectively.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(6):797-801
pages 797-801 views

Effect of Chemical Treatment of a Silicon Surface on the Quality and Structure of Silicon-Carbide Epitaxial Films Synthesized by Atom Substitution

Kalinkin I., Kukushkin S., Osipov A.


The fundamentals of a new technique for the cleaning and passivation of (111), (110), and (100) silicon wafer surfaces by hydride groups, which ensure a high surface purity and smoothness at the nanoscale upon long-term storage of the wafers at room temperature in air, are discussed. A new composition of the passivation solution for the long-term antioxidation protection of silicon surfaces is developed. The proposed solution is suitable for the long-term storage and repeated passivation of silicon wafers. The composition of the passivation solution and the conditions of passivation of the silicon wafers in it are described. Silicon wafers treated using the proposed technique can be used for growing epitaxial semiconductor films and different nanostructures. It is shown that only silicon surfaces prepared in this way allow SiC epitaxial films on silicon to be grown by atom substitution. The experimental dependences of the SiC and GaN film structures grown on silicon on the silicon-surface etching conditions are presented. The developed technique for silicon cleaning and passivation can both be used under laboratory conditions and easily adapted for the industrial production of silicon wafers with an oxidation-resistant surface coating.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(6):802-808
pages 802-808 views

Laser-Induced Modification of the Surface of Ge2Sb2Te5 Thin Films: Phase Changes and Periodic-Structure Formation

Yakovlev S., Ankudinov A., Vorobyov Y., Voronov M., Kozyukhin S., Melekh B., Pevtsov A.


Submicron periodic lattices are formed at the surface of phase-change-memory film materials based on the complex chalcogenide Ge2Sb2Te5 when exposed to nanosecond laser pulses. The geometric characteristics and structural properties of laser-induced lattices are studied by optical and atomic-force microscopies and Raman spectroscopy. It is shown that, at appropriately chosen parameters of exposure to laser radiation, it is possible to implement periodic modulation of the refractive index in the structures formed. Modulation is due to the postexposure solidification of grating ridges and valleys in different phase states, whose dielectric constants widely differ from each other. In the vicinity of the maxima of the wavy structure, the amorphous state is mainly formed, whereas in the region of minima, the Ge2Sb2Te5 structure corresponds mainly to the crystalline phase.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(6):809-815
pages 809-815 views

Variation in the Conductivity of Polyaniline Nanotubes During Their Formation

Kapralova V., Sapurina I., Sudar’ N.


It is shown that the method for the growth of conducting polyaniline nanotubes, based on the direct polymerization of aniline on the surface of channels in track membranes, can be used to produce nanotubes with a given conductivity. An island-type film with a channel resistance of ~1019 Ω is formed during the initial stage of polymerization (up to 2 min). As the polymerization duration increases to 3 min, the channel resistance falls by more than 10 orders of magnitude. This is attributed to the formation of a continuous film on the channel surface, i.e., a nanotube is formed. With the polymerization duration increasing further, the channel (nanotube) resistance gradually decreases to ~1019 Ω at 10 min. The conductivity of polyaniline during the formation of a hollow nanotube is estimated to be 0.01–0.04 S/cm. If the nanotube is completely filled with polyaniline, the conductivity increases to ~0.2 S/cm.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(6):816-819
pages 816-819 views

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