
Modeling of silicon irradiation with C60 ions and the role of the interaction potential
Karasev K., Strizhkin D., Titov A., Karaseov P.
Effect of deformation nanostructuring on ion-beam erosion of copper
Andrianova N., Borisov A., Ovchinnikov M., Khisamov R., Mulyukov R.
Ab initio modelling of the interface energy α-Fe/Fe3c with the Bagaryatskii type orientation
Verkhovykh A., Mirzoev A., Okishev K., Dyuryagina N.
Interaction of Titanium Atoms with the Surface of Perfect and Defective Carbon Nanotubes
Sozykin S., Beskachko V.
Mechanisms of formation and accumulation of misorientations in deformable metals and alloys
Cherepanov D., Solov’eva Y., Starenchenko V.
Defects in h-BN: computer simulation of size effects
Latypov R., Sozykin S., Beskachko V.
Geometry Design Optimization of High-Frequency Ion Thrusters and Ion Sources
Abgaryan V., Melnikov A., Kupreeva A., Peisakhovich O.
Formation of Radiation Defects in Wide-Band Semiconductors Based on Gallium (Ga2O3, GaN) under Proton Irradiation
Kozlovski V., Vasil’ev A., Lebedev A., Zhurkin E., Levinshtein M., Strelchuk A.
Investigation of the Crystal Structure of Nd5Mo3O16 + δ in the Pressure Range 0–5.9 GPа
Chebyshev K., Turchenko V., Kichanov S.
Properties of Deformable Medium Element as a Factor of Superplasticity of Metallic Materials
Solov’eva Y., Lipatnikova Y., Vovnova I., Starenchenko V.
Simulation of Optical Parameters of Scintillation Position-Sensitive Detectors with Organic Light Guide
Trunov D., Marin V., Sadykov R., Altynbaev E., Glushkova T.
Electronic Structure of Tin Dioxide Thin Films
Manyakin M., Kurganskii S.
Peculiarities of Interaction of Low-Energy Noble Gas Atoms with Methyl Groups on the Low-K-Surface
Solovykh A., Sycheva A., Voronina E.
Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Instrument for Compact Neutron Source DARIA
Pavlov K., Kovalenko N., Azarova L., Kravtsov E., Kulevoy ., Grigoriev S.
Theoretical Study of Charge Transfer between a Metal Surface and a Hydrogen Atom in the Excited p-State
Moskalenko S., Gainullin I.
Choice of the Target Material for a Compact Neutron Source at a Proton Energy of 20–100 MeV
Moroz А., Kovalenko N.
Reflection of Light Ions from a Solid Surface: Analytical Model and Computer Simulation
Afanas’ev V., Lobanova L., Shulga V.
Rotating Water-Cooled Beryllium Target for a Compact Neutron Source
Shvets P., Prokopovich P., Fatyanov E., Clementyev E., Moroz A., Kovalenko N., Goihman A.
3D Simulation of Electronic Exchange between an Atomic Particle and a Defect-Containing Surface
Klimov N., Gainullin I.
Proton Injector for Compact Neutron Source DARIA Systems Optimization
Vybin S., Izotov I., Mironov E., Palashov O., Skalyga V.
Molecular Dynamic Simulation of Silicon Irradiation with 2–8 keV Buckminsterfullerene C60 Ions
Karasev K., Strizhkin D., Titov A., Karaseov P.
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