
Reasons for anti-vegf treatment discontinuation in real clinical practice: results of a phone survey of patients with macular diseases
Bobykin E.V., Krokhalev V.Y., Beresneva N.S., Buslaev R.V., Morozova O.V.
The use of diod laser in microphotocoagulation and high density photocoagulation regimens in the treatment of diabetic macular edema
Izmaylov A.S., Kotsur T.V.
Successful treatment of the Irvine-Gass syndrome with Nevanac
Ro M.B., Ignatyev S.A., Alekseyev I.B., Korchuganova Y.A.
The effects of non-prostaglandin hypotensive drops with preservative on central retinal thickness after phacoemulsification
Wang X., Astakhov S.Y., Cherkashina A.S., Anikina L.K., Parasun’ko T.R., Potemkin V.V., Potemkina A.R.
Macular edema risk factors after vitrectomy for rhegmatogenous retinal detachment complicated by proliferative vitreoretinopathy
Boiko E.V., Khizhnyak I.V., Bayborodov Y.V.
Optical coherence tomography of pseudophakic eyes after primary posterior capsulorhexis in pseudoexfoliation syndrome
Egorova E.V., Dulidova V.V., Chernykh V.V.
Aflibercept treatment in patients with diabetic macular edema
Astakhov Y.S., Nechiporenko P.A.
Central retinal vein occlusion in a patient with HIV-associated thrombocytopenia
Tultseva S.N., Astakhov Y.S., Nechiporenko P.A., Titarenko A.I.
Evaluation of retinal thickness and of pseudophakic cystoid macular edema incidence in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma treated with prostaglandin analogues
Wang X., Astakhov S.Y., Potemkin V.V., Potemkina A.R., Anikina L.K.
Modern principles of the diabetic macular edema management
Mazurina N.K., Stolyarenko G.E.
Optical coherence tomogrpaphy in differential diagnosis of retinal arteriolar macroaneurysms
Kulikov A.N., Maltsev D.S., Burnasheva M.A., Kazak A.A.
Treatment of refractory glaucoma with cystoid macular edema
Nikolaenko V.P., Terehova I.V., Panova T.Y., Antonova A.V.
Anti-angiogenic therapy in the treatment of diabetic macular edema in various variants of the vitreoretinal interface
Boiko E.V., Oskanov D.H., Panova I.E., Sosnovskii S.V., Berezin R.D.
Morphological changes in the macular area at post-thrombotic maculopathy after intravitreal injection of a dexamethasone implant (evidence from 5 clinical cases)
Bikbov M.M., Fayzrakhmanov R.R., Gil’manshin T.R., Arslangareeva I.I.
The choice of treatment for macular edema following retinal vein occlusion
Moshetova L.K., Tsikhonchuk T.V., Turkina K.I., Ignat'ev S.A.
Representativity of macular edema mapping using en face optical coherence tomography, retinal thickness map, and fluorescein angiography
Maltsev D.S., Kulikov A.N., Kazak A.A., Vasiliev A.S.
Anti-angiogenic therapy for diabetic macular edema
Shadrichev F.E., Grigor'eva N.N., Rozhdestvenskaya E.S.
The use of Ozurdex intravitreal implant to treat post-RVO macular edema
Tultseva S.N., Nechiporenko P.A., Titarenko A.I.
Subthreshold lasercoagulation (810 nm) for diabetic macular edema
Izmaylov A.S., Kotsur T.V.
Clinical efficacy of intravitreal implant Ozurdex in combination with laser treatment in patients with retinal vein occlusions
Kulagina A.V., Badazhkov E.G., Gusarevich O.G.
Our experience of bromfenac-containing NSAID use in patients after cataract surgery
Pirogov Y.I., Butina G.M., Morozov R.A., Oksentyuk A.A., Rybina M.V., Chshieva M.R., Shatalov M.S.
Dynamics of vitreoretinal interface changes in diabetic macular edema during regular antiangiogenic therapy
Oskanov D.H., Sosnovskii S.V., Boiko E.V., Berezin R.D., Kotsur T.V.
1 - 22 of 22 Items

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