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Том 515, № 1 (2024)


Бүкіл шығарылым

Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат
Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді
Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін


Fatty acid profile of juvenile arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus complex) from natural ecosystems and aquaculture

Rudchenko A., Karpov V., Sushchik N., Glushchenko L., Gladyshev M.


Significant differences in the fatty acid composition of the muscle tissue of juvenile Arctic char Salvelinus alpinus [Linnaeus, 1758] from the natural habitat (Lake Sobachye) and aquaculture, as well as juveniles of the anadromous form of char (malma) Salvelinus malma [Walbaum, 1792] from the Avacha River. The observed differences between aquaculture and wild juvenile char were associated with different food sources. The muscle tissue of juvenile char from natural habitat was characterized by significantly higher levels of fatty acids – biomarkers of diatoms, as well as biomarkers of marine copepods in the anadromous form. In the fatty acid composition of juvenile char from aquaculture, significantly higher levels of linoleic acid were revealed, as well as long-chain monounsaturated acids, the source of which could be aquaculture feed. The identified differences did not have a significant effect on the content of eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids in the muscle tissue of juvenile aquaculture and wild char. The content of biochemically valuable omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in juvenile char from natural ecosystems and aquaculture was similar.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Nauki o žizni. 2024;515(1):5-9
pages 5-9 views

Assessing the efficacy of anti-cancer drugs on organoid models derived from prostate cancer

Silkina M., Razumovskaya A., Nikulin S., Tonevitsky A., Alekseev B.


It has been proven that tumor organoids effectively mirror the phenotypic and genetic traits of the original biomaterial. It has been noted that outcomes from drug testing in organoid cultures can accurately represent the clinical response observed in patients. In this study, an organoid culture was derived from biopsy material of prostate cancer (PC). Subsequently, clinical practice drugs, docetaxel and enzalutamide, were tested on this organoid culture. Various techniques for evaluating the efficacy of drugs in vitro were compared. The half maximal inhibitory concentration of docetaxel was found to be markedly lower compared to that of enzalutamide. However, when tested at clinically relevant concentrations and incubation times, enzalutamide was more effective than docetaxel. Therefore, it is crucial to optimize the testing conditions for drugs on in vitro cultures for their subsequent application in clinical practice.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Nauki o žizni. 2024;515(1):10-13
pages 10-13 views

Aberrant repair of 8-oxoguanine in short DNA bulges

Eroshenko D., Diatlova E., Golyshev V., Endutkin A., Zharkov D.


The presence of DNA damage can increase the likelihood of DNA replication errors and promote mutations. In particular, pauses of DNA polymerase at the site of damage can lead to polymerase slippage and the formation of 1–2 nucleotide bulges. Repair of such structures using an undamaged DNA template leads to small deletions. One of the most abundant oxidative DNA lesions, 8-oxoguanine (oxoG), has been shown to induce small deletions but the mechanism of this phenomenon is currently unknown. We have studied the aberrant repair of oxoG, located in one- and two-nucleotide bulges, by the Escherichia coli and human base excision repair systems. Our results indicate that the repair in such substrates can serve as a mechanism for fixing small deletions in bacteria but not in humans.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Nauki o žizni. 2024;515(1):14-18
pages 14-18 views

Otu and Rif1 double mutant enables analysis of satellite DNA in polytene chromosomes of ovarian germ cells in Drosophila melanogaster

Kolesnikova T., Nokhova A., Shatskikh A., Klenov M., Zhimulev I.


Polytene chromosomes in Drosophila serve as a classical model for cytogenetic studies. However, heterochromatic regions of chromosomes are typically under-replicated, hindering their analysis. Mutations in the Rif1 gene lead to additional replication of heterochromatic sequences, including satellite DNA, in salivary gland cells. Here, we investigated the impact of the Rif1 mutation on heterochromatin in polytene chromosomes formed in ovarian germ cells due to the otu gene mutation. By the analysis of otu11; Rif11 double mutants, we found that, in the presence of the Rif1 mutation, ovarian cells undergo additional polytenization of pericentromeric regions. This includes the formation of large chromatin blocks composed of satellite DNA. Thus, the effects of the Rif1 mutation were similar in salivary gland and germ cells. The otu11; Rif11 system opens new possibilities for studying factors associated with heterochromatin during oogenesis.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Nauki o žizni. 2024;515(1):19-24
pages 19-24 views

Effect of chromatin structure modifiers on the trans-acting heterochromatin position effect in Drosophila melanogaster

Solodovnikov А., Lavrov S., Shatskikh A., Gvozdev V.


The heterochromatin position effect is manifested in the inactivation of euchromatin genes transferred to heterochromatin. In chromosomal rearrangements, genes located near the new eu-heterochromatin boundary in the rearrangement (cis-inactivation) and, in rare cases, genes of a region of the normal chromosome homologous to the region of the eu-heterochromatin boundary of the chromosome with the rearrangement (trans-inactivation) are subject to inactivation. The In(2)A4 inversion is able to trans-inactivate the UAS-eGFP reporter gene located on the normal chromosome. We knockdown a number of chromatin proteins using temperature-controlled RNA interference and investigated the effect of knockdown on trans-inactivation of the reporter. We found suppression of trans-inactivation by knockdowns of Su(var)2-HP2, a protein that binds to the key heterochromatin protein HP1a, SAYP, a subunit of the chromatin remodelling complex, and Eggless histone methyltransferase (SETDB1), which introduces a H3K9me3 histone mark, recognized by the HP1a protein. The method of studying the effects of gene knockdown on heterochromatin position effects presented in this work is of independent methodological interest.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Nauki o žizni. 2024;515(1):29-36
pages 29-36 views

Quantitative description of the N-protein of the SARS-CoV-2 virus degradation in cells stably expressing it under the influence of new modular nanotransporters

Khramtsov Y., Ulasova A., Lupanova T., Georgiev G., Sobolev A.


Two eukaryotic cell lines, A549 and A431, were obtained with stable expression of the nucleocapsid protein (N-protein) of the SARS-CoV-2 virus fused with the red fluorescent protein mRuby3. Using microscopy, the volumes of the cytoplasm and nucleus were determined for these cells. Using quantitative immunoblotting techniques, the concentrations of the N-mRuby3 fusion protein in their cytoplasm were assessed. They were 19 and 9 μM for A549 and A431 cells, respectively. Using these concentrations, the initial rate of N-protein degradation in the studied cells was estimated from the decrease in cell fluorescence. In A549 and A431 cells it turned out to be the same and equal to 84 nM per hour. The approach of quantitatively describing the degradation process can be applied to analyze the effectiveness of a wide class of antiviral drugs that cause degradation of viral proteins.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Nauki o žizni. 2024;515(1):25-28
pages 25-28 views

PRPF19 mRNA encodes a small open reading frame that is important for viability of human cells

Shepelev N., Kurochkina А., Dontsova О., Rubtsova M.


High-throughput ribosome profiling demonstrated the translation of thousands small open reading frames located in the 5′ untranslated regions of messenger RNAs (upstream ORFs). Upstream ORF can both perform a regulatory function by influencing the translation of the downstream main ORF, and encode a small functional protein or microprotein. In this work, we showed that the 5′ untranslated region of the PRPF19 mRNA encodes an upstream ORF that is translated in human cells. Inactivation of this upstream ORF reduces the viability of human cells.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Nauki o žizni. 2024;515(1):37-44
pages 37-44 views

Modular nanotransporters capable of cause intracellular degradation of the N-protein of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in A549 cells with temporary expression of this protein fused with the fluorescent protein mRuby3

Khramtsov Y., Ulasov A., Lupanova T., Georgiev G., Sobolev A.


Modular nanotransporters (MNTs) have been created containing an antibody-like molecule, monobody, to the N-protein of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, as well as an amino acid sequence that attracts the E3 ligase Keap1 (E3BP). This MNT also included a site for cleavage of the E3BP monobody from the MNT in acidic endocytic compartments. It was shown that this cleavage by the endosomal protease cathepsin B leads to a 2.7-fold increase in the affinity of the E3BP monobody for the N-protein. Using A549 cells with transient expression of the N-protein fused with the fluorescent protein mRuby3, it was shown that incubation with MNT leads to a significant decrease in mRuby3 fluorescence. It is assumed that the developed MNTs can serve as the basis for the creation of new antiviral drugs against the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Nauki o žizni. 2024;515(1):45-48
pages 45-48 views

Hydrogels based on recombinant spidroin stimulate proliferation and migration of human cornea cells

Agapova O., Ostrovsky D., Khubetsova M., Kerimov T., Borzenok S., Bogush V., Davydova L., Cheperegin S., Efimov A., Agapov I., Debabov V.


This article presents the results of studying the impact of recombinant spidroin hydrogel on posterior epithelial cells and human corneal keratocytes in an in vitro experiment. The World Health Organization in its studies has established a high prevalence of corneal injuries among the population of developing countries. In recent years, various technologies have been proposed to restore the damaged surface of the cornea. The use of biodegradable silk-based materials, such as spidroins is one of the main parts of scientific research of corneal regeneration. Spidroinsare well known for their optimal balance of strength and elasticity, which, given their biological compatibility, non-immunogenicity and biodegradability, allows them to be used as a biomaterial for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. In this reason a detailed assessment of the cytotoxicity of hydrogels based on recombinant rS2/12-RGDS spidroinon the epithelial cells and keratocytes was performed here, taking into attention possible changes of the phenotype and migratory activity of these cells. This study demonstrates the promise and therapeutic potential of hydrogels based on recombinant spidroin.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Nauki o žizni. 2024;515(1):49-54
pages 49-54 views

The sensory structures of the carapace of male Tantulocarida are not homologous to the lattice organs of Thecostraca

Savchenko А., Kolbasov G.


For the first time, ultrastructural studies have been conducted on the sensory apparatus of male Tantulocarida (Crustacea). Comparative morphological analysis with specialized sensory structures of Thecostraca, known as lattice organs, has allowed for conclusions about possible homologies and further clarification of the phylogenetic position of Tantulocarida

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Nauki o žizni. 2024;515(1):55-59
pages 55-59 views

The RRE-REV module has no effect on the packaging efficiency of cas9 and Gag proteins into nanomedic virus-like particles

Kruglova N., Komkov D., Mazurov D., Shepelev M.


Delivery of ribonucleoprotein complexes of Cas9 nuclease and guide RNA into target cells with virus-like particles (VLP) is one of the novel methods of genome editing, suitable for gene therapy of human diseases in the future. Efficiency of genome editing with VLPs depends on the packaging of Cas9 into VLPs, that is mediated by viral Gag protein. To increase the packaging of Cas9 into NanoMEDIC system VLPs plasmid constructs for expression of Cas9 and Gag were modified by the addition of HIV RRE (Rev response element), that is expected to increase the nuclear export of RRE-containing transcripts to cytosol via accessory protein Rev, as described for Vpr-Cas9-based VLP system. Here we found that Cas9 and Gag protein levels in the cell lysates are increased upon cotransfection of either Rev-expressing plasmid or empty control plasmid. Moreover, this effect does not depend on the presence of RRE in the transcript. On the top of that, we showed that AP21967-induced dimerization of FRB and FKBP12, but not the modification of plasmids with RRE and/or cotransfection of Rev-expressing plasmid, plays the major role in packaging of Cas9 into NanoMEDIC system VLPs. These data suggest that it is impractical to use the RRE-Rev module to enhance the packing of Cas9 nuclease into VLPs.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Nauki o žizni. 2024;515(1):64-70
pages 64-70 views

Nemertodermatid endosymbionts of deep-sea acorn worms (Hemichordata, Torquaratoridae)

Ezhova О., Lukinykh A., Malakhov V.


Worm-like endosymbionts were found in the hepatic region of a deep-sea acorn worm, a representative of the family Torquaratoridae Quatuoralisia malakhovi [Ezhova et Lukinykh, 2022] from the Bering Sea. Histological study of the symbionts allows us to attribute them to the taxon Nemertodermatida. Torquaratorids are similar in type of feeding to holothuroids, in which the xenacoelomorph endosymbionts have also been found.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Nauki o žizni. 2024;515(1):60-63
pages 60-63 views

Functional activity of the blood system of two migratory species of the Ural

Kovalchuk L., Mishchenko V., Chernaya L., Snit’ko V., Bolshakov V.


The presented data on the study of the functional activity of the blood system of migratory species of the fauna of the Urals: Vespertilio murinus [Linnaeus, 1758], and Pipistrellus nathusii Keyserling et [Blasius, 1839]. Multivariate nonparametric analysis of variance of red blood parameters (p < 0.05) of migrating bats and the sedentary pond bat showed significant species differences. In bats, a certain genetically determined multidirectionality in the mobilization of emergency regulation mechanisms of the lymphoid blood system of sedentary and migratory species has been noted.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Nauki o žizni. 2024;515(1):71-75
pages 71-75 views

Identification of ultrastructural details of the astrocyte process system in neural tissue of the brain using correlative scanning probe and transmission electron microscopy

Agapova О., Efimov А., Obraztsova E., Mochalov K., Solovyeva D., Oleinikov V., Agapov I., Gautier S.


Nanoscale morphological features of branched processes of glial cells may be of decisive importance for neuron-astrocytic interactions in health and disease. The paper presents the results of a correlation analysis of images of thin processes of astrocytes in the nervous tissue of the mouse brain, obtained by scanning probe microscopy and transmission electron microscopy with high spatial resolution. Samples were prepared and imaged using a unique hardware combination of ultramicrotomy and scanning probe microscopy. It was shown that the images identified details of astrocytes with a thickness of the order of tens of nanometers, which can be used in the future to reconstruct the three-dimensional structure of astrocytic processes by integrating a series of sequential images of ultrathin sections of nervous tissue.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Nauki o žizni. 2024;515(1):76-80
pages 76-80 views

Seeds treatment with salicylic acid increases gene expression and activity of antioxidant enzymes in wheat plants under zinc or copper deficiency

Kaznina N., Repkina N., Batova Y., Ignatenko А., Titov A.


The effect of wheat seeds treatment with salicylic acid (SA) on the expression of the TaCu/ZnSOD, TaFeSOD and TaCAT2 genes and the activity of antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT)) in leaves at the optimal content of zinc (2 µM) and copper (0.3 µM) in root environment or there deficiencies has been studied. It was shown for the first time that seeds treatment with SA leads to an increase of the number of genes transcripts compared to untreated plants, both under optimal conditions of mineral nutrition and under zinc or copper deficiency. The activity of enzymes, especially catalase, also increases. Judging by the MDA content, this allows one to avoid increasing the intensity of lipid peroxidation (LPO) and, accordingly, the development of oxidative stress. It is concluded that the discovered positive effect of seed treatment with SA on the activity of the main enzymes of antioxidant system may underlie the stimulating effect of this phytohormone on physiological processes in plants under microelements deficiency.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Nauki o žizni. 2024;515(1):81-86
pages 81-86 views

Study of the association of ouib and nom with heterochromatin in Drosophila melanogaster

Pekina Y., Babosha V., Georgiev P., Fedotova А.


In Drosophila, a large group of actively transcribed genes is located in pericentromeric heterochromatin. It is assumed that heterochromatic proteins attract transcription factors to gene promoters. Two proteins, ouib and nom, were previously shown to bind to the promoters of the heterochromatic genes nvd and spok. Interestingly, ouib and nom are paralogs of the M1BP protein, which binds to the promoters of euchromatic genes. We have shown that, like M1BP, the quib and nom proteins bind to CP190, which is involved in the recruitment of transcription complexes to promoters. Unlike heterochromatic proteins, ouib and nom do not interact with the major heterochromatic protein HP1a and bind to euchromatic promoters on polytene chromosomes from the larval salivary glands. The results suggest a new mechanism for the recruitment of transcription factors into the heterochromatic compartment of the nucleus.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Nauki o žizni. 2024;515(1):87-91
pages 87-91 views

The level of anti-viral antigen-specific antibodies to EBNA-1 in the serum of ms patients does not depend on the severity of the disease

Ovchinnikova L., Dzhelad S., Simaniv Т., Zakharova М., Gabibov А., Lomakin Y.


Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune neurodegenerative disease leading to inevitable disability and primarily affecting the young and middle-aged population. Recent studies have shown a direct correlation between the risk of MS development and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection. Analysis of the titer of EBV-specific antibodies among patients with MS and healthy donors among Russian population confirmed that MS is characterized by an increased level of serum IgG binding EBNA-1 (EBV nuclear antigen 1). The number of patients with elevated levels of EBNA-1-specific antibodies does not differ statistically significantly between two groups with diametrically opposite courses of MS: benign MS or highly active MS. It can be assumed that the primary link between EBV and the development of MS is restricted to the initiation of the disease and does not impact its severity.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Nauki o žizni. 2024;515(1):92-96
pages 92-96 views

Anti-tumor effect of high doses of carbon ions and x-rays during irradiation of Ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells ex vivo

Balakin V., Belyakova Т., Rozanova О., Smirnova E., Strelnikova N., Кузнецова Е.


The effect of carbon ions (12C) with the energy of 400 MeV/nucleon on the dynamics of induction and growth rate of solid tumors in mice under irradiation of Ehrlich’s ascites carcinoma cells (EAC) ex vivo at doses of 5–30 Gy relative to the action of equally effective doses of X-ray radiation was studied. The dynamics of tumor induction under the action of 12C and X-rays had a similar character and depended on the dose during 3 months of observation. The value of the latent period, both when irradiating cells with 12C and X-ray, increased with increasing dose, and the interval for tumor induction decreased. The rate of tumor growth after ex vivo irradiation of EAC cells was independent of either dose or type of radiation. The dose at which EAC tumors are not induced within 90 days was 30 Gy for carbon ions and 60 Gy for X-rays. The value of the relative biological effectiveness of carbon ions, calculated from an equally effective dose of 50% probability of tumors, was 2.59.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Nauki o žizni. 2024;515(1):97-103
pages 97-103 views

Experimental and model study of swirling fluid flow in a converging channel as a simulation of blood flow in the heart and aorta

Zharkov Y., Zhorzholiani S., Sergeev А., Agafonov A., Gorodkov A., Bockeria L.


The study of swirling flows in channels corresponding to the static approximation of flow channels of the heart and major vessels with a longitudinal-radial profile zR2 = const and a concave streamlined surface at the beginning of the longitudinal coordinate has been carried out. A comparative analysis of the flow structure in channel configurations zRN = const, where N = –1; 1; 2; 3, in the absence and presence of a concave surface was carried out. The numerical modelling was compared with the results of hydrodynamic experiments on the flow characteristics and the shape of the flow lines. The numerical model was used to determine the velocity structure, viscous friction losses and shear stresses. Numerical modelling of steady-state flows for channels without a concave surface showed that in the channel zR2 = const there is a stable vortex flow structure with the lowest viscous friction losses. The presence of a concave surface of sufficient size significantly reduces viscous friction losses and shear stresses in both steady state and pulsed modes.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Nauki o žizni. 2024;515(1):104-121
pages 104-121 views

New data on the ecology of the fossil don hare (Lepus tanaiticus [Gureev, 1964])

Pavlova M., Boeskorov G., Cheprasov M., Novgorodov G.


A spore-pollen research of the contents of the gastrointestinal tracts and sediments containing frozen mummies of the fossil Don hare, discovered in the sediments of the Upper Pleistocene ice complex in the Verkhoyansk region of Yakutia, was carried out for the first time. Radiocarbon dating (C14) revealed that the found hares lived during the Karginian Interstadial of the Late Pleistocene, 32.5 thousand years ago (calibrated date). As a result, the understanding of the extinct Lepus tanaiticus ecology has been expanded: this species lived in cold steppes dominated by xerophytic communities, as well as in grass-forb and sedge-forb meadows; unlike the modern mountain hare L. timidus, which feeds during winter time mainly on branches and bark of woody plants and shrubs, the diet of Don hares in winter previously consisted of herbaceous plants.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Nauki o žizni. 2024;515(1):122-127
pages 122-127 views

Are abnormally large eastern bent-wing bats, Miniopterus Fuliginosus represent feature shift or result of hybridisation?

Kruskop S., Zhukova S.


During a study of morphological variation in bent-wing bats (Miniopterus), we found that specimens originating from the Cao Bang province of Vietnam, identified as M. fuliginosus, were closer in size to the larger species, M. magnater. Mitochondrial gene analysis clearly places these specimens in the former species. At the same time, morphometric analysis of 21 cranial measurements definitely puts these specimens closer to M. magnater and shows their differences from M. fuliginosus samples from different parts of the species range. We assume that in the low mountains of northern Vietnam and southern China, M. fuliginosus, due to as yet unknown circumstances, occupies the niche of a larger species. However insufficient data on nuclear markers also assume a hybrid origin of this population, which borrowed the mtDNA of another species..

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Nauki o žizni. 2024;515(1):128-135
pages 128-135 views

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