
InGaAlP/GaAs Injection Lasers of the Orange Optical Range (~600 nm)
Nadtochiy A., Shchukin V., Cherkashin N., Denneulin T., Zhukov A., Maximov M., Gordeev N., Payusov A., Kulagina M., Shernyakov Y., Ledentsov N.
Heterostructures with InAs/AlAs Quantum Wells and Quantum Dots Grown on GaAs/Si Hybrid Substrates
Abramkin D., Petrushkov M., Putyato M., Semyagin B., Shamirzaev T.
Differential Absorption Features of CdSe QDs in the Case of Resonant and Nonresonant Excitons Excitation
Smirnov A., Golinskaya A., Zharkova E., Bubenov S., Dorofeev S., Dneprovskii V.
Fullerene for the Improvement of PbS QDs-Based Hybrid Solar Cells
Korzhenevskii I., Onishchuk D., Babaev A., Dubavik A., Parfenov P., Litvin A.
Submonolayer InGaAs/GaAs Quantum Dots Grown by MOCVD
Aleshkin V., Baidus N., Dubinov A., Kudryavtsev K., Nekorkin S., Kruglov A., Reunov D.
Spectroscopy of Single AlInAs and (111)-Oriented InGaAs Quantum Dots
Derebezov I., Gaisler V., Gaisler A., Dmitriev D., Toropov A., von Helversen M., de la Haye C., Bounouar S., Reitzenstein S.
Kinetics of Photoluminescence Decay of Colloidal Quantum Dots: Reversible Trapping of Photogenerated Charge Carriers
Bodunov E., Simões Gamboa A.
The Influence of the Crystal Structure of the GaSb–InAs Matrix on the Formation of InSb Quantum Dots
Parkhomenko Y., Dement’ev P., Moiseev K.
Ordered Arrays of Ge(Si) Quantum Dots Incorporated into Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystals
Smagina Z., Zinovyev V., Rodyakina E., Fomin B., Stepikhova M., Yablonskiy A., Gusev S., Novikov A., Dvurechenskii A.
On the Synthesis and Photoluminescence and Cathodoluminescence Properties of CdSe, CdTe, PbS, InSb, and GaAs Colloidal Quantum Dots
Zhukov N., Kryl’skiy D., Shishkin M., Khazanov A.
Record Low Threshold Current Density in Quantum Dot Microdisk Laser
Moiseev E., Kryzhanovskaya N., Zubov F., Mikhailovskii M., Abramov A., Maximov M., Kulagina M., Guseva Y., Livshits D., Zhukov A.
Nonclassical Light Sources Based on Selectively Positioned Deterministic Microlens Structures and (111) In(Ga)As Quantum Dots
Derebezov I., Gaisler V., Gaisler A., Dmitriev D., Toropov A., von Helversen M., de la Haye C., Bounouar S., Reitzenstein S.
Relation between the Electronic Properties and Structure of InAs/GaAs Quantum Dots Grown by Vapor-Phase Epitaxy
Gorshkov A., Volkova N., Pavlov D., Usov Y., Istomin L., Levichev S.
Exciton Spectra and Energy Transfer in CdTe/ZnTe Double Quantum Wells Grown by Atomic-Layer Epitaxy
Agekyan V., Chukeev M., Karczewski G., Serov A., Filosofov N., Reznitsky A.
Nonradiative Energy Transfer in Hybrid Nanostructures with Varied Dimensionality
Khrebtov A., Reznik R., Ubyivovk E., Litvin A., Skurlov I., Parfenov P., Kulagina A., Danilov V., Cirlin G.
Effect of Epitaxial-Structure Design and Growth Parameters on the Characteristics of Metamorphic Lasers of the 1.46-μm Optical Range Based on Quantum Dots Grown on GaAs Substrates
Maximov M., Nadtochiy A., Shernyakov Y., Payusov A., Vasil’ev A., Ustinov V., Serin A., Gordeev N., Zhukov A.
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