Study of the association of ouib and nom with heterochromatin in Drosophila melanogaster

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In Drosophila, a large group of actively transcribed genes is located in pericentromeric heterochromatin. It is assumed that heterochromatic proteins attract transcription factors to gene promoters. Two proteins, ouib and nom, were previously shown to bind to the promoters of the heterochromatic genes nvd and spok. Interestingly, ouib and nom are paralogs of the M1BP protein, which binds to the promoters of euchromatic genes. We have shown that, like M1BP, the quib and nom proteins bind to CP190, which is involved in the recruitment of transcription complexes to promoters. Unlike heterochromatic proteins, ouib and nom do not interact with the major heterochromatic protein HP1a and bind to euchromatic promoters on polytene chromosomes from the larval salivary glands. The results suggest a new mechanism for the recruitment of transcription factors into the heterochromatic compartment of the nucleus.

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About the authors

Y. V. Pekina

Institute of Gene Biology RAS

Russian Federation, Moscow

V. A. Babosha

Institute of Gene Biology RAS

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Moscow

P. G. Georgiev

Institute of Gene Biology RAS



Russian Federation, Moscow

А. А. Fedotova

Institute of Gene Biology RAS

Russian Federation, Moscow


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Domain structure of proteins ouib and nom. The serial numbers of amino acid residues corresponding to the boundaries of domains are indicated (a); Genomic location of the m1bp, ouib and nom genes in the cluster in D. melanogaster and D. virilis. The same colors are used to indicate orthologs (b); study of the interaction between ZAD domains in DDS. ZAD fragments were fused to the GAL4 DNA binding domain (DBD), and their interaction with fragments fused to the GAL4 activation domain (AD) was examined. The results are presented in columns where + and – indicate the presence or absence of an interaction, respectively. As a positive control, the ability of ZAD domains to dimerize was tested, and as a negative control, testing was performed for the presence of interaction only with the activation (AD) or DNA binding (DBD) domain of the GAL4 protein (c); study of the interaction of full-length Ouib and Nom proteins fused with GAL4 AD with full-length CP190 and HP1a proteins fused with GAL4 AD (d). The remaining designations are the same as in (c).

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3. Rice. 2. Schematic of the genetic construct used to create transgenic flies expressing a protein fused to the HA epitope (a); Western blot analysis of protein extracts from 2–3 day old males expressing OuibxHA and NomxHA, stained with antibodies to the HA epitope (b); polytene chromosomes of the salivary glands of fly larvae expressing OuibxHA and NomxHA. Polytene chromosomes were stained with antibodies to the HA epitope, DNA was stained with DAPI. For comparison, immunostaining of polytene chromosomes from the Oregon-R line with rabbit antibodies to the heterochromatic protein odj is shown (c). Arrows indicate the position of the chromocenter on different preparations of polytene chromosomes. Scale: 10 µm.

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