
High-sensitivity troponin I in patients with arterial hypertension
Pereverzeva K.G., Nizov A.A., Bark S.D., Sherbakova O.N.
The optimization of the drug therapy in patients with resistant hypertension (clinical analysis)
Rodionov A.V.
Updating approaches to patient management in the light of new European guidelines on arterial hypertension: analytical review
Larina V.N., Vartanyan E.A., Fedorova E.V., Mikhaylusova M.P., Sayno O.V., Mironova T.N.
Activity of matrix metalloproteinase type 9 and its relationship with calcification of the thoracic aorta in patients with resistant hypertension: cross-sectional comparative study
Litvinova M.S., Khaisheva L.A., Shlyk S.V., Aboyan I.A.
Left ventricular geometric sportsmen power sports heavyweight with arterial hypertension
Miroshnikov A.B., Smolensky A.V.
Psychoemotional status and neuroendocrine changes in patients with hypertension and obesity according to the level of physical activity
Ivanchenko V.S., Gordienko A.I., Matveeva N.V., Gagarina A.A., Ushakov A.V.
Application of lercanidipine in the treatment of hypertension
Shehyan G.G., Yalymov A.A., Zadionchenko V.S., Varentsov S.I.
Clinical use of the III generation calcium antagonist Amlotopin the treatment of patients with cardiovascular disease
Zadionchenko V.S., Shehyan G.G., Yalymov A.A.
Effekt belogo khalata u bol'nykh stabil'noy arterial'noy gipertenziey: psikhologicheskie prediktory, dinamika na fone dlitel'noy antigipertenzivnoy terapii
Andreeva G.F., Deev A.D., Gorbunov V.M., Lerman O.V., Molchanova O.V.
The fundus of the eye as a target organ in hypertension: a literature review
Barsukov A.V., Yasenovets M.V., Shcherbakova K.A., Iakovlev V.V., Chumak B.A., Borisova E.V., Maltsev D.S., Burnasheva M.A., Kulikov A.N.
Influence of metabolic and proinflammatory factors on diastolic heart failure formation in females with essential hypertension
Barsukov A.V., Seidova A.Y., Shcherbakova K.A.
Pharmacokinetics of enalapril in patients with arterial hypertension depending on the glomerular filtration rate
Zhuravleva M.V., Prokofiev A.B., Dmitriev A.I., Belkov S.A., Melnikov E.S., Rodina T.A., Danko A.A.
Comparison of the effect of treatment with the main groups of antihypertensive drugs on the quality of life in patients with stable arterial hypertension
Andreeva G.F., Gorbunov V.M., Molchanova O.V., Deev A.D.
Exercise training and endothelial dysfunction
Pomeshkina S.A.
Vybor antigipertenzivnogo preparata s pozitsiy ratsional'noy farmakoterapii
Trukhan D.I., Tarasova L.V.
Arterial hypertension in young men, officers of land forces: psychophysiological peculiarities
Davidovich I.M., Afonaskov O.V.
E-cigarettes as a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases: a narrative literature review
Surikova N.A., Glukhova A.S.
Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome: literature review
Surikova N.A., Glukhova A.S.
Allelic variants of rs1800801 polymorphism in patients with stroke
Nikulina S.Y., Shulman V.A., Chernova A.A., Prokopenko S.V., Nikulin D.A., Platunova I.M., Tretyakova S.S., Semenchukov A.A., Marilovtseva O.V., Chernov V.N., Maksimov V.N., Gurazheva A.A.
The value of naturally preformed factors of Nalchik in the rehabilitation of women with hypertension
Apsheva E.L., Elgarov A.A., Kalmykova M.A., Elgarov M.A.
Predictors of acute cerebrovascular stroke and death from the perspective of a biopsychosocial approach (population survey)
Shtarik S.Y., Petrova M.M., Garganeyeva N.P.
The role of rs3025058 polymorphism in the development of ischemic stroke in patients with cardiovascular diseases (review)
Nikulin D.A., Chernova A.A., Nikulina S.J., Maksimov V.N.
Possibilities of interdisciplinary approach to early detection of asymptomatic arterial hypertension
Leshchuk T.Y., Gelberg I.S., Kopuckij A.V.
Correction of psychological status in patients with an arterial hypertension on a background of rehabilitation programs that include training in School of Health
Anikin V.V., Pushkareva O.V.
Left ventricle myocardial hypertrophy in women with arterial hypertension: justification of medical tactics
Kislyak O.A., Starodubova A.V.
Sovershenstvovanie podkhodov k primeneniyu antagonistov kal'tsiya: fokus na lerkanidipin
Fomin V.V., Moiseev S.V.
Associative role of polymorphism of the gene of MMP-9 (rs11697325) in development of arterial hypertension in patients with the rheumatoid arthritis
Nikulina S.Y., Chernova A.A., Tolstokorova Y.A., Varavko Y.O.
A patient with arterial hypertension and a very high risk of complications: a role of a triple fixed drug combination
Larina V.N., Orlov D.A., Sidorova V.P.
Prefrailty as a possible correctable risk factor for falls in patients with arterial hypertension: An open, cross-sectional study
Larina V.N., Samkovа I.А., Fedorova Е.V.
Risk factors and psychoemotional features, influencing the development of cardiovascular diseases and cardiovascular risk of fatal events among workers of railway transport with arterial hypertension
Marsalskaya O.A., Nikiforov V.S.
Correlation of quality of life and significant seasonal fluctuations blood pressure in the morning hours in patients with arterial hypertension
Andreeva G.F., Deev A.D., Gorbunov V.M., Molchanova O.V.
Calcium antagonist lercanidipine in hypertension
Baryshnikova G.A., Chorbinskaya S.A., Stepanova I.I.
Comparative characteristics of hemodynamics in the right and left main arteries in elderly patients with hypertension and its change in complex treatment involving physical training
Efremushkin G.G., Lomakina N.A.
Vliyanie lipektomii peredney stenkizhivota na techenie metabolicheskogosindroma
Volokh M.A., Khalimov Y.S., Shapovalov V.M., Gubochkin N.G.
Salusin-α and salusin-β as new biological markers in cardiovascular diseases: literature review
Alieva A.M., Reznik E.V., Teplova N.V., Gyzyeva M.K., Rakhaev A.M., Kotikova I.A., Nikitin I.G.
Clinical case: the experience of using acetylsalicylic acid, fosinopril and diltiazem in the therapy of a patient with cardiovascular pathology
Zadionchenko V.S., Shekhyan G.G., Yalymov A.A., Shchikota A.M., Terpigorev S.A., Kabanova T.G., Nikishenkov A.M.
Clinical efficacy and cardioprotective capabilities of olmesartan and lercanidipine in the form of monotherapy and with their combined use in patients with arterial hypertension 1-2 degree
Evdokimova A.G., Ryzhova Y.V.
Assessing the impact of antihypertensive therapy on ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in patients with isolated systolic hypertension
Aydarova V.A., Astahova Z.T., Kanukova F.U., Besaeva M.M.
Ratsional'naya farmakoterapiya arterial'noy gipertenzii i assotsiirovannykh sostoyaniy: v fokuse – antagonisty kal'tsiya
Kosarev V.V., Babanov S.A.
Relationship between the expression of angiotensin II receptors type 1 and vasoactive regulators in arterial hypertension
Logatkina A.V., Nikiforov V.S., Bondar' S.S., Terekhov I.V., Parfeniuk V.K.
The importance of assessing cardiovascular risk in middle-aged patients with asymptomatic arterial hypertension (clinical observation)
Larina V.N., Fedorova E.V.
Observation of adolescents with high blood pressure, involved in physical activity
Balykova L.A., Ivianskiy S.A., Shirokova A.A., Shchekina N.V., Varlashina K.A.
Comparative analysis of the efficiency of the selective b-blocker nebivolol and the angiotensin II receptor blocker valsartan in men with hypertension, metabolic syndrome, and erectile dysfunction
Nedogoda S.V., Salasyuk A.S., Barykina I.N., Ledyaeva A.A., Tsoma V.V., Chumachek E.V.
Sushchestvuyut li perspektivy primeneniyapetlevykh diuretikov dlya lecheniyaarterial'noy gipertenzii?
Fomin V.V.
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