Morphological changes in the macular area at post-thrombotic maculopathy after intravitreal injection of a dexamethasone implant (evidence from 5 clinical cases)

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Purpose. To evaluate the effect of intravitreal implant with dexamethasone on the morphological changes of macular area in patients with central retinal vein occlusion.

Materials and methods. Results of optical coherence tomography of the central retinal area of 5 patients (5 eyes) with newly diagnosed central retinal vein occlusion complicated by macular edema (ME) are presented. All the patients underwent single intravitreal injection of dexamethasone implant. Maximal follow-up period – 12 months.

Results. In 1 month after dexamethasone implant injection, we observed a decrease of foveal retinal thickness from 425.36 ± 57.87 to 273.75 ± 36.65 µm. In 1 year after treatment, foveal retinal thickness increased by 1.2 times compared to results got in 1 month after dexamethasone implant injection. The transformation of the macular area under the implant action was mainly due to changes in thickness and structure in the outer and inner nuclear and plexiform retinal layers.

Conclusion. Intravitreal injection of dexamethasone implant provides a decrease in post-thrombotic macular edema in 1 month since implantation. Retinal layers transform selectively at various pathological conditions of the retina, including macular edema. Retinal thickness changes in post-thrombotic ME, including those occurring under the dexamethason implant action are mainly related to changes in the outer and inner nuclear and plexiform retinal layers. The duration of morpho-functional effect persists not less than 12 months after treatment.

About the authors

Mukharram M Bikbov

Ufa Eye Research Institute

Author for correspondence.
DMedSc, professor, director Russian Federation

Rinat R Fayzrakhmanov

Ufa Eye Research Institute

DMedSc, Head of Vitreoretinal and Laser Surgery Department Russian Federation

Timur R Gil’manshin

Ufa Eye Research Institute

PhD, senior researcher at the Vitreoretinal and Laser Surgery Department Russian Federation

Inga I Arslangareeva

Ufa Eye Research Institute

researcher at the Vitreoretinal and Laser Surgery Department Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2016 Bikbov M.M., Fayzrakhmanov R.R., Gil’manshin T.R., Arslangareeva I.I.

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