Mechanisms of formation and accumulation of misorientations in deformable metals and alloys

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The formation of misoriented substructures in plastically deformable metal materials has been theoretically studied. Expressions are obtained for the intensity of accumulation of low-angle and high-angle misorientation boundaries. Within the framework of a mathematical model of shear plastic deformation and hardening, numerical calculations of the dependences of the average characteristics of a defective medium on the degree of deformation under conditions of uniaxial compression with a constant strain rate at room temperature are performed. It is shown that the intensity of generation of low-angle tilt walls depends significantly on the scenario of changes in the density of jogs on the screw segments of dislocation loops emitted by dislocation sources. The main mechanism for the formation of low-angle walls is the rearrangement of clusters of edge segments of dislocation loops into tilt dislocation walls under the influence of flows of interstitial atoms generated by moving screw segments. It is assumed that low-angle walls merge into one until the total misorientation angle of the merged walls reaches a critical value of about 10°, after which the distance between dislocations in the wall decreases to the corresponding critical value and further penetration of individual dislocations into the wall becomes impossible. The expression for the intensity of the formation of high-angle boundaries was obtained as a consequence of the continuation of the work of dislocation sources and the formation of clusters of low-angle walls, the total energy of which is higher than the energy of an equilibrium high-angle boundary at the same misorientation.

About the authors

D. N. Cherepanov

Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building; Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, 634003, Tomsk; 634003, Tomsk

Yu. V. Solov’eva

Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building

Russian Federation, 634003, Tomsk

V. A. Starenchenko

Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building

Russian Federation, 634003, Tomsk


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Geometry of the shear zone.

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3. Fig. 2. The scheme of rearrangement of dislocation clusters into small-angle dislocation walls of inclination: dislocation clusters (a); creeping of edge segments (b); rearrangement of clusters into small-angle walls of inclination (c).

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4. Fig. 3. The scheme of merging the walls of the slope into one small-angle boundary of disorientation while maintaining the total disorientation.

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5. Fig. 4. The scheme of transformation of a cluster of small-angle boundaries of disorientation into one high-angle boundary while maintaining the total disorientation.

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6. Fig. 5. Logistic curve of dependence of the average speed of movement of screw segments on voltage [19]: comparison with experimental data for lead at 4.2 (1), 77 (2), 300 K (3) (a); calculation data for various metals at room temperature (b).

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7. Fig. 6. Dependences of the parameters of disoriented substructures on the degree of shear deformation (a): average sizes of fragments (1) and grains (9); experimental data: single crystal Ni, orientation [100] at temperatures 293 (2) and 673 K (3), Cu + 0.5Al (4), Cu + 5Al (5), Cu + 0.4Mn (6), Cu + 6Mn (7), Ni (8) [21]. Continuous average misorientation angle (1), experimental data for: nickel (2, 3); Cu (4) [22]; Cu + 12Al (5) copper alloy; Al (4-6) [23]; Cu (7) [24] (b). Densities of high-angle Ng (1) and small-angle NW(2) boundaries of disorientation in Ni (b).

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