Possibilities of interdisciplinary approach to early detection of asymptomatic arterial hypertension

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The latent form - asymptomatic form of arterial hypertension occurs in the general population in 15% to 24% of individuals, is more often associated with men, increased body mass index, smoking, stress, increased systolic blood pressure (BP), hypertrophy and diastolic dysfunction of the left ventricle and is considered the most dangerous a form of the disease that can result in sudden cardiac arrest. Early detection of risk factors for hypertension is of great preventive and economic importance. Objective - to develop a method for early detection of a high risk of developing asymptomatic hypertension with preventive digital X-ray fluorography studies and an interdisciplinary approach. Based on the screening survey conducted in 1411 workers, a method for early detection of high risk factors for asymptomatic hypertension was developed based on statistical significant risk factors. Research was conducted among workers at the workplace of 6 urban enterprises, with the detection of an enlarged left ventricle (ELV) in screening of the subject contingent and measuring BP levels. With elevated BP, 604 (42.8%) workers were identified, and with ELV - 236 (16.7%) cases. The combination of elevated BP and ELV was significantly more frequent (160, 67.8%) than with normal BP (76, 32.2%). Based on the statistical analysis, a logistic regression model with a high residual deviance (about 84%) is constructed, which gives satisfactory forecasts. The diagnostic test of the model, with cutoff threshold equal to pо=0.397, corresponds to: sensitivity - 75.5%, specificity - 64.4%, accuracy - 69.2%. Thus, the use of the screening diagnostic method in the detection of ELV in combination with age in men of 28 years or in women from 39 years of age reveals a high risk of developing asymptomatic forms of hypertension. These patients are taken to the control and sent to the physician by the therapist to perform the pre-examination.

About the authors

T. Yu Leshchuk

Grodno State Medical University

Email: tleshhuk@yandex.ru
аспирант (соискатель) каф. фтизиопульмонологии , врач-рентгенолог высшей квалификационной категории. 230009, Republic of Belarus, Grodno, ul. Maksima Gor'kogo, d. 80

I. S Gelberg

Grodno State Medical University

д-р мед. наук, проф. каф. фтизиопульмонологии 230009, Republic of Belarus, Grodno, ul. Maksima Gor'kogo, d. 80

A. V Kopuckij

Grodno State Medical University

ст. преподаватель каф. медицинской и биологической физики 230009, Republic of Belarus, Grodno, ul. Maksima Gor'kogo, d. 80


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