Nemertodermatid endosymbionts of deep-sea acorn worms (Hemichordata, Torquaratoridae)

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Worm-like endosymbionts were found in the hepatic region of a deep-sea acorn worm, a representative of the family Torquaratoridae Quatuoralisia malakhovi [Ezhova et Lukinykh, 2022] from the Bering Sea. Histological study of the symbionts allows us to attribute them to the taxon Nemertodermatida. Torquaratorids are similar in type of feeding to holothuroids, in which the xenacoelomorph endosymbionts have also been found.

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About the authors

О. V. Ezhova

Lomonosov Moscow State University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Moscow

A. I. Lukinykh

Lomonosov Moscow State University

Russian Federation, Moscow

V. V. Malakhov

Lomonosov Moscow State University



Russian Federation, Moscow


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Histological sections of symbionts in the hepatic intestine of Quatuoralisia malakhovi: (a) – longitudinal section with mouth (mo) and pharynx (ph); (b) – longitudinal section with gonia (shown in square frames); (c) – section of a cross section of the anterior end with a putative statocyst (shown by a circular frame); (d) – section of a longitudinal section with the genital atrium (ga). Scale (a, b, d) – 100 µm, (c) – 20 µm; cp – central parenchyma of the symbiont; ep – integumentary epithelium of the symbiont; ga – genital atrium; gd – host gastrodermis; lum – host intestinal lumen; mo – mouth; ph – pharynx; sel – subepidermal layer of the symbiont; sfg – secretion of the frontal glands.

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