
All-Electric Laser Beam Control Based on a Quantum-Confined Heterostructure with an Integrated Distributed Bragg Grating
Shashkin I., Soboleva O., Gavrina P., Zolotarev V., Slipchenko S., Pikhtin N.
Verification of the Hypothesis on the Thermoelastic Nature of Deformation of a (0001)GaN Layer Grown on the Sapphire a-Cut
Drozdov Y., Khrikin O., Yunin P.
Heterostructures with InAs/AlAs Quantum Wells and Quantum Dots Grown on GaAs/Si Hybrid Substrates
Abramkin D., Petrushkov M., Putyato M., Semyagin B., Shamirzaev T.
Investigation of Composition Uniformity in Thickness of GaInAsP Layers Grown on InP Substrates by Vapor-Phase Epitaxy
Gagis G., Levin R., Marichev A., Pushnyi B., Scheglov M., Ber B., Kazantsev D., Kudriavtsev Y., Vlasov A., Popova T., Chistyakov D., Kuchinskii V., Vasil’ev V.
Spinodal Decomposition in InSb/AlAs Heterostructures
Abramkin D., Bakarov A., Gutakovskii A., Shamirzaev T.
Ordered Arrays of Ge(Si) Quantum Dots Incorporated into Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystals
Smagina Z., Zinovyev V., Rodyakina E., Fomin B., Stepikhova M., Yablonskiy A., Gusev S., Novikov A., Dvurechenskii A.
Magnetooptics of HgTe/CdTe Quantum Wells with Giant Rashba Splitting in Magnetic Fields up to 34 T
Bovkun L., Maremyanin K., Ikonnikov A., Spirin K., Aleshkin V., Potemski M., Piot B., Orlita M., Mikhailov N., Dvoretskii S., Gavrilenko V.
On the Combined Application of Raman Spectroscopy and Photoluminescence Spectroscopy for the Diagnostics of Multilayer Heterostructures
Plankina S., Vikhrova O., Zvonkov B., Zubkov S., Kriukov R., Nezhdanov A., Pavlov D., Pashen’kin I., Sushkov A.
Multilayer Quantum Well–Dot InGaAs Heterostructures in GaAs-based Photovoltaic Converters
Mintairov S., Kalyuzhnyy N., Nadtochiy A., Maximov M., Nevedomskiy V., Sokura L., Rouvimov S., Shvarts M., Zhukov A.
Spectra of Double Acceptors in Layers of Barriers and Quantum Wells of HgTe/CdHgTe Heterostructures
Kozlov D., Rumyantsev V., Morozov S.
On the Impact of Barrier-Layer Doping on the Photoluminescence Efficiency of InGaAlAs/InGaAs/InP Strained-Layer Heterostructures
Kolodeznyi E., Kurochkin A., Rochas S., Babichev A., Novikov I., Gladyshev A., Karachinsky L., Savelyev A., Egorov A., Denisov D.
Effect of Bismuth on the Properties of Elastically Stressed AlGaInAsP〈Bi〉/InP Heterostructures
Lunina M., Lunin L., Alfimova D., Pashchenko A., Danilina E., Nefedov V.
Multilayer heterostructures for quantum-cascade lasers operating in the terahertz frequency range
Zhukov A., Cirlin G., Reznik R., Samsonenko Y., Khrebtov A., Kaliteevski M., Ivanov K., Kryzhanovskaya N., Maximov M., Alferov Z.
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